Good Girls like Bad Boys

By HouseofSavage

16K 239 11

Harry Styles fanfiction❤️ More

Good Girls like Bad Boys
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Sequal is up!!

Chapter 6

495 12 1
By HouseofSavage

Chapter 6

"No," I said sternly shaking my head furiously.

"Oh, c'mon. Don't be a pussy," he said trying to persuade me in Harry's way. It is a wonder he is so good with kids.

"No. Harry, I refuse to watch that," I said crossing my arms, and taking a seat on the loveseat.

"Please," Harry dragged out in a little kid voice. Why does he have to be so damn cute? I heaved a heavy sigh.

"I'm gonna have nightmares tonight," I told him defeated. He grinned at me before turning around and sliding the disc into the dvd player.

He came over and made himself comfortable in the spot next to me on the love seat.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you," he said trying to comfort me in a very cheesy way.

"From what?" I snorted. "Evil monsters that don't exist?" I asked grabbing pillow, knowing I would be shoving it in my face multiple times throughout the movie. Even though I knew the whole possession thing behind the whole story line was fake, I didn't like the gore parts that I knew were bound to happen.

"From whatever I half to," he replied looking at me seriously.

What? Like...what? Did I hear that right? Oh my Lord. He was trying to kill me. First he was still shirtless. Mhm, yeah. Second of all he's just like acting all sweet and stuff. I just. I sighed contently, but all the happiness I felt vanished completely at the speed of light when The Evil Dead logo showed up. Harry noticed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him so we were kind of snuggled up. He gave my shoulders a reassuring squeeze as he pressed play on the remote. "I hate you," I mumbled snuggling in closer to him.

"I know," he replied, but I could hear the smile in his voice.

About halfway through I was so into the movie. I was staring at the screen intently waiting for the next thing to happen. Even though I would jump when I got scared I was still really into it. Harry and I had moved even closer. I had my arm draped over his stomach and he had his arm around my shoulders so I was pulled to him. I rested my head where his shoulder met his chest. He seemed totally unbothered with it. He was interested in the story and all but no parts freaked him out or grossed him out or scared him. But I had expected that from him.

"OH MY GOD!" I called out loudly as the girl was cutting her arm off. "What the hell! That's just not right!" I called out frustrated. I was curled up in Harry's side and my fist was clutching his shirt tightly. I felt his body shake with quiet laughter. I let out a frustrated noise/sigh type thing and let my head fall back onto Harry's chest. I was really starting to like the fact that Harry didn't seem to mind the physical contact between us.

"This movie is stupid," I complained. He just kept smiling and I couldn't help but smile a little too.

The movie finally ended and I sighed in relief as Harry got up to remove it from the disc player.

"See it wasn't so bad," he said.

"Everyone died," I said crossing my arms. "I am never letting you pick the movies ever again," I told him standing up and stretching. I curled my fists and extended my arms standing up on my toes and yawned softly. Harry stared at me all the while.

"What?" I asked blushing.

"Nothing," he said but his eyes were still on me.

"Lets watch another movie," I suggested ignoring the intense stare.

"Ok," he said simply.

"But I'm choosing," I said waving a finger at him. He finally broke his gaze and chuckled. "Fine," he said following me over to the movie rack. I picked out The Proposal.

"Alright! I love this movie!" he said excitedly. I raised an eyebrow and just looked at him. He cleared his throat and crossed his arms.

"I mean cool," he said trying to recover any manliness he had left.

I just snorted and started laughing and turned to put the movie in.

"Oh you think that's funny?" he asked threateningly  but I knew he was joking.

"Yes,"  I simply replied. Leaning over to put the movie in, but before I could Harry's arms snatched me up and threw me on the couch. I was surprised but knew what was coming so I tried to scramble up, but I had no chance since he was literally right above me. His hands found my sides and went to work tickling me.

"Ahhhhh! Harry! Stop it!" I yelled through the laughter.

"Nope. You've done it now," he replied sitting on my legs to stop them from thrashing. I wiggled beneath him and started laughing uncontrollably.

"Harry! Please!" I tried to thrash but he was too strong.

"Say sorry," he bargained.

"Never!" I screamed even though it only egged him on. He started tickling me faster and my laughter got worse.

"Ok! Fine! I'm sorry!" I yelled still thrashing.

"Say it again," Harry told me still tickling me.

"Harry!" I screamed out in complaint.

"Am I interrupting something?" I heard Louis' voice call out from the living room door way.

Harry stopped tickling me and I took the chance to push him off my legs. He tumbled to the floor and I basically crawled over the back of the couch. I hit the floor and scrambled up and hid behind Louis.

"He won't stop tickling me," I told him breathlessly.

"Are you wearing Harry's clothes?" Lois asked ignoring me. I blushed and looked away avoiding his eyes. He looked at me smirking slyly.

"Is there a reason you're here?" Harry asked semi annoyed.

"Ugh, yeah actually. Our building is getting gassed out. Wasp problem," Louis told him.

"And?" Harry asked still annoyed but asking him why it mattered to him with the tone of his voice.

"El and I were wondering if we could stay here?" he asked questioningly.

Harry opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off. "We would love that," I said giving Louis' bicep a reassuring squeeze. I gave Harry a look and he gave me one.

"Where's El?" I asked.

"In the car," he told me, "with our luggage."

"Oh so you just assumed we would let you stay?" Harry asked his eyebrows shooting up and he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well, we'd hoped," he replied looking at me.

"Well, you were right. You guys are welcome here anytime," I said moving towards the front door to help with any luggage they had.

I made my way outside and walked over to Louis' car where El was sitting in the passenger seat on her phone. I tapped on the window and she looked up. I motioned her to pop the trunk. She leaned over and did as I had told.  I opened the trunk the rest of the way and grabbed two suitcases and a tiny bag and lugged them inside. I tried my best not to stumble as I entered the living room and set down the luggage. Louis and Harry were in a deep whispered conversation that stopped completely when I entered the room. I raised an eyebrow at them and headed back outside ignoring it.

I met El at the trunk and went to grab one suitcase and she grabbed another, which was the last one.

"So you and Harry are ok with this?" she asked tugging the suitcase onto the pavement and I did the same.

"I'm perfectly fine with it, but Harry's being Harry. Just ignore him if he says anything," I told her slamming the trunk shut.

"Ok, cool," she smiled at me and we started towards the doors. "Wait," El said suddenly, "are you in Harry's clothes?" she asked looking at me suspiciously. I rolled my eyes and my cheeks involuntarily reddened. Why do people have to point it out? Like jeez.

We set the bags down in the living room where Harry and Louis had returned to their conversation. Again it stopped when we entered the room. Ok. Weird. El looked at them suspiciously and so did I. "Well...." I trailed off in the awkward silence.

"Room arrangements," I said suggesting we figure that out. Everyone turned to look at me.

"Uhh...I guess you guys can take my room," I cringed at the thought. They were totally going to have sex on my bed. Gross. "How long are you guys gonna be here?" I asked fiddling with my fingers.

"At the most three weeks," Louis spoke up from beside Harry.

"Alright then, you guys can have my room and I'll sleep on the loveseat," I said settling it.

"You are not sleeping on the loveseat," Harry says giving me a look. "You can just stay with me," El and Louis look towards him and I just nod.

"Ok then. I'll stay with Harry. Now lets get you guys settled in," I said moving one of their suitcases towards my room.


About three hours later we had moved a good bit of my stuff to Harry's room and settled Louis and El's things in mine. I sighed flopping down on the thing nearest me. I then realized it was the couch and quickly flung myself off of it and brushed myself off like that was gonna do anything. I gave the couch a nasty look. Then decided I would have to sanitize it later. I was tired of not being able to sit on it. Even if it would get  used again I didn't care. Then I realized that Harry had tickled me on that earlier. I glared at the couch again. Bleh.

"What did the couch ever do to you?" I heard a voice ask from behind startling me. I turned to find Louis.

"Oh, nothing but being totally disgusting," I said turning to face him. He chuckled lightly and came over to me.

"I think you don't give yourself enough credit," he said softly.

"What do you mean?" I asked my eyebrows scrunching together. He looked me in the eyes and gave me a gentle look.

"I think you have a bigger effect on Harry than you realize." I gave him a look and sighed.

"I get this enough from El, Louis. Not you too," I said rolling my head back.

"But its true. I think if you tried just a little harder he would stop with all the other women," he said using an encouraging tone. I realized I felt like I could open up to Louis. I feel like he would keep this between us. So that's what I did. I did it subtly, but he still caught on.

"Louis, I can't do it by myself. He has to put in a little effort too," I told him defeated.

"Well, you just have to make the first move," he said like it was the easiest thing in the world.

"Louis, its not that simple. I've tried. He just runs away from me," I let out in a frustrated tone and crossed my arms.

"You've just got to work at it. I know Harry likes you more than he lets on. You mean more to him than anyone else on the planet. I can see it when he looks at you," he said putting a comforting hand on my arm.

"How do you know that? How do you know the look means anything?" I asked giving him a look.

"Because it's the way I look at Elanour," he said sincerely. I looked at him and he was being totally honest. Did Harry really look at me that way?

Someone cleared their throat by the door and I looked over to find Harry standing there looking at us suspiciously.

"What are you guys doing?" Harry asked crossing his arms and his eyebrows furrowing.

"Nothing," Louis and I said simultaneously and a little too fast. We glanced at each other quickly and looked back at Harry. His eyes drifted down to Louis hand on my arm. He immediately removed it and we both took a step back. I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck.

"Uhh, did you hear that? I think El called me. Whoops gotta go," I hurredly made my out of the room. I went to my room and knocked on the door.

"Come in," I heard El's delicate voice call from inside the room. I opened the door and she looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey roomie," she said grinning excitedly. I grinned back at her and sat down on my bed next to her.

"Hello gorgeous," I said. She pretended to blush and waved a hand at me. "Oh stop it," she said in a cute voice. I just laughed.

She sighed and her smile faded and drifted into a concerned frown. "You're really ok with us staying here? I mean we could find somewhere else," she said giving me a look.

"It's fine El. Don't worry about it. This is going to be fun," I told her honestly. I really was excited for us to be roommates. We were going to drive the boy nuts. It's going to be the best.

She beamed at me and threw her arms around me.

"Thank you," she said pulling back.

"It's absolutely no trouble at all," I pulled her in for another hug. "Now, I'm going to go get food. What do you want?" I asked pulling back and standing up.

"Where from?" she asked me laying back on my bed.

"Chang's," I answered making my way over to the door.

"Hmmm," she said making a thinking face. "Surprise me," she answered after a minuet. "Can do," came my reply as I exited towards the living room. I found Harry there, a scowl on his face and a confused looking Louis.

"Hey, I'm going down to Chang's to get dinner. Either of you wanna come with?" I asked grabbing the keys and slipping on my converse that didn't exactly go with Harry's boxers and t-shirt, but I didn't really care. Louis looked up at me and said," I'll go."

"No. I'll go. You stay here with El," Harry rushed to say. I gave him a weird look and picked up the keys from the bowl on the coffee table. Louis held up his hands in defense. "Ok. I'll stay here."

"What do you want from there?"

"Surprise me," he said.

"Ok," I said letting out a breath. He was a lot like El. It was a little weird. It's not just food either. It's the way he says things and the way he dresses and just how he carries himself. It was cute how they were almost meant to be.

"Lets go," I said motioning Harry out the door.

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