Various! Males X Male! Reader

By springs_rj

230K 3.7K 2.2K

So I've looked around the Internet and noticed that there aren't really many X Male! Readers. So I've taken i... More

Eren Jaeger
Yukio Okumura
Kaneki Ken
Annoyed And Sorry
Rin Okumura{2/2}
oh mY GOD
Viktor Nikiforov{1/2}
Viktor Nikiforov {2/2}
*Viktor Nikiforov{1/2}
*Viktor Nikiforov {2/2}
Kim Taehyung
Key Update/Author's Note
Jeon Jeongguk
¡Heads Up!
Park Jimin
Kim Seokjin 0/2
Rin Okumura※
Crona Gorgon
Kim Namjoon 1/2
Kim Namjoon 2/2
Park Chanyeol X M!R X Lucas

Rin Okumura{1/2}

12.5K 190 175
By springs_rj

Rin Okumura X Male!Reader

From: Ao No Exorcist (Blue Exorcist)–Anime



He sits in his cell,
And he lays on his bed.
Covers his head and closes his eyes.
He sees a smoking gun,
And the coward he ran.
And in his arms is the bleeding
Love of his life...


Drip... Drip.... Drip.... Drip.....

The repeated sound on water droplets colliding with the cobblestone floor resonated throughout the large spacious cell, which kept the spawn of Satan captive.

Okumura Rin.

The navy haired male has been stuck in this cold prison for years, all because of the events that happened many years ago. The pale male looks exactly the same as he did once before, with the exception that eyes that are cold and lifeless, and an expression that can only be read as dread and resentment.

Tap,step... Tap, step... Tap, step... Tap, step....

Confusion arose in Rin's head. They just came to check up on him a few days ago.. Why were they back so soon? Would they try to kill him? Would he be released from this prison? Would he go on trial again for the thirtieth time? Rin didn't know, and frankly, he didn't care.. He stopped caring years ago, after his beloved would no longer be with him..

After his beloved M/n died, that day years ago....


And he cried,
"Kiss it all better,
I'm not ready to go.
It's not your fault, love,
You didn't know, you didn't know."

His hands are so cold,
And he kisses his face
And says, "Everything will be all right."
He noticed the gun,
And his rage grew inside.
He said, "I'll avenge my lover tonight".

And he cried,
"Kiss it all better,
I'm not ready to go.
It's not your fault love,
You didn't know, you didn't know..."


E/c eyes that would surpass even the sun's shine.

H/l H/c that was as soft as a new cotton blanket and would put hair care commercials to shame.

Everything about him made the navy haired male feel so lucky to have someone so marvelous be his lover. Although he was always possessive and jealous that other people who also thought the male was marvelous got close to him.

L/n M/n...

Just the thought of him was enough to have the navy haired male's heart pounding like a drum. "How did I get this lucky?" was always the question Rin asked himself. The answer always being left unanswered. Even after M/n found out that Rin and Yukio are the sons of Satan, he still loved Rin endlessly.

"Tadaima." The H/c haired male called out as he slipped his shoes off and slipped on his F/c slippers.

Sniffing the air, the H/l H/c haired male smiled and made his way towards the kitchen where his navy haired boyfriend was making dinner. As he neared the kitchen he stood in the doorway and smiled as he watched Rin do his magic in the kitchen.

"Welcome back M/n." Rin greeted as he sent M/n a quick smile before returning to the food preparations."This should be ready soon."

"I'll get the table set then." M/n smiled as he walked towards the cupboard and took out a few dishes.

"We only need two plates.." Rin said as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"On my way back I ran into your brothers, and Mephisto invited himself, Amaimon, and Yukio over." M/n answered as he rinsed the dishes and dried them with a dish cloth.

"Why would he do that?" Rin asked.

"I think Mephisto needs to talk to us about something because everything at HQ seems tense." M/n answered as he set the table.

'I wonder why...' Rin asked himself as he finished up dinner.

"I'm gonna go change into more comfortable clothes before they get here." M/n said as he walked out of the kitchen.

"M'kay." Rin replied.

As soon as Rin heard the door to their bedroom close he put his hand in his pants pocket and took out a small black velvet box.

"I was supposed to ask him today... My bros have such bad timing..." Rin groaned before he opened the box.

Rin's face paled and panic surged through his body. The box's contents were empty. There was no silver band tucked away inside...

"Crap! Where did I leave it?!" Rin whispered as he rummaged through his pockets again.

Where was the silver band? When did he misplace it? How long has it been out of the box? All these questions filled the navy haired male's mind as he frantically looked around the kitchen for it.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

'Shit they're here!' Rin cursed as he hid the empty box in the cabinet under the sink.

Rin rushed to the front door and opened it to let his brothers in.

"Good-hey Rin are you okay you look pale.." Yukio asked.


"Good evening, it's nice of you three to join us tonight!" M/n greeted as he walked into the room.

The other three spawns of Satan smiled and entered as M/n lead them into the kitchen, Yukio staying behind to talk to Rin.

"What's wrong Rin?" Yukio asked as he closed the door behind him.

"I lost the engagement ring I was gonna give M/n." Rin whispered.

"You did what?!" Yukio whisper yelled in disbelief."How could you be so stupid?!

"I thought it was in the box but I must have done something else with it since it wasn't in there!" Rin whispered.

"You need to find that ring Rin! You can't propose to M/n without a ring!" Yukio whispered.


"Yes I know you still can-but a ring will make it so much more better! So you better find the damn ring you idiot!" Yukio scolded.

"You're right, I need that ring!" Rin agreed in a whisper.

The two Okumuras walked into the kitchen to see Mephisto and Amaimon staring at M/n's (luscious) ass while the short male tried reaching the fancy glasses in the top cabinet. Rin sent a death glare at his step brothers as he stood behind M/n protectively.

"Lemme help." Rin said as M/n hesitantly nodded and and went to serve the food.

"So was there a reason you wanted to join us for dinner?" M/n asked as he finished serving the food and passed out the plates.

"Can't we just come over for a nice get together with our little brother and his boyfriend?" Mephisto asked as Rin and Yukio stared at Mephisto with a 'Oh really' face while M/n eyed the purple haired man suspiciously.

"I guess, but you two don't usually come over so it's a bit odd." M/n answered as he glanced at Amaimon and Mephisto.

"I had nothing better to do honestly." Amaimon said bluntly with a bored look on his face.

M/n and the Okumuras sweat dropped at how blunt the green haired demon was before continuing to converse and eat.


Now he sits behind prison bars,
25 to life and he's not in his arms.
He couldn't bring him back with a bullet to the heart
In the back of a man who tore his world apart.

He holds on to his memory,
All it is, is a memory.
Hey, hey.


Once dinner was finished, M/n washed the dishes as Rin took out a cake for dessert.

'Did you find it?' Yukio mouthed.

'No.' Rin mouthed as he shook his head.

Rin cut the (Favorite/Cake) cake for five people and set each slice on plates before handing them to the others while M/n finished putting the dishes away.

"What is this?" Amaimon asked.

"It's cake." Rin answered.

"Is it any good?"

"Yes? I guess it depends on which kind you like."

"There are different kinds?"


M/n smiled as he turned and saw Amaimon examining the dessert before digging into it.

"Is this supposed to be in the cake?" Amaimon asked as he held up something with his fork.

"What is that?" M/n asked as he walked towards the green haired man.

"It's silver and in a circular shape with a hole in the middle of it-"

Rin's eyes widened and he grabbed the ring away from the fork and ran towards the sink.

"Rin, what the hell was that?" M/n asked.

"N-nothing M/n! Don't worry about it!" Rin stuttered as he cleaned the ring in the sink.

"M/n, I think our little brother Rin wants to-"

"SHUT YOUR TRAP MEPHISTO!" Rin growled as he blushed furiously.

"What's going on?" M/n asked as he looked at Yukio.

"Uh... I don't know..?" Yukio lied.


"M/n! Come with me!" Rin said as he grabbed M/n's wrist and lead him towards the living room.

"Rin what-"

"M/n, just please listen okay?" Rin asked.

"Okay..." M/n answered.

"M/n, I've known you since we started cram school together. You've seen me at my best and at my worst, yet you always seem to stay by my side. Even after you found out my father is Satan, you stayed by me and defended me from the Vatican. You are so special and so precious to me that if you weren't at my side I wouldn't know what to do.. So please M/n, stay by my side forever will you?" Rin asked as he ended with a knee down and the ring in his hand.

M/n's eyes welled up with tears and a smile adorned his face as he nodded frantically."I will stay by your side forever Rin..." M/n answered as Rin slipped the silver ring onto M/n's left ring finger.

Rin stood up and wrapped his arms around M/n's waist as M/n wrapped his arms over Rin's shoulders. They leaned in and shared a sweet and loving kiss, breaking apart as they heard claps.

"Finally, the goofball made a move." Amaimon smirked.

"Congrats Rin, I'll see to it that I get you two a great present." Mephisto smiled.

"Dad would be proud of you Rin.." Yukio said.

"Yeah, the old man would've been proud.." Rin said smiling softly.

"We'll be on our leave then." Yukio said as he ushered the others out.

"M/n pass by my office first thing in the morning." Mephisto ordered as M/n nodded.


He cries,
Stay with me until I fall asleep,
Stay with me.
Stay with me until I fall asleep,
Stay with me.
Stay with me until I fall asleep,
Stay with me.
Stay with me until I fall asleep,
Stay with me.


The day had finally arrived, the day both Rin and M/n were anxious about.

Their wedding day..

It was simple, yet lavish, but it was just enough for both males. Rin stood at the alter and awaited for his love to arrive. The music started and Rin looked towards the aisle where the wedding march had started to walk through. Rin blushed madly as the H/l H/c haired male came into view. M/n wore a white tux with a light blue handkerchief in his breast pocket, as well as a pinned on pink rose.

M/n finally stood in front of Rin and smiled at him lovingly. Rin took his lovers S/c hands in his as their preist-who happened to be Yukio- commenced the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today for the marriage of M/n L/n and Rin Okumura-"

The lovers didn't care for the boring introduction as they drowned out the sound of Yukio's voice and admired one another.

'Finally, I'm going to marry the love of my life M/n...' Rin thought as the ceremony moved along.

"The rings will now be exchanged." Yukio explained as Shiemi brought up the rings.

"Rin slip the ring onto M/n's left ring finger." Yukio said as Rin obeyed.

"M/n slip the ring onto Rin's left ring finger." Yukio said as M/n followed the order.

"If anyone objects to the Union of these two, speak now or forever hold your peace." Yukio said.

Nervous, anxious, and fear is what coursed through M/n's veins. He prayed that no one speak or do anything drastic that would cause a scene at their special moment. He let out a sigh of relief as no one objected.

"Very well then, I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may now kiss the husband." Yukio said.

M/n and Rin leaned in and shared a short kiss before pulling away and facing their guests with bright smiles.

"Introducing Rin Okumura and M/n Okumura!" Yukio smiled as they all clapped.


M/n's eyes widened in shock as dread sank in."R-Rin..." M/n choked out before blood splattered out of his mouth.

"M/n!" Rin yelled as his eyes widened.

M/n stumbled and fell only to be caught by Rin. Rin glanced at the aisle end where a member of the Vatican ran away towards the exit.

"Yukio!" Rin yelled as Yukio nodded and followed the Vatican member.


"Shh, M/n please save your energy.." Rin pleaded as he held his wounded love in his arms.

"Let me see if I can do anything." Shiemi said as he inspected M/n's bullet wounds that were around his chest.

M/n looked away guiltily as his eyes welled up with tears. Shiemi looked up at Rin and gave him a distressed look."There's nothing that I can do... I-I'm sorry.."

"Th-there has to be something we can do Shiemi! There has to-"

"Rin...." M/n interrupted as he stared at Rin."There's nothing she can do... I'm going to die..."

"Y-you can't die M/n... You promised you'd be by my side forever." Rin said as Shiemi left.

"I'm sorry Rin..." M/n whispered.

"It's okay M/n... I'm sorry for not realizing the Vatican would be against this.. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you-"

"Rin, you didn't know... But I did..." M/n said.

"Wh-what..?" Rin asked.

"M-Mephisto told me that the Vatican was outraged to hear the news. H-he said th-they would try to separate us... I thought it was all a bluff... But now I see th-that they were serious... I-I should've told you Rin... I'm sorry..." M/n said as tears escaped his eyes.

"Hey, hey... It's okay don't cry M/n... It's okay that you didn't tell me, it's not your fault..." Rin said as he pet M/n's H/l H/c hair.

"I'm just upset that our family isn't gonna get started anymore..." M/n said as he held a hand over his stomach.

"W-we were gonna have a b-baby..?" Rin asked as his eyes widened.

"I was two months in... I wanted to wait until after the ceremony but... I guess there will be no ceremony.." M/n chuckled before coughing violently and spitting out more blood.

"R-Rin... I will always love you..." M/n whispered as his eyelids grew heavy and his vision blurred.

"No, M-M/n stay with me! M/n please don't leave me!" Rin cried as he held M/n tighter in his arms.

"I'm sorry Rin... I can't stay awake... I love you okay...?" M/n whispered as his eyes closed and just a few seconds before M/n stopped breathing.

"No! No! M/n come on wake up! M/n! Please... M/n... Please..." Rin cried as he buried his head in the crook of M/n's neck.

"M/n, please come back to me! I love you too much to lose you!"


Rin went on a rampage after that... He found the culprit and killed them before killing many others of the Vatican. Mephisto, Yukio, and Amaimon had contained the boy after a harsh and time consuming fight. The Vatican had him thrown in prison underneath the building until further notice...


Kiss it all better,
I'm not ready to go.
It's not your fault love,
You didn't know, you didn't know.

(Kiss it all better.)
Stay with me until I fall asleep,
Stay with me.
Stay with me until i fall asleep,
Stay with me.
(Kiss it all better.)
Stay with me until I fall asleep,
Stay with me.
Stay with me until I fall asleep,
Stay with me.


The jingling of keys snapped Rin out of thought as he glanced up towards the door. As the door opened Rin looked back down at the ground. He heard them step near the cell bars before one of them cleared their throats.

"Rin.. It's me Yukio.."

'Yukio? They hardly let Yukio in here... Why now..?'

"I have some news that'll lighten you up." Yukio started."The Vatican has ended your sentence and have put you on probation."

'Probation..? Why?'

"You'll be living with your probation officer-it's not me by the way or Mephisto." Yukio added.

'Why would they do this?'

"Your probation officer is a highly skilled Tamer that I'm sure you'll get acquainted with wonderfully." Yukio started."Please introduce yourself."

Rin heard footsteps and keys as they opened the cell door. More footsteps until they were in front of Rin who still looked downwards.

"Hello Rin... It's me..." A familiar voice said.

Rin's eyes widened and his head shot up to come face to face with his probation officer.

"I'm sorry I've been gone for awhile, but this time I'll stay by your side forever.."


M/n smiled as his E/c eyes welled with tears."I'm back Rin..."

Sorry it's crap, and sorry I've been dead for a long time. I've been getting too many ideas and not being able to put it into words. I hope you enjoyed this!

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