The New Girl Has A Secret

By Chatlog

458K 17.6K 1.3K

I run. I run as fast as I can, no longer worried about the constant pain of branches snapping below my naked... More

Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Eleven

15.5K 608 101
By Chatlog

Chapter Eleven

I was awakened by the unfamiliar feeling of warmth from the sunlight on my skin, and the heat radiating off of the covers tucked into the corners of my bed. My eyes fluttered open and as I attempt to get up, realizing that I'm not the only person in my bed. Nate was the extra weight in the bed, the blanket wrapped between his legs and the rest of it over my body. I noticed that his arm was still wrapped securely around my waist. I turned my head to look at him, before slowly and cautiously turning the rest of my body to face him.

Nate was undeniably breath-taking, and being so close to him made me realize it. Even in his sleep, his eyes seemed kind. He seemed so pure, so tired and peaceful.

For now, at least.

His plump lips were parted ever so slightly, but his body stayed still. He didn't move at all- there was no need, he didn't need to breathe. He was a full vampire, but even still his lips looked so soft.

A small smile spreads across my own lips as I brought my fingers up to trace over his skin.

For some reason, I want to be closer to him. I feel so safe when I'm around him. Ever since he decided to stay with me for the night due to my nightmare, I've felt okay about the whole him staying here situation. Usually, my nightmares only show up as a warning. Sometimes though, it's just me thinking about it too much before I go to sleep, so I end up having the same nightmare. Because I was talking about it so much and thinking about how I can barely sleep most of the time- I'm sure that's the reason I had one tonight. We've been here about two days- there's no way he has found us so soon.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Nate smiles and tightens his grip around my waist, pulling me closer to him. My mouth falls open a bit, but I quickly close it as his eyes lazily open.

"Good morning, beautiful." He let out in a tired voice, flashing me a lazy smile to match his gaze.

"Morning.." I let out awkwardly. "Want to let go of me so I can get something to eat?"

"No, I like this position." He winks. I roll my eyes and attempt to get up, pushing away from his chest. He only tightens his grip, hiding his face in my chest. He then flips me over so he's on top of me, crushing my body with his own.

"Can you not?" I grunt slightly, watching as he lifts his head to stare down at me. While trying to keep my cool I cross my arms over my chest. He smiles then shakes his head.

"I cannot not." He says and I roll my eyes. He watched me for a second, then his eyes fell to my lips. He smiles slightly then begins to lean closer toward me. I immediately turn my head, his words from yesterday about me being easy still playing in my mind. "Oh, come on. Don't be like that."

"Like what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You know you want to kiss me." He smirks.

"Well, obviously I don't." I scoff. I then push his body off of mine, offended that he thinks he can get whatever he wants out of me. He looked at me with a sort of shocked and hurt expression as I crawled out of the bed.

I definitely wanted to kiss him. But I won't allow myself to. He doesn't deserve to be forgiven so easily.

"Snow, can we talk?" He asks softly. I shake my head, my fists balling at my sides.

"There's nothing to talk about." I glare at him, leaving my room with a slam of the door. I let out a deep breath, then make my way to the stairs- which seemed like it had been a very very bad idea when I was swept off of my feet and thrown over Nate's very muscular shoulder.

"Since you don't want to talk to me, I have to show you what option two is." He says with a smug tone in his voice. I didn't like this at all, I feel like I should be attacking him- but with the way that his shoulder is pushing into my stomach I feel as if I can't breathe.

"Put me down!" I groan angrily as he stops to open the glass sliding door. I push on his back to try and free myself from his hold.

"How about we take a little swim?" He was all too cocky and confident in himself. Immediately my heart sunk to my stomach and panic erupted through my body.

That's the one thing I never learned how to do. Mom never taught me, anytime we had to cross the water I stayed on her back and held my breath for as long as I could.

"No, Nate please!" I plead, now punching and kicking at him to avoid any and all possible contact with the water. Seen as how I was wearing cozy pajama pants and a plain black t-shirt; I knew the clothes would make the water a lot heavier. And with me being heavier, I would without a doubt sink and drown over and over again.

Nate's POV

"Alright fine. We won't swim if you just talk to me." I smirk at her, knowing that she couldn't resist for too long.

"No, I'm not talking to you. Just put me down!" She yelled from over my shoulder, her feet kicking at the air and her balled up fists punching at my back.

I've got to do as the princess requests, right?

"That leaves me no choice." I sigh dramatically. Wrapping my hands around her waist, I toss her into the pool; laughing as I saw her body enveloped in water. 

She'd probably kill me later because of this, but hey- I did give her two clear options.

Snow stayed in one place under the water, waving her arms a bit. "Alright Snow, come up." I chuckled at her, shaking my head. She didn't budge. "Come on, get up here Snow." I raised my eyebrows, watching her intently as I raised my voice. Bubbles slowly began to rise to the surface, making me realize that maybe this isn't a joke.

She isn't full vampire, so she's able to drown... isn't she?

Without another moments hesitation, I jump into the water. Snow's big blue eyes had been open and glaring my way as she held her breath. Her hair is swimming up in the water, as if each of the strands had been reaching for the sky, yet swaying back and fourth with the pull and push of the water current around us. Her beautiful blue eyes pleaded with mine, as if begging for me to get her out of the water- and for the first time I felt as if my heart was being strangled in my chest. I grab her by the waist and push up from the bottom of the pool, making sure her head is above the water before mine.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" She yelled as soon as she was able to breathe.

"Oh, come on. I wouldn't have let you drown." I chuckle lightly, loving the sight of her hair completely straight due to the water. Her cheeks were growing red as she grew more irritated with me, which only added to her beauty.

"Can we get out of the pool now?" She asks, rolling her eyes. I shake my head.

"I like it here." I smile, mockingly.

I love messing with this girl.

"Well you can stay, just let me out." She growls. I smile and do as she asks, letting go of her waist. As I let go, Snow squeals and puts her arms around my neck and wraps her legs around my waist.

My hands find their way back onto her hips, seeming to fit perfectly against her skin.

"Can we just go?" She whines, her cheeks red from embarrassment. 

She's so cute.

Woah what the hell? I didn't even know 'cute' was in my vocabulary.

"No, not until you talk to me." I answered almost immediately. "Look Snow, I am truly sorry for what I said. I really didn't mean it, I just got so angry and said the first thing that came to mind, I couldn't even control what I was saying. I know those are just excuses so I want to make it up to you.. Maybe we could go out tonight?" I was hopeful.

I didn't have a choice but to make us work out.

"Fine..." she softly let out, closing her eyes as if she knew she would regret that answer.

That didn't matter though. What mattered is that she said yes. That's the only answer I need.

Pleased with her answer, I swim to the four-foot area where she can stand, whereas a second ago we were in the six feet area. When thinking about leaving the water, it reminded me of the unfinished business I needed to take care of.

I guess having a girlfriend doesn't really make me the best match for Snow, but that's why break ups are so common now a days, right?

No one guessed the song :P Its Fix You by coldplay.

Here's the new one! -

I said can you give it back to me, She said never in your wildest dreams.


LOVE YOU!! Can You PLEASEEEEEE Vote??!?!?!?!?!

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