Amnesia [Reader x Levi Ackerm...

By wang_kong

9.4K 192 157

It had been five years since Levi Ackerman's childhood friend, Y/N, had disappeared. The Military Police sear... More

A little side note (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧.
Intro: Brat
Chapter 1: Not It
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Nightmare
Chapter 5: Confession
Chapter 6: Avoiding
Chapter 9: Love Advice
Chapter 10: Dream
not an update ;-;
hey look another not-update

Chapter 2: Questions

882 16 13
By wang_kong

<<This chapter is brought to you by-----okay I got nothing..... It's brought to you by my hands....wait.... that came out wrong.... I MEANT---->>

Yeah yeah Naomi just shut up

anyway here's the chapter derp (。々°)

Another day had dawned, much to your dismay. Despite the storm that had previously raged, small slivers of sunbeams shone confidently through the basement windows. The sleep (or lack thereof) pulled at your eyes wearily, begging you to shut them once more. You had tried your best to sleep last night, but your efforts were futile. Instead, you had spent your time deep in thought, trying to figure out how to hide your identity from Levi. 

Did you have any definite proof that you were his y/n? No. 

Did it really matter if he did find out? Probably not. 

But it didn't matter. You didn't remember who he was, nor did you currently know who he was. The dangers this man could pose... It was scary to think about. Even if you two were connected, even if you were his y/n... 

That didn't entirely exempt him from being a threat to you. 

You brushed off your fatigue and swung your legs out over the hard mattress, the stark cold floor icy against your feet. 

"I see you're awake." 

A raspy voice broke into your thoughts, instinctively pulling your gaze towards the speaker. 

Levi stood at the base of the stairs with his arms crossed. "Come on, the recruits are already upstairs eating breakfast." 

You scoffed and glared at him. "Oh, so now you want to treat me like one of your soldiers? What happened to you not trusting me?" 

He clucked his tongue in response to the contradiction, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Just get up there before I change my mind." 

The thumping of the stairs announced his departure, leaving you alone in silence once more. 


"So... How did you sleep last night?" Eren was munching noisily on a skinny loaf of bread. "I can't imagine being around the captain for five minutes, much less sharing a room with him." 

You stared at your bowl of porridge disdainfully; it stared back, just as pitiful. "Terrible. The basement needs some serious renovations; I thought I was going to choke on the humidity down there..." 

Levi, who was sitting alone at another table, looked up for a brief second from his tea. He tried to act disinterested in the conversation, but you could tell that he was listening in. 

Ah... Maybe I shouldn't mention... 'that'... 

"Oh, yeah," Armin interrupted, "my grandfather once told me that after a while, amnesia can gradually disappear. I know it's only been a short time since you've developed it, but have you recovered any memories yet?"

You looked to the side, desperate to hide your guilt. " 

"N-no, I haven't. Not yet, at least."

"Do you at least remember your name?" 

The questions were obviously from a place of genuine concern and worry, but that didn't stop you from silently cursing Armin. Why couldn't you have been held hostage by a bunch of bumbling idiots? Ugh... 

Should I tell them?  Is it safe? Will they hurt me if I lie and they find out? 

Fears poured in, toppling over each other like moths to a bright and crisp flame. Anxieties pressed heavily onto your chest, squeezing all of the oxygen out from your lungs. 

Just say something already! 

"I um... I do... I do remember..."

Levi raised an eyebrow; he seemed to have already given up on looking disinterested. "Oh? Where was this last night?" 

Hange tried to laugh off the tension. "Levi, come on. Leave her alone."

"It's y/n." You muttered. "My name is y/n." 

Levi's dark eyes flashed dangerously. "Don't lie, girl. What is your real name?"

"What is there to lie about, captain?" Surely even Levi would understand that lying about something this ridiculous wouldn't gain anything for either of them. 


Levi stopped abruptly. Everyone was staring at him curiously. 

Amidst the awkward silence, however, other conversations were spontaneously sparked. It was odd, but also a blessing for both you and Levi. 

"...Y/n, could I see you in my office for a moment?" Levi asked. His tone was unnecessarily ominous as he stood up. 

You followed him through the barracks and through various hallways, the loud clacking of boots almost cheering for your imminent demise. You felt as though you were walking to your own execution. 

Whatever God is listening... Please let me live through this encounter.... 


"What do you want?" You were trying to sound intimidating, but your words came out squeaky and unclear. 

Levi shuffled some papers into a neat pile, placing it on the corner of his desk. "You said that your name was y/n, but we both know that that's jut a pile of bullshit, right?" 

What is wrong with this guy?  "I wasn't lying. What, you think that just because you kept saying 'y/n' in your sleep all night, that I'm faking this? I barely slept last night because of your antics! I don't have the energy to be arguing with you over this."

"I-I... I was not repeating 'y/n' in my sleep last night." 

His protests angered you, but you tried to stay calm. This was not the time to be arguing with a child. 

"Remember when I almost fucking passed out last night? I had recovered a memory of my mother; I just didn't know if it was part of a delusion or something. That's why I didn't want to tell you." 

Levi sighed heavily and looked out the window. "I see. You... You don't have to tell me any more than you already have. I would imagine that you're in some pain, not knowing where your family is." 

You peered questioningly at him. Was Levi being nice?  Was he being understanding? 

"Do you remember anything else? Where you're from, or why you were outside the gates?"


"Do you remember anything else? Like where you're from, or why you were outside the gates?" Levi asked. 

Y/n gave him a strange look. "I... I don't think so. I'm not sure." 

Ugh, what an idiot....

"You're absolutely sure that you don't remember anything? Really?" 

By now, Levi was already sure that she wasn't lying; he wasn't new to the scene of interrogation, after all. Leeching the evidence from criminals was a talent of his, but y/n was not a criminal. 

For now. 

She bowed her head apologetically. "If I remember anything, I'll tell you. Though I still do not trust you and your comrades, I do believe that you are acting in my best interest."

Well, at least she was being reasonable.

hey guysssss

sorry if the chapter's reallyyyy short

I tried my best to write....? Sort of xD

Anybody catch that Harry Potter reference?



that's fine


edited on 5/12/20

heyo, it's present naomi, back at it again with a shitty edit. The pacing of this fic is all over the place (sorry lmao) but believe me when I say that I'm trying my best to salvage it. Despite my best efforts, I know it's not going to be perfect, but at least it'll be like.. shiny garbage, right? Also, I hate to admit it, but it's so hard to write about characters that I'm not up to date on lol. I'm trying my best to remember everyone buuuuuuuut ;;;; 

I'm not sure if I'll be able to edit any more chapters this week, just because I have ap exams :// hopefully I can do smth though. 

until then though, please be patient <3 thanks! 

- naomi 

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