Going Red - An Auslly Fanfict...

Por ausllywriter

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Red; the color of love. You see red when they're talking to another person. You see red when you kiss them go... Más

one - falling at your feet
two - after school
three - intense gym
four - moon's girl
five - arcade
six - strange days
seven - partying
eight - drinking
nine - next morning
ten - warming up
eleven - concerning
twelve - studying
thirteen - only lasts a while
fourteen - sibling talks
fifteen - realization in apologies
sixteen - returning enemy
seventeen - time to tell
eighteen - bad days
nineteen - help
twenty - better days
twenty-one - dinner
twenty-three - disastrous love
twenty-four - strengths
twenty-five - valentine's activities
twenty-six - he's not like him
twenty-seven - bad return
twenty-eight - confessed apology
twenty-nine - fearful
thirty - thoughts
thirty-one - court
thirty-two - celebration
thirty-three - end

twenty-two - first date

797 46 8
Por ausllywriter

"How-How do I look?" Ally asks, walking into the kitchen area from her bedroom, nervous as she could be. She had on a thin, velvet, long sleeved shirt and a high waisted shirt that overlapped her shirt, which went just above her knees.

Okay, so maybe Austin's opinion did matter to her. Like, really matters. He was her boyfriend after all. It's not bad wanting to look good for your boyfriend, right?

Of course, it wasn't bad. She's just freaking out. For what reason? She doesn't know. She's never been this nervous for a date. Actually, she used to get nervous around Jasper, but she was more scared for her health than nervous if he'd think her dress was okay.

Laura looks away from the counters and looks back at her younger sister. "You look great," she chuckles, going back to looking for a snack. "Put on some tights, though. It's gonna be cold tonight."

Ally nods and takes a breath before hurrying to her room.

Laura finds the box of pretzels she was looking for and grins before moving away from the counter. Just before she can dig her hand into the box, there's a soft knock on the door. She groans, taking the box with her as she went to the door. Laura looks in the lock to see who it was. She sees blond hair and groans once again.

"Are you Austin or Ross?" Laura asks, leaning on her hip.

"Austin!" The person exclaims on the other side, laughing.

Knowing Austin's voice from Ross', Laura opens the door and sees Austin, wearing a thick coat and a beanie on his head. She just sees his pants, but they're good pants, so she gives him an approving nod.

Laura moves out of the way to let him in and closes the door after he's entered. "Your date went to put on some tights, but she'll be back in, like, a minute, knowing how nervous she is."

"Ally's nervous?" Austin asks, genuinely surprised.

Laura nods stuffing a pretzel I'm her mouth. "I thought you'd be the one siked out, but I guess I was wrong. Calm her down for me."

Austin nods at her request before moving to a different subject. "You know, Ross---"

"Don't want to hear it," she interrupts, raising an eyebrow. "I won't yell at you because I know he put you up to this, but just be sure to tell him that we'll talk when he learns that I do have a busy schedule and setting up a 'surprise date' in the middle of the week, isn't such a great idea."

"Laura, the strap of my bra is itching. I think there's some wire poking out, could you..." she stops talking st the site of Austin, standing in the middle of the room, his head now turned toward her with a slight smile. "N-Nevermind."

"You guys know the drill. I want her back by ten, ten thirty is exceptional, but not ten forty-five," Laura explains, starting to walk off. "I'll be awake when you guys get back, so don't even try that funny business."

"We won't, don't worry," Austin giggles like a small child at the mention. He goes to grab Ally's coat and helps her put it on. "But maybe... push the curfew to eleven? It takes about twenty to get there."

Laura sighs and walks to her room. "Fine, but I want you both at least by the door by eleven, got it?"

"Yes!" they both answer, opening the door to leave.

The both of them finally leave the apartment, excited for the night. Austin moves his hand from her back and reaches down to grab her hand. "So... I've heard from a sister that you were nervous?"

Ally sighs and looks down, a frown forming upon her face. "I-I don't know why. I mean, we've hung out lots of times, so technically, this isn't our first date. It's just a date while we're actually dating and I'm really scared for some reason."

"Honestly, I'm nervous, too. I'm clumsy and tonight could be a total disaster, but I thought it would be a good idea to not lose my mind. I kinda wish you weren't nervous so I could lose my mind, though."

She laughs at this and they walk down the steps of her building. "I never thought I'd see the day where you're calming me down from nervousness and not the other way around."

"Me neither. But I kind of like it."

Ally's about to glare and give him a smart remark, asking is it because he's being the typical 'brave' man while she's the nervous, little girl and how sexist that is. But... she decides to not think into it too much, because usually, it's the other way around and maybe he just feels nice right now, knowing she was more nervous than him.

So, instead, she settles with, "I do, too. A little bit, though."

"C'mon, let's not take out time."


"Wow," Ally says in amazement, gaping at everything. "This place is amazing."

Their first date was located at fancy-looking restaurant, which made her worry because she didn't want him to spend too much money. It had a relaxing and warm feeling to the place, yet it was quite chatty. She liked it, but had to wonder; how'd he get enough money to even get a reservation here?

After Austin's finished talking to the person behind the desk, a young, female employee gives them a smile and gestures they follow. Austin grabs her hand and pulls him in the direction of the employee, and she's confused as to why they're not going into the room with everyone else but down a dark hall. Her nerves can't help, but build up in her stomach.

"No, no, no." She barely whispers to herself, sensing her mind going to a blank.

"This place is amazing," Ally grins, grabbing another roll from the middle of the table. "I think I'll be full off of these before we even order."

Jasper gives a chuckle, then her a skeptical look. "We don't want that, do we?" She laughs and shakes head, putting it back. He grins at her obedience. "Good girl. Drink some water to wash it down or it'll all come back up, trust me."

She sips on her iced water before looking at the menu. "Everything looks good. Oh, I want the streak and... maybe the macaroni or potato salad."

"... Ally, you there?" Austin asks, rubbing her hand, trying to get her follow his confused eyes.

She snaps out of her trace and takes a deep breath, her eyes now following his Hazel ones. She notices she sitting on a cushion and looks down, then around. "What's this?"

"Um, my mom's boyfriend is the owner of the place, and said he'd allow us to use the booth for our date. It's a little private-r than sitting at a table or the other booths, but we're still in the same room."

Ally nods, still a bit daze. Austin can't help but notice and asks her, "Are you alright? Do you want a table up front?"

Ally almost says yes, her irrational fear of being all alone (or semi alone in this case) with a boy in public overcoming her. But she shakes her head and takes a breath. "No... I'm-I'm fine."

Why did she just have a flashback of Jasper? She hadn't been having those for a month or so. Even when she had, they were during back times. Why was she having one on her date with Austin?

Did she forget something? Maybe the wire in her back was bothering her too much? She couldn't think of why that just happened.

The feeling of someone grabbing her hands pulls her out of her thoughts and she's looking in the eyes of Austin, who was giving a soft smile. "You sure you're alright?"

Ally leans her head in the crook of his shoulder and sighs. "I don't know. You know who keeps... popping up in head. I don't know, though."

It takes Austin a bit to figure who she's talking about, but when he does, he rubs her hands with his thumbs and sighs. "Hey, try not to think of him tonight, alright? Order anything you'd like, I don't mind."

Ally smiles softly and reaches to the table to grab the menu. "I want lasagna. What's a good side with lasagna?"

"Uh... well, my mom always makes salad when she's making lasagna, so maybe salad? Even better, chicken salad, that's good, too."

Ally's eye twitches and she closes her eyes, letting the memory take over her.

"I think you should normal salad or chicken salad."

She grins and looks up at him. "Oh, are they good as a side? I've never tried chicken salad, but I'd---"

"No, as your main course," he corrects with a laugh, thinking she was joking. "You're too skinny on the legs, but your stomach is also getting flappy. I want you as hot as the cheerleaders; you should work out with me sometime."

Ally frowns and looks down at her outfit. She thought this red dress hugged her just right, but maybe a little too much? No, maybe she does need to watch what she eats. He wants a perfect, pretty girlfriend and that's what she'll be.

"You're right, I will," she grins. Just as she says this, their servant comes to their table and asks for their orders. "I'll have whatever he's having."

Jasper raises an eyebrow, shaking his head. "Babe, I'm getting the steak as my main course..." he turns to the servant and says, "She'll have the salad with French dressing, a baked potato, cheese on the side, with breaksticks. I'd also like a potato, too.

The servant raises an eyebrow and turns to Ally, waiting for her to confirm. She nods and looks doen, frowning. The waiter takes pity on her, but nods and tell them their dishes will be out soon.

"Um, Ja-Jasper, I don't really like potatoes." Ally stutters, looking up at him.

But when she does he's fiercely glaring. "Then why didn't you say that?!" He talks hashly, shaming her like a child. Ally looks down again, frowning. "Why do you have to be such an idiot?"

"I'm sorry."

Ally comes to senses at the touch of someone caressing her face. Her eyes blur in the figure, then they focus before turning completely clear.

Ally's met with Austin's confused face, looking in her doe eyes. "What's wrong, Ally? Your pupils are dilated and you're..." he pauses to wipe under her eyes with her thumb. "crying."

The words trigger her memory. That's when she realizes what's happening to her. Why she's been nervous, why the memories have been badly attacking her. It was the side effects of not taking her pills daily.

Ally had been so caught up about the date that she hadn't lost her track of the pills. She hasn't taken them today.

"Oh my god," Ally whispers, sitting up straight from bis embrace. "I-I need to go home."

Austin raises an eyebrow, giving her a look of disbelief. "What? We just got here. I know you're nervous, but this is no reason to just end our date."

"No, no... I'm not nervous. I mean, I am, but I forgot something very important at home. Please, I can't stay." Ally pleads, moving away from him.

But Austin pulls her back by her arm, frowning. "Ally, what's so important that we need in leave in middle--- actually, this isn't even the middle. The date hasn't even start yet. Why do you have to leave?"

"Look, I can't tell, but---"

"Why can't you tell me?" He questions, now getting a little angry. "I tell you everything. If I wanted to blow off the date, you'd make me give a reason and that's all I want from you. You can't just leave because you want to."

Ally sighs, cupping his face. Though he just moves her hands, which makes her frown. "Austin, I don't want to leave. Trust me. I just---"

"Trust you? You won't tell me what's the matter!" Austin almost yells, now glaring. "I set this all up for you and now you need to leave?! If you wanna go, you can go because I'm not wasting my money, that was my saving money for, like, a year, so I can drive you home."

Ally swallows and crosses her arms, looking down. She did always push things to the side. And this was a nice restaurant, so he must've really wanted to take her. Blowing him off would be ridiculous.

"Okay, I won't leave, but... I need to call Laura. She needs to bring me something important." Ally takes a breath, looking back up at him.

"What, Ally?" Austin asks, grabbing her hand. "I just want to know."

She looks down again, pulling her hand. "I-I can't tell."


"It's-It's... I don't know..." she stutters. "I don't feel comfortable telling you right now."

Austin sighs once again but let's her go, leaning back in his seat. "Go ahead. I'll order for you."

She smiles and kisses his cheek before moving out of the booth, rushing towards the bathroom.


"Handled?" Austin asks when she had came back, scooting next to him in the booth.

Nodding, she comfirms, "Handled," Ally smiles, sliding in the booth with him. "I'm sorry, though. I didn't mean to upset you."

"It's alright," Austin answers truthfully, giving a small smile. "I ordered you a coke with your lasagna and chichen salad.  I ordered you the spicy chicken; hope you don't mind."

"It's okay..." a murmur comes from her mouth, feeling another moment coming up.

"Oh, I'm sorry," the waiter, smiles at the both of them. "Your plates will be here soon. I just forgot to ask for your drinks."

"I want a coke, she'll have water." Jasper says, giving the male a forced smile.

The waiter turns to Ally to confirm, but she shakes her head, raising an eyebrow. "Actually, I'll have a pepsi."

After the man has left, Jasper harshly kicks her under the Ally, making Ally yelp in pain and her face scrunching up. He just rolls his eyes. "On a diet, you don't drink soda. If you were going to go against me, you could've just ordered a fucking diet."

"I'm not going on a diet," she says quietly, not meeting his gaze. "I don't think I need to, and even if I did, soda doesn't build up fat."

Jasper gives her looks of disbelief, surprising she even half-ass defended herself. "You know what? Since you wannabe such a fucking smart-ass, you can pay for your own meal."

She's brought back by Austin, shaking her harshly. He breathes in relief when her eyes move around to look at him, but still sighs. "Fine. Obviously, something's up, so let's leave."

"No! I-I just..." she sighs, adjusting herself. "Laura will be here soon, alright."

Austin groans, throwing his head back. "What's important that you need to bring Laura here? What's she gonna do?"


"Yeah, yeah," Austin sighs, leaning on the table, looking forward instead of at her. "You're not ready to tell me."

There's an uncomfortable silence until their food gets here, and even then, everytime she tries to start a conversation, he responds with word answers. He must've been really upset with her.

"Um, tonight was... good," Ally forcefully smiles as he's driving her home. "I had fun."

"Maybe I would've had fun too if you fucking listened," Jasper says, still pissed at her. "You're lucky I don't kick you out here in the rain."

"Jasper, I didn't do anything. I-I don't think I'm fat, and even if I was gain some pounds, you should love me no matter what."

He breathes out heavily, then pulls the car over to the curb. Before the car can fully even stop, his hands are on her neck. Ally gapes and her eyes budge out of her head. "First, I let you off with wearing that skinny ass dress, then you have the nerve to say you're not fat. You must need glasses if you can't see how ugly your body is right now."

He finally releases Ally, but doesn't hesitate to slam her back against the door. She breathes in heavily, coughing and gasping for air.

"Get out." Jasper murmurs, shaking his head.

Ally, still trying to catch her breath,  looks at him in shocked eyes. "You-You just choked me."

"Because you deserved it. I wouldn't do it if you didn't. Now, please get out."

"You choked me!" She exclaims, her eyes now tearing up because he had done that.

He sighs and reaches over her to open the car's door. "Get out."

She frowns and grabs her purse, then steps out the pouring streets of Miami at ten at night. She closes the door, and before she can even get on the sidewalk, he's pulling off. Ally watches as he leaves, starting to cry while trying to find some cover to call Laura.


"Ms. Dawson? Ms. Dawson, someone is here for you."

"Sorry, she's been doing that lately."

Ally comes her senses and her eyes move around a bit before they focus. "Huh? What?"

"Laura's here." Austin says, gesturing to the man.

"Oh, okay," she responds, moving out of the booth. "Be right back." She stands and rushes to the front.

Ally breathes out a breath of relief when she sees Laura, standing with at the front. "Finally."

Laura hears and looks towards the voice, seeing her younger sister. "Nice place."

"Do you have them?" Ally asks, frowning.

She nods and opens her hands, already having the three colored pills. "Here," she offers, pouring them into her sister's hand. Ally wastes little time taking the green, then blue, and finally red. "Wash it down when you sit down."

Ally nods and hugs her tightly, sighing. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

"It's alright," she smiles, squeezing her just as tight. "Have fun, alright? I'll push your curfew to eleven fifteen because I'm that nice."

Ally grins and hugs her once more before they depart. Ally hurries back to their booth, seeing Austin just miserably eating his pasta. "Hey, I'm back."


"Now what's the matter?" Ally questions, sitting down in the booth and moving close to him.

He shrugs, but suggests, "You should eat you food. It's gonna get cold."

She frowns, realizing she had already ruined this date. Following his suggestion, she eats her food and it's probably the best food she's ever had. She doesn't even like spicy foods, but it was fantastic.

When they're asked if they wanted desert, Austin's about to deny, but Ally orders them both a slice of Oreo pie.

When the waiter leaves, Austin turns to glare at her. "I didn't plan on buying desert."

"I'm paying," Ally vows, taking his hand in hers. "Why are you mad at me?"

"I'm not---"

"You won't even look me in my eye," Ally asserts, rubbing her thumb against his hand. "I'm not spacing out anymore."

Austin sighs and looks around before blurting, "I-I know you don't feel comfortable telling me what's up, but I'd tell you and you know it. I mean, you leave to go to Laura for three minutes and now you're perfectly fine. Is that not supposed to make me curious?"

He finally looks at her eyes, and she sees how genuinely hurt he is by her not telling him. He's right; he'd tell her, without a doubt. She's seriously hurting his feelings.

Hiding things to your partner isn't right but it happens all the time. But this was his first serious relationship, so her not telling him everything while he does, isn't fair or right. It's probably is ten times worse in his mind.

Ally sighs and lets go of his hand. "Austin, I'll tell you, but you have to promise you won't tell anyone or look at me any differently or act different towards me."

Austin looks up at her in shock, surprised she's actually going to tell him. "Um, yeah! I-I promise, I swear, I won't tell anyone."

She sighs, rubbing her arms as she starts to fill self-concious. Taking a breath, she starts, "Well, um, how do I explain this? You see, what Jasper did to me, it traumatized me. So... I-I have random flashes of memories with him when something triggers it. That's why I kept spacing out."

"But you don't usually---"Austin tries to interrupt, but she stops him.

"I-I have to take pills in order for me not to think about him and what he did to me. I-I forgot to take them today and that's why Laura had to come, to give me pills," She confesses, looking down. "Before you question why I possibly need pills to stop thinking about one person, I'm-I'm depressed, alright. I take anti-depressants and something else I'd rather not say. But I need them."

"I'm fine, don't think I'm not. I don't need a rehab or doctor or redemption or any of that. I'm alright."

Austin processes the information, kind of surprised. He didn't think it was that much of a deal for her not to tell him. He understands why, but she already told him she's been through a lot and it's not like she's good at hiding her pills (they're in her side table by her bed), so he always suspected she took them.

Depression, that's what he didn't know. She didn't seem like it at all. Almost the opposite, actually. That's would be his last guess.

"You're quiet," Ally sighs, about to panic. "You feel bad, don't you? Please, don't---"

"No, I'm alright. I don't feel bad, Ally. I mean, I hate that you're traumatized by him, but the pills are something you need to get better. I'm not gonna feel bad for something that helps you." He explains.

Ally smiles softly and engulfs him in a hug, wrapping her arms around his neck and head in his shoulder. He grins and hugs her waist just as tight. "God, I love you," she breathes out.

The both of them tense in each other's embrace, not sure those words were meant to be spoken.

Austin pulls away first,his eyes as wide as her doe eyes would usually be. Hers can't even reach his eyes, not believing she said that.

The waiter finally comes with their desert with a smile. "Here's your pie, would you like anything else."

"Water." The both of them chorus, hearts about to explode.

This date is a mess for the wrong and right reasons.

ahhh, i hope everyone liked this!!!

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