For Eternity (Vampire! 2p! It...

由 DreamsForDays313

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Vampire! 2p! Italy x Reader Life isn't horrible for you and the part of humanity that you live with, but it's... 更多

Chapter One - Kidnapped
Chapter Two - An Explanation
Chapter Three - Meeting
Chapter Four - Introductions and Drama
Chapter Five - Freedom?
Chapter Six - An Old Friend
Chapter Seven - A Model and Returning "Home"
Chapter Eight - Girl Time
Chapter Nine - I Need to Do What?
Chapter Ten - Phenomenal Acting My Lady
Chapter Eleven - A Hangover and Not Caring
Chapter Twelve - First Day of Freedom
Chapter Thirteen - A Day in the Life of a Runway Diva
Chapter Fourteen - Hitting Rock Bottom
Chapter Fifteen - Ah Ha!
Chapter Sixteen - The Clandestine Past
Chapter Seventeen - Matt's Step-Father
Chapter Eighteen - My Brother's Advice Is the Best.
Chapter Nineteen - Plotting
Chapter Twenty - A Musical Jerk
Chapter Twenty-one - The Last Few Touches
Chapter Twenty-two - The Cold Shoulder Returns
Chapter Twenty-three - The Big Day: Part One
Chapter Twenty-four - The Big Day: Part Two
Chapter Twenty-five - The Big Day: Part Three
Chapter Twenty-six - The Big Day: Part Four
Chapter Twenty-seven - Possible Regrets?
Chapter Twenty-eight - Well Would You Look at That?
Chapter Twenty-nine - Be Blunt With Style
Chapter Thirty - Baby Shower
Chapter Thirty-one - I'm Not Letting Her Go.
Chapter Thirty-two - Complications
Chapter Thirty-three - Don't Cry
Extra #1 - A Nightmare
Extra #2 - Matchmaking
Extra #4 - I'm Sorry.
Extra #5 - Career Day
Extra #6 - First Love
Extra #7 - Gil Learns About the Birds and the Bees

Extra #3 - Matt's Background and the Vampire 2p FACE Family Origins

965 36 40
由 DreamsForDays313

~This will be the last chance to vote for what story I write next before official results are given next week. An update on the vote tally will be in the author's note. Also, there will be various time skips in this chapter.~

~François Meets Matthieu's Mother, Charlotte~

        Darkness had fallen quickly on the world above the human civilization. The only light was given off by the waning crescent moon, which wasn't very much. Normally, humans would be too frightened to leave the comfort and safety of their hidden homes and workshops to dare adventure to the forest above, but one girl, a nineteen year old by the name of Charlotte, decided to take the risk. She figured that since she lived alone, perhaps no one would miss her if something were to happen to her. Maybe no one except the couple that lived next door to her would care if she suddenly went missing.

        She slipped past the guards watching the door to the overworld that was closest to where she lived. They were sleeping on the job like they usually were, allowing her easy access to the heavy door. She carefully lifted it a bit, making sure no vampires were in sight before opening it enough to slip through. It closed behind her once she was out. She got on her feet and took a deep breath. The fresh air was a relief to her. The civilization was always musky since it was under ground, and created a very earthy smell to linger about, almost as if it had permanently just finished raining. It wasn't a terribly unpleasant smell, but after awhile one would eventually grow tired of it, and Charlotte was definitely tired of it.

        She spun around a bit, enjoying the feeling of the cool spring night air. The skirt of her light blue, knee length dress jumper fanning out a bit as she did so, the bottom of the apron she wore going with it. There was a slight breeze blowing through the area, causing the air to stream gently through the thin fabric of the white, short sleeved t-shirt she wore under the dress jumper. She was oblivious to the pair of purple eyes watching her from the trees until the owner of them spoke up.

        "Enjoy your freedom while it lasts. I guarantee this will be the last time you'll ever know the feeling of it."

        "Hmm? What makes you say that?"

        "Because I just know... You seem rather calm for a person encountering a random voice in the woods, especially at night."

        "Ah, why be scared when you partially know what you are dealing with? Vous êtes français."

        "Est-ce que vous parlez françois?"

        "Je parle il, oui?"


        There was an awkward silence following the two's very short discussion. Neither of the two dared to move. Charlotte was testing to see if who ever this stranger was was man enough to reveal himself on his own or if she was going to have to ask him to come out. He seemed to figure out what she was doing and sighed audibly before walking out of the shadows and into the dim moonlight.

        Now that Charlotte could see him, he was somewhat handsome. His hair was down to his shoulders and was a dull blond color. His eyes were a medium shade of purple, a truly unusual color for any normal human being. He had scruffy looking stubble and a melancholic expression on his face. A freshly lit cigarette was dangling from the corner of his mouth. His feet were clad in a pair of brown loafers while his legs were covered by dark grey slacks. His upper half was covered by a purple button down shirt with the first few top buttons undone. He took a long drag from his cigarette and blew it out to the side.

        "So, mind telling me what a girl like you is doing out in the woods at night?"

        "I had nothing better to do honestly. That and I wanted some fresh air."

        "You do know that vampires hunt in this area at night, correct?"

        "Yes, I'm well aware."

        "Yet you still came out of your pathetic hole in the ground."

        "Yes, I did, and it's not a 'pathetic hole'."

        "Then what do you call it?"

        "It's more like a safety zone."

        The man raised an eyebrow at her before closing his eyes and shaking his head. He took another drag from his cigarette and blew it into a perfect circle above her head.

        "You're oblivious..."

        "Oblivious? To what?"

        He gave her a crooked smile and revealed one of his elongated canines. The tip of it poked over the top of his bottom lip. Charlotte gave him a blank look. He dropped the partial smile and gave her another questioning look.

        "You're not scared?"

        "No. I knew you were one. A typical human wouldn't just so happen to be out here at the same time as me. It was only a logical guess that you were a vampire."

        "You're... interesting..."

        "Am I?"

        "Oui... You haven't run from me yet, so you obviously think that you're brave and are trying to act like it." He moved in closer to her and sniffed by her neck. "You have a slight smell of fear, but it's not the usual overpowering stench I usually smell coming from your kind." He circled her next. "You care for your appearance, but don't mind getting dirty when necessary. You're apron has various stains on it, mainly from melted chocolate and flour. You work with pastries, but you have a strong smell of fresh bread."

        "And you smell of cigarettes and alcohol." She grabbed his arm and pulled him towards her, sniffing the air around his neck like he had done to her. "You also have a faint scent of roses."

        He pulled his arm away from her and backed up a few paces. She was definitely different from all the other women he had ever encountered. She wasn't scared to confront him, and she certainly had no issue with getting extremely close to him. It was a little off putting for him. He stomped his cigarette into the ground before turning on his heels, walking off back into the shadows.

        "Wait! Will I get to see you again?" she asked in the direction he had gone.

        "... Maybe..." he answered back.

~After Charlotte Had Three Years of Secret Meetings With François~

        "Are you sure you're going to be okay by yourself?" Isabelle, the wife of her next door neighbor Luke Castel, asked Charlotte as she carried in her newborn baby boy, Matthieu.

        "Yes, I'm sure."

        "You can always stay with Luke and I you know."

        "I know. I think I'll be okay on my own though."

        "Very well. We're right next door if you ever need anything."

        "Okay. Thank you Isabelle."

        "You're welcome Charlotte."

        Isabelle left Charlotte to be alone with Matthieu, and that's how it was for the next three years until the Castels brought you home. Matt was introduced to you immediately, and was completely taken by how tiny of a baby you were. He didn't know that you were the princess of humanity until he was about five years old, but that didn't matter to him. What did matter was that he had a potential new playmate. As few years passed, you and Matt had become best friends with him now being eleven and you being eight. The two of you were pretty adventurous and loved to climb things, especially the maple tree in his front yard. At the moment, the two of you were scouting out a good spot to place a tree house.

        "What do you think (n/n)? Do these ones look good?" Matt asked you as he gestured to a cluster of thick branches.

        "Hmm..." You jumped on each one a bit to test their strength. "I think these will work pretty well! They don't even shake when I jump on them!"

        "Great! I'll go tell my mom so she can help us get the supplies!"

        He darted into the house after jumping down from the branch he was on, leaving you alone to sit in the tree to wait for him. It felt like it was taking him forever to come back, and it was making you become bored. A rustling in the tree suddenly brought your attention to a point. You looked in the direction of the sound and saw a squirrel sitting on the branch above you. It had a nut in its hands and was looking at you with malicious intent.

        "Don't you do it Mr. Squirrel," you said to it.

        It didn't listen and threw the nut at your head. You freaked out a bit and lost your balance, causing you to fall out of the tree. Thankfully, the cross straps of your overalls that you were wearing got caught on a branch. You hung from the tree, gently swinging back and forth. Matt came back out not a moment later and rushed over to you, helping you down off of the branch and onto the ground.

         "What the heck happened?" he inquired.

         "I was sitting up there, minding my own business, when a squirrel came out of nowhere and hit me in the head with a nut! It startled me and I lost my balance, which made me fall. It was a good thing I was wearing my overalls today though since they got snagged on that branch."

          He looked at you with a straight face for a moment before bursting out laughing. He had tears in his eyes as he looked up to the tree. The squirrel was sitting on the branch you had been on, glaring down at you in the way that squirrels do. I wiped the tears from his eyes with his index finger and took you by the shoulders.

          "I'm sorry for laughing, but that's funny."

          "No it's not..."

          "Whatever you say, but I still think it's funny."

          "Yeah yeah. Are we building this tree house or what?"

          "Of course we are! You didn't almost fall out of that tree for nothing! Mom says that there is wood out back for us to use, so let's go!"

          You giggled a bit as you were pulled along by the blond to the back of his house, him being over excited about building something as usual.

~Matt Leaves to Find His Father~

        Matthieu looked to his mother's peacefully sleeping face. His violet, light blue speckled eyes dimly glowed in the darkness. He gently pushed her bangs out of her face and kissed her forehead one last time before departing the place he once called home. He picked up a duffel bag he packed the previous night from the bushes, as well as his hockey stick that he had used so many times in his ice hockey matches. He set off for the overworld, making his way past the guards and out of the hatch. He used the darkness to cover his tracks as he walked in the direction of the only place he could think of going at this point: the castle of the vampire kingdom.

        His mother had told him about his father. It wasn't very much information, but it was enough that he knew more about his father than his father did about him. He knew that he lived in the castle, and his father knew of his existence, but that was all he really knew besides a description of him. What would his father say upon meeting him? That didn't matter to Matt very much. He was only seeking someone to train him in how to use his vampire senses. Yes, he knew of what he was. It was no surprise to him. He had always known his was a little different than most people his age. Now that he was sixteen though, he wan't to learn how to use his powers to his advantage.

        The journey to the castle would have much longer than the mere seven minutes it too him to get there with his super speed, the one thing that he knew how to use well, had he not been a half vampire. He approached the gates and asked to be let in, saying that he needed to speak with someone. One of the two guards on duty dashed into the castle to seek permission for them to let him in from the successor to the throne, Prince Luciano. He granted the request and asked to see the boy they were talking about before he let him wonder the castle in search for whoever it was he wanted to see. The guard who had gone to the throne room came back and let him in. The same guard then guided him to see Luciano, who was waiting patiently.

        "So you're the boy at the front gate I was told of. By the way my guard was talking he made you sound a lot younger for your age and a lot smaller. How old are you?" Luciano asked from the throne as Matt walked into the throne room, the doors being shut by two maids from the outside after he was completely in.

        "Sixteen Your Majesty," Matt responded. He shifted the duffel bag on his shoulder a bit.

        "Come closer. I don't bite... often." Luciano gave him a small smirk, showing off the tips of his fangs.

        Matt walked up to the throne and stood a few feet away. Luciano stood up and walked down the few steps that lead up to the platform his throne was on. He circled the tall and slightly muscular blond a few times curiously. He sniffed about him, craning his neck and having to stand on his tip toes to sniff by his neck. The vampire prince seemed a bit surprised and backed off a bit.

        "You've a half blood," he stated.

        "Yes, I am."

        "You're a very rare breed of vampire, do you know that?"

        "No, I didn't. I presumed there were others like me."

        "There aren't to my knowledge. You're the only half human one anyway."

        "The only half human?"

        "Yes. All the others are animals of some kind. We vampires specialize in breeding them for hunting purposes and companionship. Putting that aside though, you've come here to talk to someone I've been told."

        "That's correct."

        "And who is it that you're here to speak to?"

        "My father, François Bonnefoy."

        "Ah, so you're the offspring he told me about. Welcome to the castle then. Do you plan to stay here?"

        "Yes, if that's alright that is."

        "Of course. I'll have a room prepared for you by daybreak. Until then, I suppose you should meet your father and new family."

        "New family?"

        "Yes, new family. You'll see what I mean when you go to your father, who, if my senses are correct, is in the kitchen. One of the maids will escort you there and give you a tour later on."


        "You're welcome." A maid came in, ready to escort him to the kitchen. "Oh, before you go, my name is Luciano Vargas if you didn't already know."

        "Matthieu Williams."

        The two nodded in acknowledgement and went their separate ways with Matt following the maid and Luciano heading back to his throne. The maid was a pretty blond girl with green eyes and a bright attitude. Matt would have been lying if he said he didn't find her attractive at all. In fact, he might have even said he was developing a small crush on her as she talked to him and pointed out rooms and corridors.

        "And this is the dinging hall. Towards the back are two doors that lead to the kitchen. Your father should still be in there!" she said with a large smile.

        "Thank you Miss..."

        "Oh! Where are my manners? I'm Lauren!"

        "Thank you then Lauren. The names Matthieu."

        "Ooh! I like your name!"

        "Uh... Thanks... I really like yours too."

        "You're welcome and thank you as well! I best be off though! I don't need to be scolded by my grumpy maid trainer Anna! Good by Matthieu!" She waved at him as she walked down the hall.


        Matt sighed as he walked into the dining hall and to where the kitchen was. He knocked on the door and waited for a reply for him to enter. A chipper voice with a British accent told him to enter. It wasn't what he was expecting at all, but supposed it must have been the chef telling him that. He walked in and was greeted by the sight of three men. One matched the description of his father to a point, one was a strawberry blond with freckles, and the last one was a brunette. He awkwardly waved to them.

        "Oh! Hello dear! What can I do for you?" the strawberry blond male asked. He had been the one that told him to come in.

        "I'm here to talk to my father."

         François nearly dropped the cigarette he was lighting at hearing that. He turned to look at Matthieu fully and gave him a questioning look.

        "You're what Charlotte gave birth too?"

        "Yes, I'm what my mother gave birth too."


        "Franny! Don't be rude!" the British man scolded. "I'm terribly sorry about him. He's always this way though sadly..."

        "It's alright. My mother warned me about him."

        "So you're my step-brother?" interrupted the brunette, who spoke with a New York accent.

        "What was that?" Matt asked.

        "You. You're my step-brother. You're kinda scary looking for a kid, aren't you?"

        "Allen! You're as bad François!"

        "Can someone please explain what is going on?" Matt was growing irritated by the second and on the verge of cursing at someone if he didn't get some answers.

        "Alight, since those two are being rude, I'll explain what is going on for you," the Brit offered as he ushered him to take a seat next to the brunette, now known as Allen at the small circular table in the kitchen. "Well, to start off, my name is Oliver and the one you're sitting next to is my son Allen. I'll try to make this as simple as possible, so to make a long story short, your father and I are married. And Allen, he's you're half-brother since he wasn't born when Franny and I got married."

        "So this is what the prince meant when he said I'd be meeting my new family..."

        "That it is. I'm sorry if we're not what you wanted my dear."

        "No, it's fine... I just wish my half-brother didn't seem like such a hoser..."

        "Oi, watch it half blood! I'll kick your ass if you aren't careful with what you say!"

        "Allie-bear, you potty mouth! Swear jar!"

        Matt snickered at the nickname and watched as Al grumbled while putting a dollar into the glass jar extended out to him by Oliver.

        "Anyway, sorry about that. It's not the first impression I was hoping we would make on you."

        "No, it's fine, really," Matt laughed out through a few chuckles.

        "I'm sure transitioning to life here might be a little difficult, so how about you and I go pick out a cuddly companion for you?" Oliver offered. "My treat and a welcome to the family present."

        "Uh, sure."

       "Splendid! Follow me then deary! I hope you can use super speed!"

       "I can."


        Oliver ran out of the room, Matt following closely behind while Al and François sat at the table with blank expressions. The two that had run off came upon a wing of the castle that had kennels and outdoor pastures for the various animals it housed. Oliver walked with Matt down the isles of different animal species. Many of them were smaller species like dogs and cats with a few horses thrown in. Matt wasn't particularly attracted to any of them though. That was until they got towards the end of the last isle.

        "Hey Oliver?" Matt asked as he stopped in front of a large kennel.

        "Yes dear?"

        "What about this guy?"

        "Good heavens! A polar bear?!"

        "Yeah, why not? They've always been my favorite animal. Well, them, moose, and rabbits."

        "Wouldn't you maybe like something smaller?"

        "No, I want this one."

        "If he's the one you really want, then I guess I can't talk you out of it."

        Oliver opened the door and out walked a two and a half year old half blood polar bear with fur as pure as snow. He walked up to Matt and sniffed at the hand the blond had extended towards him. He licked it before nuzzling his head into the palm of it.

        "He's taken quite the liking to you already! That's absolutely adorable!"

        "If that's what you want to call it..." He pet the bear's head with a small smile.

        "What would you like to name him?"


        "That's an interesting name... I like it!"

        Matt only nodded and began following Oliver out of the kennels and enclosures. Kuma was walking right next to him as they headed back to the kitchen. The two of them were silent for a while, no one daring to speak until Matt decided to say something.


        "Yes Mattie?"

        "Thanks for the polar bear."

         Oliver stopped walking and turned around to hug him. Matt hugged him back awkwardly.

        "It was no problem dear, and welcome to the family!"

~Author's Note~

DreamsForDays here! Here you guys go! The third extra I promised is finally here! Now we have a bit of background information on how the Vampire! 2p! FACE family came to be and a bit of Matt's background. I also have an updated tally on the voting, but first, here are the translations for this chapter.

Translations: All French

Vous êtes français. - You are French.

Est-ce que vous parlez français? - You speak French?

Je parle il, oui? - I am speaking it, yes?

Ouais... - Yeah...

That's all of them! Here is the updated voting tallies!

In first place with seven votes is Monster! 2p! Various x Famous! Reader. In second place with five votes is Ice Hockey Instructor! 2p! Canada x Professional Ice Skater Instructor! Reader. In third place with four votes is Zombie Apocalypse Boyfriend Scenarios: 2p Hetalia x Reader. In fourth place with two votes is Zombie Apocalypse Boyfriend Scenarios: 1p Hetalia or x Reader. Tied in fifth place with one vote each is Sebastian x Angel! Reader and Seto Kaibo x CEO! Reader. First for secondary votes is Monster! 2p! Various x Famous! Reader with two votes. Second for secondary votes is Zombie Apocalypse Boyfriend Scenarios: 2p Hetalia x Reader.

If you didn't vote the last two times, this is your last chance to vote before the winner is announced next week! Here is the list and the voting process!


- Zombie Apocalypse Boyfriend Scenarios: 1p Hetalia or 2p Hetalia x Reader (If you vote for this, please specify 1p or 2p. Also, yes, they will be like normal boyfriend scenarios, but they will follow a story line. So, it would be like a series of mini chapters in one update since I'd update multiple characters at once.) (Hetalia)

- Ice Hockey Instructor! 2p! Canada x Professional Ice Skater Instructor! Reader (Multi-chapter or really long one shot) (2p Hetalia)

- Monster! 2p! Various x Famous! Reader (Multi-chapter with multiple endings) (2p Hetalia and Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou crossover) (Please don't judge me on this.)

- Sebastian x Angel! Reader (Multi-chapter) (Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji)

- Singer! Dancer! Levi x Shy! Photographer! Fan! Reader (Multi-chapter or really long one shot) (Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin)

- Yandere! Levi x Captain! Reader (One shot, sequel to my story "Comfort") (Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin)

- Dog! Levi x Dog! Reader (Multi-chapter) (Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin) (Please don't judge me too hard on the decision of a Dog! Levi x Dog! Reader...)

- L x Detective! Reader (Multi-chapter) (Death Note)

- Seto Kaiba x CEO! Reader (Multi-chapter) (Yu-Gi-Oh) (Don't judge me on this one either please.)

- Jacob Frye x Gang Leader! Reader (Multi-chapter) (Assassin's Creed: Syndicate)

~Voting Process~

-Comment what you'd like to see the most.

-You can vote for more than one story option, but please rank them in order from what you'd like to see the most.

- You don't have to decide on this extra. I'll be posting the list again for the next two extras, so you can choose then if you'd want. I know the list is rather long, so I can understand if you want to think about it.

That should be everything for this chapter! Thanks for reading! Feedback in the comments is always appreciated! Until next time!


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