His Last Hope (TO/Hope Mikael...

By Smileygal05001

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"You don't know my father, he's the worst monster of them all." Hope Mikaelson. After running off to London a... More

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen:
Chapter Fifteen:

Chapter Eight:

763 27 13
By Smileygal05001

Previously on His Last Hope:

"Here I am." Hope smirked. "Now, the last I heard, you were dead along with your weasel of a brother."

"Hm, seems not." Aurora shrugged. "So, it's been, what, 19 years since I killed Cami?"

"Don't you dare say her name." Hope threatened.

Aurora giggled, riling Hope up.

"What's the matter? Do you miss her?"

"Shut up."

"She was pathetic. She couldn't even hack it, being a vampire."

"Shut up!" Hope yelled as she sped at Aurora but the redhead snapped her neck.

She looked at down at Hope's body and chuckled. A few seconds later, Hope's phone rang.

"Ah," Aurora smirked as she picked it up and saw it was Klaus. "Daddy's worried about you, princess." Pocketing the phone, Aurora took out her own. "Hey," she drawled seductively, "I have a little surprise for you, you're gonna love it."

Hope lay on the floor, still dead.


Chapter Eight:

"What did you do to her?"

Aurora looked at Hope, who was tied up in a chair, her head bowed down.

"Nothing much," Aurora shrugged as she fished out Hope's ringing phone. "Ugh, leave her alone, Klaus." She cut the call off and put the phone back in her jacket.

"Nevermind Klaus. Sister, she is covered in blood!"

"Oh, shush, Tristan, you were always a whiner. Pretty sad nothing has changed."

"This was not a part of our plan!" Tristan snapped. "We were supposed to immobilise her and take her with us." 

"That's what I did, but I just added a little something extra and tortured her." Aurora looked at Hope and chuckled. "Sleeping beauty is still out."

"How dare you go against my command!"

"Why-how could you feel something for this- this foolish little girl?!" Aurora looked at Hope. "She's just another blonde bimbo!"

"Why wouldn't I? She's destined for greatness and I want to be a part of it. It's not rocket science, sister."

Aurora smiled.

"And here I was, thinking you were in love with her."

"She will be mine and she will reciprocate those feelings." Tristan spoke as he looked at Hope. "She'll have no choice but to do so. For your information, Hope is the smartest blonde to ever grace this pathetic planet."

"She's too young for you, brother."

Tristan scoffed before he walked towards Hope and lifted up her chin.

"She's covered in blood, and she hasn't healed." Tristan looked back at his sister. "What have you done?!"

"I just used some wolfsbane and witch hazel and injected her with it. I wanted her to be subdued, you know how feisty she can be."

Tristan chuckled as he ran his finger along Hope's jaw.

"Sister, I trust you will look after her? If I see another scratch on her, I will kill you."

"Why?" Aurora asked softly. "Where are you going?"

"I need to see to the preparations." Tristan kissed his fingertips and pressed them on Hope's lips so softly that Aurora was envious. Tristan stepped back before he sped out.

"Ugh, what does he see in you?" Aurora asked as she sat back in the chair opposite Hope. "You're just a kid, a dumb one at that."

At the Original mansion, Aiden had woken up and he was confused as he looked around the bedroom.


"She isn't here,"

Aiden stared into the dark to see a silhouette next to the window.


The light was turned on and Rebekah sighed as she looked at Aiden.

"She's been taken,"

"What?" Aiden gasped as he got out of bed. "When? Why didn't anyone wake me before?"

"There's nothing you could've done," Rebekah sighed. "You're only human and we can't risk you dying."

"Even so," Aiden pulled on his top. "I'm gonna go and find her. I need to."

"You're not going anywhere, it's too dangerous."

"The hell it is." Aiden was now pulling in his converse shoes. "She's my girlfriend and I'm gonna go and find her even if it kills me."

"Look, if you died, Hope would bring you back just to kill you again." Rebekah pointed out and Aiden chuckled. "We have people out, looking for her, you just need to sit tight."

"Okay." Aiden sat down on the bed and ran his hand through his messy hair. "What if something's happened to her...I shouldn't have fallen asleep. I should've known she'd sneak out."

"We can't think like that. It's not your fault, my niece is as stubborn as they come."

Aiden raised a smile.

"You can say that again."

There was a knock on the door and Rebekah sighed as she opened it. It was Klaus.

"Aiden," Klaus spoke calmly, "do you have any idea where my daughter could be?"

"No, Mr Mikaelson."

Rebekah choked back laughter.

"Klaus is fine."

"Okay, Klaus." Aiden said. "I don't know where she is."

"Okay." Klaus walked over to Aiden. "You will stay put, okay? We can't have you hurt."

"Fine, okay, I'll stay."


"Nik, where's Elijah?"

Klaus faced his sister.

"Out with Hayley."

"I should be helping them," Rebekah murmured before she sped out.

Klaus looked at Aiden again and compelled him.

"You will stay here."


"Why aren't you being compelled?" Klaus asked before his eyes narrowed and he chuckled. "Of course, my daughter gave you vervain. Now, I have two options. I can either bleed the vervain out of your system by means of torture and compel you to stay, or you could do as you're told and stay here. Now, Aiden, which will it be?"

"I'm staying here," Aiden murmured.

"Good." Klaus sped out and Aiden groaned softly as he sat on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands. "Please be okay, Hopey."

In the French Quarter, Hayley had Tyler pinned against the wall.

"Where's my daughter?" Hayley snarled.

"Nice to see you, too," Tyler remarked.

"Answer her," Elijah commanded.

"I don't know. The last time I saw Hope was that day, when I asked her to give Klaus something."

"Swear it," Hayley spoke.

"Elijah, you can compel me."

"No need, I know you are telling the truth."

Hayley released Tyler and looked at Elijah.

"You're sure?"

"Yes." Elijah spoke calmly.

Hayley sighed and looked at Tyler sadly.

"What's happening to me?" Without looking at Elijah, Hayley sped off.

"Hope's missing?" Tyler asked.

Elijah nodded.

"Let me help," Tyler murmured. "Please, I'll help."

"Why are you so eager to help when you tried to kill her when she was in her mother's womb?" Elijah asked calmly.

"Because she's the only one who can help me and the others back in Mystic Falls."

Elijah looked at Tyler for the longest time, as if he was trying to figure out if Tyler was telling the truth. Finally, he held out his hand and Tyler shook it, surprised.

"You check in the Bayou and round up some wolves to help."

Tyler nodded and sped off. Soon enough, Elijah sped off in the opposite way.

At the abandoned petrol station, Aurora was watching Hope.

"What do you have that I don't?" Aurora asked softly.

Hope began to stir and Aurora smiled.

"Finally, you're awake. I was getting lonely."

"Oh, honey, nobody likes a desperate person." Hope looked up, a grin on her bloodied face. "You practically reek of it, Aurora."

Aurora stood up but stopped. Tristan was back.

"Leave." He commanded to his sister. 

Hope closed her eyes as Aurora sped out. Holding her breath, Hope waited as for Tristan to say something.

"Are you hungry?"

"I - what?" Hope's eyes flew open.

Tristan threw a blood bag in Hope's lap, who stared at it in shock.

"What's the matter?" Tristan asked. "Need me to feed it to you?"

"Stay away from me." Hope murmured.

"Oh, darling," Tristan exhaled as he crouched down to Hope's level. "Why must you be like this?"

Hope stared at the blood bag intensely.

"Drink it."

"In the case you haven't noticed, I'm tied up." Hope quipped.

"If I untie you, will you promise to be a good girl?"

"Fuck off," Hope laughed.

"Can't you see I love you? But I'm beginning to lose patience with you and you know what happens when I lose patience."

"You claim to love me, yet you allowed your sister to harm me." Hope murmured.

"That could not be helped."

"Oh, but it could. You could kill her."

Tristan chuckled.

"Oh, my sweet angel." He sighed as he stood up. Tristan ran his hand through Hope's hair as she started to struggle. "My sister and I cannot be killed because of a little something."

Hope stopped struggling.

"What have you done?"

"Nothing you need to concern that pretty little head with." Tristan grabbed Hope by her throat. "But know this, beautiful, you are coming with my sister and I."

"Like hell I am."

"Oh, you are, and stop struggling, love. Sooner or later, you won't be able to resist me."

Hope snorted and Tristan chuckled.

"You're so full of it, Tristan. My family will find me and when they do, they will rip you from limb to limb."

"By the time they arrive, we'll be gone." Tristan smirked.

Hope's heart skipped a beat.

"Gone?" She repeated.

"We're leaving tonight." Tristan sped out, the lights turned off, leaving Hope all alone in the cold darkness.

"Hello?" Hope called out. "Aurora? I know you're there, I can hear you breathing like a fat pig."

Seconds later, the lights were turned on and Aurora came into view.

"About time," Hope spoke.

"Oh, I can't wait to kill you."

"What's stopping ya?" Hope asked with a sneer. "Come on, Aurora, kill me, you know you want to."

"I would, but my brother has developed some...feelings for you."

"And that pisses you off because he was in love with you, an incestuous relationship, wasn't it? Oh, you didn't have sex? Sure (!)"

Aurora's eyes darkened as she sped right in front of Hope.

"I have a good mind to kill you."

"Do it," Hope whispered.

Aurora smiled as she ripped off vervain and wolfsbane drenched ropes off Hope's arms without so much as a grimace.

"Woman to woman, let's do it." Aurora tied up her long red hair and smirked. "May the best bitch win."

The two women sped at each other.

Meanwhile, Klaus growled as he held a young man by his throat.

"I will ask you for the last time. Where is my daughter?"

"I haven't seen her, I swear."

Klaus squeezed harder.

"I swear!"

"A likely story, Duncan!" Klaus snarled. "Hope and you are friends. So, come on, little warlock, where is she?"

"I haven't seen her since she came back! I'm telling you the truth!"

"Let him go, Klaus, he's telling the truth."

Klaus released the young man and turned to look back.


"Your daughter is definitely cloaked."

Klaus scowled.

"Any ideas how to find her?"

The witch shook her head. Klaus looked at her son and sneered.

"I suggest you find a way before I'm forced to kill little Duncan." Klaus sped off and the mother and son embraced.

During Hope and Aurora's fight, it was hard to see who was gaining the upper hand. After a while, Aurora managed to snap Hope's neck again.

"Whoo," Aurora stood up, breathless.

After mere minutes, Hope was awake.

"So much power! The last time I saw you, you were a baby. When did you get so strong?"

"You're forgetting whose daughter I am," Hope smirked as she brushed her hair out of her eyes. "Had enough yet?"

"Look at you, pumped full of vervain and wolfsbane and you're still going."

"You sound surprised," Hope laughed quietly.

"I actually am," Aurora walked towards Hope. "Why don't you join my brother and I? Think about it, the three of us would be unstoppable."

"Hm," Hope pretended to ponder. "Let's see...how about no?"

"You'll regret it." Aurora giggled.

"The only thing I regret is ever having the misfortune to meet you and your disgusting brother."

"He loves you, for some reason." Aurora looked at Hope up and down. "You're pretty but that's it. Why would he love you?"

"Maybe because I'm a tribrid?" Hope suggested. "A vampire, a witch and a hybrid."

Aurora's eyes lit up.

"The three of us would be unstoppable."

"Keep dreaming, sleeping beauty," Hope laughed.

"Fine. So, tell me, what will poor Hopey do when mummy and daddy are dead?" Aurora asked in a mocking tone.

"Stay-" Hope spat as she suddenly grabbed Aurora by her hair and slammed her head into the wall with her full force, "-the fuck away from my family!" She smiled when she heard repetitive crunching sounds as Aurora's skull and face shattered as they smashed into the tiled wall. "Now," Hope dragged Aurora backwards by her hair and stood her up. "Look in there, bitch."

Shaking, Aurora looked into the mirror and gasped; her eyes were bloodshot, her face was swelling up rapidly and she was covered in blood.

"Why am I not healing?" Aurora asked as she blinked blood out of her eyes. "What did you do to me?!"

"A little spell done by a big witch," Hope smirked. "Aw, poor Aurora. Now that you've lost your looks, you have nothing else going for you. A pity."

"I'm gonna kill you!" Aurora screamed as she headbutted Hope backwards.

Hope fell back and felt her lip, which was bleeding.

"Oh," Hope laughed as she looked at the blood on her fingertips, "You're so gonna regret that." Hope jumped up and sped right in front of Aurora. She smashed her head into the mirror and snapped her neck.

Hope felt in her pocket for her phone.

"You took my phone? Really, bitch?" Hope took out her phone from Aurora's pocket and took a photo of Aurora. She looked at it and giggled. "Enjoy your nap, bitch." Hope looked down and spat out a mouthful of blood, before she stepped over Aurora's body and walked out.

Outside, Hope fumbled with her phone and waited.

"Finally, Dad, where are you? I've sorted it. I'm okay, no, I'm fine. Er, listen, who's at home right now? Well, because I'm in a bit of a state right now. No, I'm okay. I'll be there in a few."

Hope looked around and sped off.

Seconds later, Klaus looked up as Hope strode in.

"What have you done?" He asked in a low voice.

"What, this?" Hope gestured to her bloodied mouth and bleeding hands. "You should see the other guy. Where's Aiden?"

"He is with Marcel, looking for you."

Hope snorted.

"Opps. Better call off the search!"

"This isn't a laughing matter, sweetheart,"

"Where on earth have you been?"

Hope looked at Rebekah.


"Where were you?" Elijah asked.

Hope now looked at Elijah.

"What is this, gang up on Hope day?" Hope asked in a surly tone.

"Hope, you're covered in blood. You didn't answer your phone for hours. Elijah's witch couldn't find and now that you're hear, you're bleeding and covered in blood." Hayley sighed and put her hands on each of Hope's shoulders. "Honey, I'm sorry to ask this, but what the hell have you done, you crazy girl?"

"I haven't killed anyone, if that's what you're getting at," Hope mumbled.

"Then where were you?" Klaus asked calmly.

"Dad, trust me. I went and I did what I had to do. I don't regret it one bit. That fucking whore deserved it."

Following Hope's harsh words, silence followed.

"Who?" Elijah asked, unnerved. "Who is this...whore you speak of?"

Hope looked at him and smiled.

"Aurora De Martel."

"Oh, my God." Rebekah sighed as she looked at Hope. "Why would you go after her when she could kill you without so much as blinking?"

"Because I had to get to her and hurt her before she hurt my family." Hope shrugged. "Don't you get it, auntie Rebekah? For as long as Aurora and her weasel of a brother are around, we're all sitting ducks and we're all in danger."

"Especially you, Hope."

"Nah, I'll be fine, I'm a big girl."Hope took out her phone. "Look at this, this'll prove I can handle myself." Hope continued to flicked through before she smiled and held her phone up. Elijah, Hayley and Rebekah looked horrified and stunned. Klaus looked startled. Kol, however, smirked.

"Well?" Hope asked.

"What the hell?" Klaus thundered.

"It was self-defense!" Hope yelled. She sighed and exhaled. "Sorry, I shouldn't have yelled. But like I said, it was self-defense. She lured me into some abandoned petrol station outside of town and threw petrol over me!" Hope took off her jacket. "Look, that stupid bitch even ruined one of my favourite t shirts!"

"When did this happen?" Elijah asked calmly.

"An hour ago."

Rebekah took the jacket from Hope and sniffed it. She looked at Klaus, visibly shaken.

"What?" Hayley asked, catching on.

"This jacket is practically doused in petrol mixed with wolfsbane and witch hazel."

Hope paled.

"Why couldn't I smell wolfsbane and witch hazel? She said she injected me with it. Not doused."

"Does that matter?" Hayley shrieked; she started to panic. "That mad woman wants to hurt you!"

"Hurt?" Kol spoke, "try kill."

"Mum, calm down," Hope said calmly, "She's just playing games with us. What's the worst that can happen? A few burns?"

"It wasn't made to hurt you," Elijah spoke in a low voice, "it was supposed to kill you."

Woah! So Aurora doesn't want to have fun with Hope, she wants to kill her!!

What's gonna happen next???

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