One shots One Piece

By toonlunykit

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Some one shots that I make for my one piece stories. Some of So-Ming and her dad others of Honoka and Trafalg... More

Law (teacher) x oc (student)
So-Ming [child] Law [Soldier]
Honoka [Wife] x Law [Husband]
[New kid] Law x oc
Law x oc misunderstanding
Forgotten Love
So-Mings adventures chapter 2 [Getting the first mate drunk]
Mr. Heartbreaker
Friendzone Law x Oc
Law [Soldier] x Honoka [Girlfriend]
Honoka x Law (Cheating)
First mate [So-Mings Adventures Chapter 1]
So-Ming and Luffy moments
Honoka |Girl next door| x Trafalgar Law
Gangster dad - Law

[Single Mother] Honoka x Trafalgar Law [Billionaire]

728 8 0
By toonlunykit

"So-Ming!" I call and look under the bed. I turn to the door and look at Low. "Low, where is your sister?"

"In your room sleeping." He picks up one of his cars and takes it with him to living room. I smile Low is so we'll behaved, I wish So-Ming didn't always scare me. I go into my room and sure enough my little girl is sleeping in the middle of the queen sized bed.

She has beautiful blonde hair and gray eyes. I'm sure she got them from her mom and her eyes from her dad. Low had think black hair and blue eyes yet you could tell they were siblings because of the small darkness around their eyes, and how they also shared a similar facial structure.

"So-Ming, sweetie time to get up." I give her a kiss then lift her off the bed. Cradle her in my arms and walk to the kitchen.

"So, what do you want for breakfast!" I call out to Low.

"Blueberry pancakes! With-with, cinnamON." He rushed into the kitchen. I laugh,"Okay, anything else?"

I feel So-Ming stir. "Orange juice..." She says sleepy. I set her down on her feet next to her brother. "Okay let's see if we have enough blueberries." I grin at them.

I'm not very well off. I adopted them about a year ago. We live in a small apartment on the nice side of town. The rent isn't to bad I enrolled them in school and I work 3 jobs, that way I can get everything they need.

I open the fridge and see that we are running out of milk I need to buy some butter and more eggs. I have two cases of blueberries left. Then I have left over take out food from the Italian restaurant we went to three days ago.

"Alright let's make pancakes!" I get the two cases of blueberries, and shut the fridge.

"Low stay close to your sister!" I call to them when I see them run to the fruit section.

'Well call you on mind chat if we need anything!' They both say. I sigh, I hope they say out of trouble. I get a shopping cart and go to the produce aisle. I take a look on how much a case of blueberries are, ACK!


This is so much...I pick up 4 packs and go on.

After getting almost everything I go and look for the kids. Finding twins can't be to hard. I sniff the air to look for them. I smell So-Ming but not low. Two other people...!

I look at the shopping cart I'll only leave it for a second! I run to So-Ming.

"Yeah, if you can get the dollar, I'll give it to you." I hear a guy laugh.

I clench my first. I see So-Ming trying to jump and get the 5 dollar bill from a guys and who pulls it up and the last second so she can't get it.

"You are so cute." The other guy with a penguin cap says to So-Ming, then pushing his friend with sunglasses.

"Got it!" So-ming laughed.

"Shachi! You retard!" The guy with the Penguin cap hits the other guy. "Hey!" He yells at the other. I guess I worried for nothing.

"Kid give the money back." The guy known as 'Shachi grabs So-Mings hand!

I run over and kick his face! Mom mode activated!


"Don't you dare touch my kid!" I glower at them. I make sure to show them my fangs.

"Shachi! You okay? I'm not going to fight you..." He trails off looking at me up and down. Really? I punched the guy right in his chest. I feel him grab my arm. "You're not smart.." He gasps, as the other guy got up.

"So-Ming get your brother. NOW!" I yell at her. I hear her run kicked my feet up and knocked the guy on the floor. Then see the other guy come at me! I jump back. Good job Honoka! Getting into fights at a supermarket. I think to myself.

  "Shachi! Penguin!" I hear a man shout. He smells like Low?! But they guys stopped attacking me. I turn and see my son on the guys shoulder and So-Ming holding his hand smiling.

I narrow my eyes at him. He seems familiar...
  "I found daddy." So-Ming smiles and points at low and the guy. Oh...GOD!

They look so much alike! Except Low has blue eyes and he has gray! So-Ming as gray eyes! This is my worst nightmare! Noooo, they will be taken away from me...I'll never see them again! I'm going to be all alone again.

  My heart sinks more when his scent matches theirs. I frown,"I see."

"I would like to take them to the doctor and see if they are mine, Miss..."

I rub my head,"Honoka." What a mess this is.

"I like that name Honoka, did my men hurt you?" I felt him giving his men a intense glare. I can smell their fear. "No, though they did grab my kid." I glare at them.

I see them get on their hand and knees. "We are sorry captain! We just thought she was cute, and it was penguins money so he got mad when I let her win."

   The man was very handsome.

He looked about 6'3. Gray eyes with side burns and a goatee. He also had tattoos on his arms and hands. What kind of guy is he!

I take a hold of So-Ming and Low. "No way I'm giving you my kids! YOU look like a Gangster!"

He smirks,"Said the one who was checking me out. I'm Trafalgar Law. CEO of Heart Medical Institute. I own more than half of the hospitals in the State."

"Interesting...bye!" I hold on to my kids tightly. I take out my wings and jumped up flying, I go over to where the shopping cart was at. "That was fun momma!" So-Ming laughs getting on the shopping cart.

"Quick to the check out line!" Low pushes the cart. We rush over to self checkout. I look at all the stuff yes nothing got stolen.
    "Nice work babes. Heres 5,000 dollars." Says the manager of the underground fight ring. He gives me a yellow envelope. I quickly look over the money it's all real and here.

"Thanks, see ya next Wednesday." I say putting the envelope in my backpack. I sling it over my good shoulder and walk out to the subway.

I have bruises all over my sides. My legs hurt from all the running. I got my left shoulder dislocated during the fight I put back in place but, it hurts like a bitch! Not to mention my workout clothes are in bad shape.

I get on the subway and head home. I look at the time 7:56. I got fired from my last job today. Guess I should go find another job. I never liked working at that book store anyway. Stupid store manager.

I sit down and wait for my stop. It's been a long day. It's 77 degrees and it's only going to get colder. I take a lot at my ankle, it's bleeding. Nothing I can do about it.  My stop came and I got off. I rub my eyes I'm so tired.

"Miss Honoka." I hear a mans voice. I keep walking ahead. Crap I'm in no position to fight anyone. I can't even run. I feel the guy touch my dad shoulder. I swing at him. I turn and see the guy.

"Trafalgar." I grit, pulling away from him. He looks like those gangster type. A black hoodie and dark pants. He still looked handsome even wearing that. I think about So-Ming and Low I opened the door for them when they got home from school.

I need to get back to the kids I saw them when they got home so I know that they are inside. "You look like shit." He says touching my face. I slapped his hand away.

"I can only imagine what you want." I ignore his last statement.

He looks at me with hooded eyes,"You have no idea what imagine." I take a step back. He just straightens up, man he's tall. I'm here 5'7. "I just want to see my children." He looks at me.

   I turn away from and cross the sidewalk. "Sure then you want to come see them more, after that why don't you take them out. Then you want to take them to your house. Then you send me a court summons! A case to take them away from me right?" I say sarcastically. He's standing right beside me now.

   "No I don't want that...I don't want to be alone again. So, just leave." I say now walking to the better side of town.

"I'll make you a deal, let me see my kids and I will pay off your debt for the next year."

"Daddy!" So-Ming brings her arms up to be held. Low comes over to me and hugs me before says hello to his dad.

"You okay mom?" He looks at my ankle. I hop over the sofa. "Yeah, I got fired from the bookstore."
"They shot you, mommy?!" So-Ming jumps down from Trafalgar's arms and runs to me.

"No no, funny story when I was walking around I tripped on a run and there was a nail sticking out and that's when my ankle got cut. They fired cause I'm clumsy." I lied as I patted So-Mings hair.

Low sat next to me on the sofa and hugged me. "They're stupid," he says. So-Ming nods and Trafalgar holds out a wet cloth then has a kit with him.

"What are you doing, daddy?" So-Ming watches him closely. "Helping Honoka." Was his reply. I take the cloth and put it on my ankle.

I hiss! It's alcohol! "Mom?" Low looks at me then glares at his dad. "What the hell are you goingー"
I grab his arm. "It's okay he's helping." Even if it hurts like a bitch!
I opened my eyes. Then close them, what time is it I look at my watch. 6:28am
  I turn my head about to close my eyes and I see low and So-Ming sleeping with me. I reach out and rub Low's hair out of place.   "Grrr..." I hear him growl deeply.

   Huh? I then see the door open Low is standing in the doorway? Then who...never mind I know. I close my eyes and try to sleep in.

The bed dips and I hear Trafalgar mutter under his breath. The bed shakes low falls next to me. I wrap my arm around Low and bring him close. I close My eyes and drift back to sleep.

I wake up So-Ming is still in my arms but Low and Trafalgar are gone! I bolt up! My sudden movement scares So-Ming and she starts crying!

"Oh, baby I'm sorry." I grab her face and kiss her cheeks. Trafalgar opens the door and Low jumps on the bed. What?

"Everything okay?" He looks at his sister. So-Ming wipes her tears and smiles. I rub my eyes and stretched my legs. Oh that feels better~
   'Mom ask dad if he has a girlfriend.' So-Ming mind chats me.

'Fine.' I look over at Trafalgar who changed into some brown cargo pants with no shirt. Damn! The girl who has him down is lucky!

  "Trafalgar, you single?" I asked now getting up. I look I am wearing my pj silver tube top and my good bottoms....I didn't change last night. I looked at Trafalgar.

He winks at me! No!

  "Yeah, interested?" He smirks at me suggestively. "Low, So-Ming, mommy is going to try to murder your father." I smile at them.

Low picks up his sister and walks out the door. "Bye bye daddy." So-Ming waves at him. While Trafalgar is distracted I punch him in the gut and throw him in the bed trying not to destroy anything.

"So eager," he laughs like it didn't hurt him. I get on top of him and try to twist his arm but he used his legs to flip me over! Damn! I try to knee his family jewels but missed.

"Get off!" I snap. He pins my arms up with one hand. I get scared and scream! Nononono!

My father holding me like this he stabbed me over and over again!

"You need to leave now!" I hear low. My eye sight comes back. I get off the bed. "It's okay, it wasn't his fault. Mom has to go to work. Low hurry and get ready for school." I walk low out and head to the bathroom.

"Miss Honoka, listenー"

I put my hand up,"It's fine, you saw your kids now go I'm busy."

[2 weeks later]
   Dropping off the kids at school I drive back home. My ribs hurt from the street fight last week. Wish my power could help heal broken bones. I'm going to have to stop fighting at this rate.

Then what I will be broke with two kids that need food, clothing and shelter. Maybe I should give them to their dad. I open the door to my apartment and go to the elevator. Clicking the 8th floor I lean on the wall.

Holding my keys tightly. My head throbs. Fuck! Don't pass out! The kids need you! Come on me its your week off with them! Come on I need to take care of them not the other way around.
The elevator door opens and I stumbled out. When I got caught by someone. I looked up,"Why are you here?"

"I want to talk to you, you look hurt." Trafalgar gets my keys! "What the heck are you doing?!" I reach out for them. He picks me by my waist!

"Hold still." He says opening the door. I'm here trying to to hurt my ribs so I hold on. He closes the door and put the keys down my shirt! "Oi!" I frown.
He pulls my bag away from me and throws it on the sofa.

"You can put me down now." I say poking his cheek. He looks sexier from this angle.

He threw me into the air! I can't get out my wings in here it's to small! I fall side ways, Law somehow caught me bridal style. I cover my eyes with my hands,

That was terrifying!

"You suck." I frown deeply. Hearing him chuckle was sexy. But I just want to get ready for when the kids get here. I felt myself getting put on the bed. I move my hands out of the way. He's wearing casual clothes and it look amazing in him.

"I came here so I could take you on a date but, you look terrible." He got on top of me. I involuntarily shudder. "Yeah thanks I feel like it."

"Just rest, I'll will take care of everything." Trafalgar says kissing my hand. I smile and laugh. "Well, see huh?" I go to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of very loud laughter from my kids. Oh I'm so hungry. I look at my clothes. Trafalgar changed me again. I quickly put on some more suitable clothes.

  When I get out I see Law getting pulled around my So-Ming.

That is so cute. Low is eating what I think is leftovers and staring at them. "You look like you have your hands fun with just one kid." I say laughing at him.

"Mom you look nice, uh where are you going?" Low asks with is mouthful. "Don't talk with your mouthful son." Law looks at him then picks up So-Ming.

"I'm going to the doctors." I say feeling my sides. "Daddy said that we are going to live with him now!" So-Ming reaches out for me. My heart shatters, I look at Trafalgar. He is taking them away from me. I feel hurt and betrayed. Damn it! "Mom, dad said that your coming with us. You are, right?" Low stops eating and gives me a look.

"Trafalgar lets talk." I say taking So-Ming and placing a kiss on her forehead then setting her down. Law nods and we walk to the hallway.

I cross my arms over my chest, "So what did you tell them....why are you just staring?" Trafalgar kept his eyes on my breast the whole time. He stepped closer to me.

"You are bigger than a D cup right?" He smirked. I slapped his arm hard. "What did you tell my kids!" I say seriously.

  "Our kids, I told them that I want them in my life and I also what you to come with me." He now says in a serious tone. I cock a eyebrows at him. "Really? Cause I don't believe you." I tap my foot.

"I want to get to know you, if it was any different I would have gotten my kids and left you alone." He steps back and looks away. I knew he didn't care. "I'm giving you a chance to stay with them. So take it or leave it." He says coldly.

I walked around him. "I'll take it." I huff.

"Look mommy reporters are outside the house again." So-Ming looking out the window.

Trafalgar also failed to mention he brings girls for a one nightstand. So in the mornings or afternoon I have to escort them out so Low and So-Ming don't see.

"God, kid shut up!" I hear his one nightstand yell from the other side of the hall. I whip my head and see her.

Monet, wearing Trafalgar's shirt from last night. I looked at So-Ming, if looks could kill Monet would be 6 feet under. I see a silver line swipe past me. Then there's a knife next to Monet's head.

"Next time I won't miss." So-Ming gives her a sadist smile. Wow, my little girl is a badass!

"I'm so proud of you!" I squeal and pick her up. I taking her as far away from Monet as possible. She giggles loudly putting her head on my chest.

(So-Ming is secretly flipping Monet off.)

[5 Hours later]
Monet was one of they many women that slept with Law. She tries to make my life a living hell. I hate her fucking face.

Trafalgar doesn't even have a normal conversation with her. Just one late night he takes her to bed. I still do street fighting and what I do earn legal money is work as Law's maid.

Exclusively I clean his room after his one nightstands. Since I'm 22, Trafalgar said I'm 'Mature enough' to clean his mess. Yeah mature.

I can even get a goddamn date. I enter Law's room and start to clean. Taking off the bedsheets, use some air freshener on the bed. I pick up the clothes and separate them.

  Tonight I'm going on a date. A guy named Sanji. I hope he's not like my last to boyfriends. They cheated on me. I'm kinda giving up on this 'love' shit.

   "Your little shits for kids are so damn annoying!" I hear Monet ranting to Law. I smell his stupid medicine fluid. I take the basket of clothes and take it to the Laundry room.

"If you think that I won't hit that little girl youー"

I hear a very loud slam from down stairs! Even one of the pictures hanging on the wall fall and crash my my feet! I side step away.

"You aren't welcome here anymore, tramp." Trafalgar says seething. I hear Monet screaming and being dragged away. She's cursing at Trafalgar. Ha! Karma's a bitch huh! I smile and put the sheets in the Washing machine. I walkout of the Laundry room. With the basket on my head trying to have fun.

Putting some fresh sheets in the bed I hear the door open. Guess who.

That's right ,Fucking,

David Bowie.

No Law. I slightly look at him. "You know none of the women you sleep with respect you or your kids."

"Shut it." He snaps at me. I huff and walked out of his room. I look at the time. Okay I need to get ready for my date.

Putting a beanie on my head and put on some dark shades to hide my hideous red eyes I look at myself. I look nice. I cured my black hair at the ends and I am ready for this date.

"It's just coffee and a walk to the carnival, nothing more nothing less." I pick up my dark handbag. I wish myself luck and walk out of my room. I look at my watch, 4:05pm.

The kids will be here soon. I walked down stairs and almost made it to the door. "Where are you going?" I hear Trafalgar ask in a pissed off tone.

"Out." I say curtly. Turning around to face him. I see him ground his teeth together,"Where?" He asks again only this time he looked like he would kill me.

"On a date." I roll my eyes. "A date?" He looks at me up and down. Then tilts his head and laughs. I feel hurt how dare he! "I at least make a attempt to be with someone! I made so much better relationship choices than you ever have." I spat.

He laughs more,"Really? I dig up some info about you. Your last 2 boyfriends cheated on you. At least I can get a women in my bed and keep her there. While you can't even keep a guy down." Ow, that hurt.

The door slams open! I look back my heart hurting badly. Why do I even try to find a guy....

"Mom was nothing but good to those shit bastards! She didn't deserve to get her heartbroken twice! So, shut up!" Low yells angrily at his dad. I look at my son, 'Thank you,' I mind chat him.
|At the date|
"Do you want to go on the Farris wheel?" My date Sanji asked.

He's so sweet, a gentleman for sure. But it seems that we both didn't feel a spark for each other. I shake my head. "It's fine," I smile sadly.

The words that Trafalgar said to me hurt. It is true I can't keep a guy down. They will end up leaving me one way or another. "Well let me drop you home." He takes a hold of my hand.

Heart beats just a bit faster. "That would be nice." I slightly swing are arms.

After the drive back he parks in front of the mansion. "I had a wonderful time, let's stay friends." He smiles sweetly and kisses my hand.

I blush,"Yeah, I would love that." I give him a weak smile. "Thank you for everything, your a cool guy Sanji." I hug him and get out of his car.

"Have a wonderful night Honoka-Nya!" He blows me a kiss. How silly of him. I wave back and head to the mansion. "That was fun." I say to myself as I open the door. The lights are dim as expected it's 11:39 pm.

I take off my glasses and lock the door and start to head up the stairs to my room. I'm so exhausted! I take my beanie off. The lights in the hallway turned on brighter!

"So, you also killed two of your brothers in a fire. No wonder your family hates you." I hear Trafalgar say he steps out in front of me. I gulp.

I will never be happy in my life! I've been strong for so long I just need a break. I really don't want to cry. He's just going to laugh at me.
"You don't know me." Is all I say.

He gets in my way,"I think I do, you are a murder. You burned you brothers alive. No one you can't keep a man." He laughs. "I wonder, what your family would do if they knew you lived with me?" He mocked my pain.

I close my eyes defeated. "Congratulations, you hurt me good. I hope you can sleep better at night knowing that." I smile with tears in my eyes.

I looked at him. He shut his mouth. I go around him and enter my room locking the door. I throw my beanie at the wall. I break my shades and scream! I screamed into a pillow. Tears then followed.

All I wanted was to be loved! I just don't want to be alone anymore! I think about my family and how much they beat me till I passed out. The night my brothers died in the fire.

The came into my shed to try and burn me alive! I was 11! I escaped but they got trapped. Even when I tried to go back and save them but, they wanted to kill me!
It was Friday. I just said goodbye to the kids as they went to the school bus. It's been only a day and I'm so glad I haven't seen Law.

I sit in the kitchen picking at my eggs. I just don't feel all that hungry. I sigh and throw the eggs away. I head to the stairs when I bumped into Trafalgar.

"What I said was cruel. I'm a jackass for making you feel like crap. I want to make it up to you." Trafalgar says as he gives me a Bouquet of flowers.

I look at all the flowers he got me...
His isn't real, he's not the kid of guy that does that kind of thing. I rub my eyes with the back of my hand. "Are you real? No this has to be a dream..." I say in shock. Looking at the roses.

"Hm, you dream about me then?" He says smugly. Before going back to looking serious.

"Please forgive me, I'm a asshole for putting you through all that pain. Your right I don't really know you. But I do know that I'm madly attracted to you. But I just can't seem to put my feelings into words." He looks into my eyes.

"This is a dream, a bad dream!" I shove the flowers into his chest and rush into my room. My heart beating wildly!
[1 year later]
"You like daddy~ you love daddy~" So-Ming chants. I pour warm water on her head and get the shampoo on my hands.

"Close your eyes you don't want me to get soap I them." I gently massage her blond hair. She splashes In the water. "Okay!" After I finish that I scrub her back and her legs with a wash cloth.

"Mom hurry up!" I hear loud bang on the bathroom door.

"YOU HAVE TO WAIT!" So-Ming screams!

"Shhh, mommy has a headache." I say to both of them I pour water on So-Ming once more getting rid of all the soap. I wrap I fluffy white towel around her and picked her up.

"Mm so clean." I kiss her little nose. She giggles,"You love daddy~!" Not this again. After that day Trafalgar and I are on good terms and my family has left me alone. Monet is gone too. Trafalgar has also stopped being home is one nightstands.

Opening the door Low has a towel in hand and pushes me out? What? "I'm taking myself a bath." He says closing the door.

"Hm?" I look at So-Ming who is to busy waving at her dad to notice that I was looking at her.

   As I said before Trafalgar is hot, he's quite attractive and handsome. But when he puts on his Business suits he looks sexy!

"Welcome home!" So-Ming shouts waving her arms around. As he gets closer So-Ming puts her head to the side and points at her cheek. She's so cute!

"Something wrong with your cheek?" Trafalgar says not understanding what So-Ming what she wanted. I sigh,"For goodness sake, she wants a kiss." I roll my eyes.

He looks at So-Ming who is beaming at him. He gives her a big kiss. She smiles and looks at me. "Okay, I'm going to put her clothes on and lay down." I turn to So-Mings room.

After dressing her in a kitten printed shirt with gray bottoms I go to my room. My head still hurting. My family I'm so afraid of them. I went to the supermarket and smelled my sister and what seemed to be my father. Their scent gives me a headache.

Leaving the lights off I lay down on my bed. Closing my eyes I hope it goes away. I toss and turn I can't sleep. I get up my head spinning. I'll brush my teeth maybe the mint will clear my mind. Nothing.

I go into the hallway and see Low drying his hair with a towel. "You okay mom?" He looks at me frowning.

"Just a headache." I try to laugh it off.

His frown deepens,"You need to tell dad that you love him. Cause it's hurting you." My mouth drops!

The fuck? What why are they saying this???
"Okay...I don't have feelings for your dad and I don't like him! In fact! Ow...oh..ow *sigh* forget it." I walk to the kitchen.

I see Law eating some ribs that I cooked. I go to the medicine cabinet and get some Ibuprofen. This will get rid of my headache. "These ribs are good." Trafalgar say out loud.

"That's nice." I say wincing even talking is starting to hurt. I open the fridge and get a bottle of water. I take the pill and start gulping down the water.

"I need you." I hear him say.

I spit out the water dramatically into the air! I cough and wipe my mouth. No! I'm not going to service him! I give him a confused look.

He laughs at me. "No not in that way, NEVER in that way, hahaha, my secretary is on maternity leave and I need you to help me."

I'm not helping him what that attitude! Really never? Was that necessary? I take a deep breath. "No." I say and clean up my mess. Thank goodness the medicine went down.

"I need you. Please." He actually said please, well I guess I can helpー

"Or I can take the kids away." I look over at him with a death glare. That was a sensitive subject for me and it always hurt. I put on a angry mask to cover the fear and sadness.

I throw the bottle of water at him! He caught it with that I quickly left the kitchen. He knows how to make me feel vulnerable. My headache is gone.
But the ache in my chest as just begun.

I slam the door in my room. I want to make it seem that I hate him, but I'm actually afraid he will do it. I lock the door. I go to the far side of the room. And sit on the floor.

If he takes them away he as all the power! Money, power, media and he can pull some strings. I have nothing! If the media knows about me my family will come after me! The family I have been trying to kill me for many many years.

I'm afraid, for my kids and for myself. I cover my mouth and cry silently. I hear a knock on my door. I shut my mouth and try to stop the tears.

"Honoka-ya, that was uncalled for I'm sorry." He says. I don't believe him! He just wants me to do want he wants. I hide in the closet and lean on the wall. My eyes sting from crying. I forgot to close my window, bugs are going to get in. My sweet daughter was wrong. Trafalgar can never love me.

The Knocks become louder. He's going to scare the kids. As I get up the door opens and I go back to the closet! I forgot he had the master key. "I'm trying to apologize and youー" he stops.

"She fucking left." He here him say. "Bitch,"

Really what did I expect. "I'm a fucking bitch." Whoa, didn't see that coming. "Maybe asshole, yeah your a asshole." I say. Mm, I regret saying it. I probably over stepped my boundaries.

"Have you been crying?" He steps closer to he. Fuck! I look at the door I can make it. "You right I am a asshole I made you cry." What? This has to be a dream he's never this nice. Not since a year ago.

"I keep hurting you, listen, I am not good with this...what I wanted to say was, I need you to come with me to a important event." I cross my arms.

"Okay, I want to to come to the event with me." He says. "Please leave." I open the door. He walks over to the door. "Remember a year ago I said I was madly attracted to you?" He finally reached to the door. I nod and move away from him. He grabs my arm,"It's true and if I can't pin you down the regular way then I will find another way." He kisses me! He grabs my hips and pulls me closer to his hard body.

My heart beats faster but I felt used. Pushing him off try to get way from his grasp. "I want to get to know you. By the way I didn't get a chance to tell you in the kitchen, you have a nice ass." He winks and walks out of my room closing the door.
   [2 days later at the Hotel]

"I won't ever threaten you again, because I want you to stay. You are one of a kind and I won't lose you like I did with my fist wife. You are like her in so many ways and I need you to stay." He says putting his forehead on mine.

I blush, how did I end up under him? Oh yeah we're on a bed and he's on top of me! I want to be loved so I will trust him. "Don't hurt me." I hugged him. "Never I won't hurt you ever again." He lays down next to me and puts me on his chest. "Kiss me?" I ask shyly.

He wasted no time and gave me what I requested. But I got more then I bargained for.!

Let's just say I'm naked he's naked and I am very much sore.


When I wake up I don't see law. I sigh, please let it have been a dream. I don't want to be hurt. I look at myself nope I'm naked. How did it get this way?

Long story short, I went to the event with him and a few teasing words left me feeling happy. I told him my past. That led to us talking on the bed and getting more then what I bargained for. Now I can't find him. I'm a whore!

So much for not hurting me. I put on my clothes and did my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror. I am so ugly, no wonder he left. I mashed the mirror with my fist.

I heard the phone beep. I see the messageー
【 Daddy❤️😁 】

Who is this? Oh, So-Ming changed my contacts again. So Trafalgar. I open the message.

|Good morning Gorgeous, I got us some lunch bet you're hungry. I'm not sorry for letting you sleep though. 😏 Also got you some cream for your soreness. See you in a hour, Damn train is taking forever. |

Oh god! I am terrible, I am so negative! I have to fix the mirror before he gets here!

[46 minutes later]

Done! Cleaned the floor in the bathroom replaced the mirror and I'm taking a shower. Hopefully he won't come in while I'm in here.

The bathroom door opens! That perv, "Trafalgar can't you see I'm a taking a bath?" I say not facing him. The glass is fogged up he can't see me.

"I know, time for round 14 this time try not to pass out." He opened the door but I hold it back. "What the hell! NO! Law it was a-a great night but...why are you naked????" I blush. He took off his clothes when he got in.

"Get in there." He pushed he back to the wall and closed to glass door. "I don't have a condom so... What happened to your hand?" I quickly grab my knuckles and so he doesn't see them.

"Nothing," I look for away out. Trafalgar gets out the shower. I look away he doesn't care, I'm just another one nightstand. I think about last night, it was perfect and the first few times he was so sweet. Perfect for my first time. But I ruined it.

The glass door opens and he wraps a towel around me? He turns off the water and picks me up putting me under his right arm. "What are you doing?" I gasp, this towel is to short! I get thrown on the bed. I look at him oh good he's wearing pants.

"Talk." He says standing in front of me with his arms crossed. His eyes turned dark and I could tell he had one thing on his mind, sex.

"I'm not a toy! Don't look at me like that, you just want my body you got it are you done?" I let out a frustrated breath. "I'm not done. Your not my toy either, you're my girl. Mine, I won't be done with you for a long time. Maybe I'll have to keep you, forever." Trafalgar took my bruised hand and kissed it.

"What do you want from me?" I whisper looking into is eyes. He sits on the bed next to me, he kisses me once more.

"I want a lot of things but, I want you to be mine. To love and spoil, what I want is for you to be my woman." He puts me in his lap.

"Do you really want me?" I look at my fingertips. I hear him laugh, "Yes always. Your insecure but I'm going to be here now and forever."

(8 months later)
I look at the wedding ring. It may seem like are relationship was fast paced but almost 2 years of being with him and getting to how him, changed a lot of things. Dating was the best part and So-Ming didn't stop screaming when we first kissed in front of her. Low started making wedding plans when he saw us holding hands.

We are on are honeymoon and I am loving it. Bepo is taking care of the kids while we are away in France. The city of love, and I definitely feel the love.

Though I think sometime we were making love he didn't use Protection. He's going to be in trouble if I end up pregnant cause I said I wanted a year without kids. But for now I think I'm going to wake him to go for another round.


This took forever! Next story will be either So-Ming or another Law x Honoka one shot. Till then!

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