Niall Horan Pregnancy Series

By kaley676

572K 8.9K 1.5K

This is the fourth book in my Niall Horan Series and it follows the: Wedding Series, Honeymoon Series, and Ma... More

Telling Niall
First Appointment
Telling the Boys
Telling the Family: Y/n's Family
Telling the Family: Niall's Family
Second Dr. Appointment
First Ultrasound
Announcing the Pregnancy
Celebrities & Friends Congratulating You
Starting to Show
Mood Swings
Shopping for Maternity Clothes
Feeling the Babies Kick for the First Time
Pregnancy Complications
Pregnancy Complications Part 2
Niall Gets Protective
Feeling Insecure
He Does Something Sweet to Make You Feel Better
Getting Pregnancy & Parenting Advice: Y/n's P.O.V.
Getting Pregnancy Advice: Niall's P.O.V
Talking About Finding Out the Gender
Finding Out the Gender
Gender Reveal Party
Shopping for the Babies
Niall Goes On Tour
While Niall Is Away: Y/n's P.O.V.
While Niall Is Away: Niall's P.O.V
Niall Comes Home From Tour
One of the Boys Comfort You
Picking the Names
Getting the Nursery Ready
Preparing for the Babies
Niall Talking & Singing to the Bump
Niall Pampering You
Baby Shower
Baby Shower Part 2
Making a Belly Mold
Making a Birth Plan
Packing the Hospital Bag
Your Water Breaking
Labor: Part 1
Labor: Part 2
Delivery & Meeting the Babies

Finding Out

38.7K 337 94
By kaley676

You hadn't been feeling very well the past couple days, but you didn't tell Niall. The boys' eighteen month break was almost over and all four of them were busy getting ready for a small UK & Ireland Tour that was coming up. You knew Niall needed to focus, be at rehearsals, and get ready for life back on the road. You didn't want to distract him or have him worrying about you not feeling well.

Niall was currently at rehearsals and you had spent the morning tidying up around the house. You picked up the living room, did some laundry, and did the dishes. By the time you were done you were completely exhausted, even though none of the chores you did were too strenuous.

You decided to take a break by making yourself a cup of tea and curling up on the couch. You made the tea and took a seat on the couch. You had an uneasy feeling in your stomach but you couldn't put your finger on it. It was almost like you needed to throw up but you couldn't figure out what it was from. You hadn't been feeling sick so you didn't think it was the flu. Everything seemed normal except you were a little more tired than usual and occasionally you would get a nauseous feeling.

You laid down and rested your head on the pillow as you covered yourself up with the blanket that was thrown over the arm of the sofa. A few minutes later Conor, the golden retriever puppy Niall got you for Christmas jumped up on the sofa and curled up next to you under the blanket. You were woken a few hours later when Niall came home.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Niall asked as he saw your small frame curled up on the couch.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little tired." You said softly.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're really pale, babe." He said as he looked at you with worry in his eyes.

"Well..." you began. You didn't want to lie to Niall. You couldn't tell him you were fine because you weren't. But you also didn't want him to worry about you because he needed to focus on the band and his career.

"Well? Well what? Is there something I don't know?" He asked.

"I've been feeling a bit under the weather the past couple days. But I didn't want to say anything to you. It's nothing really. I just have been a little more tired and weak than usual. And occasionally I get this feeling like I need to throw up." You said, trying to downplay it as much as you could so Niall wouldn't worry.

"Babe, I want you to tell me stuff like that. I would have stayed home and taken care of you, Princess." Niall said.

"No, you need to rehearse for the tour. I can't let me being sick get in the way of your job." You said.

"Babe you will always be the most important thing in my life. And it's just rehearsals. It's not like I would miss a show or anything." Niall said.

"I'm okay, Niall. I really am." You said.

Just then you felt that uneasy feeling in your stomach and you sat up and quickly ran to the bathroom. You kneeled down next to the toilet as you began to throw up.

A few moments later you felt Niall's hand rubbing your back gently as he pulled your hair into a make shift pony with his other hand and held it out of the way for you.

He stayed right there with you until you felt like you couldn't throw up any more.

"You're okay, huh?" He asked giving you a questioning look.

"Okay maybe I'm a bit sick...I'm sorry you had to watch that." You said.

"Hey, in sickness and in health right?" Niall said giving you a small smile as he ran his finger over the diamond ring on your left hand.

You stood up and walked over to the sink. You reached for your toothbrush so that you could brush your teeth and get the nasty taste out of your mouth.

"Babe, let's get you to the bedroom. You need to get some rest." Niall said.

He reached down and put a hand behind your knees and an arm around your back as he lifted you into his arms bridal style. He carried you from the bathroom down the hallway to your bedroom. He carefully set you on top of the duvet.

"Niall, you really don't have to do this for me." You said.

"Shh. It's my job to take care of you. Are you hungry? I can get you some soup? Or some water?" He asked.

"Can you just get me my tea? It's on the coffee table in the living room." You said.

"Of course. I'll be right back." Niall said before leaning down and placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.

He returned to the bedroom a few minutes later with your cup of tea. He handed you the tea before walking around the front of the bed and crawling onto the bed and taking his place next to you.

"Niall you might not want to get too close, just in case it is a cold or a stomach bug." You said.

"I don't care. I'd rather get sick taking care of you than be healthy and not take care of you." He said.

"But the tour is coming up..."

"Shh. That's exactly why we need to get you better. We need you healthy to be on the road with us." He said. "Now come here, Princess."

Niall opened his arms and you smiled as you curled up into his side and laid your head on his shoulder and placed a hand on his chest. He wrapped his arm around you and rested his hand on your lower back.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too. Thank you for taking care of me when I'm sick." You said.

"That's what I'm here for." He said before he leaned in and kissed your forehead.

You laid there on the bed with Niall and started to fall asleep as he gently rubbed your back. You kept opening your eyes, trying to fight sleep but it was a fight that you were losing.

"Y/n, just go to sleep love. Get some rest. I'll be right here with you, I promise." Niall whispered into your ear.

You woke up a few hours later and felt so much better. The nauseous feeling in your stomach was gone and you felt refreshed and you had your energy back.

"Feeling better babe?" Niall asked as he smiled down at you.

"Yeah I do." You said.

"I'm glad. You're looking better, love. You aren't as pale as you were." He said.

You got up and went down to the kitchen to figure out what to make for dinner for you and Niall.

"Babe, you don't need to cook. Just relax. We can order take out." Niall said as he walked into the kitchen and shut the fridge door.

"Are you sure? I feel better. I can cook something for us." You said.

"Yes, I'm sure. You need to rest so that you can be back to your healthy self by the time we go on tour next Wednesday." Niall said.

"Okay. You want to get a pizza delivered?" You asked.

"You know I'll never turn pizza down!" Niall said smiling.

"What kind do you want? Pepperoni?"

"Sounds great babe." Niall said leaning in and placing a small kiss on your lips.

The next few days followed in the same way. You would wake up feeling a little dizzy and nauseous. You usually spent the morning in bed with the blind closed in your room to block out the light. You sometimes threw up, and sometimes you didn't. But by the time two or three o'clock rolled around the nausea was gone and you felt normal.

Today was yours and Niall's last day home before you left to go on tour. Greg, Denise, and Theo had come over to spend some time with you and Niall before the two of you left for tour.

You were in the kitchen with Denise preparing lunch for everyone when you overheard Niall and Greg talking in the kitchen.

"So how is Y/n? Is she feeling better?" Greg asked.

"I don't know, man. It's so weird. Like she gets sick in the morning and then after lunch she's fine. She's been having eggs for breakfast, I don't know if it's the eggs that are making her sick. She's ate eggs before and never had a problem..." Niall said.

"And you said it's just in the morning?" Greg asked.

"Yeah. I'm just worried about her. I hate seeing her so ill. I just wish I knew what was making her sick so I could fix it and make her feel better." Niall said.

"Have you guys been trying to have kids? That sounds like the morning sickness Denise had when she was pregnant." Greg said.

You dropped the glass bowl that was currently in your hands. It fell to the floor and shattered into a little pieces. How could you not think of that? It all made sense. The dizziness and nausea in the morning. It wasn't the flu or a stomach bug. It could be morning sickness. You could be pregnant. You then thought back to your period last week. It had been really light, which wasn't normal for you. Usually you had fairly steady menstrual bleeding. Last week you barely bled at all.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Denise asked looking at you with worried eyes. She set the knife she had in her hand down on the counter and took a step towards you. Niall rushed into the kitchen a second later followed by Greg who had Theo in his arms.

"Are you guys okay?" Niall asked looking at you and then at Denise.

"Yeah, sorry. The bowl just slipped." You said shaking off your shock.

You could tell by Niall's expression that he didn't believe you.

"Greg why don't you go into the living room with Theo. I don't want him to get cut on the glass. I will help Y/n clean this up.." Denise said.

"Y/n can I talk to you?" Niall asked as he took your hand and led you towards the hallway.

"I need to get the glass cleaned up." You said.

"Go, Y/n. I can clean it up." Denise said.

Niall took your hand and led you down the hallways to your bedroom. He shut the door to give the two of you some privacy before he turned to you.

"What's going on, Y/n? Are you sure you're okay? You look pale again. Are you feeling sick?" Niall asked worriedly.

"No, I don't feel sick. The bowl really did just slip from my hands." You said to him.

"You look like you just saw a ghost. Is there something you aren't telling me?" He asked.

You couldn't tell Niall. You wanted to wait until you took a test and found out for sure. You were leaving for the tour tomorrow and Niall already had so much on his mind that you didn't want him to freak out or have to worry about whether you were pregnant or not.

"I'm okay. I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed." You said.

"Don't worry about the tour babe, it's all going to be fine." He said not realizing that the overwhelming feeling you were experiencing had nothing to do with the tour.

Later that day you realized you needed a few last minute things before you and Niall left.

"Why don't you take Denise with you babe? Me and Greg can stay here." Niall suggested.

"Sounds great. Denise would you want to come?" You asked.

"Of course! Do you mind if Theo comes?" She asked.

"Of course not." You said smiling at her.

You and Denise were in the pharmacy section of the store. You needed to pick up some vitamins. You walked by the family planning aisle and you froze. The thought of possibly being pregnant had been on your mind all night.

You decided to get an at home test while you were here. Denise gave you a confused look when she saw you looking at pregnancy tests.

"Oh my gosh! Are you-?" She asked looking at you with a smile on her face.

"Okay, this is between us. I haven't told anyone, not even Niall. But I'm starting to wonder if this nausea I've been having is morning sickness..." You said.

"Greg and I were talking about that the other night. He thought it might be morning sickness too." She said.

"What am I going to do if I am, Denise?" You asked looking at her.

Suddenly you were scared to find out. Sure you and Niall had talked about having kids, but you both decided that you didn't want to right now because of the tour. He didn't want you to be traveling a lot while pregnant and he hated to think that you could possibly be pregnant at home while he was on the other side of the world.

"What do you mean? You and Niall will be amazing parents. And I know Niall has been thinking about a family lately." She said.

"But he told me he doesn't want one right now because of the tour and being on the road. And he doesn't want me traveling while I'm pregnant." You said.

"Hey, listen. Whatever happens, Niall is going to be there for you. And if he has to change his work schedule then he will. I know for a fact that if you are, he's going to do everything he can to take care of you and that baby." She said.

You picked up one of the pink boxes from the shelf and put it in your cart.

"It's going to be okay, Y/n." She said.

When you and Denise got back to the house Greg and Niall were playing in the yard with Theo and the puppy. You couldn't help but smiled watching Theo chase the small dog around the yard. Niall then started chasing Theo and scooped him up and tossed him up in the air. Theo had a huge smile as he laughed as he played with his uncle.

"See? He's great with kids. He's going to be an amazing dad." Denise said.

"I know he will. I'm just worried that we aren't ready. Or that he doesn't want this right now." You said as you looked over at her.

"Like I said if I know Niall at all he is going to be there for you and give you anything you need. He loves you more than I've ever seen anyone love anyone. It may not be exactly how you guys planned it, but these things always happen for a reason. Think of this as a blessing if that test is positive." Denise said.

You and Denise carried the bags into the kitchen. You took the test out of the sack and held it in your hands as you looked down at it. Your life could be changed forever if those two little pink lines appeared on the screen.

"I'll be right back." You told her.

"Good luck. I'll be here if you need me, okay?" She said.

"Thanks," you said to her before turning and going down the hallway to the bathroom. You locked the door behind you and opened the box and pulled one of the two tests out. You looked at the test for a moment and then you took a deep breath.

You sat down and did your business and then waited the three minutes that the package told you to. Every possible scenario raced through your head in those three minutes. Your heart was racing and you started to feel a little dizzy.

Finally you looked at the clock and realized the three minutes had ticked by. You took a deep breath and walked over to the vanity that the test was sitting on. You picked up the white stick and turned it over so that the screen was facing you.

Two pink lines. You were pregnant.

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