Pure #Wattys2016

By scarletraven23

527K 26.1K 994

C O M P L E T E D ** Book One of the Montgomery Brothers ** Elehna hides behind her hoody and dark clothes... More

- Prologue -
- One -
- Two -
- Three -
- Four -
- Five -
- Six -
- Seven -
- Eight -
- Nine -
- Ten -
- Eleven -
- Twelve -
- Thirteen -
- Fifteen -
- Sixteen -
- Seventeen -
- Eighteen -
- Nineteen -
- Twenty -
- Twenty-One -
- Twenty-Two -
- Twenty-Three -
- Twenty-Four -
- Twenty-Five -
- Twenty-Six -
- Twenty-Seven -
- Twenty-Eight -
- Twenty-Nine -
- Thirty -
- Thirty-One -
- Thirty-Two -
- Epilogue -

- Fourteen -

15.4K 794 33
By scarletraven23

I woke slowly, not moving right away. After I had stopped crying on Zachariah's chest, his mother had returned with some pain medicine for me to take, thankfully she'd warned me that I may get tired so it wasn't a shock that thirty minutes later, I couldn't seem to keep my eyes open. I looked around, realizing I was in a bed rather than the couch where I last remembered being. I blushed knowing that someone carried me in here. I got out of the bed slowly, my body throbbing, but not nearly as bad as before. Curious, I looked around the room. It was painted white, and just the look of it made me believe that it was one of the guy's room. I bit my lip, having the feeling that I knew exactly which brother's room this was. I left the room, walking until I found my way to the living room.

Jeremiah, and Isaiah were planted in front of the t.v, playing from what I could tell Call of Duty. I cleared my throat and both their head's turned my way, and without hesitation they put their controllers down and stood up. "How are you feeling? Are you in pain?" They both asked together.

My eyes widened at the concern, then I couldn't help, but smile. "I am sore, but I'll be okay." I said quietly. "I didn't mean to fall asleep.."

Jeremiah smiled, "well the med's probably didn't help. But, you needed the rest." He looped his arm around mine, and turned me. "Lets go get you some food shall we?" Before I could talk, Isaiah looped his arm around my other arm, and we began walking. I felt weird, not a bad weird, but more like I felt safe. It was just weird. We walked into the kitchen, and my stomach growled loudly at the smell of food. My eyes instantly found Zachariah's and I couldn't stop the blush from covering my face. I had this strange feeling, almost like a dream that it was Zachariah who put me in the bed, and then as strange as it sounds I almost felt the ghostly touch of his lips on my forehead, but I'm sure I had imaged that.

"How do you feel? Are you in pain?" He asked, making me want to laugh again. That's exactly what the other two asked me. I shook my head and he smiled, making my heart do funny beats. "I'm sure your hungry. Take a seat, and I'll bring you a plate."

I took the seat that Isaiah pointed to, and waited. Unsure now what to say. This was all so new to me, I've never had friends before let alone anyone who'd actually cared for me. My mind cleared when a plate of food was set in front of me, my stomach growling once again. I heard the brother's laugh and blushed again. "Dig in." Zachariah said, taking the seat next to mine while he began to eat his own food.

We ate in a comfortable silence, and when I found my stomach too full to take another bite I pushed the plate away slightly. "That was great. It's been a while since I've eaten something so delicious." I complimented.

"I'm happy you enjoy my cooking." Zachariah said, smiling happily.

My eyes widened, "you- you cooked this?" I know I probably sounded rude, but I just didn't imagine Zachariah cooking.

He nodded. "I did. I happen to like to cook, but don't often have the time since I'm always busy with the pa-" He suddenly cut himself off, and I raised my brow in question. "The business I run, it takes a lot of my time.." He explained.

I nodded, "I see." I bit my lip, and sighed. "I should get home, what time is it?" I asked, looking around at the brother's, but Isaiah and Jeremiah wouldn't look at me. I frowned.

"You aren't going home Elehna." Zachariah said, his voice once again deep.

I turned and looked at him, and he stared at me with such intensity that it made me slightly nervous. "What do you mean? I have to go home. My fath-"

Zachariah cut me off, "will probably just hurt you. We can't let you go back to someone like that Elehna. I know he's your father, but you can't go back if he's going to hurt you."

I looked down at my nearly empty plate, unsure of what to say or exactly how to feel. I should feel happy that they're looking out for me, and wanting to help. But, I also felt like they were they were taking away my choice.

"Elehna. Do you want to go home to him?" Jeremiah asked, his voice cautious.

I thought about it, and shook my head. "I don't, but he is my father. I'm at the moment underage, and I have no other family. If I don't go back, he'll just call the police and have me forcefully returned." I shuttered at the thought. "He would be mad then..."

Zachariah reached over and grabbed my hand. I tensed for a moment, but the tingles I felt somehow were calming. "We will take care of the police, and you have a place with us. We don't want you to go back to him, and my parents have agreed to help. I hate to ask this of you, but if it came down to it would you be able to tell the police what he's done to you?"

I opened my mouth, then closed it. Would I be able to do that? Would I have the courage? I told the Zachariah, who seemed to fill in his family. So would I be able to admit it to others?

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