- Thirteen -

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** Zachariah **

I walked closer, stopping once I was in front of Elehna. I could see how tense she was, but was pleased that she didn't run away from me. Without taking my eyes off her, "everyone out. Now." I ordered, listening as everyone immediately followed my orders. Elehna looked around confused, then her head snapped back and her eyes found mine. I could see the fear, doubt and her nervousness. "I'm sorry for scaring you, I- can I see?" I asked slowly, knowing that this was a lot for her. I kept eye contact hoping that she remembered that I'd never hurt her.

She bit her lip, seeming to debate over whether or not to show me. I didn't want to pressure her, but I did need to see if it was bad. "I-" She began, then paused. I could see the conflict and smiled slightly.

"I can bring my mother back in if that would make you feel better?" I asked, not wanting her to fear being alone with me.

She nodded slowly, and I linked my mother to come back in. It took no time at all for her to appear, looking confused as to what was going on. "Show us, please." I whispered.

Elehna seemed confused looking at my mother, but then slowly, very slowly took her hoody off. She grabbed the hem of her shirt, and I could see her hands shaking. I moved closer, not being able to stay away. I grabbed her face gently in my hands, my thumb rubbing over her bruised cheek. "No one will judge you Elehna. We only need to see how bad it is, to make sure that your really okay.." I said.

I watched her eyes become clouded, but she quickly blinked away the coming tears and took a deep breath before lifting her shirt. At first, I continued to look at her face, even though now she wouldn't meet my eyes. I heard my mother's intake of breath and feared to look myself, but my eyes moved on their own accord, moving down. I let out a long breath as if I had just got sucker punched in the gut. My little mates stomach, and ribs were covered in bruises, she had some area's where the skin had cut, but nothing to serious. I moved around her slowly, her back wasn't any better and I felt my body shake.

"This.. When did he do this?" I asked, my voice deeper, huskier with my anger, but I did my best to keep it as gentle as I could for her sake.

"S-Saturday.." She whispered. "H-he got upset that I ditched school, and lied.." I froze hearing this, I was at her house Saturday and had I stayed longer I could have helped her. Guilt rose in me knowing that I could have done something, anything to help her. Even though I was behind her, I could smell her tears. Slowly I reached around her and placed my hands over hers which were fisted in her shirt, shaking. I slowly lowered our hands, lowering her shirt in the process.

"How long?" I asked, honestly fearing her answer.

"Since my mother left us. Almost three years ago." She whispered. "It wasn't so bad in the beginning. He would just get a sudden burst of anger and yell at me.. Then it turned to slaps... It wasn't until my parent's anniversary came around that my dad decided to get totally drunk... He beat me for the first time that night, he blamed me...for her leaving..."

"I'm sorry..." I whispered. I looked to my mother who had tears in her eyes, but also rage. She looked at me, nodded once and left the room. I assumed she was going to fill my brothers, and father in on what she'd seen, but I couldn't think about that or their reaction right now because I needed to worry about controlling myself. My body hummed with the intent to change and I had to hold off. I couldn't lose control with Elehna here. "I'll help you.. I'll do whatever I can to make sure you don't get hurt again.." I knew I was saying it to myself just as much as I was saying it to Elehna.

I stiffened when Elehna suddenly turned in my arms and wrapped her arms around me, sobbing. Her body shook uncontrollably with her cry, and I held her gently not wanting to hurt her further. "It's okay now... You will be okay..." I cooed, playing with her silky hair.

She hiccuped, "will I really? I am not so confident. I am so tired.."

My arms tightened a bit, "yes. Your strong, I know we haven't know each other and there's still so much to learn, but even I can see your strength, your courage.. I- we will be here for you... Always.. " I whispered.


Next chapter coming today!!

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