Liars Never Win

By OnceUponALittleMixer

5.9K 319 57

This is based on a dream I had. It was a flana dream but i don't want to hurt flana shippers so i'm turning i... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Why You?
Chapter 3: Deep Love
Chapter 4: Mixed Feelings
Chapter 5: Breakfast Time
Chapter 6: Drive Through
Chapter 7: Home
Chapter 8: A Friend
Chapter 9: Dinner
Chapter 10: Big Plans
Chapter 11: Surprise
Chapter 12: Afterparty
Chapter 13: An Unexpected Guest
Chapter 14: Back To Normal?
Chapter 16: A Future
Chapter 17: Robin

Chapter 15: Another Surprise

299 22 11
By OnceUponALittleMixer

Cora left before dinner, leaving Regina alone again. Henry called earlier to say he would be with Emma and Graham at the station, and then Emma's house.

Regina sat in the kitchen, playing with her food. She didn't feel like eating. In her head the thoughts of being pregnant twirled through her mind.
That's it I'm calling Snow. Regina thought. She took her phone out of her purse and dialed Snow's number.
"Regina? Is everything okay?" Snow said immediatly, a little worried.
"Hi Snow. Eh there is something, i need your help with." Regina said slowly. "What is it?" Snow asked curiously, half swallowing since she was eating. "Did I call at a wrong time? I can hear you eat. Should I call back later?" Regina said nervous. "No! No ofcourse not! I always have time for you, Mother." Regina could just know Snow was winking. She rolled her eyes. "Don't call me that dear. Anyways, could you come over in a hour? And -" Regina swallowed. "And what?" Regina sighed deep. "And bring a pregnancy test." Regina let out in a whisper. "Snow? Are you still there?" Regina asked when she didn't hear a response. "I'll be there in a hour." And then the line went dead.

Regina put down her phone. She sank her head in her hands. Shit what did I do...

An hour later there was a knock on the door. Regina stood up and walked over to the door. She wiped her hands and opened the door. "Hi I'm sorry but I had to bring Neal. He's being very fussy lately and I just wait till he is tired enough to sleep." Snow said while making her way in. "Hello to you to." Regina chuckled. Before she knew it Snow dropped Neal in Regina's hands. "I'll put this in the bathroom and place Neal's things somewhere." Snow said. Snow walked upstairs. Regina, a bit stunned, walked with Neal in her arms to the couch. "Hello, little man. Are you not sleepy yet?" She asked Neal, in the voice she always used to Henry too when he was that little. Neal shook his head. "Not tired!" He said. Regina took off his coat and placed it over the couch. That moment Snow walked back in. "So. Should we start?" She said with twinkling eyes. "Snow -" "I'll put up a movie for him and he'll sleep in no time." Regina nodded.

After making Neal comfortable on the couch, with Regina's blanket, the two woman walked over to the kitchen. "You want something to drink?" Regina asked. "Hmm I'll take a cup of water." Regina took a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water. "Here." She said when she handed it over to Snow. "Thanks." Snow took a sip. "So, how did you know?" Regina raised an eyebrow. "I do not. My mother came over this morning. And she brought it up." Regina said, playing with her hands. "And, I thought." She bit her lip. "That you could help me." Regina gave Snow a watery smile. Snow reached for Regina's hands. "Ofcourse. That's where family is for." Both woman smiled.

"Okay." Regina sighed, pulling her hands back. "Now, how does this work." Snow smiled. "Well, it's better if you read the instructions. Just to make sure." She said while taking Regina's hand again and making her way to the bathroom. "Snow, slow down! I don't run on the stairs."

When the two woman finally arrived in Regina's bathroom, Snow pulled out the test. She handed it to Regina. "I'll be waiting here okay?" She said while giving Regina's hand a squeeze. Regina nodded. She took a deep breath and walked into the bathroom.

Regina did what the instructions said. When she was done she placed the stick on the sink and sank on her knees. Please be negative. was the only thing she thought. She waited 5 minutes, to be sure. "Regina? Everything okay? Can I come in?" "No not yet." Regina picked up the test. Positive. Positive. Oh my god. She lost it, broke down in tears right there. "Regina? Come on open up!" Snow said bonking on the door. Regina waved her hand and the door opened.

Snow walked in on something she thought she would never see again. A broken woman. "Is it that bad?" Snow asked worried. "It's positive. I am, I'm pregnant." Regina breathed out. "Isn't that good news?" Snow asked carefully. "I don't know. I don't even know how I got pregnant." Snow looked at her in confusion. "You don't?" "Oh jeez not like that. I mean, I barrened myself." "But now you are pregnant? When you provented that from happening? Regina, what happened when I left the castle?" Snow asked, she was now sitting next to Regina on the ground. "A lot." Regina said stern.

Noticing Snow has to change subject she asked: "Is it Graham's?" Regina tilted her head to Snow. "Yes, it is." She said smiling. "Even though I don't know if I want children. With Graham. I mean now we are taking two steps at the time, I already had a hard time with the engagement. And a baby? A baby is forever." Snow has never seen Regina so open. "It's okay. Maybe you can talk about it with Graham?" "That is if he comes home tonight." Regina sighed. "He doesn't come home at nights?" Snow asked confused. "No, long shifts." "But - never mind." Snow waved it off. "What? You know something? Snow, spit it out." Snow sighed. "I just know he goes to Granny's a lot. Sometimes with Emma." She said softly.

Regina chuckled. "Yeah I know he goes a lot with Emma. I bet he calls soon he'll not come home." Right then the phone went off. "Should we go back downstairs, Snow?" Regina said while standing up. "Yes, better check up on little Neal."

Two missed calls. Regina read on her phone. She called back. "Hey, babe." She heard Graham's voice. "Hey, what's up?" What's up? Seriously? "I won't be home untill 11. Sorry hun." Regina sighed. She knew he would do this again. "Okay. Should I keep dinner prepared for when you come home?" "No, don't bother. Emma and I will take a break at Granny's soon." Emma and I, sure. "Okay, babe. I'll wait for you. Love you." I have never said that before on the phone. "I love you too, see you tonight." Click. Regina put down her phone. Not noticing Snow standing behind her. "So? Did you tell him?" "Jeez Snow! Don't creep up like that." Snow laughed. "Sorry." "And no I didn't tell him, over the phone? That's not romantic at all." Regina responded while rolling her eyes. "So you do know what romantic means?" Snow teased. "Now you're surprised huh? An evil queen who knows what romantic means." "Very surprised."

At 8pm Snow decided it was best for her to leave. Neal was already sleeping and she has to go back to her appartment. "Good luck, Regina. And we're only one call away, okay?" Regina crossed her arms. "Yes, I know. And Snow, please shut up about my pregnancy." She said giving Snow a look. Snow's cheeks colored a bit pink. "I will. Don't worry."

The two woman said goodbye and Regina was left alone again. Only this time she knew what to do: Surprising Graham in Granny's.

A/N: BOOM so how's that? Regina pregnant huh. I might have to come up with a backgroundstory to how she can be pregnant🤔 Anyways, next chapter aiii. Shit's about to get down. Maybe Regina, you shouldn't go to Granny's to "surprise" your fiancé. 🙃☺️

But I think it's cute Regina confides in Snow. Also with a secret like that.

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