Second Choice

By Sweetfozi

39.2K 1.1K 291

It has always been that way, She always came second Second to her parents, Second to her best friend, Second... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

3K 92 19
By Sweetfozi

Eliana's POV

I was washing the dishes while everyone were laughing in the living room over some joke my cousin was telling them. I felt a tinge of jealousy as I couldn't be there having fun with them. Instead I was stuck doing the dishes.

I heard my sister's voice telling them about an award she got in school for some competition and all the relatives congratulating her.

I let out a sigh and continued with the washing. After I was finally done, I headed upstairs to my room since I was pretty sure it wouldn't matter to them. I even think that nobody would notice me being missing. It's not like they want my company anyway.

I opened my door to my room and entered. I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling which was decorated with glow in the dark stickers. I remember putting them up there myself as I used to be scared of sleeping in the dark and they would distract me.

They seemed to move whenever I looked at them which helped me fall asleep easily. Either that or I listen to music till I slowly drift to sleep. I got under the covers and got my iPod turning on some music and laying down while I sang along quietly.

I wiped away a tear that had made its way down my cheek and slowly closed my eyes waiting for sleep to take over.


I woke up the next morning to my mom's yelling outside my door telling me to wake up and get ready for school. I got up and headed out of my room to the bathroom. As I was walking to the bathroom, I passed Delilah's room and saw my mom gently shaking her and whispering softly to wake her up.

'Gee mom, way to make me feel special on my birthday,' I thought but quickly shook my head. I will NOT cry on my birthday.

I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower while singing softly in hopes that nobody would hear me. Singing is my way to express myself and I don't exactly need anyone listening to me.

Soon I got out wrapping my self in a big, fluffy towel and headed to my room. I walked to my closet opening it and searching for an outfit to wear.

I choose a pair of black skinny jeans and a black, off shoulder frill top. I put on my clothes adding a black scarf around my neck. A lot of black may seem depressing but it's my favourite colour.

I curled my hair and put on some light pink lipgloss and eyeliner and I was ready to go. I wore my black converse shoes, grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs.

Time to put on my everyday act.

"Good morning!" I said in a cheerful tone.

"Morning," said my father not looking up from the magazine he's reading.

"Morning, sweetheart. Happy birthday," said my mom giving me a light kiss on the forehead.

"Oh yes, happy birthday," my father said.

"Thanks!" I replied, "So, are we doing anything today?" I asking in hopes that they had prepared something for my birthday.

"Actually sweetie, your sister is starring in a play and we're all going to see it," my mother said.

"Great!" I said with fake enthusiasm stopping myself from rolling my eyes, though what I really wanted to say was, 'Great, even on my birthday everything is about Delilah.'

"Good morning, everyone," said Delilah enthusiastically as she entered the kitchen and that was my cue to leave before I got stuck in the room with my parents speaking to Delilah like she is a prodigy child.

I walked out of the house and headed to my car which was parked beside Delilah's. The cars were both silver in colour and looked alike.

The only difference?

I bought mine with my own savings while Delilah got hers as a Sweet 16 birthday present.

That's another difference between us.

If I wanted something I had to buy it myself as my parents always say, "You need to learn how to be independent."

Delilah, on the other hand, gets whatever she wants handed to her on a silver platter.

It's been that way for a long while.

Same with Lily though I can't hold it against her since she's still a kid.

I got in, started up the car and drove to school, with the radio on, at low volume to fill in the silence.

I finally reached the school and parked the car before getting out and heading to the school entrance. I walked in and headed to my locker to get my books for my first class before heading to my best friend's locker a few lockers away from mine.

"Hi," I said as I reached her.

"Hey birthday girl," said Emily- my best friend.

"Hey Em," I replied, "So, where's Alison?"

Alison is Emily's other best friend though I'm pretty sure she sees her as her number one best friend.

"She went to get her book from her locker," she informed me.

Just then Alison showed up with her books in her hand.

'Speak of the devil and it shows up,' I thought.

Alison and I aren't enemies though we aren't close either.

We were just sort of friends.

"Happy birthday, Eliana," she said smiling at me.

"Thanks," I said back giving her a small smile and acknowleding nod.

Now don't get me wrong, Alison is a beyond sweet girl and I don't have anything against her. But in the end, she did take away my best friend, replacing me completely.

"So, what're you doing today?" asked Emily.

"Oh, we're going to Delilah's play. Wanna come over after school to hang for a bit before we have to go?" I asked.

"Sorry El but I'm going over to Alison's to prepare with her for the party she's having," she said.

"You're having a party?" I asked hurt by the fact that I wasn't invited.

"Yeah, I would've invited you but I figured you'd be hanging out with your family since it's your birthday," Alison explained.

"Yeah, no, it's ok," I said though really I was hurt.

Even if I couldn't go, it would have been nice to be atleast invited.

The bell rang signalling that it's time for class and bringing our conversation to an end.

I said bye to both of them and headed to my class. While they had history together, I had math.

After six hours of pure boredom, school finally came to an end.

I walked over to my car and got in. As I was slowly moving out of the parking lot I saw Alison and Emliy giggling together as they walked with their arms linked together. I couldn't help but feel jealous wishing that was me like the old times.

A small tear made its way down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away.

"God Eliana, you're being such a crybaby today," I said to myself before I started driving back home. I finally reached and got out of the car and towards the house door. I got my keys out and opened the door.

"I'm back!" I said walking in but I didn't get a reply.

I just shrugged it off since it was nothing new. I was practically used to it by now.

'I bet if Delilah was the one who came they would have set a red carpet for her,' I thought bitterly.

I went to the kitchen to get myself a bottle of water and found my mother at the stove cooking lunch.

"Hello dear," she greeted.

"Hey mom," I replied.

"Listen sweetie, I kept a dress on your bed for you to wear for Delilah's play, okay? We need to look our best for your sister," she said.

She actually meant she didn't want me to embarrass my sister.

Mom wasn't very keen on my fashion taste since I would dress up more in jeans while my sister would dress up in skirts and dresses.

I would like to dress up pretty too but my parent's encouraged my sister to wear the cute stuff more so I took it as a sign that it didn't suit me.

"Okay," I said and headed upstairs to my room. I looked at the dress on my bed and let me tell you it was so NOT my style. For one it was way too frilly and puffy for my liking. Even if I wore more dresses this one wouldn't be something I'd pick.

I changed into some sweats and headed downstairs to eat lunch with my family then went back up to do my homework. I was done half an hour before we had to leave and got up to get changed.

I put on the dress and started to work on my make-up. I put on a bit of lip gloss, mascara and eyeliner. I curled my hair and let it down on my shoulders.

Even if we weren't celebrating my birthday I wanted to doll myself up.

"Happy birthday to me," I said looking at myself in the mirror before getting up, putting on my heels and grabbing my purse.

I headed down to where all my family were standing by the door waiting- excluding Delilah who had left earlier for last minute rehearsals.

As soon as they caught sight of me, my dad opened the door and we all exited the house heading to my dad's car. He drove us to where the play would be.

We showed the person at the entrance our tickets and went in and took our seats. Soon the curtains were being opened and the play was starting.

The play was Romeo and Juliet and Delilah was Juliet.

After two hours, the play ended and the curtains were closing again. I looked to my right and found my mom crying.

"What's wrong mom?" I asked worried.

"Nothing sweetheart, your sister's acting is just so touching," she said wiping her tears which made me roll my eyes.

We all got up and headed to see my sister. As soon as they caught a glimpse of Delilah they all rushed over to where she was.

"Oh, I'm so proud of you sweetie," my mom said engulfing her in a hug.

"Thanks mom," Delilah replied happily.

"Now, get changed and we'll meet you out and go for ice cream to celebrate," my mother said.

'Wow, ouch. We can't just go for ice cream to celebrate my birthday,' I thought.

We headed out and waited by the car for Delilah. She was soon done and came over to us.

"I have my car with me so you guys go and I'll follow behind you," Delilah said.

"Aww, but I wanted to talk with you," said my mother pouting.

"Don't worry Delilah. You go with them and I'll drive your car home. I don't feel like eating ice cream anyways," I offered though what I really didn't feel like doing was sitting at the table and hearing my parents gush over her.

"Ok, cool. Here are the keys," she said handing me her keys and I headed to her car and got in.

'They look so much more like a family without me,' I thought watching them get into the car.

I put the keys in the ignition and turned them making the car start up and started driving myself home.

I soon reached the house and parked then headed into the house. I headed up to my room changing into m pajamas and sat on my laptop watching a movie while eating from tub of ice cream I found in the freezer.

About an hour later, I heard commotion downstairs which meant that they were back. But, they weren't the only people I could hear.

I got up and headed downstairs to see what the commotion was about. I entered the living room to find many men with suits and a woman and a man sitting on the couch dressed up fancily.

"Umm, mom, who are they?" I asked.

"Sweetie, we need to talk," she said




Here is the first chapter of the new story!

How did you guys like it?

I honestly wasn't so sure if I would be updating today cuz I had so much studying to do.

Grade 10 is seriously hell! I'm gonna hibernate at the end of the year for maybe ten years! Literally the amount of homework I get could kill a person not that I'm alive. That's right! My ghost is the one updating! How commited am I?

*cough* Weirdo *cough*

Have you heard 1989 by Taylor Swift?
It's like fabulous!
What's you fave song?
Mine is Wonderland and Blank Space and Shake it off!
Lemme know yours in the comments!

This chapter is dedicated to menna_khaled cuz she's probably this story's biggest fan!

Please vote, comment and share!!!

WUV YOU LOADS!!! ~ Fawzia <3

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