I got adopted. By Sherlock Ho...

By MaeganBaegan

183K 6.1K 3.5K

Mary Anne Grace. Just a normal girl with normal problems. Until she turned 13. That's when the trouble begins... More

I got adopted. By Sherlock Holmes
Mr Kale
My nightmare came true
Save me
221b's couch
Crime scenes
Dunkin Doughnuts
Back to Dance
I love you
Just a dream
My Invisible Phantom Problem
Not an update but please read.
Adoption Papers
He's Back
Three Weeks Later
I Won't Talk To You
51 Broad Way
Phone Calls
Three Days


1.8K 76 36
By MaeganBaegan

Emily's Pov

I hear the door downstairs slam shut as Kale and Moriarty leave. I run into the room where Mary Anne is being held and freeze in my tracks.

Her face is covered in bruises and blood. She passed out on the bed in a very uncomfortable position. Her legs were also covered in blood from one of the healing wounds on her abdomen being ripped open again.

I quickly run to the bathroom and grab a towel to try and stop the bleeding. I come back and hold it over the wound. I search for the phone I had brought her and I finally found it in her pillowcase. I opened the phone and realized I didn't know who to call. The last number called on the phone wasn't saved but I couldn't be sure it was who Mary Anne had called before. I gently try and shake her awake. Her eyes flutter open very slowly.

"Mary Anne I need you to stay awake for me ok? Do not fall asleep on me!" I say as her eyelids start to droop again.

"But Emily I'm so tired. I just want to sleep."

"No no no you have to keep your eyes open ok. I need you to tell me the number you called before. Then you can talk to whoever it is that answers because I need to find the medical supplies. Ok just tell me the number." She struggles to stay awake to tell me the number. The phone starts ringing and I hand the phone over to her before I guide her other hand to the towel now soaked with blood.

"Keep pressure on this. I'll be right back. Do not close your eyes." I run downstairs and search the coat closet for the emergency first aid kit. I grab it and quickly run back up the stairs.

Once back in the room I see that Mary Anne is struggling to even hold the phone so I go and take it from her.

"Hello?" I say.

"Who is this? Where did my daughter go?!" I hear a voice ask.

"You must be John. Mary Anne has told me about you. She thinks you're the only one who still cares about her." There is a small silence on the other line.

"Who are you?" I hear a different voice say.

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm Emily. I'm being held captive here as well. Anyway I'm not important right now I need your help John. Mary Anne has a very large wound on her abdomen and it won't stop bleeding. She told me you worked in medicine so I need you to tell me what to do or she's going to bleed out." I heard a strangled noise come from the other line.

"Ok this is what you need to do."

***** Time skip because I have no idea how to fix a human ******

Once I was done with the wound on her abdomen I was pretty sure she wasn't in danger of bleeding out anymore so I sat back on my heels and let out a sigh.

"Emily?" I hear from the phone. "Do you know where you are?"

"I have no idea I was drugged when I was brought here and I haven't been able leave since. All I know is that it's really secluded and surrounded by trees. There is only one small path to the house." John sighs.

"Alright we have people trying to trace the call but the walls are very hard to get through. Just stay on the line and try to keep Mary Anne awake."

A few moments later I hear the front door open again and mine and Mary Anne's names are being called. I took the phone off of speaker and held it up to my ear.

"They're back," I whispered. "I'm going to leave the phone on but on m-"

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Kale yells as he runs in through the open door. He snatches the phone out of my hand and crushes it on the ground with his heel.

"I-I'm sorry s-sir." I stutter as he walks closer.

"Leave her alone." I hear a weak voice call. I turn and see Mary Anne sitting up and wincing. Kale's attention immediately is drawn to her.

"Oh nevermind. They can't track it so it doesn't matter. We have to get you ready for your big role!" He exclaims walking over to Mary Anne.

"And what role is that?" She breathes.

"Oh trust me it'll be memorable. You're going to burn your "family's" hearts out."


Sherlock's Pov

"Sherlock! Sherlock wake up!" I hear John yelling. I rise from my sleep slowly.


"Mary Anne is on the phone! We have to get to the station so they can track it!" I spring out of the bed and over to the closet to put clothes on.

"Put her on speaker!" I say as I get changed in record time.

"Mary Anne are you ok?" John asks as we run out of the room. She chuckles and then coughs.

"If you consider beaten within an inch of my life ok then yes."

"Oh my god what happened."

"I told Kale that you would stop at nothing to get me back, he got pissed and beat the crap out of me."

"Mary Anne listen to me. We are never going to stop trying to find you. I promise." I say.

"... Sherlock?" She says after a pause.

"It's me baby I'm trying my hardest to find you." I say as we hail a cab.

"But- but you were there in the warehouse. You said you didn't care about me. You hurt me." She says sucking in a painful sounding breath.

"No I promise you it wa-"


"Who is this? Where did my daughter go?! John exclaims as we reach the police station. We learn all the necessary information and Emily and Mary Anne as we are hooking the phone up to the tracking system. John starts to explain what to do for her injury, and I go over the the man trying to track the phone call. About 15 minutes later John has finished his his instruction and is talking to Emily about what the surrounding area looks like when we hear an angry voice.


And then silence.

"Emily? EMILY?!" John yells into the phone. Once he gets no answer he slams his hands down on the table. I sat down in a chair near me and put my head in my hands.

'We're never getting her back.'




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