Harry potter and the war of l...

By paterdave2

42.2K 695 104

This is a Harry Potter Fanfiction. I don't own any rights they all are J.K.Rowlins The story starts the day a... More

Harry potter and the war of life
Chapter 2 Home sweet home
Chapter 3 Sirius' Return
Chapter 4 Returning to Hogwarts
Chapter 5 Details and Arrangements
Chapter 6 Attack on the Burrow
Chapter 7 At the ministry
Chapter 8 Statements and Confrontation
Chapter 9 A birthday to remember
Chapter 10 Trouble in paradise
Chapter 11 Letters
Chapter 12 The three broomsticks
Chapter 13 Diagon Alley
Chapter 14 George
Chapter 15 the Hogwarts express
Chapter 16 The New Teachers
Chapter 17 first lesson
Chapter 18 A lunar problem
Chapter 19 Meeting the Baylay's
Chapter 20 wolf talk
Chapter 21 Revelations
Chapter 22 Fighting Voldemort
Chapter 23 More revelations
Chapter 24 What is it with Malfoy
Chapter 25 Halloween
Chapter 26 Something Forgotten
Chapter 27 Wandless Wonders
Chapter 28 Travel arrangements
Chapter 29 Unexpected
Chapter 30 What to give to the Weasley's
Chapter 32 Talks with Molly
Chapter 33 Change of plans
Chapter 34 Christmas at the Potters
Chapter 35 Unexpected presents
Chapter 36 Arriving for diner
Chapter 37 Diner
Chapter 38 Talks
Chapter 39 Taking Dudley home
Chapter 40 Trip to Paris
Chapter 41 Trouble at the ministry
Chapter 42 Back at Hogwarts
Chapter 43 Decisions
Chapter 44 The voice of Hogwarts
Chapter 45 What to do with Sirius
Chapter 46 Draco Forgiven
Chapter 47 New Problems
Chapter 48 Trapped
Chapter 49 New information
Chapter 50 The Leader
Chapter 51 Wonders and attacks
Chapter 52 No time to Celebrate
Chapter 53 Letters from home
Chapter 54 Family Talks part 1
Chapter 55 Family Talks part2/Last train ride

Chapter 31 Fight with Ginny

688 16 2
By paterdave2

Thank you all for the votes and the comments.
I have tried to get this out sooner but was not sure if I wanted to do this chapter as it was or more as a christmas chapter because of the time in the story. When I started the chapter it went a whole diffrent way as you will see. Hope you all will vote and let me know what you think. Have fun with reading the chapter

Chapter 31 Fight with Ginny

The next few days Ginny was not really a joy to be with. Harry kept his distant as did Hermione and Ron. 

When Ginny walked in the commenroom on Saturday afternoon she could see the three of them sitting in the chairs near the fire. 

She walked over to them and put her hands in her side just as her mother could do. 

"So what is the problem" She said briskly. Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at her and didn't said a word. She looked at them than at Harry. When they still didn't say a word she turned around and walked straight out. 

"I would go after her if I were you" said Hermione. "She wasn't happy when we did not say anything". 

Harry got up fast and also went through the portrait hole after Ginny. 

"Ginny wait" he yelled as he came around the corner. 

Ginny turned around her eyes full with tears. Tears from hurt and anger. 

"Lets go to my quarters please?" Harry said with a question in his voice. 

Ginny turned around and walked beside him without saying a word to him. She would tell him in a second what she had on her mind and that if this was how he wanted to be in the relation she would not be part of it. She was not the kind of girl that you say nothing to when she asked you what was wrong. As they walked towards his quarters Harry also was thinking about what he was gonna say. He could not tell her that her letter was interfering with his plans. So how could he tell her that she had nothing to worry about anything and that everything would be alright. 

When they came into his private quarters he could see that the elves kept it clean even that the quarters were not used to sleep in. 

Ginny sat in a chair and Harry walked to the small bar that every teacher had and poured them both some drinks. 

Ginny took hers and didn't drink a drop from it. 

She just looked at Harry. 

"Well?" She said. "What was it that you could not tell me in the commenroom or the hallway, you better have a very good explanation because if this is how it is gonna be with us that you won't tell me but you will tell Ron and Hermione than I have news for you Mr. Potter you can tell them everything you want but than you can do it without me because I won't take it." 

Harry looked at her. "I deserve better and will find better because you are not the best boyfriend to have you know. Everyone wants to know something from me, asks me how it feels to be with the boy who lived and the one who saved the world etc etc." 

Ginny was now crying and tears were falling on the floor. 

"You never ask how I feel, you never take time for me it is always with Ron and Hermione. I have a relation with you, not with Hermione not with Ron. I can't take this anymore I am sorry Harry" after this Ginny got up and ran to the door. 

Harry looked at her and when she was almost at the door he snapped out of it. "Ginny!!" he yelled. Ginny froze and Harry was at the door in a second. 

He stood between her and the door. 

His eyes, his beautiful green eyes were full of fear. Ginny could see that. 

"You had your say now it is my turn" Harry began. "You ask me questions and want to leave, I don't think so." Harry had began to yell at her. Ginny was so shocked at this that she walked backwards from him and sat down again. 

"You ask what is wrong I tell you what is wrong." Harry continued "You are wrong. You have been a real pain in the ass to be around with since you got that letter from your mother. Do you really think we like it that every thing we say to you the reply is snapped at. You forget that everything I do I do for you. Yes I do a lot with Ron and Hermione but they are my best friends. We were on the road for a year. That was not easy. If you want to leave me go ahead but if it is because you can't handle the questions about being my girlfriend think about what I have to injure. I can't even go to Diagon Alley without the Prophet telling about it and asking why I am there. So if you want to leave me go ahead but leave me because you don't love me anymore not because they ask you some questions." Harry sat down and pointed to the door. "Go if you want," He said. "but don't expect me to run after you again if you walk out. So if you want to break up just go." 

Ginny sat in the chair and remained there for a few minutes, than she got up walked to the door and looked back at Harry. When she saw him siting in that chair defeated and heartbroken because he knew it was over it hit her, he had plans that she wasn't aware off. She walked back to him. Told him she would be back soon and left. Harry fell apart when he heard the door lock behind her. He cried as if he had lost the war and all his friends and family were gone. He would resign tomorrow and leave Hogwarts. He knew it. He could not be in the same place as Ginny, not after she just had broke his heart and cut it out of him and stepped on it. He would stay in his quarters for the night he didn't want to see Ron or Hermione. They would ask him questions that he did not want to answer. When he had the free time he would go back to the travel agency and cancel all trips. Then he would look for a place to live and talk to Kingsley about becoming an auror. 

Harry got up and poured himself a glass of firewhiskey. He drunk it in one go and poured himself another. When he sat back in the chair he looked at the fire, he did not know how long he sat there but he had fallen a sleep. He was woken up by Kreacher. "Master, excuse Kreachers sirs but Mistresses asks me to take you to her." The elf said. Harry didn't hear what the elf had said and got up. "I will sleep here tonight Kreacher" Harry said his elf. "So you don't have to take me to the commenroom." 

Kreacher looked at Harry. "Master must be mistaken, Kreacher must not bring Master to commenroom, Kreacher is taking Master to Mistress" Now Harry did hear what Kreacher said. "She is no longer your Mistresses Kreacher so you don't need to listen to her anymore. Now if you don't mind I am going to bed." He told his elf. 

"Sorry Master, but I has orders" Said Kreacher as he took Harry by the hand. Harry looked at the elf and than they apperated. 

When Harry got his surrounding in clear view he was shocked to were he was. 

Kreacher had let go of Harry's hand and looked guilty at his master. "Sorry Master, I has orders" and with a crack he was gone. At the spot Kreacher had been a second earlier now lay a note. Harry picked it up and read: 

" Dear Harry

Take a look around you and you will see the place where our live together really began.  

As you might already know thanks to my loving brother I loved you from when I was a little girl.  

From before I even knew you. 

When you became Ron's best friend I was so jealous of him that he was your friend and I wasn't that and you would not even see me standing there wanting to be your friend I was glad when I found the diary and could tell somebody about my problems. 

When you rescued me from Tom Riddle I was stunned that you even cared and I fell in love with you even more. 

When you treated me still as Ron's little sister my heart broke.  

I kept waiting for you but in the end I gave up. 

It wasn't until we finally kissed in my fifth year that I really knew you loved me too. 

When we broke up after that short time I knew I lost you but always hoped not for good. 

That kiss we shared at your birthday was proof for me you still loved me and I waited for news and your return. 

I never thought that it would come to this that I was writing a letter and where I would break your heart."  

When Harry read this tears started streaming from his eyes. She was really breaking up with him. 

"When I left you earlier today I needed time to think. 

Think about what you said, think about what I felt and feel, think about my or our future. 

I really love you Harry but I can not stand to be at the sidelines all the time. 

I understand that you, Ron and Hermione have a very special bond and relation but as I told you I want a relation with one of you not all three. 

Keep what you read in mind as I never will stop loving you.

Yours from now till forever 


Harry screamed and cried. He really had lost her. The only reason he had come back from limbo. The reason he died and returned to the living was gone.  

He now understood why she had took him here. This is where it started mostly so this was where it should end. 

He called Kreacher but the elf did not come. He called again and again the elf did not come. Harry walked to the door and it was closed. 

He panicked a little. How was he gonna get out of here. Than he called Fawkes. 

The phoenix did appear, but to Harry's surprise Fawkes was not alone. 

In front of him stood Ginny. The girl of his dreams. She looked like a princess in that beautiful dress. She walked towards him took his hand without a word and grabbed Fawkes his tail again. 

In a swirl of flames they were gone. 

Harry looked around and he recognized his own quarters, but there was something different. The single bed was gone and there was a double. Where his desk normally stood now was a set table with lit candles and the best diner you could imagine. 

"This outfit won't do"said Ginny and pointed her wand at Harry. His robes changed into a great suit and he just looked at her. 

Harry was at a loss. What was going on here. Was this some kind of cruel joke she played on him. She just dumbed him and now she was here looking as beautiful as ever. 

"Ginny don't do this to me" he whispered. "Just leave. Your letter was clear I understand. You don't have to make it more difficult."  

Ginny looked at him. Now she saw the pain is his eyes. The lose he felt. She now understood that he thought she was breaking up with him and this was extra punishment. 

"Harry, read the last line again please?" She said. 

Harry who looked as he was about to brake down read it again. 

He looked at her and than back at the note.  

"It said that you have to keep in mind what you read as I will never stop loving you." 

Ginny said to him. "I signed it with: yours from now till forever."  

Harry looked at her she smiled at him. 

"I would never say that if I was leaving you. You are my life Harry. I want you to know what I feel and felt. I also want you for myself sometimes. I " 

Ginny could not continue because Harry had walked over to her and kissed her. 

He started crying as he kissed her again and again. 

"I thought I lost you," he cried "I was so scared I lost you. I love you so much." 

Harry kept repeating this and Ginny just let him cry. She comforted him but let him cry. When Harry calmed down a bit she looked him in the eyes. "I thought I lost you to."She said. "Lost you to my brother and Hermione. Lost you to your work. It wasn't until I walked out and saw you sitting there alone that it hit me. You loved me and all you did was for me. You are planing something, I don't know what and I don't want to know. But keep in mind that I also need you to be my boyfriend sometimes and not just Harry. What you told me before I left made quite an impression and opened my eyes. I am sorry Harry I really am. I love you" After this she started crying herself. "I told Minerva what happened and what I was planning. We can stay here for tonight, because she knows that what we need is some time alone." Harry could not believe his ears. After missing Ginny by his side in bed for months he was now spending a night with her here at Hogwarts. The thing Minerva told him that she really did not want. He looked at Ginny with disbelief that it made her laugh. 

"Yes you heard me correct. We can sleep in your quarters tonight. She wants us in her office tomorrow morning after breakfast though so we can not sleep in."She added wit a smile. 

Harry looked at this beautiful girl he was still hoping he could call his girlfriend, but he was so confused that he needed to be sure. 

"You still love me?" He asked in a low voice. "You still want me as your boyfriend?"  

Ginny understood Harry's confusion and said yes to him. "Harry I love you with all my heart. I want you to be my boyfriend, my fiancée and my husband when the time comes. Do you still want me?" She asked him. 

Harry was shocked by her question. How could she think he would ever want to leave her. She meant more to him than all the gold in whole of Gringotts. He just could not believe it that she would think otherwise. 

"Ginny if I can't have you as my wife I will never marry" He said to her. 

After that they kissed and both knew that they would stay together for the rest of their lives. 

Ginny guided Harry to the table and they had a romantic diner for two and spend the whole evening just the two of them, talking about their first real big fight and that they needed more time for each other. They both now agreed that they needed more time for themselves and that even Ron and Hermione needed more time for themselves. 

When they went to bed they both changed in front of each other. Something they never had done before. Sure they had changed with each other in the room but most of it was under their clothes like you see sometimes at the beach. They both stole looks as the other changed and both were red in the face with shame and pride. When they lay in bed Ginny turned to Harry. "Harry what ever you are planing just leave the plan as it was. I don't mind." Ginny's remark was spot on because Harry was thinking in changing the trip for Ron and Hermione. Now that he knew that Ginny would no mind he would let it be as it was but he would get her something special when they were there. With Ginny in the arms of Harry they both fell asleep. 

The next morning after breakfast Harry called Kreacher. 

Kreacher appeared and looked scared. "Kreacher is sorry for not listening to master, Kreacher will punishes Kreacher after master punishes Kreacher." the elf squeaked and trembled as he looked at Harry. 

"Kreacher I think you will get clothing for disobeying me" said Harry. 

"NOOOO not clothing sir, not make Kreacher free elf." the elf fell to his knees. The elf could not believe his master would set him free. 

With the elf in such a despair he felt sorry for the elf and regretted his little joke. 

"Kreacher will put his ears in the oven or hands and feets but please sirs no clothing." the elf kept sobbing. 

Harry kneeled down and grabbed the elf and lifted his head. "I am sorry Kreacher. I am really sorry, I will not give you clothing. I am honored that I have such a faithful elf as yourself as my help. I was joking. It was a bad joke but you don't need to punish yourself. You did great yesterday. You listened to your mistress and did as she ordered. That is what a good elf does. You do not have to worry for punishment or clothing do you hear me?" Harry said to the elf. 

Kreacher looked up at Harry with tears in his eyes. He was not sure at what he was hearing. "Master is pleased with Kreacher? Kreacher not getting clothing?" the elf asked in a small voice. Harry looked with love at the elf. "Yes Kreacher I am very pleased with you and no you are not getting clothing." The elf looked relieved at this. 

"Can you please tell headmistress McGonagall we will be at her office in 5 minutes please?" Harry asked the elf. The elf was pleased that his master would keep him and that he than got to go and get the headmistress herself for him. "Yes master Kreacher will tell headmistress you will be arriving in 5 minutes." the elf bowed so low his nose hit the floor and with a crack he was gone. 

"That was not funny Harry," Ginny said "that poor elf almost died from a heart attack."  

"I know love" said Harry "I never thought he would take it that bad. I really like him even if he was terrible in the beginning. I will make it up to him. Shall we go because we don't want to keep Minerva waiting." They left Harry's quarters, on their way to McGonnagal's office Harry looked at Ginny. "Gin, I need to tell you something." he started "The reason your mother declined your letter about the trip was because I asked Minerva to tell her to." Ginny wanted to say something but Harry put his finger on her lips to quit her. "I know that you want to yell at me for not telling you sooner but like I told you yesterday you were in no mood to hear anything bad. The letter was not in a way I would have liked her to write it but that was not up to me. The reason I told her to tell you no is very simple. I have already bought them a trip."  

Ginny looked at him and the anger she just had felt was gone and now she only felt pride. Pride for the man she loved for his kindness, his love for her parents. She stopped and looked at him. Than when he did not expect it she just jumped in his arms and kissed him. "You are wonderful sometimes you know." She said. "I don't understand why you didn't tell me but well you are forgiven." She kissed him again and they walked on to see Minerva. 

When they knocked they could hear her talking to somebody. 

"Come in" They heard. When they entered they could not believe their eyes. It was Mrs. Weasley who McGonagall had been talking to.

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