Chapter 25 Halloween

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End AN/ 

Chapter 25 Halloween

The meeting with the Malfoy's wasn't a pretty one.
When Narcissa learned what her son was up to and about the little spats he and Harry had at the beginning of the year and yesterday she blew up like a bomb.
"What in Merlin's name are you thinking. Do you really think that we approve of this behavior? I lied for you with fear for my own life to keep you safe and this is how you repay me?"
"But I was only thinking about that blood ...."


"Continue that sentence and I will hex you so badly that you may be glad you have children of your own when you are 50 do you understand me." Narcissa Malfoy said to Draco.
Draco and Lucius Malfoy both looked at her. She had never hit her son.
"Mr Malfoy may I ask your opinion on this?" Minerva asked, she and Harry had agreed that she would do all the talking and that he would only be there to watch.
"On what Minerva and please it's Lucius." Mr. Malfoy said
"Well what you have heard about the actions of your son." Said Minerva short and in a tone that meant no discussion and now I want your answer. 

"Well I can not say they surprise me." He said. "As you know until the very end of the war we were in league with the dark lord, if it wasn't for my wife I think we all three would be in Azkaban by now serving life in there. That doesn't answer your question I know but I want you to know that I believed the dark lord for the most of my life. It was at the end that I started doubting his intentions. I know I can not undo the things that I have done but believe me when I say that the Malfoy family name will mean something again. To answer your question I do not approve or support the actions of my son I do hope that he also will turn over a new page in his life." Mr. Malfoy concluded. 

"Mrs. Malfoy I have a question for you." Minerva said, Narcissa looked up and Harry could have sworn he could have seen that she knew what Minerva wanted to ask. He was right.
"I know what you want to ask and if Professor Potter has not told you I don't think that I am the one to do so." She replied kindly.
Minerva looked at Harry and he nodded. He stepped forward. "Mrs. Malfoy,could you tell us all what happened in the forest from the moment when I came out in the clearing." He asked.
She looked at him and smiled. "Sure Professor. When you came out in the clearing the dark lord and you confronted each other. You just stood there waiting for him to strike you down. When he did you did nothing. He used the killing curse and it hit you straight in the chest. You dropped to the floor."
Harry looked at Draco when his mother was telling what happened in the forest to see the impact.
"My sister wanted to check on you so she could tell the dark lord you were dead. She kissed his feet to get a chance but he send me instead. I could see that you were alive and asked if Draco was in the castle, you confirmed my fear and I knew than that the only way to get my son out of here alive was for you to defeat the dark lord, so I said you were dead. I lied to him to save my son."
When Draco heard this harry could see the shock in his eyes.
"I would do it again and again even if he was to kill me on the spot."
At this Draco really didn't know what he heard. His mother would have given her life for him. He knew she loved him but this was something else. 
"Why haven't you told me?" He asked his parents. "I was asked if I wanted to return here to finish school, even if I almost finished it last year."
"Mr. Malfoy please there is something more you need to know and I want you to listen very carefully because what I am about to tell you will not leave this room is that understood." Minerva McGonagall said to young Mr. Malfoy.
"Yes Professor" Draco could only reply.
"When we asked old students back for this year all students who were in league with you know who, all the teachers and I mean all the teachers had to agree for that student to return. So if one of the whole staff had any objections to a student returning that student was not able to return." She paused for a few seconds and than. "What does that tell you?" She asked him

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