AVERIELLE (Book 1 of the Not...

By she-divines-on-sand

179 17 1

" I was born to fulfil a fiery destiny that's exactly what I am going to do." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

25 1 0
By she-divines-on-sand

..'hard, why won't she get up?"

"You are doing it wrong. She wont wake up if you shake her gently she sleeps like the dead. Here let me." It is after she says that I feel my self being shaken violently.

" Averielle! Get up, get up, get up, get up, get up, geeeeeet up!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Get off me you crazy girl and stop shaking the life out of me ." I say but it comes out groggily , I am aware that I haven't assessed my surroundings because my eyes are still closed.

When I do open my eyes I see that it's not only Danielle in the room but also Delan and my pajama shorts barely reach mid thigh.

"How did you get mom to agree to let him up with you, by the way didn't she like tell you that you I am grounded and stuff."

She was silent so I looked up at her only to see her smirk.
"Being a fae has its perks". At this I shot up out of my bed and ran towards my room door.

"What did you do to her?" she held me back .

"Relax will you, we made her breakfast and sent her back to bed, might've used a little magical persuasion , but still she is fine." She compelled my mom to go back to bed, what's the harm I wonder. I look on the clock on the wall to see that it is 6:37.

"You said I have training, for how long ?"

"Till about noon or longer ."

"But my mom wont sleep that long ?"

"I know which is why she is going to the spa after her nap."

This girl will be the death of me.
"You are devious , now both of you get out so I can get ready. "

As soon as they get out I head into the shower. When I get out I finally have a reason to wear the items in my nike gym bag that my mother's Co-worker got me for my birthday.

I get down stairs to see Danielle and Delan in my couch making out. Now I would be kind enough to give them their privacy but seriously , I don't want to if I gotta get up so early in the morning then I need some sort of recompense. I cleared my throat loudly and they pull apart.

Delan sat there grinning sheepishly while Danielle buried her head in his shoulder in mortification. Nice.

"Chop chop children draw the tongue match and let's get going. I'm not sure why I am so excited since you're all gonna kick my ass but come on. " at this they get up off my couch and head outside. I turned and looked upstairs one last time. I hope my mom is not furious by the time I get back.

When I turned my gaze ahead and that's when I noticed the car and driver. It seems that professor scowl a lot was here too. There he was in the front seat with his head leaning back giving me full access to stare at his full pink lips and the adorable way his hair came down to hide his right eye. Eyes that I earlier discovered as hazel. He is beautiful but he has a chip on his shoulder. And that chip seems to be my existence.

"Are you coming princess or you planning  to stare at me all day." He was not even attempting to mask his irritation. But he was right I acted like a love sick puppy after knowing him for less than twenty-four hours.

I steeled myself and strengthened my resolve and walked towards the car and surprise surprise the front seat was empty and the passenger doors were locked. I looked at Danielle's smug face only to see her mouth 'payback.'

"So what your saying is you want me to see with my inner eye? Could you explain how to do it again. " Delan sighed exasperatedly. We we're in Claire's back yard and so far my training has been an epic fail, I am so not cut out for this.

"Breathe in then out close your eyes and imagine seeing the world with your eyes closed in gray scale . " I did what he said, I felt myself shifting into the world where everything was in gray scale.

"Now find our Auras pick out the purple flecks from the gray. " His voice sounded far away .

"It's not working, even the gray is fading back into black nothingness. "

"Your concentration is slipping. Focus Averielle !" I breathed in and imagined the world in grayscale again and searching for the purple flecks and when I did I was elated.

They weren't solid looking, just outlines on the edges of of their bodies but the rest remained transparent all except one witch where the body remained transparent this one shimmered.

"I found them Delan, one of them is all purple and shimmery."

" The shimmering one belongs to Danielle she enjoys tampering with her Aura. "

"Hey!!! What is a gift of illusion if you can't play with it." I couldn't see her face and I didn't have to know she we as pouting. Drama queen.

"Great your first lesson is done , this is the most important since you are unable to use your affinities. You must be on alert, you will be a target if there is word of another Phoenix, your father lost his Phoenix when you were born and as far as the magical realm knows he was the last one, therefore it's imperative you know that any other Aura other than purple could potentially be a threat. "

" Speaking of affinities what can you do?"

"Well all Faes can create illusions and manipulate and element as well as a few tricks. I don't really know what those tricks are but I can make objects invisible. Here watch this." He took his bandana from around his head and held it up for me to see and a second later it disappeared.

" Hold out your hand." I held out my hand. I could feel the soft material but I couldn't see it. I smiled, this was really cool.

"So your element? " I asked.

"My element is air. Danielle's is water. "

"And what of Emmet? " At that
Danielle smirked .

"Sweetheart you get the pleasure of asking him yourself, you have combat training with him right now. "

Oh no!

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