Chicago pds new girl

By kaitlyngeorgia09

27.8K 457 24

My name is Demi lawson I used to live in Chicago with my parents but we moved away it's been 5years and I'm h... More

Making it back to chicago
Wow my first day back and this happens !!
Ergh my head hurts !!
First day was stomach turning!!
Twisted son-of-a-bitch !!
Lean on me erin dont take this on alone !!
We got em
What a sight in the morning !!
pulpo is crazy
stop fussing I'm fine !!!!
going home !!!
medical exam
I'm coming back !!!
birthday plans 😍and break ups
tomorrow's party time
shopping before the day ends!
party time πŸ‘»πŸ‘ΉπŸ‘ΊπŸ‘ΎπŸ‘ΏπŸ’€πŸ‘½πŸ‘€πŸ‘―
back to work
BEMBENEK (part2)
Cfd,cpd,med bbq ,, rounders ((Its all my fault ))
Im walking target !
Spill !!
Home invation
Help !
Shit just finds me
Shit !

Back home

1K 17 2
By kaitlyngeorgia09

Pulling up at the district I jumped out the taxi and helped Jay out the car "I'm fine stop babying me "he said chuckling "oh well stop being a baby then !!" I said to Him and I heard a li agh from behind me turning it was ruzek "you to are like a married couple !" He said laugh "shut it ruzek !!"me and Jay snapped then they both laughed together "ergh what ever you help him in then !!" I said stomping off "hey Sargent how's your day been ?"I said walking to the desk "it's not been bad how are you Demi I heard everything that went on in New York ?"I'm fine then I heard Jay and Adam laughing walking up the stairs "he's the one you should ask that to haha speak later " I said walking of "you bet "she said smiling at me putting my code in and my palm on the plate the door opened and I opened it and walked up stairs getting to the top I seen Erin she spotted me and walked to me "coffee ?? " she asked I nodded "yes please !!"I said and walked into the kitchen she closed the door "so what's happening with you and halsted ?"she asked "what !!" I said to her nearly chocking on my spit she laughed "I can tell you like him " she laughed "no I don't he's my partner that's all !" I said to her "yea okay then cause it's not written all over your face ! " she said speaking loud "shut up he will hear you !! I don't like him if i did you'd be the first to no !"j said pouring my coffee "I better be !"she said pointing at me I nodded walking out laughing with her "what's so funny ??"halsted asked us "nothing !"we both said then laughed again "you to are crazy !" Walking to my desk I grabbed Jay on his shoulders bending down so my mouth was near his ear "keep that in mind "I said seductively then laugh looking at Erin she laughed to Hank walked in "hey Demi thought you was off the clock today ?" He said to me I nodded "yea was just bringing Jay up and came to speak to Erin "he nodded and I walked to my desk and got it Erin's spare keys she give me "hey erm still want me at your for a bit ?"I asked and she nodded "just for a little while " I nodded " yea just gonna go get some clothes and stuff for your house !"she nodded I walked over to Toni "hey big guy " I said wrapping my arms round his neck "hey princess you okay ??" I nodded "better now you ??" I said still not letting go "even better now " he said chuckling I did to letting I stepped back and seen everyone staring including Jay with a weird look in his eye "erm I'm gonna stay with Erin for a few days not forever just till she's okay !" I said to him feeling horrible because he's going through stuff aswell but he's a guy he can handle this she's fragile and can't "yea no problem but when your back we need to talk !"he said all seriously "yea obvcourse !" I said smiling "right I'll see you losers later call me if you need help with anything " I said heading for the stairs hearin everyone say bye to my then I heard Hank "Demi can I see you for a minute before you go ?" He said I nodded and headed back to him walking in his office he closed the door "just wanted to say thank you for what you've done for us exepecally Erin she's been like my daughter since she was 15 and you are being the best thing in her life keeping her on the straight narrow she needs you and your allways Their so thank you I already see you like a daughter and you've been here five minutes but your a hell of s person kid I'm glad your with us !"he said looking proud "wow thank you Hank you have no ideas what that means to me you guys are my family I'll always be hear !soo I'm gonna leave on that note got some errands to do so I'll see you tomorrow call if you need me okay ??" I said pointing at him "yea I will now get out of here and enjoy your day of !" I saluted at him then laughed and walked out "right see you guys later at Molly's byeeeee !!" I said running down stairs hearing everyone laugh and say bye "bye Sargent see you tommorow "I said to trudy "aw bye sweet !" She said it always creeps me out because she's horrible to everyone but me and Erin smiling I headed to my car pulling out my phone ringing gabs "hey ," I said soon as she answers "hey chica what you doing ??" She said "nothing got the day off was wondering what you was doing ??"I said to her and opening my car door "I get off in a hour wonna come get me and me you shay and Brett can go for a drink ?" She sounded like she was begging "on my way see you soon !"I said hanging up going home first to get changed getting home I went straight to the bathroom then walk to my room got out my outfit

After applying light make up I walk to Toni's room and search for a night bag to borrow looking every where I finally find it shove a few nights clothes Into it and head out putting the bag in the boot I headed for gab parking up I walk in and see squad at their table they soon spotted me "hey Demi what you doing here ?"severide said jogging up to me "hey came to pick up gabs Leslie slivey if that's okay with you ?"I said raising an eyebrow he smiled and nodded moving to the side he pointed to a door "their through their " he said so I nodded "thanks see you around Kelly " I said walking into the room not before hearing "dam i defiantly would oh yes she's fine " come out of some guys mouth I didn't care till I heard "uh-hu boys she's taken halsted and her have a thing !" I think it was Gabby but I carried on walking till I came face to face with shay "OMG your hear I'm so excited we've just clocked out I'll get the girls " she said really fast "GABS SILVEY !!!" She shouted and I heard feet running oh god then I was in a bone crushing hug "can't breath "j said giggling "sorry " they both said letting go "we've just not seen you since you got here !" Leslie said to me "Ino sorry bout that just works been really busy lately " I said and they nodded "I hear that hah " silvey said laughing shay nodded "right where's my gabs ?" I said laughing "right here !"she said and grabbed me prom behind "I missed you !"she said "it's been a about a week gabs " I said turning to look at her "Ye a week to long !! Right I'm just gonna change wait here you guys I'll be back soon !" She said running off squealing in excitement turning to the girl I put my serious face on "right it's gabs birthday in 3weeks what we gonna do some ideas ?"I sake them "ermm movie night ?"silvey said I raised my eyebrow "really ? How old are we 12 ?"I asked and laughed so did she "meal ?"Leslie said "no to formal " they both shrugged their shoulders "hey isn't gabs birthday Halloween ?"silvey said "yea ?" I said wondering where she was going "how about Halloween themed surprised party ?"she whispered to us "omg that's a great idea she loves fancy dress !!!" I said to her smiling at her "how we gonna get her a costume ??" Shay said "today we can go shopping before we go for a drink we can make it out like we've forgotten say jays having a Halloween party she won't have a clue !"I said and they both agreed and we had big grind on our faces I pulled my phone out and messaged Jay quick

To Jay
Hey if Gabby asks if your throwing a Halloween party you say yea and go along with it !xxx

I sent it looking up I seen Gabby walking out the back room "hey you ready to go ??" I asked and she nodded "yea lets go get drunk !!" She said waving her hands in the air "before we do that we need to go get a Halloween costume Jays just invited me to his Halloween party so I asked if you'd could come !" I said to her and she awkwardly smiled "that's great i love fancy dress tell him I said thank you !!"she said putting up a front but I ignored it because she would no I'm lieing if I didn't "okay let's go !" I said heading out the door "bye kelly cya later boys !" I said walking past the hearing then say bye PINGGG taking out my phone I quickly opened the text

From Jay
Yea you got it why what's going on ??xxx

He text back quickly replying

To Jay I'll tell you later just tell everyon who's coming Molly's later to go along with it its for gabs suprise birthday party speak later 😘😘xx

Texting him and unlocking my car all of us got in putting my phone on the holder and plugging it into my phone inplayed my playlist PINGGG

From Jay

Speak later princess 😘xxx

Shit gabby looked at it and so did the other girls I quickly swiped it away "aweeeee he calls you princess!!!!!!"they all scream "yea yea you all love fairy tales just be quite !!"I said laughing and heading to the costume store this is gonna be amazing

Pulling up in the parking lot we all got out and made are way to the store "what are you all being ??"shay asked "I dunno is it sexy or serious ??"gabby asked looking at me "ermm both !"I said to her playing it cool "let's just see what we find !" I said smiling

To Jay
Did you make sure everyone nows ??xxx

I quickly text him

From Jay
Yep everyone nows and antonios shed some light Erin told me to tell you look for a good costume for her ! Xxx

I giggled
To Jay
Good haha and tell her I'll send her a pic I've got a good idea in mind 😉right I'm shopping and your working leave me be 😘xxx

I said and put my phone in my pocket walking into the shop the girl all separated and looked at different sections I new what I wanted for me and Erin walking up to it I laughed so loud the girls ran at me "what did you fined ??"gab said "Erin asked me to get her a costume to cause she's in work so I was thinking

Robbers because we're cops !!"I said smiling at them "omg that's gorgeous and so ironic !"silvey said I laughed "yea I'm getting these she'll love them!!"I said smiling quickly taking my phone out and textin Erin for her size

To Erin
Hey chick I've picked are outfits I'll show you when your home just need your size ??xx

I sent her walking round the shop with the girls gabs got hers

An angel silvey got hers

A pirate and Leslie got hers

Witch I was so excited then I looked for the boys and seen a pack of five super hero costumes for Jay batman Toni robin Adam wolverine Sean (Roman) black spider man Kevin red spider man so I grabbed it be too my things to the till before gab saw me

Guys outfits 👆🏿
Everyone was sorted and we got back to the car "okay let's go to Erin's so I can drop my things of and then your guys flat and then head to Molly's before everyone gets their !"I said to them and headed to Erin's we had been shopping for hours we had to get accessories and shoes and everything in so tired

We finally made it to the bar walking in I spotted Herman behind the bar "Herman tequila me !!"I shouted and he laughed "you got it" I laughed walking to the bar I sat down with the girls the Herman set my drink infront of me I went to grab it when it got swiped so I turned around looking for the culprit when I seen Jay he locked eyes with me and swigged my drink "I think you stole my drink !"I said giggling "my bad ! Guess I owe you one ?" He said laughing repeating what I said when I first met him I laughed "hey handsome how's your day been without me did you miss me ? " I said turning back to bar "can j have to more tequilas please Herman ?" He nodded I was just about to say something when I felt Jays head rest in my shoulder "hey you okay ??" I asked putting my hand on his head he didn't speak just nussled my kneck ergh that sent tingles up my spine what's this kid doing to me I've nown him a few week and he's already nocking down a few bricks in my wall "here you go I'll put it on your tab " I nodded "right (shot my drink then nudged Jay he did the same )come with me ! I'll be back in a sec "I said getting up and pulling Jay outside "spill !" I said to him he looked at me "Demi I'm fine !" He said trying to be convincing "yea and I'm elton John spill now " I said he giggled but I didn't the he nodded "my brother back in town I haven't seen him since my mother died " he said looking down oh wow Jays mums dead why has he never said anything ?"and he wants to see you ?" I said he nodded "then meet him Jay we both no that in life you take the bull by the horns and run at life once it's gone there's no coming back !" I said looking in his eyes he nodded again then rested his hand in my cheek "you and your wise words !"he said pinching my cheek way to ruin a moment Jay "right let's head back in their get some shots going enjoy the rest of our night coz were both in work tommorow so let's goooo !!"I said jogging to the door he laughed at me and i laughed to we both made are way to the table everyone was on "dem !!" I heard Erin shout from the bar walking to her I smiled " hey chick how's today been ??" I said nudging her shoulder "nothing great really we've been sorting paperwork out your lucky haha Jays not stopes moaning all day I think he missed you ! " she said nudging me back "I've told you were just freinds !!" I whisper shouted at her she nodded then gabs butted in nudging me on the bar "yea yea what ever you say chicka. !" I laughed "ohhh don't bring your Italian out on me you mucca (cow) !" I said back she raised her eyebrows "non si ottiene impertinente con me Chicka(don't get sassy with me chicka!!)" she said in Italian "well non voi ottiene impertinente con me allora Chicka(well don't get sassy with me then chicka !" I said back scowling at her then we both burst out laughing "wow didn't no you was Italian to Demi " Adam said I giggled "yea that's why are parents was so close not a lot of people round here speak it so they became best freinds " I said smiling sitting down next to Jay he rested his hand on my knee squeezing it the taking if away "then we became best freinds !" Gab said "even tho she liked doing more stuff like Toni climbing trees making dens all boy things but we still was best freinds from day one !" She said that made me laughed "wow do you remember those days they seem so far away now" I said looking at Toni both of us smiling "we had some fun times "toni said tears coming to my eyes "yea the best !" I said back "hey Jay so what's this about a Halloween party ??" Roman said fuckkkkkkkkkkk don't blow this pleaseeeee "yea it's fancy dress and I'll tell you guys more when I no the venue " Jay said playing it cool fhew I took a quick glance at gab and her face was s picture I can't wait for this suprise

We'd finished at Molly's and me Erin Jay and kelly was on are way home the boys was walking us becaus "to girls shouldn't walk the streets alone " puft are you kidding I'm a intellagence cop I ain't afraid of nothing linking my arms with Jays we walked ahead Erin and kel was having a moment "so your never gonna guess what i got you !!"I said looking up to him smiling"did you get me a costume !"he said and I bite my lip and nodded "I got you Toni Atwater ruzek and Roman one your all super Heros but your batman obvcourse !!" I said smiling still "guess he's your favourite? " he said smiling to I just nodded we got to the apartment and invited the boys in Kelly and Erin went to her room in so glad we're not drunk otherwise she would totally regret that sitting on the couch with Jay I stared at him "what ?"he asked "nothing !"I said looking away he laughed I picked up the remote because I really want to jump his bones but I don't want to either because I really like him and want to take it slow !"let's see what's on telly !"I said flicking through I settled on an old episode of walking dead I leave this on and cuddle up to Jay resting my head on his knees while he played with my hair then by eyes drooped and I was out

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