tomorrow's party time

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after my little freak out at the fire house I felt okay I got home had a bath and relaxed this week's been great I've been at the firehouse a lot playing card games with squad chief let me ride with shay and silvey for a day it's not been bad nobody brought up the fact I had a mental break down but nobody's acting weird around me I just feel like everyone understand I'm okay just sometimes you have bad days and that's what I love about them they get people have troubles but they don't pitty them they just wanna make sure their okay and I was I was doing okay I had all the people I wanted in my life apart from my parents but they are here they are with me all the time every where I go no matter what they will always be watching down on me making sure I'm not causing to much mischief on the other hand not being in work is killing me I'm bored out of my mind sooo I'm gonna get myself dressed and head to the fire house see what's going on their

outfit // I was finally ready and headed out to walk to the fire house I really need to get my self a car and soooon I'm lucky the house is only a few minutes walk other wise I'd probably not go

once I got their I saw the trucks pulling out to go on a job just as I got to the doors so I went inside and hid away from the sun me and heat don't do very well and today was a warm day getting to where they park the trucks I sat in Kelly squad seat with a bottle of water and my jacket off I was so warm putting my legs on the desk I pulled my phone out seeing their was a message from Erin opening it is smile
E) hey chick didn't wanna wake you this morning so MORNING!!!! and I want you to drop by the district today hank wants to see you its nothing bad just he wants to check in

M) hey chick a MORNING!!!! have a good day at work and yeah ill drop by in a little while I'm at the fire house at the minute I'll pop round later

E) okay see you then

finishing my text I heard the trucks start to pull in to the house then I heard doors slam and people's chatter then actually seen people "hey demi what you doing here ?"I heard gabs voice and looked over the top of my chair to see her walking with silvey and shay to the table "hey I just thought I'd pop in and see you all " I said turning back round as they came to the front of the table "so tomorrow are we getting dressed at yours or at shays what's happening yous are the ones with the biggest apartments " gabby said to me and I looked at  shay "I don't mind going yours if your up for that? "I said and she smiled and nodded "that's cool with me " she's said I nodded "I'll be at shays a bit late though guys gotta run to my parents and see toni tomorrow " I new it was her birthday so did everyone else but the surprise will be the icing on the cake i nodded at her " yea that's fine want me to bring your outfit with me ?" I asked her looking oblivious to what she's going on about she nodded and did her awkward side smile and walked into the house then out of no where my chair got swinged around and I came face to face with Kelly his hands rested on the arm rests face leaned in close "your in my chair lawson" he said in a laughing tone "what you gonna do about its severide haha" I said to him "ohhh is this fighting talk I here ?" I laughed and put my hands up getting of the chair laughing as I move "so dem what time is the party tomorrow?" gabby said to me she must of come back in to join us after her tantrum and my brain froze if we start at half 9 decorating then that gives us all morning to get it done should be finished by half 3 so we can go home get ready and shower so about half 5 everyone was staring now "I think at about half 5--" I said pausing "yea it's half 5 " I said to her the looked at everyone "is that okay for everyone? " I said and looked at casey giving him the look to say something to gab to get her to help him with ANYTHING tomorrow he like stuttered a sec and looked at gabby "hey gabby can you help me with something tomorrow after you've been to see toni and your parents at about 11 ?" ino gab and she doesn't like being with her parents for ages and she will probably be their at about 9 then go straight to tonis he picked a good time looking at her she smiled "yea I'll be at my parents about 9 then probably head to tonight till about half 10 so yeah I can do it where we going? " she said to him "you'll no soon " she smiled I chuckled and looked around and Kelly was staring at me smiling so I smiled widely back at him then giggled walking away "right I'm off see you guys tomorrow " I said to them smiling "see you tomorrow dem " I heard a choir of people say to me turning round I made my way you my car "demi demi wait up " I heard Kelly say to me stopping near my car I turned to him tilting my head I looked at him "what's up ?" I said to him "just a question I don't want to seem to full on or anything it's just a question and if your offended you can slap me in the face and tell me I'm wrong ?" "Kelly just spit it out ," I said to him "are you seeing Halsted? " he said looking to the floor I chuckled "I new you would be erm ignore me I'm dumb and sorry see you tomorrow " he said mumbling "Kelly KELLY " I said "I'm not seeing Halsted " I said smiling "your not ?" he said dumb folded "im not " I said to him "great I mean erm sweet okay I'll see you tomorrow " he said so nervous walking away i just laughed and got in my car and headed to the district pulling up I felt nervous I've not been here for a while and I feel so nervous walking in I seen trudy "hey Sarg how are you today ?" I said to her "demi hey how are you? " she said I smiled "not bad you ?" "I'm good thanks for asking" she smiled and I nodded and headed up stairs getting to the top everyone was arguing and hank was getting in tonis face so u stormed in between then "WHAT THE HE'LL IS HAPPENING HERE ?" I screamed the both shut up and backed away "well I fucking waiting what the hell is happening ?" I said again and no one was answering so I turned to Erin and shook my head "one of the girls on a case were working was are informant and she was also tonis ci she was found dead early hours this morning! " she said and I turned to hank "and this is your fault why ?" I said to him not in a I'm the boss and not him I was just asking "HE GOT ---!" toni shouted "DID I ASK YOU !!"  I shouted back he looked down "I told the girls to not take anything while they was their I told them if they are forced press the front button on the phone and nd we will get them out how was I supposed to no she was a ex junky and wouldn't say no she's dead because she took the drugs its not my fault!!!" hank screamed and I shook my head "god sake really you to are about to rip each others heads of for a junky who was a ci who died because she couldn't stay away from the junk toni I love you but man if she didn't show any restraint she wasn't of the drugs in the first place and I'm sorry she died but blaming hank won't help the situation " I said to him and he shook his head "she's gone dem and it's my fault! "tonight said to me and I shook my head "it's nobody's fault tonight nobody's let's put this to bed and forget about it all she's gone you can't get her back no matter what you do fight rip each others heads of be my guest but no matter what she's still gone the girl who killed her self died having the junk one last time and make the intelligence unit break up what a head line if you boys can't stop the blaming you'll never put it past you and in a year or 2 you'll be arguing about anything ! and this stupid thing will get brought up !" I screamed at them both everyone was looking at me and Erin was smiling "she has a point boys so what's it gonna be jeep the rowing going or let this lie ?" Erin said to them and toni looked at me and I shook my head "you guys decide but I'm not having this so sarge do you still need to speak with new or can is go ?" I said to him "i just wanted you hear so I could make sure your okay now I've seen you now ino your okay so yeah you can go  " he said to me and and I nodded "fixs this please !"I've said heading out "wait dem we need to no about tomorrow? " erin said to me "were decorating molly's at about half 9 so we can sort it all out and still have time to go home have a shower and get ready 51 are gonna be their to help caseys gonna distract gab so we're all good to go that's if you wanna help we have more than enough but the extra hand go along way so molly's half 9 if your up to it anyway ive got to go im meeting kelly to get the decorations bought so ill see yous tomorrow bye guys " I said Heading to the stairs  "hey lawson wait up? " I heard Erin shout so I have turned and as i did I seen Halsted looking hurt but theirs one thing I hate and it's a guy who doesn't have the balls to say how they really feel I'm so done with boys like Jay Halsted who mess with people's heads because they dont no how to feel !! "lawson you listening to me ?" I shook my head and looked at Erin "sorry what did you say ?" I asked and ands he chuckled " come with me ?" I nodded and followed her to the kitchen closing the door I turned round "Jay told me what happened you to parting ways and all just wanted to make sure your okay ??" she looked at me like was a lost puppy "I'm fine erin ive been fine mostly at the firehouse to take my mind of it " I said and she smiled "yea I heard some rumours " she chuckled and I nodded are her "right I'll probably see you tonight if not I'll see you to tomorrow ok I'm gonna be late meeting Kelly well talk so more later ok love you toni bye guys "I said and ran out of the building something was going on with lindsey and halsted coz when we come out of the kitchen he looked like he'd seen a ghost dunno why their hiding it it don't care it may focusing on me and thee moment I want to get so drunk in don't know what day it is getting In my car i finally made my way to kellys

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