Spill !!

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Waking up I felt cozy I didn't wanna move last nights events came rushing back I just smiled opening my eyes I looked at Kelly peacefully asleep tracing the hickey on his neck then his collarbones I felt him shiver I leaned up pecking his chest he still didn't move or open his eye putting my tongue out I licked his nipple he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my face to his kissing me with power "mmm now your awake !!" I said between kisses he chuckled pulling away I looked at him "I was supposed to make you relax last night guess that didn't work as planned !" I said to him picking at his chain on his neck not wanting to look at him "I had the best night I've ever had !"I looked up smiling nodding in agreement I leaned up and kissed him softly "I have to get ready got to go work !" He nodded at me smiling I got up still in his tshirt and headed for shays room real quick mocking on I walked in closing the door behind me "borrow me some clothes !"I said and she chuckled "why don't you just go home and get some ?"She said pulling out a pair of black ripped jeans and a black long sleeved top and I have my leather jacket that's a good outfit ! I took them "I haven't got enough time I'll I'll bring them back I promise !" She nodded smiling walking back to Kelly's room his bathroom is an ensuite with his bedroom walking straight to the bathroom picking my bag up while I went I started to get myself ready emptying my handbag on the side it's a good job I carry spare stuff grabbing my hairbrush I started to tame this mess then I make up wiped my face to get rid of last nights then I pulled out a spare toothbrush from Kelly cabinet using that rinsing it of and putting it with Kelly's then i put light make up back on no foundation but I could deal with it out it once I was dressed I looked in the mirror seeing the biggest hickey I had ever seen "omg Kelly !!!" I headed out looking at him annoyed he chuckled "this isn't funny how am I supposed to hide this ?" I said pointing at it "use foundation ?" I shook my head "it wouldn't cover it I don't have any anyway !" I huffed out sitting on the bed and putting my shoes on feeling the bed dip Kelly was right behind me moving my hair to the side and pecking my neck "you look beautiful !if people ask about it just tell them it's none of their business!" I nodded turning face to face with him "everyone's gonna see it my hairs up !" I said and he chuckled "so I have one to how do I hide mine ?" I laughed remembering I give him one grabbing his chin I turned him to the side looking at the big bruise we guess were even leaning forward I pecked his hickey and looked back at him "thank you for last night it was amazing!" I said to him he nodded picking up my hand and playing with my rings "we should do this again some time ?"He said looking at me I looked in his eyes nodding at him "I'll come by tonight once I've finished work check up on you !" He smiled moving back as I got up "don't sit in bed all day go to the fire house do stuff I'll bring food with me okay ?" I said grabbing my phone from the side putting it in my bag seeing if I'd left anything else "I'm gonna leave my clothes here I'll pick them up tonight coz I don't wanna take yesterday's outfit in work with me !" He nodded at me I leaned down and kissed him "see you tonight ?" I said he smiled "see you tonight !"and I headed out crossing paths with shay grabbing an apple of the top on the way out I smiled at her and closed the door and headed to work

Punching in my number and sliding in my palm the door opened and I headed upstairs getting to the top Erin was in the kitchen so I headed for it to get a coffee "hey chicka !" I said walking in "hey babe !" pouring a cup She was just staring at me I looked to the side raising an eyebrow "good night ??" She said and I smiled "yea I made spaghetti and we watched the breakfast club fell asleep really early !" She was nodding at me humming as I spoke "your such a liar !" I looked shocked she walked closer and flicked my neck "early night huh ?" Holding my hickey she laughed "your so bad !" I was shocked "I burned it on curlers the other day !" I said and she chuckled "wow the curlers okay coz pretty sure that wasn't their yesterday but okay I'll believe your lie not !!! Spill !" I let my Guard down I might aswell just tell her she's gonna find out "okay we slept to get her but don't tell anyone please I don't want this to be a thing it's just casual sex I'm not looking for anything serious right now !"she nodded laughing "I knew it wow okay yea I won't tell anyone !"I m smirked at her "so how was he ?" I bite my lip holding my fingers to the size of Kelly's dick "he hit so many spots I never new I had !"I said to her "really ?"I nodded "wow !" She said "yea wow okay so like I said we ain't telling anyone !" She nodded "the we heard hank shout us all

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