Wow my first day back and this happens !!

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Waking up I looked around the room what the hell happened last night I new I was gonna regret shots getting up I walked out of my room and realised where I was I was at antonios house making my way down stairs I heard noise coming from the kitchen getting into the kitchen I seen Antonio making breakfast "morning " he said witch made my head feel like he had just set of a bomb "shhh not so loud "I said to him grabbing hold of my head and sitting on a stool "aw has my princess got a hangover ??"he said laughing at me "why didn't you stop me ??"I asked him really confused cause normally when I drink Antonio makes me stop not because I have a problem just because he knows how bad my hangovers get "I tried but none of you would listen I Bet gabby shay Lindsey and Brett are in the same boat just you don't have work "he said laughing again "okay well I'm gonna head into town today pick up some stuff do you need anything ?"I asked him "no I'm good " "okay well when do you start work ?" I asked him "in about an hour " "okay if I'm fast getting ready will you drop me off in town ??"please say yes "I won't have enough time but if you come to the district with me meet everyone i might let you borrow my car ?"he said trying to negotiate "I tought i met all your people last night " I asked really confused "well you just need to meet one more important person then you've met them all "he said back "okay fine let me go get ready "I said getting up and stealing a piece of his toast "hey !"he shouted "not so loud !!"I said back "theirs some asprin in the bathroom cabinet "he said in a gentle voice "love you !!"I sang skipping off up stairs going into the room I was before and grabbing some clothes (outfit|)

and made my way to the bathroom "hey can I get a quick shower ???"I shouted down stairs"yea "he shouted back I lay all my clothes in the bathroom and turned the shower on oh shit I for got my make up bag I quickly ran to my bedroom and grabbed it ...

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and made my way to the bathroom "hey can I get a quick shower ???"I shouted down stairs"yea "he shouted back I lay all my clothes in the bathroom and turned the shower on oh shit I for got my make up bag I quickly ran to my bedroom and grabbed it and lay it with my clothes then hoped in the shower
After about 45minutes I was ready "hey lets go !!!"Antonio shouted "I'm coming I'm coming keep you hair on "I shouted back running down stairs
Walking into the station "Dawson someone left you a message i took a number told them you'll ring them back "some lady at the desk said "thanks trudy " he said we walked over to the desk while he picked up the paper "hey I'm Demi Lawson nice to meet you " I said putting my hand out to her "Sargent platt nice to meet you to "she said to me in a bitchy way "okay let's go thank you again trudy" Antonio said grabbing my waist and pulling me with him "what's her problem ?"I asked chuckling "she doesn't do people "he said laughing at me walking up the stairs I spotted everyone from last night "Antonio , Demi " a few of the guys said nodding at us "hey guys "we both said at the same time "omg this this is your fault " Erin said coming out of what looked like the kitchen pointing at her head witch made me laugh "hey don't blame me I said no to the shots you guys made me "I said back "yea yea don't act like you didn't love it "she said coming and giving me a cuddle "hey is voight not yet ??"Antonio said to I think his name was rusak "yea in his office " he said nodded Antonio grabbed my waist again and putt me infront of him and started walking "great let's go "he nocked on the door and some one shouted come in so in we went "hey Sarge this is Demi Lawson she was a intelligence cop in nypd "he said pushing me in front of him "hey Hank voight how you doin " voight got up and come round the desk to shake my hand "I'm good thanks how are you ??"I said smiling at him and shaking his hand "I'm good " he said back smiling "so sarge I was wondering if their was any spots on intelligence for her to start with us ?"he said looking at voight "I'll see what I can do, how long was you a intelligence cop I New York ? "He asked me "ermm round about 3/half years sir " i said back "that's a long time " he chuckled "don't I no it " I said back then his phone rang "come on dem" Antonio said as a silent let's leave him to it "it was nice meeting you Hank " I said smiling then we left the office  "right Im borrowing you my car out of the kindness of my heart be gentle with it " Antonio said to me "you got thank you " taking the keys out of his hands and walking to the stairs "see you later guys " I said to them all "see ya Demi " they all said back to me making my way down stairs I bumped into someone "I'm so sorry " I said looking up and saw jay dam he's so hot "no problem where you running of to ??" He Said smiling looking me up and down "gonna go into town to get some bits " I said smiling at him "women !" He stated "wow so your that type of guy ?" I said laughing with him "I'm gonna go before I kick your arse !" Walking past him but I was still laughing at him "oh so your gonna just leave now ??" He said looking at me "hell yea bye jay " I said still walking "bye "he said laughing and walking up stairs

I was currently in a jewellery store looking for a present for gabby it's her birthday in the next week so I was looking for a present "excuse me please can I see those earrings " I asked the lady standing behind the counter "EVERYBODY GET DOWN NOW !!!!" Turning I seen 3 skinny weak ass guys in masks with guns "shit okay Demi is it give my your name tag now come on !"I said while taking my jacket of and giving it her and took her tag and put it on coincidence"who's the fucking manager !!"one of them screamed pointing a gun at a little girls head "I am !!"I said standing up "okay bitch let go !!"he scream at me we walked into a back room where this hudge safe was "open it !!" He said to me "I don't no the code ,but if you give me a phone I can ring my manager and tell him I need to put a big sale in the safe he will give me the code "I said trying to negotiate with him "how do I no your not gonna call the cops ??"  He said sounded torn "I won't I just won't you guys gone !"I shouted at him "fine you have five minutes but if I suspect anything ANYTHING your dead !!" He said to me trying to be intimidating but it wasn't working at all "okay"I said sounding scared so he wouldn't get suspicious about me I walked to the phone and dialled in antonios number "hello " "hey Antonio it's Demi Lawson I'm at the shop and I've just had a big sell so I need the codes for the safe I'm at 5764 Washington avenue " I said to him hoping he would play along I heard him mumbling to people telling him the address and then he started talking load hopefully so the guys with guns can hear him "hey miss Lawson I will just try and find that code now okay " he said and the guy nodded at me "okay no problem I don't mind waiting " I took the mouth peace away from my mouth but kept it near my ear "he said it will be a few minutes before he can get it I said it was okay so he didn't get suspicious " I said to the guy he nodded "that is good "he said looking kid of surprised "CHICAGO PD EVERYBODY GET DOWN !!" I heard Antonio and Hank shout oh thank fuck "YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH YOUR DEAD !!!!" He screamed coming at me and I quickly moved out of the way punching him in the face and nocking him on his arse then another one come at me and I kicked him away and then I felt an arm wrap around me and a gun press to my temple I stood still looking around to see the guy I kicked bleeding out of his head what did I do I looked how he could of done that and seen blood dripping of the side fuck he's dead !!!"ANTONIO IN HEAR HELPPPP!!!" I screamed really fast then the guy strangled me more "you stupid little bitch I'm gonna kill you shut your fucking mouth "he whispered in my ear (BANG) the door was kicked open and their stood jay and Antonio "let her go !"jay shouted "back up back the fuck up or she's dead !" The kid shouted shaking but pushing to into my temple some more "you (breath)want (breath) to do this (breath) "I said struggling to breath because his hole round my neck was so tight "your (b) not a(b) bad kid (b) just(b) put it (b) down " I said nearly passing out I could hear Jay Antonio Hank and this kid shouting but my eyes started to feel heavy and I can hardly breath but with all the strength I could muster up I elbowed him in his ribs and then head butted him when he was caught of guard and stumbled over to the guys Antonio grabbed me and pushed me behind him to Erin and shouted "get her an ambulance now !!"before Erin grabbed me I fell in the floor and everything went black and all I could hear was my name being shouted by Erin and then it was silent

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