
By sherylwrites

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Highest rank: #269 in Romance Scarlet Campbell. She had a perfect life , they said. What she really had was... More



123 12 6
By sherylwrites

The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters.

• • • • •

Our first desition turned out to be central park.

Cliché? Probably. But I had never once visited it.

Living in New York city, I probably should have but I never got the opportunity.

It turned out that the place we took off from wasn't far from central park.

So what better place to burn some calories?

Central park was a calming sight. It wasn't much crowded.

Some children were running about, playing and laughing. Looking at them, my mouth upturned into a smile.

Someone put their arm around me. Startled, I let out a small squeak.

Turning my head, I saw Aiden with a small smile playing on his lips.

"You scared me!" I said while punching him lightly on his stomach.

He just shook his head.

"Come on" he said and we started walking.

It felt good. The light wind caressing our skin , the laughter and chirping around us and Aiden's arm around me, it felt good.

"Do you like kids?" I randomly asked him.

He just stared at me weirdly for some seconds and answered, " I never thought about it. But they can be cute sometimes."

"Aww, the strong and mighty Aiden hunter is a sucker for kids!" I teased him.

"I am not!"

"You are!"

And that is how we ended up chasing each other. But soon enough, arms snaked through my waist, pulling me down.

We landed on the grass and laid down.

"That was fun." I said, a little out of breath. I probably need to work out more.

"Yup." Was all Aiden said, with his breathing quite normal.

Obviously, he sure works outYou could tell by his muscles. Anyway,

I nodded and laid my head on his chest.

It took me all of my willpower to not doze off listening to the lulling heartbeat of Aiden.

But the moment came to an end too soon.

"Come on, we have places to visit." Aiden said and tugged me up.

We hopped on to his bike and set off.

But suddenly Aiden's phone started ringing.

I knew this because I lost my phone yesterday.

He stopped the bike and we got off.

Watching the screen, his mouth turned into a frown.

With his eyebrows etched together in worry all he said was "hmm' and 'okay'.

But it was his last sentence that sent disappointment coursing through me.

'I'll be there soon.' Was the sentence.

I didn't understand the disappointment. After all even he had work to do so why get upset?

"Sorry Scarlet, but I need to go. We'll continue this later? I promise. Now let's get you home." He said

His words about continuing this made me happy. Why? I didn't know.

I nodded and we set off to his house.

» » »

I was bored.

Really, really bored.

After dropping me off, Aiden immediately set off to wherever he had to go.

It made me curious, but I was no one to ask. After all it was him who was giving me his place to stay.

So I started venturing.

I didn't see the house all too well yesterday night.

Who would after all I had been through?

It was a nice house to say the least. It was quite clean which I didn't expect it to be.

Aiden was in his twenties. His house being neat and clean was surprising.

Roger never kept the house clean. It was me who had to clean up his things.

There was a helper alright ,but you wouldn't expect them to be there 24/7, would you?

I frowned thinking of Roger. Would he or my father send anyone looking for me?

I didn't want an answer to that question.

Willing myself to stop thinking about them, I stepped in front of Aiden's bedroom.

I debated on opening his room or not.

Opening his room would mean disturbing his privacy which I didn't want to.

But I was curious too.

Wasn't it curiosity who killed the cat, Scarlet?

Oh well.

After finally debating with myself, I opened his room. After all, it was just a room wasn't it?

His room was clean as well, adorned with dark colours.

I didn't expect any less either. It was simple but classy.

In the middle was a queen sized bed. Not far from it was a bookshelf. Weird. Aiden didn't strike me as the type of person who would read.

Oh well, you never know about someone.

But what caught my eye was a box like thing in the shelf.

I was about to open it when someone's voice stopped me.

It was Aiden's.



"Oh. I was searching for you. You didn't open the door. I was worried.
What are you doing in my room?" He asked.

I just stared at him for some seconds, then said, "Nothing I was just looking at your books. I didn't peg you as the type to read."

He just nodded and asked, "Okay. Just ask me before you come into my room, okay? By the way are you hungry?"

"Yup"I just nodded. Weird but it was his room afteall.

"Chinese?" He asked.

"Chinese it is." I nodded.

While Aiden ordered, I turned on the television and started searching for something interesting.

I didn't finding anything remotely interesting but our food soon arrived.

It was really tasty. And that was all it took to make me sleepy.

Noticing my drowsiness,  Aiden put his hand around me and that is how I ended up sleeping with him on the couch.

It felt good. And for once , I felt happy.

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I updated!
The length was a bit longer than usual.
Hope you like it!

Until next time

I dedicated the chapter to Dragongirl216 beacuse of the all the support. You rock girl!

And don't forget to vote and comment!

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