Fighter (Editing)

By LoveDarknessPeace

735K 12.5K 760

Savannah was used to life she had, being the black sheep of the family, until Daniel De Luna, next in line to... More

Chapt 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 ( part 1 )
Chapter 9 (part 2 )
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 ( part 1 )
Chapter 12 ( part 2 )
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32: The last chapter.

Chapter 13

19.2K 300 12
By LoveDarknessPeace

Hi there guys, I finish my exams! Woo hoo! No more studying until January...

Anyway here is chapter 13, I made it longer so please vote and comment! :)

  Chapter 13     

“What?” I gasped. Sarah was pregnant? The girl that was too shy to go out with somebody got a bun in the oven? Well, she wasn’t too shy to make out with Cameron…

“Is Cameron’s pup, isn’t?” I asked her. She looked up at me with shock on her face.

“How did you know?” She asked back, her red and puffy eyes were wide and had a little fear in them.

“I saw you and Cameron a couple of days back making out.” I answered her. Her lower lip started to quiver and she started to cry again.

I pulled her to me and hug her as tight as I could. Every sob shook her whole body and they were getting louder each second.

"Shh honey, let’s talk calmly about this, okay?" I cooed to her slightly, afraid that she would start to cry again.

"Okay." She whispered hoarsely and I gave her a smile.

"Okay Sarah, how far are you?" I asked slowly and she looked down again.

"One month." She replied, now looking out the window.

"How is that possible? We've been her only a few days." I asked her confused.

"I’ll tell you the whole story, okay?" She said sniffing and I nodded my head.

"Well", she started, "remember a few months ago that I had to go train pups in a pack here in the US?" She asked and I nodded. Sarah only trains pups from packs that are from the US. I really don’t know why, but that's the only way she does it.

"That was Cameron's pack." she admitted, " He is the alpha of that pack and we knew that we were mates instantly. The connection was there so we both felt it. We both accepted each other as our mate and we hit it off really fast. He took me on dates, we run in the woods together; you know the usual boyfriend and girlfriend stuff." She smiled at the end.

"But when I had to leave, we both still kept in touch with each other. He came every couple of we spend every minute we had together. I fell in love with him Savy, very fast." She finished, still smiling and had that spark in her eyes that I am used to see.

"So, what is the problem Sarah? Your having his pup, isn’t he going to be happy that you’re carrying his child?" I asked and her smile instantly fell out of her face and was replaced with a sad look.

"That's the problem Savannah. One day we were both talking about the future, when I asked him if he wanted children. You should have seen his face Savy, it turned in to scowl and he replied that he didn’t want children in a long time and that I shouldn’t get any ideas of getting myself pregnant." She whispered hoarsely and the water works started again.

"You know Sarah; you have to tell him, is the right thing to do." I said to her and she looked up at me.

"I can’t Sava-" I cut her off/

"Of course you can Sarah; you don’t know how he will react to this." I reasoned with her and a groan left her lips.

"Fine" She grumbled and I smiled at her widely. I know she was going to do the right thing. She always had because she always thinks the pros and cons.

"Do you want me stay here with you?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Nah Savy, go and do whatever you have to do and thanks for the advice." She smiled widely at me, cleaning the tears from her face.

“You don’t have to thank me Sarah, your family and that is what family does; help each other in their time of need." I replied to her and hugged her tight.

"Okay Savy, now I'm going to tell him about the bun he put in my oven because it was his fault and I don’t regret it, at all." She said to me, getting up from the bed and walking out of the room.

"You go girl!" I shouted and I heard her laughing through the hallway. It felt good to help someone; it made me feel helpful and happy.

I walked out of her room and started to back to my room. Suddenly, a hand grabbed my arm and pulled in to another room. There was little light in this room and it smelled like someone dropped a lot of perfumes on the floor and didn’t clean it up.

I turned around and saw that the one that grabbed me and pulled in to this room was Natasha.

"Listen to me you little bitch, you stay away from my man, got it?" She hissed and I started to laugh. Is this slut dumb or something?

"Listen honey, haven’t you notice that your man has been fallowing me around not the other way around and you need to stop spreading your legs to each male because i think that is the reason that Daniel left you. What if you got pregnant in one of those situations honey? You will surely lose your fake body." I said to her and damn it felt good to let it out.

“You little bitch!” She screeched and tried to slap me. I saw it coming and grabbed her hand. I put pressure on her hand and heard her bones crushing a little. She started to scream and I dropped her on the floor.

“Listen to me you whore, if you ever try to hit me again, you will regret it, got it?” I growled at her and she just whimpered.

I turned away from her and got out of the room. Pathetic was the perfect word to describe her. She thought she was superior to me and she couldn’t even defend herself.

I walked in to the living room and found Claire watching TV, well more like channel surfing.I sat next to her and she turned off the TV.

"What's wrong Claire?" I asked her because she looked mad and disappointed.

"Why didn’t you tell me you had a relationship you my cousin five years ago?" She asked me and I sighed. I knew she was going to find out sooner or later.

"Because I thought it was done for good." I replied and her eyes grew a little more than usual.

"You thought?" She asked, her eyes lighting up.

"Yes, but your cousin is trying to prove that he is worthy of having a second chance and tonight were going a date." I admitted and she squealed in delight.

"You are going to be family soon Savannah! Yay!" She said to me and pulled me in to a hug.

"Yes kido, but is Daniel's hands if he wants to be with me or not." I told her and she laughed.

"Oh don’t worry Savy, he is going to do the right thing." She replied and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"And what is the right thing Claire?"

"Win you back, of course." She said dramatically and we both laughed.

We stayed all afternoon talking and watching TV. We didn’t move a muscle, even alpha Ryan came in and called up lazy. We both responded this was our relaxing day and he left scoffing. Then came Lily and she made us, which we were grateful for.

When the lock hit four, I said by to Claire and headed to my room to get ready for my date. I grabbed my towel and jump in to the shower. I washed my body and hair with strawberry shampoo and body wash. Then I shave my legs and put strawberry cream on them so the skin didn’t get too dry.

All those things took me a whole hour and rapidly choose my clothes for the date. Since I didn’t know where we were going, I choose a black skirt that ended a little up my knees, a blue halter top and a pair of black ballet flats. I put on a little of blue eye shadow and clear lip gloss. For accessories I choose a pair of diamond studs and I silver chain I put my hair in a pony tail and let my fringed on the side.

I looked in the mirror and smiled. I look hot and cute at the same time. I sat on the bed and saw that I still had five minutes.

I waited until I heard a knock on the door. I got up from the bed and open the door. There he was, dressed in a dark blue polo shirt, jeans and holding a dozen roses, Daniel.

“Savannah you look amazing, darling.” He breathed and I smiled at him.

“Why thank you, my good gentleman.” I giggled and he smirked.

“Where do I put these flowers, my lady?” He asked.

“I’ll take them.” Someone shouted, making us both jumped. WE both looked in the direction that the voice came from and we found Claire there, grinning like a psycho.

“I’ll put them in a vase and leave them in your room, Savy. Now go the both of you, I don’t want you to be late for your date.” She said happily.

She was right behind us the whole time until we reached the front door. She push us both out and she was still grinning.

“Be safe you two!” She shouted and closed the door.

“She is a little exited that were going out, isn’t she?” I said to myself.

“Yeah love, she is.” He replied, chuckling. We reached a 2011 Koenigsegg Agera R and Daniel opened the door like a gentleman.

 “Is this your car?” I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

 “Yes darling, do you like it?” He finished asking and I sat on the shot gun.  He closed the door, opened his door and got in.

 “I love it.” I purred and he gave me smirk.

 “You can ride it anytime you want from now on.” He replied and started the car, which came to life letting out a soft purr. The smell of leather and new reached my nose, plus his musky scent too.

 “You haven’t used this car so much, haven’t you?” I say to him and he sighed in defeat.

 “No” He admitted and I laughed.

 “Don’t laugh.” He growled and I stopped. He must have taken it like I was making fun of him.

 “So”, trying to change the subject,” where are we going?” I asked him.

"You’ll see.” He murmured and didn’t ask again.

 After a while, the car stopped in front of a fancy restaurant. I remembered this place, this is the most popular and expensive restaurant in the city. It was Italian and everything was fancy. I have never come here before, but here is where the alphas had a dinner together. This restaurant is run by Italian werewolves that are in the Royal Pack.

Daniel opened my door and offered his hand for me to hold and I took it. We both walked inside the restaurant, which was decorated with cream, yellow, orange and red colors. We walked to where the host was checking something. When he saw Daniel, the host got a little pale and gulped loudly. Daniel put on a serious face and the host paled even more.

“Your table is ready Alpha, please come with me.” He said to Daniel, but Daniel’s serious face didn’t change, at all.

We follow the waiter until he stopped at a table in the center of the restaurant. We both sat on the table, which was for two and we were sting in front of each other. The host gave us a menu each and left saying that our waitress was going to be here soon.

Suddenly, a girl no older than us appeared. She was our waitress and she reminded me of a one of those popular cheerleaders in the movie that treated everybody bad. Her blonde hair was loose and her light blue eyes shined with lust.

What can I get you Alpha?” She purred and I almost gagged. This girl had to be related to Natasha somehow.

“I want a steak, medium rare. What do you want love?” He asked me and I smiled at him.

“I want the Alfred pasta with chicken.” I said directly to the waitress, which was glaring hatefully at me. I just gave her a smirk and ignored her completely.

“Your orders will be here shortly.” She told us and left fuming.

“Are enjoying our date darling?” Daniel asked, nervously and I smile at him, he was just so sweet.

“Yes Daniel.” I replied truthfully and the worry in his eyes banish completely.  

“I thought you didn’t like it.” He admitted and I saw his eyes, which had a spark in them.

“I’m really having a good time.” I admitted too and kept looking in to his eyes.

After that, our food was brought to the table and we started to eat. We didn’t talk much while we were eating but after we finish, we talked about almost everything. He hadn’t change, at all. He was still the same boy from five years ago, but with more responsibilities and a little change in the physical side.

After we left the restaurant, we went in to an ice cream shop and spent a whole hour there talking and eating ice cream. Then we went to the park that was on the other side of the street from the ice cream shop. There was nobody in the park, so we went to the kid’s playground. I sat in one of the swings and I stare up at him. He returned the look with confusion in his gaze.

“What?” He asked and I scoffed.

“You have to push me.” I replied, narrowing my eyes and he did the same.

“No way, I’m Alpha, what if somebody sees me doing it? They’re going to think I’m  doing something stupid.” He replied.

“No there not, they’re going to think that is sweet that you are pleasing your date.” I reasoned with him.

“Fine, but just a couple of times, got it?” He growled and I roll my eyes.

“Got it Mr. Alpha.” I replied bored and he started to push me softly. Suddenly there were noises in the sky and I looked up, it was fireworks. Millions of colors covered the dark night and light up the whole park.

“Isn’t it beautiful Daniel?” I asked him and he chuckled.

“Yes my love.”

“What are they for?” I asked him again and he turned to look at me.

“There for you, Savannah.” He admitted and I gasped. No one has neverdone something this nice for me. It was so sweet for him to do something this nice for me.


“Because is our first and I wanted you to enjoy it.” He replied.

“Thank you.” I say to him and he smiled.

“You don’t have to say thank you, darling. You deserve it.” He whispered huskily, his shining brighter than usual.

We spent half an hour in the park and then headed to the pack house. The fireworks only lasted ten minutes, but I enjoyed every second of it.

 We were extremely quite when we entered because it was already midnight. He walked me up to my room and stopped at my door. I was about to opened the door when he turned me around and pulled me to him. His eyes were full of lust and the spark in his eyes was brighter than before in the restaurant.

“You’re mine Savannah, remember that.” He whispered, putting a kiss on my fore head and then let me go.

I close the door as fast as I could and rest myself in the door, putting my hand were my heart was, that was pounding like it wanted to get out of my chest. He was slowly breaking down my barriers and if he finished that, I was a goner. I was going to be trap again, but I had to put a fight to not go down so easily.

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