The Blood of Olympus

By MichaelPeleshaty

88.2K 1.4K 509

In the house of Hades Percy and Annabeth escaped Tartarus. Nico and Jason visit Cupid. Frank becomes a Roman... More

The Blood of Olympus
Leo ll
Annabeth lll
Jason IV
Nico V
Hazel VI
Percy Vll
Leo Vlll
Annabeth IX
Jason X
Nico XI
Hazel Xll
Percy Xlll
Authors Note Please Read!
Annabeth XV
Jason XVI
New Book!
Percy XIX
Piper XX
Hazel XXI
Frank XXIV
Jason XXV
Annabeth XXVI
Poseidon XXVII

Percy l

6.8K 92 37
By MichaelPeleshaty

All rights go to Rick! HE owns all I do not own any characters!


Percy had the best night ever, considering the fact he and Annabeth were no longer in Tartarus, his friends survived and they had the ancient statue of Athena intact. 

The best part though? He had an actual bed. As soon as Nico, Reyna and Coach Hedge left for Camp Half-blood he went straight to his room and took a nice long nap. 

 "Should we wake him?" A male voice asked. 

"Well why else would we come into his room?" A feminine voice replied back trying, but failing at keeping her anger out of her voice.

"Jeez sorry beauty queen!" The male voice mumbled. Percy sighed, Nothing like being woken up by Leo and Piper! Percy thought with fake cheeriness. 

"What do you guys want?" Percy mumbled.

"Well Jason was fighting some wind spirits and he destroyed the aerial port stabilizers so we need to ride the ocean to get it fixed. You don't need to do anything just warn us of incoming." Leo said with a half smile on his face. But his voice underlined with Don't worry just warn us and we will protect you, coward.

Percy growled at a now shocked Piper and Leo. 

"What I say?" Leo whispered to Piper. 

"You basically called him a coward." Said a steely cold voice from the now open door way. Piper and Leo whirled around to see a glaring Jason and Annabeth. 

"No I didn't!" Leo protested. "I was simply stating-"

"That he can't do anything cause of a nine day fall and a few minor injuries? Tartarus didn't affect us as bad because we didn't get captured." Annabeth stated coldly. 

 Leo looked down ashamed. "I am sorry, I really did not mean it like that." 

Percy felt his glare weaken, "It is alright Leo, you were just looking after me and I appreciate it sorry that I snapped at you." 

"Apology accepted." Leo smirked happily, but when Percy looked into Leo's once happily lit eyes he saw something he has endured before. Heartbreak, and Percy knew exactly who caused it.


 "I'm going to have a quick shower, who am I going to meet up top?" Percy asked still laying in bed. 

"Frank and I." Annabeth replied with a small smile when she saw Percy's face light up with joy. 

"Be up in a flash." Percy said sprinting to the bathroom as everyone left his room." 

~~~Line Break~~~

After his refreshingly hot shower Percy ran up the stairs to be greeted by an awesome sight, one he never thought he would see again when he was in Tartarus. A beautiful bright blue sky, with a nice cooling wind to help cool his body from the hot waves of the sun. He inhaled the amazing scent of the salty ocean breeze and smiled. He was on his home turf now.

When he saw Frank's eyes for the first time Percy as stunned. Frank's who had once shown courage and a little bit of fear now shone with courage and a different type of fear. Fear of himself. He told Percy and Annabeth the story of the cows that spit poisonous gas and how he single handly killed over a hundred of them. 

Frank and Percy were talking as Annabeth was at the wheel smiling with absolute joy at the nice gentle breeze blew through her hair. 

"Frank I am just going to take a quick swim, I haven't been in the ocean for a while." Percy told Frank who nodded in understanding.

Percy jumped off the prow and cut into the nice warm salty water, Percy saw numerous aquatic animals including some friendly and non friendly monsters. 

To his right he saw a pod of Hippocampi swimming around playing with each other, to the left he saw a group of nainads swimming after some aquatic sea monsters with celestial bronze spears. Percy smiled Ioving the ocean, it is absolutley amazing. 

Than I sensed a disturbance down below, Percy caught a massive dark shadow slide into deeper water out of the  corner of his eye. Percy frowned and followed it. 

He almost reached the part of the ocean where there was no light, but Percy had his ocean eyes, he could see the cold and warm currents moving together and he could sense other things. Than he saw something that scared the Hades right out of him. 

He swam to the surface so quickly his blood would have filled with nitrogen so fast he would have died if he wasn't part sea god. 

He burst through the water so quickly, when he landed on the deck he had two swords pointed at him. He looked up to see a shocked Annabeth and Frank.

"What is it Percy?" Annabeth asked. 

"Frank, sound the alarm get Jason up here pronto, Annabeth, get a ballistia ready, we are about to have company!" 

The alarm went off and the four other demigods rushed up, weapons at the ready. 

"What is it Perce?"Jason yelled. 

"Jason remember which monster almost destroyed Troy?" Percy said back when the demigods got closer. 

Jason frowned and than pure fear developed on his face, and he whispered "the Trojan monster." 

"Yes remember how you defeated it?" Percy asked.

 "I stabbed seven metal poles into it and struck the poles with lightning." Jason said. 

Percy turned to Leo. "Can you get seven metal poles?" 

"On it man!" Leo said running below deck. As soon as he disappeared the sea erupted into a twenty foot wave that hit the Argo ll, almost capsizing the boat. 

The monster snapped at the boat barely putting a dent in the hull because of the reinforced celestial bronze. The six of the demigods stabbed and slashed at the snout of the gigantic monster. 

It was brown with green streaks over its body, it had the head of a dragon, its razor sharp teeth were covered in dried blood from old meals. 

It disappeared back into the ocean bleed ichor, golden blood of immortals. Leo showed up with seven metal rods, and handed them out to the demigods. The next time the monster resurfaced he got seven eight foot metal rods jabbed into him. Jason flew up and was about to electrocute the monster but just than things went horribly wrong. 

The Trojan monster looked at Jason with pure hatred and snapped him up in one gulp. 

"No!" Everyone screamed but Piper screamed the loudest. 

Percy jumped up on a wave and jumped at the monsters head to stab it in the eye but he too got snapped up. He knew this monster won't digest him right away probably in a day or two but he should be able to get out of it by than. 

Percy hit a hard surface and realized that he landed on a ship. Jason was laying beside him dazed. 

"Yo man we have about to days to get out of here. Let's get to work." Percy said, Jason nodded than winced. 

"I broke a rib or two I think." Jason said grimacing holding his side. Percy frowned and patted his pants. Grinning he pulled out a square of ambrosia and Jason blanched. 

"Dude I am not eating that." 

"Why?" Percy said frowning. 

"Cause it was in your pants unprotected! Gods knows what else has been in there!" Jason whined.

"Eat it and we get out of here faster that way Annabeth and Piper don't spear us when we get back." I demanded. Getting stabbed by my girlfriend is something I would rather not have happen. 

Jason realized this and scarfed down the ambrosia square. His pale skin colored and he stood up. 

"Good." Jason said. 

"Alright. Let's get to work." Percy said and together the two cousins stabbed the heart of the monster. 

So I really hoped you enjoyed this! I posted it today because i wont have access to wattpad this weekend and I really want your feed back! Vote, comment, follow :) 

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