You Need Me (Laurmani)

By dwriter1

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[COMPLETED] Lauren is a successful indie pop singer who has been in the industry for about 3 years. After the... More



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By dwriter1

"Zendaya?" Normani questioned even though she knew exactly who it was.

"Yeah it's me.." She responded softly and there was a pause in the conversation. She didn't know what made her call Normani so randomly, she just really wanted to talk "I'm sorry I'm calling so late"

"No..No it's okay" she sighed and took a breath "I miss you too"

"You did?" Zendaya questioned and Normani could hear the surprise in her voice.

"I missed you so much" Normani breathed out as almost a whipser. She really did miss her and somewhere deep down inside she had been waiting for this call.

"You have idea how good it feels to hear that Normani" the mixed girl blushed from the other side of the phone. "How have you been? I didn't get to ask you that last time"

"I've been good actually, really good hbu?"

"Ehh don't know, I've been a little hurt ever since you took my award from me" Zendaya teased.

Normani chuckled "Hmm is that so? I thought I was very deserving of it?" She said with sarcasm all through her voice.

"You watched that?" Zendaya raised her brows on the other side of the phone "I'm sorry those questions he was asking-"

"No it's okay, you handled them really well actually" she chuckled.

"Did Lauren see?"


"Is she.. with you now?

"No" Normani answered and there was a long pause in the conversation.



"I would really like to hang out with you again...Often" she paused working up the courage "Can we please be friends again?"

She couldn't help but smile "Yes Zendaya I never wanted to stop being your friend. I never wanted stop being your girlfriend.." She sighed "I'm so sorry I left you, you stayed through all we went through. It hurt so bad all these years thinking that you hated me"

"I could never hate you Normani, it's just because of my mom... I don't know how to react when people leave me. It hurts ten times more."

As Zendaya said those words it made Normani feel worse. Zendaya's mother left her as a young girl, leaving her father to raise her alone until he remarried that is & her step mother was the devil.

"I should have came with you, I didn't have much there anyway that's why I'm here now" she chuckles "shit I could've been in DNAC with you. Just added a Z at the end"

They both giggled for a while until Zendaya sighed "I shouldn't have ignored you for all these years either.. I missed you. You were always on my mind"

"Really? I thought after a while you forgot about me.. Especially when I tried to call you last year and you didn't answer"

"You tried to call? Shit I didn't even know" she sighed "God I would do things so differently if I could go back, it was rough not having you"

"Well we're both here now, let's not talk about past regrets. What's the point? Everything happens for a reason right? I'm glad you're back in my life. You can never have too many friends right?" Normani said letting out a small chuckle.

"Friends.. Right.."

"Well I'll talk to you another time Zen, keep in touch"

"Wait! Can I come see you? Maybe sneak around from our parents like the good old times" Zendaya joked.

"I don't think tonight would be a good idea, it's really late"

"Tomorrow? Are you busy?"

"I have rehearsals for Billboard early, I'm not sure if Lauren has something planned after that.."

"Well I asked first I think that should count for something" she smirked through the phone.

"Ohhhh I don't know, I think Lauren might beat your ass if I blew her off for you two times" The brown girl teased.

"Well just let me know Mani, have a great sleep"

"You too"

"Goodnight sugar lips"

As soon and she said that it tugged at Normani's heart and brought back so many memories. She used to call her that because her favorite thing about Normani was her delicious sweet lips. She tried to remember what Zendaya's lips felt like against hers, but it was hard. It was so long ago.

Normani always found the nickname so adorable. She could imagine the girls face as she said it, even though they're miles apart.

"Err I think that's one nickname we'll have to leave in the past" she said chuckling.

"Hmm, Your lips aren't sweet anymore?"

"No.. They aren't yours anymore" she said in a very serious tone.

"You have a point.. Goodnight sugar"

She emphasized sugar making sure Normani knew that she didn't say lips this time. Normani shook her head a chuckled at the irresistible adorableness "Goodnight Z"

Once she hung up the phone she remembered that she didn't text or call Lauren to tell her that she made it home so she decided to call. She didn't answer, she figured she was sleeping it was 12 o'clock at this point.

She resulted in texting her.

To My love🌹:
Hey sorry babe, I almost forgot to text you. I'm home in bed now. I love you 😘 see you in the morning.

She sighed, placed her phone on the dresser and got ready for bed.


The two girls just wrapped up rehearsals and were currently sitting with their backs up against the mirror trying to regain their energy. Surprisingly they actually rehearsed forreal today instead of goofing off with Sean. The BBMAS are a big deal.

"You want some?" The Latina questioned holding out her bottle of water.

"Yes uhh please" she said grabbing it and drinking.

"Mani nooo don't drink it all, ill get your own" she whined and Normani didn't stop instead she smirked through the bottle and kept drinking.

"MANI" Lauren said chuckling and snatching the bottle, shooting water everywhere.

Normani groaned "Lauren uhhh... You got my hair wet hoe" she whined feeling on the wet ends of her hair.

Lauren smiled and twisted her fingers through a curl "It was already messed up" she teased.

The brown girl pouted out her bottom lip. "I'm kidding.. You look beautiful as always" she smiled and pressed their lips together "You drove here or did your driver drop you off?" She questioned once their lips released.

"I got dropped off"

"Good cancel your ride, you can drive back with me and we'll have a little date" she smiled.

Normani pressed her lips in a line. Zendaya sent her a text early this morning and Normani had eventually said yes to them hanging out.

"A friend was actually coming to pick me up."

"Oh okay, yeah fine that's cool. Jilly?" The Latina questioned.


Lauren raised her brows "Zendaya?"

Normani nodded, Laurens expression wasn't really readable at this point.

"Where are you two going?"

"I'm not sure.. She didn't really tell me" she responded with a shrug.

Lauren scoffed and ran her fingers through her hair, rolling her eyes a bit.

"What's wrong Lauren?" Normani groaned sensing the attitude.

"I don't like her at all & I don't like you being around her" the Latina responded bluntly looking straight into Normani's eyes.

For some reason those words offended her. Zendaya was one of the sweetest people ever. "YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HER" Normani sighed and softened her voice "Lauren you don't trust me?"

The Latina didn't respond, she just looked down.

Normani grabbed her chin forcing her to look back at her "Lo I need you to trust me. I am in love with you. What the hell is this relationship if we don't have trust?"

"You know what.. You're right" she threw her hands up "Have fun.. I do not want you at her house or her at yours" she said sternly.

"I didn't plan on that" Normani rolled her eyes slightly "Now kiss me, I think she's outside"

Lauren sat up on her knees and slid herself between Normani's bent legs. She grabbed her face with both hands. Once their lips connected she felt the same butterflies that she had when she first felt the brown girls lips on hers that night at the drive in movie theater.

In this moment she was full of fear that her heart would be broken once again but she needed to trust her. It's not like Normani has did anything untrustworthy thus far. She can't treat Normani as if she's her ex because She isn't.

That wouldn't be fair to the brown girl being as though she never did a thing to intentionally hurt Lauren and she had no intentions to.

Normani's bottom lip entered between Laurens and after a good suck she released but didn't let go of her face. She placed a soft kiss on her forehead, both cheeks, chin and finally one last kiss on her lips. "I love you"

"I love you too Lauren, see you tonight?"


Normani stood up and reached her hand out for Lauren to help her stand as well. She dusted off the Latinas butt and pulled her in for a hug and once they released she made her way to the door.

"Aye Mama you got a nice ass" Lauren catcalled jokingly as Normani walked away.

The brown girl looked back chuckling and twerked a little before walking out.

Lauren sighed and leaned her back against the wall, running her fingers through her hair. She was frustrated, but only because she was over thinking.


"Hey.." Zendaya smiled at the brown girl as she climbed in the car.

Normani smiled back "Hey"

"You look beautiful"

Normani scrunched her face up "Ew really? I look a hot mess. Which reminds me where are we going I can't be out in these streets looking bad"

"Oh be quiet you never look bad. But about that, I really didn't know where we could go with no paparazzi hounding us. So I rented out a restaurant.. My security will meet us there just incase there are some surprises" Zendaya said with a small smile.

Normani groaned "Do you mind taking me home so I can shower and stuff" she said looking down at herself "If thats not too much?"

"Oh no! That's fine sure.. How far do you live from here? Ill just tell security to hold off for a few"

"It's about 25 minutes from here.. Thank you so much"

"No problem" she smiled. They started the drive and Normani directed her all the way there.

Once they pulled up and Normani started unbuckling her seat beat Zendaya questioned "Should I wait out here?"

Normani thought back to what Lauren said and how if she let Zendaya come in that what be another lie she had told to Lauren. But she knew how long winded she was and making Zendaya sit out in the car for all that time would be ridiculous.

"No.. Come in"

They walked up to the porch and Zendaya ducked her head slightly just in case paparazzi followed them to her home. Once they walked in Normani turned to Zendaya "Well.. make yourself comfortable Z, I'm not even going to lie I don't know how long I'll take" she said and they both giggled.

"Oh you don't have to warn me, remember I used to pick you up for school every morning"

"Oh ha yeah.. That's right" she said walking towards the coffee table "here's the remote and I have some stuff in the kitchen if you want a drink or anything. I mean you probably want to wait since we're going to eat and-"

"Normani.. Go shower" the mixed girl cut off her rant with a smile and walked towards the couch. They were both equally nervous.

Normani smiled and nodded and headed towards the stairs. She climbed in the shower and the entire time she washed herself she couldn't help but to smile. She was excited for today.

She exited and began the process of getting ready putting on slight make-up, a black body suit with the back cut out and some jeans.

It took her about forty-five minutes in total and she was finally done. She made her way down stairs to find Zendaya passed out on the couch. She chuckled at the sight.

She walked over and tapped her shoulder lightly "Z.."

The mixed girl easily woke up and was met by Normani's smile "I wasn't gone for that long damn"

Zendaya chuckled sitting herself up "I'm sorry I didn't really get sleep last night"


"Just a lot on my mind" she shrugged looking at looking at the brown girl.

"Well maybe you'll get some sleep tonight.. Come on let's go"


"Damn girl.. You need to endorse Colgate or something look at those teeth" the mixed girls eyes widened as she spoke "look at your smile"

Normani brought her hand up to hide her smile but it didn't work, that's just how big it was.

They ate on sharing stories and small talk until the table fell silent.

After the very long pause Zendaya spoke "How is it?" She questioned softly looking into the brown orbs across from her.

Normani looked confused "How is what?"

"Being in love again? How is it?"

Normani sat up from leaning on the table and sat back in her chair "It's amazing.. Really amazing" she blushed, she always smiled like this when  talking about Lauren "Lauren is really special, hopefully you two can meet properly one day"

Zendaya chuckled after taking a sip of her drink "Maybe" She paused for a second "So it's serious then?"

"Yes.. Very" Normani responded with a brow raised, trying to read Zendaya's mood.

"That's good -um great" she said looking down at her plate.

"How about you? Any special someone?"


"Oh.. Well do you have your eyes set on someone?"

Zendaya looked up from her plate into Normani's eyes "No"

Normani gulped "How come?"

"My last real relationship really fucked me up, I'm still not over her." She looked down playing with the scraps on her plate "So basically there have been a lot of one night stands over the years" she shrugged and took a sip of her drink.

'Years?' The brown girl thought to herself. That's along time to just have meaningless sex with no relationship.

"What happened.. You know between you and her? If you don't mind me asking" Normani asked with her lips pressed in a line.

Zendaya paused for a second before speaking "She saw better opportunities and left.." Her lips twisted.

Normani gasped, she felt her stomach twist. "Zendaya.. I was the last person you were in love with?"

The mixed girl nodded slowly and bit her lip. It was slightly embarrassing to admit that "That might sound pathetic but it's true"

"Three years is a long time Z"

She shrugged "Ehh I just don't like people I guess" she said jokingly with a crooked smile.

Normani was thinking to herself that that can't be possible. How?

"Have you at least dated during that time? Or just one night stands"

Zendaya chuckled "Of course I dated but nothing really lasted long, I really just didn't feel that connection with anyone since you"

Normani reached her hand over and placed it softly on top of Zendaya's "More and more I'm wishing that you talked to me, that we tried to make it work" Normani sighed.

"Me too" zendaya responded as butterflies filled her stomach at the contact from the soft warm hand.

"I wonder how our lives would be if we found a way to stay together" Normani said as her thumb ran smoothly across the tan skin.

Zendaya brought her other hand to her chin in a joking way "hmmm my guess would be.. Amazing." She smiled "Not that we don't have good lives already I mean look at you, award winning artist. You make mama proud" she said cheesing, causing Normani to chuckle.

"I'm sure you'll find love one day Z.. We're still young. You just have to be open to it. Open that little stubborn heart of yours back up" she said finally removing her hand from the top of Zendaya's.

Zendaya looked down at the skin on her hand that was already missing the contact, before connecting her eyes with Normani's "Yeah.. I guess I have to lower my standards huh?"

"Maybe" Normani said smiling and flipping her hair over her shoulder "I mean I am pretty perfect"

"Yeah you are" the mixed girl smiled back "Come on let's get you back home"

They got back to the car and both were silently thanking to themselves that they avoided paparazzi. Her body guard watched over them the entire time and kept a look out but he wasn't really needed.

"Back to your place right?"

Normani nodded and Zendaya put the key in the ignition. "You look beautiful by the way" she said turning her head to normani "I like your outfit"

"Thanks, I like your hair" she said looking up at it "it's different from the VMAS"

"Yeah I switch it up a lot" the mixed girl smiled at the compliment.

The car ride was spent jamming out to beyonce. They played partition several times just because Zendaya loved it so much. She even had a little dance to it, she couldn't do it full out because she was driving. But it still made Normani laugh.

When ever it was Normani's turn to pick the song it alternated from her favorite destinys child songs to her favorite Lemonade songs.

"I really need to see her live, I would fan girl like crazy" Zendaya said over the music.

"You really do! I saw her and met her backstage she's fucking amazing"

"You didn't invite me?!" She joked.

Normani pressed her lips in a line "Well it was a date. Lauren took me" she chuckled "That would've been interesting having you there"

"Right sorry, I keep forgetting about her" she said looking straight ahead.

They were silent for the rest of the ride just listening to the songs as they played until they pulled up.

Zenday turned to Normani as she put the car in park "I can walk you up now" she said with a smile.

"You really don't have to"

"I want to.. Why not?" She said unbuckling her seatbelt.

They both got out and made it to the porch Zendaya reached on to grab Normani's hand "Please let's do this again.. And again.. And again.. And again-"

Normani chuckled and cut her off "I get it Zen.. We can hang out sometimes, that's fine"

Zendaya smiled and pulled her in for a hug "Enjoy the rest of your day" she mumbled into her neck.

The hug lasted longer than expected and neither girl pulled out. After a few moments they let go and connected eyes. "Why do you look at me like that?" The mixed girl questioned with a small smile on her face.

"You're good to look at" Normani responded returning the smile and Zendaya blushed.

There was a silent stare off taking place on the porch until Normani decided to speak "I'm gonna go in, I need a nap" she said sliding her hand out of Zendaya's grip.

"Yeah yeah sorry don't mean to be a hold up. I'm actually still tired myself. I'm not sure when I'll be able to nap. Got a looooong ride a head of me"

"Well enjoy, be safe" she said putting her key into the door. She had to cut that off real quick. There was no way she was letting Zendaya into her house again, not until she at least got her emotions in check. She needed to get off of this high of being around her again.

"Thanks.. Enjoy that nap" the mixed girl said leaving the porch and heading back towards her car.


"She was here?" The Latina asked with both brows raised.

Normani scrunched her face up "yes.. I told you I needed to shower and change"

"You showered while she was here?!"

"Yes and she minded her own business and fell asleep until I got out"

"In this bed?!" Lauren questioned pointing down at the sheets.

"No, are you crazy?!" Normani scoffed "on the couch"

"How am I supposed to trust you if you literally brought her in here after I asked you not to and you said you wouldn't?!"

Lauren seems to be getting worse and worse. More clingy, more protective, more possessive and Normani was hating it. She could not deal with the same thing she did before with Arin.

"How am I supposed to stay with you if you keep acting like this?!" Normani yelled back.

Laurens jaw slacked and eyes softened "What are you saying?"

Normani sighed "I'm not saying anything.. I didn't mean that" she said grabbing the Latinas hand "it's just you're acting like him, trying to control me. It's scary.."

Lauren felt her chest twist into a knot. Maybe she was acting crazy and over reacting. She never wanted to be compared to that idiot Arin.

"Shit Mani I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" she blinked hard and a single tear ran down "FUCK. FUCK. FUCK" she yelled and with each word hit her head with her palm.

"STOP LAUREN" she said pulling her hand away "dont do that, don't hurt yourself. What the fuck?"

Normani didn't want things to be this difficult. Why couldn't Zendaya be her friend and Lauren be her lover without these issues. Maybe she should just take Zendaya out of the picture all together to save the chaos.

But she can't. She can't just leave her again and quite frankly she doesn't want to. Nothing at all is wrong with having friends.

However if push came to shove Normani would choose Lauren a thousands times over zendaya easily. She didn't want a day to come where she would have to pick though.

Normani snuggled Laurens hands into her chest holding them close "Do you want me to never see her again?"

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