Demigods At Hogwarts

By dam_percyjackson

192K 3.3K 5.6K

The seven plus Nico, Thalia and Calypso are going Hogwarts to protect the golden trio from the war that is co... More

Chapter 1: We're going where?
Chapter 2: Diagon Ally
Chapter 3:The Train Ride
Chapter 4: The Sorting Hat
Chapter 5: Our Dorms
Chapter 6: Classes
Chapter 7: Percy Has Blue Cookies?! ATTACK!!!!
Writers block!!!!!
Chapter 8: Training in the woods and a sister
Chapter 9: Hermione Goes To The Library And We Meet Percy's Little Sister
Info about Mia
Chapter 10: Reviled
More info about Mia
Chapter 11: Nonsence And More Nightmares
Not sure
Chapter 12: Dont Die On Me
Chapter 13: Reunion
Chapter 14: War Plans
Chapter 15: Getting Ready For The Ball
Chapter 16: The Ball
Gotta hate sisters
Happy Birthday Me
Chapter 17: I Think The War Started Part One
Chapter 17: I Think The War Started Part Two
Blue Cookies and Pancakes
Chapter 17: I Think The War Started Part Three
Rock Concert
The Watty's
Shit like this gets me pissed
Author Q and A
New Book Info
Hiiii New Book will Be Out Soon
First Chapter Is Up
Holy Shit
Hi + About Me

Chapter 18: Saying Goodbye

1.4K 26 40
By dam_percyjackson

Me: hey guys I think one more chapter after this one and then an epilogue and then I'll do a Q and A, an about the author and info and questions about my new book coming out in August!!!!!

Me: oh disclaimer

Leo: Ghost Mia doesn't own McShizzle or the rest of those other weird people two other weird people do

Me: ...

Me: ...

Me: ...

Me: was that really necessary?

Leo: I did the disclaimer without you asking, what else do you want?



Percy: what is a 'Percabeth'?

Me: *gasps* *blinks*

Percy: uh on with the story!!!!!
Percy's POV

Three days ago Mia died.

Three days ago we won a war.

Three days ago we defeated Gaea and Kronos.

Three days ago I failed to save my sister.

I haven't spoken a word since Kayla told me.

I probably won't for a while.

I sighed and closed my suit case. Today we were leaving and going back to camp. "Percy? We are saying goodbye now." I heard Annabeth say behind me.

I nodded and followed her out of the room.


As I made my way to the front of Great Hall, I noticed the looks on Kayla's and Nico's faces.

Kayla couldn't stop crying and and Nico can't stop destroying things. None of us can eat or sleep or really talk that much.

"As you all know, the demigods and I have to go home," Annabeth started. "We wanted to just say thank you and say goodbye before we left. I enjoyed being here, learning everything about Hogwarts, seeing the building but most of all, the students. Lots of you we judgmental at first but as you got to know us, you sided with us and went to war with us. Yes, students and demigods died but the fought with bravery and will be remembered and honored. Thank you for having us here." Annabeth finished her short speech and the school applaud.

"Percy?" Annabeth asked. "Do you want Thalia to tell them." I stared at her and nodded. Annabeth smiled at me and said something to Thalia. Thalia stepped forward.

"Not all of you may know this but," she took a deep breath. "Percy's and Kayla's sister died during battle. Mia got a sword through her stomach and the blade was poisoned. Mia died with honor and saved many lives. Mia was kind, caring, but most of all, family to us all. We will miss her. And hopefully, she ended up in Elysium, where she can be with many other demigods. Bianca, Selena, Zoë, and Charlie, they all fought bravely along side with many other demigods who died in battle. Mia, if you can here me right now, I just want you to know that we miss you. I miss you, Percy misses you, Kayla misses you, Nico, Annabeth, Jason, Leo, and uh Tyson, when he finds out will miss you." Thalia tried to blink away tears that were starting to stream down her face.

Annabeth hugged her and said something to her. "We have to get going so I guess this is goodbye. Thank you again." Annabeth said and we all followed her back to the dorms.


We all stood outside and waited for the Pegasi to arrive. Most of the students watched us and some were saying goodbye. I noticed a lot of first years looked out windows, like it was to dangerous to go outside, but then again there was a war three days ago.

I then heard a voice in my mind.

Hey boss! Where's Mia? Did she forget something? She probably forgot her phone that Leo designed her. She leaves that everywhere. Good thing he made that water proof because she was underwater for an hour texting Kayla who was tanning on the beach

She didn't make it Blackjack. I told him.

Oh... I'm sorry boss I wouldn't have said anything if I knew

It's fine. Her ceremony is tonight.

Blackjack landed in front of me and he had a sad look on his face. He nuzzled my neck and I rubbed his mane.

"Come on Blackjack. I miss my mom, let's get back to Manhattan." I climbed onto him and I felt Annabeth get on and wrap her arms around my waist. She leaned her head on my shoulder and whispered into my ear, "Let's go home, Percy."


Once we landed, campers ran towards us. Kayla ran into Max's arms and hugged him tight. (A/n Kayla? Who do I do? Max or Edward? Doing Max for now I'll change it if you like Edward more. Continue readers)

I saw Tyson run towards me and when he saw Nico holding Mia's body in his arms, his face fell. (Omg when Beth died in TWD 😭) He started crying and Ella hugged him. What I saw though, surprised me.

My father was walking towards us, a sad look in his face.

"Percy." He said when he reached us. I didn't say anything. "He doesn't want to talk to anyone right now." Annabeth said for me. "Well uh your mom is here." He said and sighed after. "I know you think somehow this is your fault but it's not. She died because she turned her back on her enemy, trying to protect her sister. You would have done the same." After he said that, he walked into the ocean and disappeared.

"Percy!!!" A woman shouted. My head shot up and I saw my mom. She ran over to me and I was engulfed into a back breaking hug. "I'm so sorry Percy." She whispered into my ear. "Come on. You need food. I brought you some blue cookies." She said and smiled at me but I knew she was trying to cheer me up. I mean, she does consider Mia and Kayla as her daughters, so she's breaking inside too.


"Mia fought bravely in war. She was a kind and caring friend, sister, cousin, and daughter to all. She didn't deserve this death but it happened. We all miss you Mia, I hope you can see this. We miss you and hope you get Elysium." That was all Annabeth could say before she burst into tears and she walked over to me. I hugged her and she cried into my shoulder. "I'm sorry Percy. I'm so so sorry." She cried.

I watched as Chiron handed me the torch and I lit one side of her shroud and handed it to Kayla and she slowly lit the other half.

And just like that, the ceremony was over.


So the picture is baby Ella, my three day old cousin. I'm holding her and my sister is next to me. I don't know when I will post the next chapter I will try to get it within the next week. And then I have to do an epilogue. And the info about the author and the new book and some questions that I want to ask you for the new book. That's all for now bye!!!


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