The Class Reject: A Pariah in...


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Just when it seemed like life couldn't possibly get any worse, Miren Eze dies - literally and figuratively. C... More

Author's Note
Act I: The Spectacle
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Act II: The Secret
Chapter 24
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
VIDEO Q&A for The Class Reject: A Pariah in Purgatory

Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

The rest of the weekend passed by relatively normally. Hell, it seemed like more people were surprised that something didn't happen. And although Headmistress Castro considered the dance to be a success and lightened Rosemunde's curfew, very few students relished in the aftermath of it all.

Without all the wacky stuff happening, school was as boring as snow. The only thing that was sort of interesting was the fact that Artemis was nowhere to be seen, and lunchtime was no exception. God only knew where Chara was, but then again, her absence was met with the same response as Miren's prior to the whole death-fire ordeal.

But one student in particular had faced a sudden rise in popularity. Even though Olive wasn't sitting among the populars, most eyes were in her direction. Though, it didn't help that Parker was conversing with her and a group of other non-remarkable upperclassmen.

"I'll be sure to get the word out to Rinzen for the documentary," Parker said, rising from the table. "Again, I really appreciate your initiative. Don't hesitate to ask for anything. See you at the meeting."

"Okay," Olive said, handing him a stack of flyers. "I'm also sorry about kissing you like that at the dance. I can be a slight spaz when I party. And no one told me the juice bowl was spiked." The surrounding girls laughed as they waved off Parker. She turned to them with a smile that could melt the heart of an ice queen. "If you don't mind, I'm going to go apologize to Penelope. Please pass these out. I'd really appreciate it."

"Incoming," Jemma said as she watched the new girl approach their table. As usual, her eyes were light and scheming, but she felt no threat from Olive. In fact, she was almost regretting not rooming with her. She had a certain spark, and if everyone (AKA Penelope) weren't careful, she'd burn the whole school down.

Penelope looked up, but her expression was passive at most. When Olive waved almost nervously, she even humored her by waving back.

"Hey, Penelope," the new girl began, summoning a small, hopeful smile. "I just wanted to apologize for the other night. I was teasing Artemis about having feelings for Parker, and when she denied it, I took things too far. But he's your boyfriend, so I'm sorry for getting in between the two of you, as well as your friendship with Artemis. I shouldn't be prying into everyone's business for my own entertainment," she sighed. "So I understand if you don't forgive me, I just wanted to clear the air as much as I can."

"Well, that's hard, considering the fact you transferred into a shit hole." Penelope was smiling, but it was hard to tell what was behind it. "But I appreciate your apology. Not forgiving you would be immature."

"Good. I'm glad we can be civil about this," Olive said, offering her hand to the girl.

Penelope stared at it like it was from outer space. In what felt like an eternity, her icy eyes floated upward, meeting Olive's slightly confused gaze.

"Just because I forgave you, doesn't mean I can forget what you did." Penelope folded her hands together.

Olive raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry?"

"What do you think you're doing, anyway? You're here for three days and now you think you're Miren's spokeswoman or something?" Her eyes narrowed, but she didn't look particularly mad. Just over everything. Like whatever bullshit Olive probably had in store. "Everyone's just trying to move on, and here you are, stirring the waters, creating another storm when we've just survived a tsunami." She briefly turned to the flyers for Miren's "documentary". She almost barfed. "People only act when there's something to gain. What's you're angle?"

Olive just stared at her before shaking her head slowly. She smiled at the absurdity of Penelope's response, her inability to let go over whatever delusional control she still felt she had.

"I get it. Some really, bloody messed up shit has happened to all of you, but at least you lived though it. A girl died. And I'm sure you recognize that you played a part in it. So why can't you just be honest and give her the narrative she deserves? I saw the video, I know she probably did something fucked up to you too, but the difference is that you still have a voice and she doesn't." She shrugged. "So if you, and everyone else, don't want to speak for her, I will. It's that simple."

"It's never that simple." Penelope practically spat, rising from her chair. "So why don't you be honest, and tell everyone here why Miren is suddenly your new muse?" By now, just about everyone was staring at their table, even the nuns wanted to see how it would all go down. Olive closed her eyes, sensing the million other ones on her form. With a sigh, she rose to her feet, returning her attention to the queen bee.

"Honestly, you probably can't tell by my appearance, but I'm black," she said, narrowing her eyes on Penelope. "I may look Indian because of my father, but my mum instilled in me the importance to fight for my fellow people of color, particularly my other black sisters. So maybe that's why you and most of the other students can just ignore how a poor black girl was tormented to the point that she felt safer RUNNING AWAY AND DYING IN AN ABANDONED BUILDING FIRE." It was hard to keep her voice below a yell, but she could feel rage consume her by the second. 

"While you worry about your silly boyfriends and popularity and fancy lives, she didn't even have a chance here. I asked the yearbook committee to consider having a dedication to her, and they said they couldn't offer even a single page! What in God's name is wrong with all of you?"Olive paused, shaking her head as she looked out into the refectory. "You know what, I can't say that. At least Artemis and Parker tried to look for her. Shocking that the people of color here were the only ones who felt obligated to do something."

Penelope could only stare at the girl. Everyone could only stare at the girl. She'd been there only a few weeks, and she had completely called them out on their bullshit. It didn't feel good, but she was right, wasn't she?

The room was bathed in an uncomfortable, awkward silence as Olive shifted, placing a few of her flyers on the table. "If you excuse me, I'm going to hang up the rest of these."

"I'm not racist," Penelope spat, glaring at the girl. "You don't get to come here and pretend to understand half of what has happened here." Olive blinked at her before laughing. It was as sharp as it was bitter. If her revelation hadn't woken them up, then it certainly did.

"Oh, of course not." Olive had already started for the exit. "You're half-Latina. That's gotta count for something, right?" She then met Penelope's glare. "Pero también eres una mala persona." But you are also a bad person.

Penelope's eyes widened. With a peace sign, the British bombshell was out.

Silence stole the air again until Jemma started snickering. She nudged Penelope, who was as rigid as a statue. She laughed harder.

"I really like her."


Although things between Miren and Jeno weren't nearly as tense as they were just following the funeral, there was definitely a wall between them. But to make matters worse, it was one sided.

In the days following the Sadie Hawkin's dance, she told him everything that happened, from meeting with Penelope, her mild admissions of bullying her, the kiss, to Artemis and Parker's whole deal. Every part of her wanted to be upset at that union, but she was the reason they came together, and she had bigger things to care about. Like school.

And Theodora's confession.

As she watched Jeno work diligently at his desk, she wondered what was keeping her from spilling the beans. Jeno and Theodora was no longer an item. And Theodora was responsible for the final straw that led to Miren's demise.

People were hurt, figurative lives were lost, and her life, although an improvement to her Rosemunde days, was now a hassle in a way that was almost worse. This experience ate her sense of being in ways she didn't know were possible.

And she was tired of being tired.

"I talked to Parker against my will today," Jeno said, as if in an effort to lighted up the mood. "He felt the need to explain what I saw at the courtyard, and wanted me to keep my mouth shut." He began typing on his computer. "Good thing the internet exists."

Miren smiled lightly, but her mind was still heavy with conflict. And each passing moment just made her feel worse. It's now or never. And never was unnaturally tempting.

"I got some information on how Penelope treated me," Miren said, hoping to ease into it. "But I probably have more information that can ruin Pen and Park's relationship than anything. So the mission was naturally a success," she said sarcastically.

"Don't undermine the affect of the masses crying over the disintegration of their beloved it-couple," Jeno warned her. "Maybe their collective tears will flood our schools. And as they drown in them, we can go on an early spring break."

"God, why didn't we plan that from the get-go?" Miren shook her head. Great. Now that the atmosphere was all light and fluffy, she had to be the one to drop the bomb. Now or never, she repeated. "But in all seriousness, I have something important to say."

"Shoot," Jeno said, flipping though some of his notes. She began with a sigh.

"When I left the courtyard, I ran into Theodora. She said you had just broken up with her, and although it's sort of a dick move to break up with someone at a social event, the benefit was that she confessed something  that she probably wouldn't have otherwise."

She watched Jeno's head lift from his book. When he turned to her, she bit her lip. "Long story short, she told me that she was responsible for splashing me at the Rising Scholar Assembly. Penelope alluded to some other girl doing it, but it was Theodora. She got up there and dumped ten gallons of diet coke on me." Miren shook her head. "All because she wanted to impress Penelope, who put in a good word about her to Jemma to encourage you to date her. Apparently, a lot of girls bother Jemma about you and Penelope's her indirect wingman or something." She tried to laugh, but her throat was too dry. "I have her confession on tape, and I know you're probably fine with exposing her, but I—"

"I'm not fine with it," Jeno replied, shaking his head. "No. You're not going to take down Theodora. The goal was, and still is, to ruin Penelope."

Miren's mouth parted, but she didn't know whether it was from shock or disappointment. She itched her ear; maybe she hadn't heard him correctly.

"Jeno, I'm telling you that Theodora is the only thing that stands between my freedom. You said we needed a confession for the Rising Scholar Splash Fest and we have one now. You didn't give two fucks about throwing Soren under the bus, so I don't see how Theodora is any different," she reasoned. "Especially when she actually did it."

"It doesn't feel right," he shook his head. "With that logic, we should turn ourselves in. Theodora helped us, too. I know it's hard, but you know that I'm right about this." His ember eyes pressed against hers. "We'll find another way."

"What if I'm tired of finding another way?" she said, rising to her feet. "I get it. She was your girlfriend. But she isn't anymore, and you broke up with her. So you have nothing to lose from any of this." Her hands formed into fists. "But I do. I always do."

"I'm not the one who told you to do this," Jeno said matter-of-factly. She hated how calm he looked in comparison. "You knew that there would be risks and sacrifices. But you're smart and you're not a bad person, so you know we can't do this."

All she could do was stare at him. Was this really the boy who swore he cared about her? Didn't he break up with Theodora for her - at least to some extent? What was happening all of a sudden?

"You know what, I don't want to fight about this." She brought her backpack to her shoulder. "I'm trying to understand where you're coming from, but you're not thinking about me. So I'm going to the library. And then we're going to discuss this again tomorrow." She was already at the door. Her eyes hit his briefly, sharply. "Just remember that I let you in too. So you don't get to disappoint me. Not after everything we've been through. Not for her."

She slammed the door. 

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