Hereafter (GxG) editing

By unsurreal

16.9K 742 144

Would you dare love a vampire who seems to be caught up and tied to someone from her past? Even if that someo... More

Part One: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part Two: Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
10 - Mountain
Chapter 10.5
Part Three: Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Part Four: Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29.5
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
(UPDATE!)Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Epilogue 1

Chapter 27

237 15 7
By unsurreal



"So that's it," Thyone fixed, her arms crossed and hands tucked between her armpits. "13 powerful witches and Anne is coming back and you get your moonstone. Everybody happy." She stated, annoying most of the people in the room.

Athan looked across the room, her eyes landing on Autumn who's uncomfortable as well. She bit her lip and looked down. Not exactly knowing what to do to make her girlfriend feel better. She knew that Autumn was anxious about the whole idea of bringing back her fiancee to life and that she felt threatened. Even Athan herself isn't sure what would happen to the two of them, or three, when the resurrection became successful, yet she admit that the though of seeing Anne again excited her.

Gian scoffed, "Only those who barely care is happy." She expressed bitterly for they still aren't at least a step closer in getting her sister back.

Lio stood up from where he was sat, the unicorn stuffed toy he'd won after spending huge amount of coins in the arcade trying to win it, was still in his hands. He went closer to the wooden table at the center of the room. His eyes were finally dry as he spoke to Theodore after nights and days of solitary from his friends. "Promise me Theo, you will try to find her Tiara." He said bringing up the previous topic, almost begging.

Theodore was visible in the floating water mirror just above the table. The witch looked at him with a little sympathy. "I will. But I can't promise we can bring her back."

The words hit Gian and Lio so hard their eyes begun to sting again. They know there is no guarantee Tiara is still alive but the boy was persistent. "Yeah... But if we can bring Anne back-"

Theodore stepped in his mid sentence, "No," he sighed heavily, never really in favor of rejecting his biological son, "I'm afraid that is where I will stop helping you. Bringing Anne back is already a huge and terrible mistake. It's dangerous and destructive."

"But," Lio tried but failed again as Theodore made his final decision. "No Lio, I only agreed to this because Anne is not just any human but Tiara is a different story."

Lio hung his head in defeat, already thinking of other ways he could do it without the help of others.

"Alright." Thyone filled in the silence as she fished her keys in her back pocket. "I'm going." All eyes was on her again. She approached Gian and planted a soft kiss on her temple. "I'm really sorry baby. But this is important."

Gian gave her a cold shoulder. Not just that she is hurt for the lack of her girlfriend's support but she's suspecting Thyone for infidelity. Thyone was being secretive and was recently not acting like herself. She knew Gian was still in a depressed state and it was very disrespectful of Thyone to act as if everything was alright.

She ignored her leaving Thyone to excuse herself to her sister and the others. "I'm really sorry, please, I'll call and update me on what's going on..." She sighed and put on her jacket, finally finding her way out of the room.

It was silent again.

"Athan, I will speak to Heleyna and act on what we've talked about. For now, we all need to be patient and cautious all of the time." He averted his eyes to Jareth who is currently standing in the dark corner of the room. "Jareth, look for the book that I mentioned Thyone stole from me and let Autumn have a go with it. Everyone needs to be as secured as they can."

Jareth simply nodded.

"And Autumn," Theo snatched her attention from the floor. As their gaze met, he reminded again. "be careful. Don't go anywhere without Athan or Jareth."

She simply nodded and looked down again, unwilling to have eye to eye contact with anyone else.

"Alright," Athan sighed, "I'll see you soon Theo."

Theodore sighed before Athan cut the connection, grabbing the oval steel that's floating in the air. Water from the mirror splashed on the table and the floor yet no one seemed to be bothered as they all proceeded to get out the premise.

Only Jareth and Athan remained as they cleaned the area. Things floated from time to time with Jareth's intention, returning the witchcraft equipments back to their rightful places.

"Everything is so fucked up." Athan blurted once they were done, annoyance was imminent in her tone.

Jareth agreed, "Yeah, sucks to be you." He tried to lighten her up but failed.

"I'm hurting her. Autumn... I, I am so lost, I have no idea what to do." She punched the table angrily, knowing the table was bewitched and will not be destructed.

They were having an utterly hard time. Autumn didn't know her place anymore. Athan is without a doubt desperate to bring her ex back, and that leaves Autumn where? She's been questioning herself if Athan will even consider in sticking with her. Athan avoid that subject when Autumn is around but she cannot hide the fact that the vampire very much anticipated Anne's return. Which caused them to acting cold and unsure most of the time. They didn't cuddle after having sex the last time for Autumn refused and went straight to the bathroom to get dressed. They didn't spend their mornings with hot coffees and life talks or ridiculous small food fights in the kitchen anymore. Autumn would just bury her nose in a book all the time or scroll endlessly through her Tumblr, only trying to occupy herself to avoid real interaction with Athan. It was practically killing the two of them but Autumn won't soften up. They missed the way they used to be and Athan knew this was coming once her past is brought up. But apparently their treatment towards one another changed without a warning just like the weather did. Snow started to present itself in the middle of the day while people were still hanging out comfortably in the streets and sending them back to their houses.

Athan wished they were like those people. That Autumn and her could go inside, ignite fire in the chimney and keep each other warm. But Jareth was right, sucks to be her, it's not going to happen that easily. Things need to be fixed.


Jareth stopped to look at Gian who was putting on her jacket and boots for the snow already flooded the outdoors. "You're leaving?"

Gian nodded, "Yeah. Lio's upstairs." She informed.

"You can leave," Jareth said unsurely, causing Gian to land him a look. "but only to get your things. You know it's not safe anymore out there, at least here we-"

"At least here there's only vampires and witches? That's a relief." Gian blurted without thinking. She instantly felt guilty as she saw the offended look on Jareth's face.

It was so rude of her. The vampires never did anything wrong and actually tried to give her some sense of comfort all through out her struggle since she lost Tiara. She slammed her hand in her face and apologized, "No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that." she stated and Jareth gave her a single nod, "Yeah, Ok. I'll be back." she finally agreed and rushed to get out and escape the awkward place she'd dropped herself in.

Jareth went upstairs to look for the Grimoire Thyone stole from Theodore.


Athan was on her way to her room expecting to see Autumn. But found a cold and empty space as she entered. The light in her bathroom was off and Autumn wouldn't have anything to do in her closet so she went out again to look for her. On her way to the stairs she met Jareth and asked if he saw her girlfriend or knew where she was but admit that he was also clueless. She proceeded downstairs and looked in the kitchen and the swimming pool but there was still no sign of her. She started to think that maybe Autumn had left but she doubted that she would leave without a word. Specially, she was smart enough not to do so considering the possible consequences if she did so.

Instead, she dialed Autumn's number and the way leading to the guestrooms started to ring. It was a darker ally that no one usually goes through. It's where the spare rooms are located and at the end is another glass door, smaller than on the way to the pool, that leads to the back garden. Their garden has been always dull and is now covered in snow, just adjacent to the poolside.

The ringing continued and Autumn still haven't picked up her phone. Athan followed the noise and stopped at the end hall, peeking outside for a sec, confirming her suspicion that the garden was frozen and white. She knocked at the last door before entering. Autumn looked at her expectantly sitting on the bed and the ringing of her mobile beside her stopped as Athan ended her call.

Athan looked down the floor, not knowing how to greet her girlfriend so she asked while rubbing her nape. "Hey," She breathed, now studying Autumn. "Why, what are you doing here?"

Autumn didn't utter a word and just shrugged. Feeling anxious of the issue she was about to open up.

"Well, I was just...expecting to see you in my room..." Athan mused patiently, trying not to be pushy. She motioned back to the door again. "Uhm, I'm about to order dinner, is there something you like?" She asked before completely leaving her back to privacy. Athan thought maybe she just needed some time alone where she could think about everything and some self reassurance and she was very generous to give that time to her. Notably now that not just there's danger running after Autumn, but their relationship felt like going downhill.

"I'd like to talk to you..." Autumn finally spoke.

Athan looked at her for a moment, mentally preparing herself sensing that something hard is about to slap her in the face. She sighed nervously as she fidgeted to closed the door.

Athan stood right in front of her for a while letting Autumn gather her thoughts. She bent down to make Autumn look at her face, her hand caressing the girl's face, tears were obviously forming in her eyelids. Autumn blinked it away but still a strick of tear escaped, rolling down her cheeks. Athan's insides crippled at the sight, wiping away the evidence of sadness with the pad of her thumb and kissing her lips warmly. When Autumn opened her eyes again, the green eyes that captivated her the first day was looking closely inside her soul. Before she could speak, Athan declared for the millionth time but still Autumn never got tired of the words.

"Baby, you know that I love you with everything that I got..." Said Athan with no reluctance. As if she could read what's inside her mind.

Autumn needed assurance. Assurance that Athan was not going to leave her once her ex comes back. But "I love you's" are not enough. She knew Athan loved her but will that keep them together? Athan still loved her deceased ex, she never stopped, at the same time she claims that she's in love with Autumn as well. Never even once Autumn was mistreated, ever, and in addition, Athan worshipped her like royalty. It was sufficient to prove the feelings.

Autumn felt the same, genuinely. She would be devastated if Athan would leave her for whatever reason. It would literally destroy her. But what hurts more is that she could see that day getting closer and she's dreaded, having no clue how to handle herself after Athan...leaves her for her past. Autumn should be angry, but she doesn't know if she even had the right to. Basically her girlfriend and Anne never broke up. Yet she's been dead for a long while and now she'll be taken back to life again and that leaves Autumn where? The trash bin? She's felt like a plain appetizer and now it seemed like the time to acknowledge the giant purple elephant that's been following her everywhere.

Athan sat beside her, wrapping her arm around her torso. "Autumn...babe..." She whispered gently and the hair on Autumn's nape stood up, even making her head feel a little lighter. She unwrapped the vampire's arm and stood up walking near the window over looking the white garden.

Athan exhaled sadly, running her hand along her hair.

"I love you too," Autumn said just above whisper. Athan wouldn't  have caught that if she wasn't a vampire. Although hearing those words were relieving, there's still something about it that is just not the same. "but lately I've been looking for my place."

At that Athan's heart was crushed. She never wanted Autumn to ever feel like that, "Your place...?" She said half stated half asked, "baby it's with me..." Athan was aware things weren't alright because of her "ex", but she didn't think this had affected Autumn to the point the girl would question her place in her life. Everyday, even though Autumn would rather give her a cold shoulder, she tried to tell her everything will be fine, she didn't how that is or how to prove it, she just wanted to assure Autumn have her. Athan told her how special and important she is as frequent as possible. She would kiss her in mid sentence, getting lost in Autumn's eyes as she speak, not able to keep track on the small talks they were invested in. She would give her massage but Autumn preferred to declined. She would ask her out on a romantic date but she was turned down for obviously made up reasons. She really tried...

"For how long Athan?" Autumn queried, harsher than she'd intended.

Athan fell silent, staring down her feet. For how long... She thought. Forever... She wanted to say that because it was true but Autumn won't believe it right now. She was afraid saying it might enrage her girlfriend for it would probably sound rubbish to her right now considering their situation. "For as long as you want me..."

Autumn snickered silently shaking her head. "I want you for the longest run possible Athan, but I don't think the feeling is mutual."

Athan frowned, hurt of the fact that her feelings are being doubted; but it's not Autumn's fault. It's no ones. She told herself. "You don't know that..." she muttered simply.

Autumn smiled sadly, staring outside at particularly nothing. Their connection with each other as cold as the weather outside. "Exactly. I don't know what's going on anymore. I don't understand shit." She almost spat due to the disappointment. Her hands were shaking, voice almost breaking and marble forming in her throat. Athan could've said something more assuring but it seems like Athan was doubting everything between them and that didn't help to make her feel better. "I don't know what I'd do if I lose you-"

"You won't." Athan cut her off,  moving quickly behind Autumn.

Autumn continued, "You can't have the best of both worlds."

"What makes you think I'm leaving you?" Athan asked, hugging Autumn from behind brushing their cheeks tenderly.

"What could convince me you're not actually excited to be with her again?" She swallowed the huge marble in her throat as she said so. Her heart was unstable again and she was sure Athan can easily hear her anxious heart beat.

It was silent. No one one was speaking as Autumn let Athan embrace her the way that could possibly be the last...but hopefully not.

After a while of zero utterances Autumn was guaranteed Athan would not be able to answer her fair question question. Finally letting her tears stream down, she removed herself gently away from Athan. At first Athan held her even closer but soon let go when she heard Autumn plead,   "Athan, please...let go..."

Athan started to sob too low it was barely noticeable as  she allowed Autumn to walk past her and to the door.

She's losing her. If there's a time for stepping up her game, this is the perfect moment but she couldn't even collect herself right now. She doesn't know what to do or say. Athan was just as lost as Autumn, if not, more. She knew she would be having to choose between Anne and Autumn...but she can't... No matter what she did, she loved them both equally and letting one of them go would present her devastation. No matter how fucked up and stupid it sounds it was the truth...

"Autumn...don't go." She said after steadying her tone, refusing to turn around and watch Autumn walk out the room to end things between them.

"I think it's time..." Autumn's voice cracked. Her vision is blurrier and her sobs became the prominent sound in the room.

"Please... I'm begging you..."

Autumn swallowed again, wiping her tears with her sleeves. "I want to be with you... I swear that I do... But I can't find my place until you find where your heart is..." She knew Athan was unsure of her feelings and that hurt like a bitch. Autumn's love has been and will always will be faithful to her but it really isn't the same case with Athan. Athan's heart belongs to her at the same time to another girl and the only thing that hurts more than letting go is knowing that you're just another girl...

"Don't do this..." Athan tried again...

"You know it's not me who's doing this to us..." She opened the door, about to step out.

Athan's hands formed into fists. She wanted to hold her back from stepping outside but that would be completely against the rules. Autumn have her freedom to do anything she wants and to decide for herself, force was never an option. "At least... Don't go back to your apartment... Please stay here... I just... I want you to be safe...please." She pleaded again with no pride.

Autumn nodded even though Athan couldn't see her. Staying with the other's is probably the only thing she knows that is best. In times like this, they're betting on sticking together.

The door of the spare room clicked closed again as she headed back to Athan's room. Autumn will be collecting her clothes and move it in the spare room since she's not planning on sleeping in the same bet with Athan any more.

Their relationship ended but she was still optimist not to declare total defeat just yet... She was still hopeful Athan will choose her. Because she herself would choose Athan over anything priceless all the time.


Hello, im really sorry this is really late than usual.. I was reading and slacking a lot (obviously) there isnt really a valid reason. Scary i actually considered leaving this incomplete/on hold because another story plot formed in my imagination. But apparently and gladly, my thoughts are still invested in this story so the plotting didnt go well hahaha. So yeah im back and ill be updating asap again. I hope i didnt  lose any readers but if so, thats alright, although its sad, i generally write for self expression but its really nice when theres people that appreciates your work so yeah. This is too long. Thank you for reading! =)

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