(UPDATE!)Chapter 42

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"Abyss of Core... What are you talking about? Where is that?" Athan asked confused.

Autumn rounded one of the palace's living area. Maia, Thyone, Jareth, Lio and Gian were also with them. It's been more than a week since Anne's memories was relinquished to Autumn. For what ever reason, they didn't know exactly why. That's how nature always worked.

Stopping at a huge painting that hung on the wall, Autumn eased her girlfriend's confusion. "The Abyss of Core is practically everywhere. It's like, here." She turned around and touched the air with her pointer finger, earning herself a look of disbelief from the others except Maia. The eldest witch continued to smile at her, almost amused. "It is believed that either it has no exact location, or that it is simply wherever you are. You just have to know how to get there, how to see the place." Autumn grinned at them like a child, her hand behind her back as her skirt was blown by the wind coming from the open window.

"And you know how? You suddenly know how?" Jareth asked, leaning one of his elbow on his knee.

"Mhmm. I'm actually as surprised as you are. I can remember all the spells and rituals I formulated myself...I mean when I was in Anne's body."

Thyone looked at her younger sister, eyebrows raised. "And you're okay with that? Isn't that weird?"

Athan shrugged nonchalantly with a nod. Autumn skipped towards them, "Thyone, we're supernatural homosexuals and you drink peoples blood for a living, you think I'm weird?"

The blonde that was sitting tall looked up at her. She held her hands up in defense mouthing 'OK' and slumping her back to the sofa.

"But wait. Autumn," They heard Gian speak, her tone holding back hope. "So you mean I can talk to Tiara?"

The young brunette froze, mouth agape. "No... I'm afraid not."

"But why? I'm not saying that Tiara's dead but neither is Athan and you can go and see her soul..." Gian pressed, a prominent frown confirming her confusion.

"You see..." Autumn rubbed her neck, squeezing to sit between Athan and Thyone. "It's not exactly Athan's soul, of anyone else's that will be there. Our core is just like a ball of bright glass that you can touch, our soul is here," She pointed to her chest. "It's inside our body, it's with us. In the Abyss of core are just like the receipts of souls, it's something just to prove our existence. And if one's glass ball is destroyed, a soul that is connected to it will be gone forever, the reincarnation stops there." Autumn added.

Gian and Lio were visibly disappointed at what they learned. Thyone pulled Gian closer to her while staring at the table in front of them. Autumn toyed with the string of Athan's ripped jeans, the latter studying her features. Autumn was definitely unhappy for breaking the news.

"Is it okay to come, Autumn? We just want to see her..." Lio asked timidly, his voice so low and barely audible.

Looking up at him, the corner of Autumn's lip lifted up. "Of course."

It was silent. The air wasn't heavy but it wasn't relatively inviting as well because of the previous talk.  

"So, when are you going?" Maia asked and stood up, returning the teacups they used back to the tray.

"Now?" Autumn looked at Athan, waiting for approval. The green eyed nodded at her lover, giving her hand a quick squeeze before looking over to her mom.

Athan asked, "Don't you wanna know if dad is still alive?"

Maia turned to face the rest who were also waiting for her answer. "I know he's alive, honey." She smiled assuredly. "You should go  and retrieve what's yours." she said referring to her moonstone and picked up the tray with grace.

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