Rulio and Jomiette

By kunique_

6.8K 184 38

When perky spanish girl, Jomiette Lopez meets bad boy Rulio Stevens everything changes. Is Jomiette falling f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4 {Sunday night}
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author's Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
not a update
Author's Note
Update Chapter 19

Chapter 3

313 12 2
By kunique_

Well i didn't save the first chapter 3 I had so this one might be different, ugh im so angry!

Chapter 3


"ringgg...ringgg,'' the dissimal bell rang.

  I walked out the class, relieved to be going home. As I was walking towards the exit I saw Rulio with Keisha. I then started thinking,

''We do need to start on our project, so I should invite him to my house.''

  Not today though, because my brother was coming to visit and I didn't want Rulio seeing him or my parents judging Rulio. I decided to go against it and tell him tomorrow.


  II reached home excited to see my little brother. I opened the door to see my grandma, mother and father. I kissed my grandma, and mom and dad. I played with Carlos for the rest of the night. It started getting late, and grandma was getting ready to go. I said goodbye to grandma and Carlos, and went to take a shower. After I took a shower I went to do my homework and tried to go to sleep. 15 mins. later I was still up, I couldn't sleep and kept thinking about Rulio for some reason. I remembered, how I use take Trevvon back after all the times he cheated. I refuse to put myself in that situation again, and especially with a boy like Rulio.


"Fuck niggas always get shit bad
Best friend wanna stab you in the back
Ridin' round town, sellin' whip weight
Gotta keep going til I get straight
Last night they pulled another body out the lake
We got some zombies out here wanna eat a nigga face
Gotta stay real nigga, can't fake
Niggas got beef with a straight face
Can't have no stick, no extendo
Nigga want to go to war, holla 10-4
Baby mama fuckin niggas strappin' up the street
Blow you seein', all the traffic breakin' down a ki
If you got a pistol, better hold it up nigga
And you better keep it with you for these fuck niggas
Say you wanna kilo, gotta pay tax
Nigga kill P-Nut, here come the pay back"       

  My alarm went off, I got up to shower and brushed my teeth. I got dressed, then headed towards the bus stop. In the next 20 mins. I reached the school and went to look for my friends. I walked up to them excited to tell them about the night with Carlos. They were the only ones, who knew about Carlos and about my life a matter of fact. I decided against it when I heard them talking about a party Sun. night.   "We should guys", Lanna said.  Lanna was the wild and party-girl as I should put. Even though she partied didn't mean she was a thot, I don't hang with thots. Sherline was the smart mouth one, the one who was out-spoken and didn't hold anything back for anyone. Latrice was the quiet one, don't get it wrong though she the fighter of the group. She only fought when it was necessary though. As they were running their mouth away, I saw Rulio. Then thought we should start the project today. I decided to head towards him. When I walked up to him, he was surprise to see me. None the less I said   "Umm, Rulio I think we should start our project"  

"Oh alright, when? where?", he said.  

"How about 2:40 today afterschool in the library", I replied.  

"Umm, alright but does it have to be at the geek lab"   With that I walked away, as I was walking away I heard his friends say  

"Damn, she dissed you", and I started laughing. Lol (laugh out loud) his friends were so stupid. I made my way back towards the girls, and they all had this shock look on their faces.  

"What?", I asked.  

"We didn't know you knew him", they pointed at Rulio.  

"Well yeah we have homeroom and classes together'', I said.  

"Girl he's the one that's throwing the party", they sqeauled.     At first I didn't want to attend the party, but now that I knew Rulio was throwing the party I chose to go.  

"Yes, we should go", I agreed.    

  The bell signaled, I said bye to my friends then got my things out the locker and headed for homeroom. I sat down and a few minutes later Rulio came in. He didn't say anything to me in homeroom. Weird right?. Anyways the rest of the day went by in a blur. For some reason I was excited to meet Rulio at the library. When the bell rang for the last hour of the day I talked to my friends for a little, then headed towards the library. I was so excited that I kept watching the time, but don't judge me I was TOO happy. I then started to get aggravated because it was 3:00 and Rulio wasn't here still. I finally gave up waiting and headed inside the library. I had to get started with or without Rulio, the library was soon to close in a few. I started researching and twenty minutes later, I see Rulio speed walking inside. He found me and as soon as he reached to the area I was in he tried to explain and failed.  

"Jomy, I'm sor-" I cut him off by putting my hand up.    

I then went back to looking up the information for the project. He then tried a second time  

"Jo-", this time I cut him off with my words. I instantly started going off and said  

"Idk about you Rulio, but some people actually take school serious and want to make it somewhere"  

"You probably want to gangbang all your life, but I'm trying to be successful and you're holding me back.", I hissed at him.  

  I then was about to start another sentence and was cut off by him.  

''No this motherfucker didn't", I thought to myself.  

"You don't know shit about me, Idk what the hell you heard from other people but that's not me.....He took a deep breath then continued to say  

"You know what your problem is?, You think you're better than everybody else, but you not.. You're just a STUCK UP BITCH". he yelled then walked out the library. Everyone in the library was staring at us. I didn't even realized we caused a scene.     

  I have never saw him that angry before, angry period. He always seemed to have a smile on his face, even in Mrs. Birch's class and he didn't like her. On that note I collected my things and rushed out the library before the hot, warm tears started pouring. I ran out the school and to the bus stop, I got on and sat all the way in the back listening to music. I reached home and didn't speak to anyone, I went straight to my room and cried myself to sleep. I HATED RULIO RIGHT NOW!!  


Sunday night

"Jo, Jo come on", Lanna said on the phone.  

''I don't want to go anymore", I told her annoyed.    

  She has been trying to convince me to go the whole day.  

"Why all of a sudden, you want to go anymore?", She questioned.  

"I just DON'T", I said with an attitude.  

"Please Jo I promise we'll have a good time, and when you're ready to leave we'll go.", she proposed.

  I then gave in to annoyance and her told ok. I really didn't want to go, but iguess I'm going anyways.


 Excuse ANY Mistakes

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enjoy!! :)


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