believe || ouat oneshots

By gallifreyanfairytale

45.6K 2K 676

This is just a book for all my Once Upon a Time one shots which are mostly Outlaw Queen because I love them t... More

Bedtime Story
The Apartment
Right Where I Wanna Be
The Rise and Fall of the Dark Swan
Runaway Princess
A Lonely Hunter
The Judge
I See the Moon
The Woman With The Lion Tattoo
Unfinished Business
Thieves in the Cold
Don't Fall For The Competition
Coffee and Rain
Birds of a Feather
S'mores Frappucino
Mob + Outlaw Queen
Pregnancy + MadQueen
Pregnancy + WoodenSwan
Lunch + VioletBeliever
Survival + Outlaw Queen
Morning + Outlaw Queen
Yellow + Rumbelle
Finally Kissed Him
Soulmate Magic
Open Your Eyes
The Dark World
The Dark World (2)
Child of Darkness
False Love's Kiss
The Troubles With Acting
Chasing the Sun
Storybrooke's Got Talent
Robin's Untold Story
My Regina
Summer Festival
New Title
First Heartbreak
Only One
Queen and Thief
A Swan's Cry
Some Characters Make Me A Story
A New Adventure
Finding Purple
The New Girl
The New Girl (2)
Light the Sky
Pillow Fort
A Long Day
To Save a Queen
Family Dinner
Too Good at Goodbyes
World's Okayest Brother
A Broken Family (1)
A Happy Family (2)
An Endless Forest
Never Good Enough
2020 Election Special [ooi]

Reckless Queen

575 32 17
By gallifreyanfairytale

Author's Note: I am 100% for sure this is not actually what's happening in the filming pictures, but after I saw these;

I was inspired to write this one-shot.

Also, let's just pretend that Regina never separated her dark and light.


"Storybrooke wasn't ever Gold's to give away," Regina said, keeping her voice steady. "Storybrooke belongs to me. I cast the Dark Curse and created it. This town is mine. Sorry to disappoint, but you don't just get Storybrooke."

Hyde stepped closer to Regina, and she stepped in front of Henry. "Surely we can work something out, Milady--"

"Don't call me that," Regina said, clenching her fists to keep from lashing out at Hyde in front of Henry. The boy had begun to back up, knowing that Hyde could be facing Regina's wrath very soon.

"Why not?"

"I have my reasons." Regina gritted her teeth, "Now get out of here before I give you a bloody nose to match that scar on your face." The former Queen heard the sound of tennis shoes hitting the sidewalk behind her. That meant Henry had gone back for help. It also meant that Regina needed to get Hyde out quickly, before the others came and pushed her to the background because they thought she couldn't handle herself.

"Is it something to do with your late thief?"

Regina tensed up when Hyde mentioned Robin. How could he know about Robin?

"The Dark One told me about your loss, and assured me that you would be weakened by it, which would make taking Storybrooke easy," Hyde explained.

"I am not weak!" Regina spat. "I'll gladly set you on fire, leaving you to run to the nearest lake. Too bad you don't know where it is."

"You are weak, Regina. I know strength. Strength is the willingness to do whatever it takes to get what you want. And you, Regina, have been weakened by the thief. There is no such thing as a strong hero."

"Don't you dare talk bad about Robin!" Regina exclaimed, almost breaking when she said his name aloud. "Robin was a better man that I could ever even hope to be, and he was the strongest hero I know. So you can take whatever pathetic army you have and march them back to the realm you come from, because--"

Hyde's arm shot out and before Regina knew what was happening, his hand was around her throat and she couldn't breath.

"See?" Hyde asked as he tightened his grip. "Weak."

The corners of Regina's vision were going fuzzy, but at the moment, she just wanted to put Hyde in his place. She could care less if he murdered her - life, death, it was all the same now - but no one insulted Robin and got away with it.

Regina summoned a fireball and grabbed Hyde's arm, igniting his jacket. He immediately let go of Regina and started trying to pat out the flames. Regina took the moment of distraction to swing her fist at his nose.

And that was when the others showed up. Emma and Snow pulled Regina back from Hyde while Charming and Hook restrained him and forced him into the police car. But Regina had done what she needed to, so she didn't mind that she was only being pushed back now.

"What were you thinking?!" Emma shouted. "That guy is just a dark side of someone!"

"Good thing my dark side is darker than anyone else's," Regina growled. Her arms were still being held behind her back by Snow and Emma.

"Regina, you should have called for help," Snow tried to reason with her.

"Henry did that for me."

"You could have gotten hurt--"

Regina yanked her arms away from Snow and Emma before turned to face them. "He comes in here and threatens my town and talks bad about my soulmate and you're punishing me?! I can'y believe you." Regina gave the two a disappointed look that was sure to make them feel bad before turning and walking away.

"Hey, um, Regina? It is Regina, right?"

Regina turned to see a man with brown hair and glasses. "Yes," she replied as she continued walking.

"Well-- hold up!" The man had to jog a bit in order to catch up with Regina. "I'm Doctor Jekyll and that guy you got in a fight with back there is, um, well...he's my dark side," Jekyll was stumbling over his words, trying to get his point across. "And-- and you really shouldn't get in fights with him, you know, since you're a hero and he's, well, a monster. Anyways, I was just kind of wondering...why? You know, like, what caused you to get in a fight with him?"

"He insulted someone I care about very much, and unfortunately, that person is not here to defend himself." Regina stopped walking and turned to face Jekyll. "And if he does that again, I assure you he will get more than a singed jacket and a bloody nose," Regina leaned in closer to Jekyll and gave him her best death glare, "because I am the furthest thing from a hero there is, and the first thing you should learn when you arrive in my town is this; I fight whoever I want to, and no one talks bad about Robin Hood or they will suffer." With that, Regina disappeared in a cloud of dark purple smoke, transporting herself home.

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