The virgin & the bad boy (Gra...

By The-Scrivener

54.5K 9.4K 2.1K

Sassy parkour runner Scarlett Banks, is mysteriously exiled from Mars. Arriving she collides with Dante Tyre... More

FYI Scarlett's Map of the Solar System
Chapter 1/The Martian
Chapter 1b/Hello world
Chapter 2/UN-Facebook says hi.
Chapter 3/Welcome to Earth, please leave it how you found it
Chapter 4/Bad boy stole my sense of balance
Chapter 5/Interviewing reading lights (or robots)
Chapter 6/All about clouds
Chapter 7/I was getting sassed by jewellery
Chapter 8/Grandmother's remote shack in a forest
Chapter 9/32 feet with problems
Chapter 10/Oh no not him again
Chapter 11/Breakfast at 5,000ft
Chapter 13/ Caught by the demons of poor phone reception
Chapter 14/It's not what it seems and even if it was I can explain....
Chapter 15/we need strong body odour, strong mints.. for a stronger planet
Chapter 16/In to the Rally of death
Chapter 17/Cut by the Mirror's Edge
Chapter 18/Harvard High
Chapter 19/Of all the people in all the world you had to walk into my math class
Chapter 20/Power, corruption, lies and cake
Chapter 21/Lessons in lying or does a vampire need a sense of direction?
Chapter 22/Sunrise in London
Chapter 23/the dinner invitation from hell
Chapter 24/The For bitten planet
Chapter 25/we need to talk
Chapter 26/The underground is infested with Giraffes
Chapter 27/The long tail of Gravity
Chapter/28 First quarter day
Chapter 29/Some one teaches Dante manners(good luck on that one)
Chapter 30/Crazy Rock Run
Chapter 31/Uncertain Confessions
Chapter 32/the last resting place of the credit card of Arazemoth
Chapter 33/What do you mean she's failed the Turing test
Chapter 34/My in jail confession
Chapter 35/Memphis
Chapter 36 Tom Boy George
Chapter 37/Don't go all cinderella on me
Chapter 38/Ball at Jakarta Kota Station
Chapter 39/Kissing, Oraschopes and other diversions
Chapter 40/This is a disaster of the worst possible disastrous dimensions
Chapter 41/weaponised ebola , a nuclear winter, and a zombie apocalypse, oh yeah
Chapter 42/Kindra Soul and the new face of Upchuck
Chapter 43/The Dear John the video or No, and Yes
Chapter 44 Show time
Chapter 44/Nobody Said That Smiling Was Easy
Chapter 45/Fortune
Chapter 46/King maker
Chapter 47/Sorry Dave I can't do that
Chapter 48/The party at the end of civilisation
Chapter 49/ You can't escape family ( even if you should)
Chapter 50/Binary Tears or Strangely uncoincidental
Chapter 51/The Examination
Chapter 52/Men are from Mars and Women from Venus (wrong)
Chapter 53/Idle at the Museum of work
Chapter 54/Long elliptic freighters
Chapter 55/Buda and Pest
Chapter 56/The Highest court in the land
Chapter 57/The loosing of Io
Chapter 58/Demonstrating a Demonstration
Chapter 59/The crossing
Chapter 60/some relationships are too crazy for words
Chapter 61/Election night
Apndx 1: Notes and Queries for Gravity/The Bad boy and the Virgin
Appendix 2/Three guys named moe or a world without work
Appendix 3/Eye speak phrase book
BOOK 2:The War of the Red planet
B2/Chapter 2/In England's green & pleasant land
B2/Chapter 3/The Ghost Girl
B2/Chapter 4/Impossible
B4/Chapter 5/Bad Pixels
B2/Chapter 6/All I need
B2/Chpter 7/sky cats
B2/Chapter 8/John, dear John.
B2/Chapter 9/the chase
B2/Chapter 10/I'm back! Did you miss me?
B2/Chapter 11/General Kipperbatch
B2/Chapter 12/The train from New-New- Delhi
B2/Chapter 13/Overman's curve
B2/Chapter 14/The long journey home
B2/Chapter 15/An unexpected reunion
B2/Chapter 16/Miss Foresworn
B2/17/Darkness in the dungeon of mechanical delight
B2/Chapter 18/A smuggler called Han
B2/Chapter 19/Like Electricity, Oxygen, and Love
B2/Chapter 20/In the deepest darkest night
B2/Chapter 22/Target Practice
B2/Chapter 23/Aftermath
B2/Chapter 24/Autodoc
B2/Chapter 30/Vaderman
B2/Chapter 33/Good old Eye cooking
B2/Chapter 32/Gallery
B2/chapter 33/CutCity
B2/Chapter 34/Nuts
B2/Chapter 35/By The Light Of A Savage Moon
B2/Chapter 36/The night before the attack
B2/Chapter 37/Go for Attack
B2/Chapter 38/The death of
B2/Chapter 39/The End

Chapter 12/A town called Gloucester

690 121 13
By The-Scrivener

Photo: Aunt Mallery ( aka Director of Earth-land security and justice stuff  Mallery Banks). looks a lot like Jessica Lange I admit, but we are not going into an entire subplot about the craze for celebrity look-a-like surgery in 2080's ( which was one of the reasons Scarlett's mother Sally Banks left earth). celebrity surgery like this whole cloning of certain historic celebrities while resisting to go into a deep explanation of it (hint it's very very expensive)- is hard enough to pull off.  You don't want to be bored with the whole Tom Cruise has two clones to work on separate Mission impossible 43 (rogue protocol) and  Mission impossible 44 (Ghost nation)films at the same time, do you? RK

Saturday Morning 

Earth/North America/Massachusetts/Gloucester

Facebook friends ( no reception sorry) 

Later that morning  I pulled the short straw so the director bot had decided I was the perky teen who should accompany Aunt Mallery into a near by town called Gloucester. Gloucester Aunt Mallory informed me was pronounced 'Gloss-ter'. I'm looking at 'Gee-lou-ces-ter' thinking hey why go to all the effort of inventing words which are made out of symbols which make sounds and then go and spell things randomly? I mean if you're going to do that why not just make up a squiggle like Prince and if you haven't been introduced to a word before then you will never know how to pronounce it. This 'Gloucester' business smelt of the end of spelling. Unfortunately the lonely planet guide to earth failed to mention the breakdown of written language as one of Earth's negatives. 

While I was away this gave the boys ( and George ) the chance to carry on emptying out the room. It wasn't going well. Kentro had to distract Grouthouser and George had to get step uncle John out of the room. I got the feeling George and Uncle John were watching the Arsenal vs New York game on the TV. As we drove into town in an auto-Ubur I got a constant commentary from the house. Including group chatter.

'<Zing>I can hear the buzzing down here guys' George had sent back from the house.

'<Zing>I can't figure out how to turn it off' sent Leo.

'<Zing>There should be some kind of knob' sent  George.

'<Zing> the knob isn't a problem it's the off switch I want' sent Leo.

Aunt Mallery kept getting interrupted with calls from the media. The whole sky girl thing was killing her. The self driving Ubur dropped us in the centre of town next to a large building called 'Chamber of Legion' and opposite and imposing statue of a man on a horse. Near the outskirts of the town many of the old shuffleboard buildings had rotted and fallen down by their own accord. Further in you have the sense that the buildings were actually lived in. You saw are flags and occasionally hot pink cards in people's windows with titles like 'alien scum out, friend Ronald Bentham now'.

"Everything is so spaced out" I said to aunt Mallory. Under a dome on the Eye, buildings were much closer together. Sometimes you could put both hands on either side of a street. Here buildings didn't crowd each other like awkward passengers in a crowded lift. Buildings were sweetly built of romantic wood and burly brick. 

We walked past an imposing old house in the front of which was a well kept garden. In the garden was a small girl selling charity cookies.

"Well this place is so old," I said as we stood before a home-made stall. I was completely in love with this place and I wasn't sure even where I was. Everything in America was so old It was just rich with history. We had even driven past a historic gas station  museum which I wanted to go back and just look at for hours.

"No it's not," said the nine year old girl "me and my mom just put this table up this morning."

"What are you selling?" said aunt Mallory for the camera.

"Cookies and muffins for to help people recycle robots," said the girl.

"I remember doing this as a kid. You know I really felt I could change the world, for the better" said aunt Mallory.

"So what happened bud?" I said.

"Well that's the weird thing." said Aunt Mallory picking some home baked cookies and getting some money out "If you say from a very young age you want to be an astronaut or something and then you grow up work hard and do everything you need to do to become an astronaut then everyone goes. Well, she's really committed and she got where she deserves. You do that in politics and everybody calls you a power crazed cow. I oftern think Politics is like going out to the mall with a toddler, you spend most of your time chasing it but when you do catch up and put your fingers around its neck then you get into trouble."

"That's a pit stop" I agreed.

"Now I hope you're not keeping any of this money" said aunt Mallory to the girl looking at how she was arranging the bit face-coins on the table.

"ohhh Can't I just keep a little?" complained the girl.

"Well that would be nice" said aunt Mallory "but you know what doing things for money is called?"

"errr we had this in a history test the other day" said the girl. "pros..pros...pros.. professionalisation?"

"Nearly, that's called working," said aunt Mallory smiling.

"Ooohhhh" said the little girl pulling a face like she had just realised that her hands had been rubbing a cow's behind.

"We don't want a police robots to catch you working do you?" said aunt Mallory.

"No Mam" said the little girl "That's for bad people."

That kind of summed up Earth for me. Work is for bad people. It was kind of weird, we spent so long on Mars striving to make things better we never really stopped to wonder what would happen at the end of the line. Now Earth had got there already. The robots did everything, they ran the corporations, then got taxed and the taxes paid for all the humans to live a life of leisure. Mars was going that way F★★K was a Martain company owned and run entirely by robots. The only humans involved were taste testers on new products. The human company director and his management team of three who had set the first Mars F★★K bar up twenty years ago had retired a recently replacing themselves with an AI called ORAC which had managed the company very skillfully. So was this what I had store for my children or grandchildren? Work is for bad people? I wondered what the alternative was? Mars restricted some jobs to humans, but how far down could we go? I mean we could never restrict 100% employment and be able to compete with other planets. We were all trying to become Earth and not thinking about what we were all pushing to.

I got an urgent message from George on my earrings.

"<Zing>GOAL ! !  3-2" it said. Did she realise I didn't care about her soccer game?

Aunt Mallory handed me a muffin and we continued down a tree lined street dense with cute small shops called Main street.

The street was quiet, mind you most of earth was quiet.

I got a message on my earrings from the director that I needed to get her to do more of that. "She almost looks human" the machine said.

We carried on walking and chatting. Aunt Mallery mentioned knowing about secret passages in the house.

"So what do you want to do?" asked aunt Mallery licking the chocolate from her fingers.

"I thought I would study astronavigation and be a navigator on a spice freighter maybe even an explorer one day" I said.

"You power crazed cow" said aunt Mallery to me.

I laughed "Yeh that's me totally, bud." 

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