Dylan O'Brien Imagines

By sophisticatedstiles

83.1K 1.2K 422

Imagines to fulfill all of your Dylan O'Brien needs. Characters that will be included: - Stiles Stilinski ... More

Her // Stiles Stilinski
Her (Part 2) // Stiles Stilinski
Fairy Tale Endings // Stiles Stilinski
Brains Over Beauty // Stiles Stilinski
Brains Over Beauty (Part 2) // Stiles Stilinski
Brains Over Beauty (Part 3) // Stiles Stilinski
Lucky To Have You // Dylan O'Brien
Brains Over Beauty (Part 4) // Stiles Stilinski
Brains Over Beauty (Part 5) // Stiles Stilinski
Always // Stiles Stilinski
Home // Stiles Stilinski
Home (Part 2) // Stiles Stilinski
Home (Part 3) // Stiles Stilinski
Home (Part 4) // Stiles Stilinski
Home (Part 5) // Stiles Stilinski
Home (Part 6) // Stiles Stilinski
Love & Chemistry // Stiles Stilinski
Long Time No See // Stiles Stilinski
Right In Front Of Me // Stiles Stilinski
World Without You // Stiles Stilinski
Unexpected Surprise // Stuart Twombly
Jealousy // Thomas
Hero // Thomas
Game Changer // Thomas
Endings & Beginnings // Dylan O'Brien
Eternal // Dylan O'Brien
Pun Master // Stiles Stilinski
Too Perfect // Stiles Stilinski
Hold Me // Stiles Stilinski
Dork In Shining Armor // Stuart Twombly
Can I Have This Dance? // Stiles Stilinski
Can I Have This Dance? (Part 2) // Stiles Stilinski
Can I Have This Dance? (Part 3) // Stiles Stilinski
The Name of the Game // Stiles Stilinski
Birthday Blues // Stiles Stilinski
No Rest For The Wicked // Stiles Stilinski
Worth Your While // Stiles Stilinski
I Noticed You // Stiles Stilinski
Irreplaceable (Part 1) // Dylan O'Brien
Irreplaceable (Part 2) // Dylan O'Brien

Together // Stiles Stilinski

2.8K 49 7
By sophisticatedstiles

4 Years Old.


Those were the pair of letters that suddenly decided to show up on your wrist. The second it had appeared, you were left in shock and slight terror. You took that confusion and brought it to your mom, asking her just what had happened to your wrist. It's not like you were old enough to get a tattoo, or old enough to even go out by yourself and buy just a temporary one. The perplexion once again overcame you as you watched your mother's eyes light up. You had never seen her this excited before. With a wide smile, she explained that those were the initials of your soulmate, the person that you would be spending the rest of your life with. The person that you would fall madly in love with. The person that you would never want to let go of.

With the same grin possessing her features, she had shown you her own set of initials printed on her wrist, the same place you had yours. Of course, she had your dad's initials there. Even though you didn't fully understand everything, you knew that it would catch on eventually.

You smiled at her.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

13 Years Old

You were going out to retrieve the mail later at night, when you were suddenly ambushed by these odd people with eyes red as fresh blood and fangs sharper than a knife.

Although you were terrified out of your mind when they grew dangerously close to your neck, you didn't scream, cry, anything. You were far too much in shock than anything perhaps. After they had drawn out some of your blood, you did the only thing you could. You ran.

Once you had successfully avoided your parents, you had ran upstairs to see you were already changing into one of those things. You collapsed onto the floor and cried your heart out, wondering how in the world you would be able to keep this secret from your parents, your friends, everyone. You also wondered how you were going to live through this, how you were going to deal with all of this problems by yourself. For the first time in your life, you felt alone.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

17 Years Old

Life was somewhat okay. Your parents were performing wonderfully at each of their jobs. You had finally began to grow closer to your friends, spending almost every day with them. However, you still didn't trust them enough to share your powers with them.


You had done some research, or at least enough to realize that you had, in fact, been attacked by vampires that one night. Not only that, but you also found out that they came with a rare collection of powers.

Super-speed. The ability to heal from anything. Immortality.

That part crushed you. What was the point of having a soulmate if you were forced to live years and years after they would die? Did another set of initials appear on your wrist overnight? Or were you just forced to live the rest of your life in reclusiveness?

You considered telling your parents, but you just knew they wouldn't understand. How would they take the fact that their very own child now had some messed up powers and was now some messed upcreature?

Not like you would have time to tell them anyways. At least not after they told you that you'd have tomove. They had apparently been doing so well at their jobs that they were offered a promotions. Those news very well could have been enough to take what was left of your heart and thrown it into a trash compactor. It wouldn't matter anyway, with your new immortality, you could live through that. That, or your heart could grow back as simple as the leg of a starfish can.

All of your friends were devastated when you shared the news with them. They even threw you a farewell party, some of them giving you small gifts to remember them by. Tears streamed down your face as you watched their faces get shrunk, the farther you drove. Never had you ever thought that you when you had finally gotten some close friends, that they would ripped right out of your hands in an instant.

The car ride was silent, the only sound, for the time being, were your constant sniffles. Of course, your parents had made numerous attempts to cheer you up, but every method failed. You wanted nothing more than to just rid yourself of all this pain and heartbreak.

Beacon Hills High: The place you were forced to call your new school. The place that was miles and miles from your old home. The place that made you feel like even more of an outcast than you already were. One of the many, many bad things was that you would be alone; not even one familiar face to make you feel safe.

Weeks later, here you are, walking into Beacon Hills High for your first day of Junior year. You kept to yourself, gaze averted to the floor. You didn't care what anyone might think of you. It would only be a matter of time until people would find out about what you are. It would only scare them away. So, you made a vow to yourself to never bother to make new friends. What was the point anyway? If you were to find new friends, with your luck, you would have to move the second you got close to them again.


It was a simple sentence, one simple word. However, it was enough to give you the urge to just run for it, acting as if you hadn't heard them. Then again, you didn't want people to hate you. You just simply didn't want any friends.

Which is hopefully something this person didn't want.

"Hello." You reluctantly spoke, turning to the person and subtly hiding your wrist from view. Damn, was the first thought to cross your mind as you looked over his features. Warm, chocolate eyes. Dark hair styled into a quiff. Moles speckled across his face. He was gorgeous.

"Hi." He said, seeming almost hypnotized by you as well. He then snapped out of it once he realized that he had already greeted me. "Uh—I mean—um—are you—are you new?"

"Yeah," You smiled at him dreamily, your vow that had been created just minutes ago fading into the back of your mind. "This is—this is my first day."

"Cool." His grin made your heart shake with desire. Why were you acting this way? Then, you remembered. You needed to see the initials on his wrist.

"I'm Y/N." You stuck out your hand, suddenly wishing that those damned letters would have been on your right wrist so he could see them. This has to be him. "Y/N Y/L/N."

A bolt of electricity ran through you as your hands touched. As your name fell off your tongue, he froze. Taking what he thought was a subtle glance at his wrist, he looked back at you, his smile expanding by the second. You smiled, too. It's him.

"Stiles Stilinski." You didn't even need to look down at those initials, for you have had them memorized for years.

"Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, same here."

That same day, Stiles had introduced you to the rest of his friends during lunch. They were all really nice. Although there seemed to be something wrong with Scott, his best friend. He smiled at you and was polite, but you couldn't help but notice the odd glances he was sending your way. It was almost as if he knew what you were. You tried not to pay too much attention to it for the time being. Maybe you were simply paranoid. It was probably just because you were still nervous about them finding out about your secret in the first place. Hopefully they never would.

You stopped thinking about it though.

When Stiles asked you out on a date.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

18 Years Old

You sighed in content as you took in your beautiful surroundings. Trees dancing to imaginary music in the breeze. The colorful flowers swaying in time with their own beat. Birds communicating with one another with little chirps here and there. How could this get any better?

If Stiles was here.

Sadness washed over you immediately at the thought of that scintillating Stilinski. If only he were here. You had stopped talking to him months ago in fear of him finding out your secret, just knowing that he would be terrified at the revelation that you were a blood-sucking vampire. Although, you never sucked blood out of people to feed. You had maybe only done it once or twice your whole life. You always tried to find another way to find blood instead of attacking people for it, remembering how frightened you were when you were the one being ambushed. It was still disturbing though, or at least enough to send Stiles running for the hills.

You sighed once more, but it was filled with sadness and anger and hatred towards yourself. Why couldn't you have just waited until morning to grab the mail? Your fingers began to fiddle with the jewelry hanging around your neck. It was a Lapis Lazuli stone that saved you from being burnt under the sun's deadly rays. This one stone helped you feel like a normal human being for a little bit, until those blood red eyes would flash in your mind again, reminding you of the monster you had become.

In your mind, you went back to that date you had with Stiles on the first day of school. You had had so much fun that day, doing everything from watching movies to playing video games. It wasn't a fancy dinner at a five star restaurant, nor was it a romantic walk in the woods. This was real. He was real. Every single aspect of that day from beginning to end. It was all real.

He had tried to kiss you goodnight at the end of probably the best night of your life. All the fears that had accumulated in your mind suddenly exploded all at once. You. Him. Your new friends. Your powers. Your parents. Everything hit you like a hungry tsunami. You considered trying to push it all away and connect your lips with his. Oh, how you wanted to. But you just couldn't. It suddenly seemed as if everything and everyone was against you at this time. Tears threatened to spill and you felt the need to throw up.

You walked inside of your house without another word spoken between the two of you. The second that door locked was when your tears finally began to run free. Your mother had heard you walk in, but you never appeared in the living room. You never ran in with an award-winning smile, yapping endlessly about how magical your night had been like she had predicted. She had been the one to give you a pep talk before the date. A grin that was almost too large for her face appeared when you said that you had found him.

Instead, you walked into the living room as the tears continued to fly. She had given you a look of concern as she noticed you crying. You didn't say anything, nor did she. All that you did was fall into her arms as you cried into her shoulder. You knew that there would be questions later, but you didn't care anymore. All you needed was your mother's loving touch at this moment. She never asked you any questions that night, just held you tight and whispered comforting words into your ear. They never helped, but you appreciated that she tried.

You had never spoken to Stiles or anyone from his group of friends since then. You had gotten what you had wanted. You were truly, and utterly alone.

As soon as you were about to let a couple tears trickle down, a slamming car door in the distance had your immediate attention. Maybe it was just your imagination? You really haven't spoken to anyone but your parents and other family members for months on end, so your mind could just be tricking you into thinking that someone wanted to see you.

"Y/N?" You knew that voice. It was the same one that had your heart thumping wildly against your chest and your knees turning to jelly. The one that was smooth as velvet and had you wanting to hear it every day for the rest of your life.

The voice of Stiles Stilinski. S.S. The man that you had been searching for since birth. The guy that you were destined to spend the rest of your life with. Your soulmate.

"Hey." Was all you could utter during this time. You were too nervous being this close to him again.

"Long time no see." He chuckled awkwardly, bringing a hand up to the back of his neck.

"Yeah," You agreed quietly, averting your gaze from him. Instead, you had chosen to stare at a red flower within your reach. Your fingers danced across its dainty petals, silently hoping that Stiles wouldn't leave, despite your shyness around him. "It's been awhile."

"Yep." Again, he chuckled.

"How'd you know I was up here?"

"I didn't, actually." He finally came over to sit next to you on the bench you had occupied previously. You glanced at him, to see those warm brown eyes looking at nothing else but you. Once your eyes met his, you couldn't bare to look away. It seemed like endless hours had gone by as you stared at each other. Tears pricked your eyes again as you remembered that spectacular night you had spent with him just months ago. "Why'd you push me away?"

"Stiles." Your voice cracked, as you cursed yourself for being so upset over this. Over a guy. His expression softened greatly, closing his warm hand around yours.

"Tell me," He demanded gently. "Please."

"You wouldn't believe me." You insisted, shaking your head. "You'd think I was a freak."

"I'll always believe you." He scooted closer to you, his gaze never leaving yours. Your eyes shifted down to his pink lips for a very brief moment before shooting back up to his kind eyes.

Instead of saying anything, you flashed those blood red eyes at him, a few tears leaking from them. Your lip quivered, waiting for him to drop your hand and run as far away from him as possible. Instead, he just continued to look into your eyes, shock filling his.

"Vampire?" Stiles mumbled, bringing a hand up to stroke your cheek. You found yourself relaxing under his touch, your eyes shifting back to normal. Nodding into his hand, he appeared to be deep in thought. "This is why you shut everyone out?"

You nodded once more. "Vampires are immortal, so I didn't see the point in making new friends and getting together with you if I wouldn't get to spend the rest of my life with you. It would be a waste."

He didn't say anything. He just tightened his grip on your face and kissed you hard. You allowed yourself to melt into him, showing just as much passion and love as he was. Your hand moved up to chest to grab onto the collar of his shirt, pulling him in even closer. All of your emotions began to roam free as your other hand played with his hair. He let out a soft moan into your mouth as you deepened the kiss. And, for the first time in years, you felt at peace with yourself. All of your worries melted away as you focused on his touch and nothing else. That just seemed to bring back a shred of your sanity. Piece by piece, you would be fixed by him. You didn't want someone that would use tape that would eventually fall off. What you really wanted, what you needed was someone that would bring the superglue, not only using it to bound you back together, but would stick himself to you as well.

"We'll figure this out." The first words to come out of his mouth as you separated. "Together."

"Together." You repeated with a smile.

As he pulled you back in, you realized that you wouldn't have wanted your life to turn out any other way. With you and Stiles. Together.

+  +  +

Woah! Another imagine uploaded wow! I bet all three of you are all super excited *laughter slowly turns into tears* Anywho, I hope you all enjoyed it! I had fun writing it, it was great *awkwardly gives you a thumbs up, cringing while doing so*

Quick Question: Do any of you like Fall Out Boy? If so, let's be friends :D


Check out my Tumblr if you have the time: sophisticatedstiles

Hope you're enjoying your day!

Alexa :)

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