Haruhi's sister (OHSHC)

By Crims0n_W0lf

181K 5.4K 1.7K

First off I do not own any of the characters or you! I only write what I wish with the help of the anime and... More

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
This is a first
Chapter 19
Hey guys!!!
Chapter 20
Filler Chapter: Fathers day!!!
Chapter 21 (part 1)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Getting Tagged
Chapter 24

Part 2

2.2K 81 43
By Crims0n_W0lf

Hey guys, man how long has it been? Anyway here it is! I hope you're all excited for this, I know I am!!! So without further adieu...LET'S GET STARTED!!!
The first three bullets hit making a hole in the head of the dummy.
Those four went into the arms and legs.
Right in the throat
The last one went to my favorite place to shoot...the crotch. Yeah it hurts like a bitch but it's great to use as a bluff for interrogation. I felt a smirk form from the memory's of grown men crying, and mind you it was ugly crying with snot and and tears running down their faces, okay now I was grossed out. But that's not the point, it works, that's it.

I sighed and put the gun down onto the table. I looked around and noticed that Haruhi wasn't around. Hmm must have went back. I shrugged it off and continued shooting from different places in the warehouse.

{[Time skip]}

I took in a deep breath after practically running around and shooting. I looked at my phone and noticed I had a few minutes left till it was 7:00. I took that time as a cool off session, just stretching and taking in slow deep breaths. After feeling less tense I began making my way back to the estate enjoying the scenery on the way. When I got inside the smell of fresh coffee hit me. I walked into the kitchen to see Sebastian with a bunch of different ingredients next to some coffee beens.

"Morning Sebastian, uh what are you got going on there?" I said taking a seat across from him.

"Well I thought that your friends might enjoy a coffee to go with their breakfast this morning and when I looked for a reasonable one I found that there were many others to be made. And this is what's "going on" right now." He seemed so focused and it seemed that he had just gotten started as well.

"You can calm down there Mr. Perfect. Just grind the beens and keep it simple. They drink instant coffee all the time in the club, so something simple will be fine." I stood from my seat and headed to my room to get some clothes for a shower and possibly a nice long bath. I walked across the hall and made sure to lock the door to the bathroom and out my things down. Stripping off my clothes, I put the on top of the counter with my clean clothes and towel. I decide a bath first would be good then I'll bring the shower head down for my hair.

"Ahh, this is nice. Just me and the warm water relaxing my muscles." I put my head back just sitting there I the water for a good twenty minutes. Getting up I pulled the plug keeping the water from draining and started washing my hair. When that was done I stopped out and towel dried my body, draping it over my hair to do the same thing. I pulled it off and got dressed my clothing matching what I wearing earlier but the black was a t-shirt and the pants were instead shorts that reached a little past my knee. I turned to the mirror and looked at my self.

"Man, my hair is getting kind of long. I need to be sure to cut it again soon. Hmm, actually I think I'll let grow a little more and then trim it and fix it up...yeah let's do that." I gave my reflection a nod and grabbed everything I brought in and headed out of the bathroom. I saw Mey-rin down the hall and waved at her. I saw her holding a much of plates and running towards me. She was doing fine, was being the key word, she ended up tripping and the plates all went up into the air. Of course she didn't hit the floor. Before I noticed I was moving and ended up catching her and the plates.

"You okay there Mey-rin?" I looked at her being careful with the plates on my head, hand, and foot. She shook her head and got up and started fumbling around with her words.

"Oh I-I'm so s-sorry! Yes I am! I-"
I stopped her and laughed a little.

"It's okay. As long as you weren't hurt and none of the plates broke, everything is alright. Hmm? Oh morning guys." I looked behind her and saw Honey and Mori.

"Would you two do me a favor and help Mey-rin carry these plates to..."

"The k-kitchen." I nodded.

"the kitchen. It would mean a lot to me and a few others if these, and this wonderful lady, didn't get broken a long the way." They nodded and took the plates from me. Mori taking the most that were also from my head. The three all walked off to the kitchen and I went back to my room. It was then I noticed that Haruhi wasn't here. I looked out our window and saw that she was Finny out in the garden, I smiled and got some socks on with my combat boots. I looked at the time and saw that it was already 8:00. I heard a knock at the door followed by Sebastian's voice.

"Y/n it's time for breakfast. Also one of your friends doesn't seem to be getting up any time soon and I doubt he would want a grown man to wake him so would you do that. Thank you." I heard his foot steps leave the door and fade away down the hall. Sadly I knew exactly who he was talking about. Haruhi told me about the time her and the club went out shopping while I was at "work" and how the Shadow King himself was acting up because he was woken up "early". I walked out and saw Tamaki and the twins walking down the hall.

"Morning guys." I said walking up to the three.

"Morning y/n." They all said.

"How was y'alls sleep? Good I hope."

"Hmm. Are you feeling okay? You seem to be extra nice this morning." Hikaru said giving a suspicious glance look.

"Yeah I'm good. I finally got to do some training this morning, so it took a lot of built up stress away. By the way, I'm about to go wake up Kyoya, y'all wanna help?" They all gave excited nods and we went to his room.
I knocked on the door in hopes he'd be awake, but if he was what fun would this be? Anyway he didn't answer so I knocked three more times and heard a groan coming from the room. And a a rustling sound before the door was slightly open enough to see him. Gosh, if looks could kill I would've been six feet under and then some.

"Morning K-" oh ohoho. Oh HELL NO! "HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!! YOU BETTER OPEN THIS DOOR OR IM GOING BREAK DOWN THIS DOOR!" I was mad for a lack of better words. Who does he think he is slamming the door on me when all I did was say morning." I waited a little bit and he opened the door again. "Thank you, now a-" SLAM
This bitch. This bitch wants to be slapped across the face and thrown doesn't he. "THAT'S IT!!!" I kicked down the door to his room and saw him jump from the bed. I walked towards him real slow and took notice of how the other three were all pale in the face and how Kyoya wasn't shaking but he had a look of shock in his eyes. "I tried being nice to you, but you slammed the door on my face. Twice might I may remind you! Now you're gonna get dressed now and head down stairs, do I make my self clear?" Nothing but silence came from him. "I said do I make myself clear?!" He still did nothing for a few moments. Then he smirked, oh hell no!

"And what are you going to do if I don't?" He put on his glasses and pushed them up on his nose.

"I'll change you myself if I have to."

"Yeah, sure you would."
"Sebastian?!" I yelled knowing he would come.

"Yes y/n?" I kept my gaze on Kyoya seeing how the shock went from his eyes to his face.

"Get me some clothes for Kyoya please. Oh I know, how about the clothing for later that you brought for everyone?"

"Here you go." He put them in my hands and I got closer to Kyoya.

"Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way, your choice." He stood still, not answering. "Okay then. Here we go." I tackled him to the ground happy that he already had on boxers, and started to put his pants on. I had to sit on his legs so it would be easier to put on and pulled them up and sitting on his stomach. He kept thrashing and hit me a few times on accident. Then I decided to try and get his socks and shoes on but before I could he kicked me in the butt causing me to role forward and away from him.

"I can get my self changed thank you very much. Now get out." I gave him an innocent smile and curtsy and walked out. Well there goes my happy mood. The guys seemed to have snapped out of their scared trance and were laughing, well the twins were, on the floor. Tamaki sort of just stood there.

"W-was that really necessary y/n?" Tamaki said with his gaze still on the door of the room.

"I gave a huff and nodded. We all just walked to the dining room seeing everyone sitting with food in front of them. Ciel was first to notice us.

"I hope you are going to fix that door y/n. I don't like that you already broke it and the day has barely started."

"Yeah sorry but that guy really knows how to push my buttons."

"Yes I know. I could hear you from down here. Anyway as you all have noticed-" He was cut off by the little brat.

"What is this?!" Kyoya said coming into the dining room.

"Excuse me a moment" I said to Ciel and grabbed Kyoya by the collar and dragged him outside.

"What the hell was that Otori?! Do you have any idea how rude that was?! It's one thing to slam a door on me but to a nobel?! Are you out of your mind?!"

"Well it's your fault for giving me this ridiculous clothing! I-"

"That's quite enough you two." Ciel interrupted. "Mr. Otori, I'm sure that you know how properly act I front of others despite their status. As for the clothing you would have ended up wearing that anyway. You see my fiancé is coming and I'm host a ball tonight, since none of you were informed I took it upon my self to give you all proper clothing for tonight. Considering what I heard this morning it seems you brought that upon yourself to be put in those clothes earlier than the others. So if you would like to try entering again it would be appreciated." With that he walked back to the dining room.

I gave a sigh and looked to Kyoya. I could tell he was very upset now that the one to own the house was the one to practically put him in his place. He let out a big breath and looked to me.

"I'm not speaking to you until we are home." And he walked off. Oh man, I'm gonna hear about this when we get back. I was going to head back as well until I heard a knock on the front door of the estate. I went to it and opened it up to see Lady Elizabeth outside.

"Y/n! It's so good to see you! What are you doing here?" She gave me a hug and smiled.

"Well I thought I should come and visit since I hadn't seen everyone in a while. How have you been Lady Elizabeth?"

"Oh please call me Lizzy! And I've been just fine! My darling Ciel and I are having a ball here!"

"Yes I was told that we were having one tonight. Here let me take you to the dining room and get Sebastian to take your bags to your room." She nodded and off we went. I opened the door and she ran to Ciel.

"LIZZY?! What are you doing here so early?!"

"I wanted to spend time with you before we had to get everything ready. Oh Ciel tonight is going to be so much fun! Oh who are they?" She turned to see everyone at the table. I spoke up and introduced everyone and gave Sebastian her bags.

"Well it's nice to meet you all. I hope you have all been having a wonderful time and have even more fun tonight." She turned to Ciel and they talked a bit more. Well now all we have to do is get ready once everyone has finished up eating.

[[small time skip to getting ready]]

By now it was already 3:24 and the ball starts at 5:00. I looked around to see everyone working on different parts of house, well except for Kyoya. He insisted on helping buy and plan everything for tonight for his rude behavior earlier. But other than that the club was doing a good job on everything else. The twins were helping Mey-Rin with the decorating the ball room and front of the estate with the help of Sebastian as well. Mori and Honey were in the kitchen with Bardroy making the food for dinner and the sweets but mostly sweets. Haruhi was out with Finny getting the flowers and other things for the front and cleaning up the garden and around the estate. I was pretty much helping anyone who needed it. Making sure nothing broke, or got out of hand. Mainly I was with Haruhi and Finny since the estate was so big, but after a good while we had to get ready so that's what we did.

"So Haruhi, are you excited? You'll be going as a girl instead of a guy this time." I asked while helping her in her dress.

"Yeah actually. But I'm also a little scared, what if I mess up or something. Aren't all of the people coming tonight rich?"

"Well yes and no. Ciel made it a private ball yes but not all of the guest are rich. It's really all friends and business partners that'll be here. Besides, one of the boys will be mostly, if not the whole time, be with you so you don't need to worry. They all know how to be at these kind of parties. All you need to do is be yourself. You're a smart girl, you'll know what to do." I finished tying the back and did her make up. It was all simple really, I know she doesn't really like it so I took that into account. When I finished I decided to get myself ready as well. I pulled out the (fav. Color) dress, there were three layers to it. The top being a light (f/c), the middle being a regular shade of
(f/c), and the bottom being a dark (f.c). It looked really nice as well, with the layers going at an angle instead of just straight across the dress. It came with (white/black) long sleeved gloves, and (w/b) shoes.

[[A/N like the dress up above, just your favorite colors if you don't want it to be blue. Same thing for the makeup!!! Also all of the (f/c) are the same color!!!]]

Now for the make up. I put on concealer first and some blush. Next was the eye shadow, I put black as the base color then silver on top of it. Underneath my eyelid, I put (f/c) to make my eyes pop along with eye liner and mascara. Last thing I need is the wig that Sebastian left for me. Looking at my self in the mirror I give a satisfied sigh and make my way to the party. Considering the sounds it looked like the party has already started. I see Ciel at the bottom of the steps talking to Lizzy and some other people. Lizzy noticed me and tapped Ciel on the shoulder to get his attention. He looked up and had a small smile walking up a few steps of stairs so that everyone could see him. He took his glass and tapped it with a butter knife.
Everyone looked to him and some to me as well.

"How is every one this evening?" He said and was given an applause and some happy shouts as an answer.
"Wonderful. Well, I would like to introduce you to and very good friend of mine who has also been around all my life. She is my guest of honor since it's her first time visiting in a while, everyone please welcome (f/n)(l/n)." They all applaud and some men gave whistles as I walked down to meet Ciel who walked the rest of the steps holding my hand like the little gentle men he is. I immediately look for Haruhi and the others and I could see that some of the boys were dancing with women who had came with friends or family instead of dates. I saw that Haruhi was with Tamaki and Kyoya and made my way to them.
"Hey guys." I said grabbing their attention.

"Y/n you look amazing! Dad would love to see this."

"Thanks sister."

"Yeah that was some entrance you made. You look so beautiful in that dress I wouldn't be surprised if all of the men came to ask you to dance date or not." Tamaki said giving me a twirl.

"Thanks Tamaki." I gave a look to Kyoya and he looked very annoyed with what was going on. I mean same dude but at least look like you're enjoying the party.
"Mr. Otori, I suggest getting that absolutely retched look off of your face if you wish to dance with any of these women here. There are still plenty who do not seem to have dates and look rather accomplished don't you think; and do not forget the beauty they all posses, I'm sure one is to your liking."

"No matter how handsome or beautiful, none of them could possibly turn my head, much less dance with them."

"Well I do hope you enjoy being here by yourself then." I turned to walk away only to be stopped by a brunet man that had a curl coming out of it.
{{hehehehe you know who?}}

"Ciao belle, would you like to dance?" He held out his hand bowing slightly.

"Yes, thank you." I took his hand and we went to the dance floor. One hand on my waist the other holding one of mine. While I used my free hand to lift my dress enough so that I'm not stepping on it when I move.
"By the way, what's your name?"

"It Romano, but everyone calls me Lovino." He gave a smile as we spun around the room.

"Well it's nice to meet you Lovino. My names y/n if you didn't hear earlier. If I may, how do you Lord Phantomhive?" I said looking him in the eye.

"We're business partners. I lend him my men to work for his company if he ever needs the extra help at a factory."

"Oh? And what do you do that allows you to "lend him" men?"

"Well, my line of work is a bit dangerous. As much as I would love to tell you, I don't want you getting mixed up in something you can't handle, belle."

"Well if it is so dangerous then I won't ask anymore of it. A-" I was about to ask him if he was with anyone here when I was interrupted by a tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me chika. May I cut in?" This man was tan with green eyes. Lovino pulled away and gave a bow walking off. I was left with the new man and I give him a smile. Going back to my previous position we continued dancing.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you..."

"Antonio. The pleasure is all mine chika. So how was dancing with mi amigo?" He asked smiling.

"Lovino? Well it was fine, short but fine. So do you both work together?"

"You could say that. He's more like my boss than my co-worker."

"That's nice. I was going to ask him but since you're here, did you come here with anyone else or is just you two?"

"Oh no, we brought three others. It's Lovino, his brother Feliciano, and my two partners in crime Francis and Gilbert. We all pretty much work together despite doing different things."

"Wonderful, I have a few of my friends as well. But they are all dancing with the woman who don't have dates. They like to make sure the ladies are happy all of the time. Even though they are a bunch a weirdos they're good people. Also my sister but she's with one of them now." He nodded and gave me another sweet smile. We just danced to the music making small talk as we went. That happened for a good amount of song; just me meeting who ever I danced with and having fun. Getting tired I had to say no to one of the men who asked to dance since I was, well tired. I walked back to where I met up with Haruhi,Tamaki, and Kyoya. Seeing Kyoya the only one at the table I went up to him.

"Have you really been siting here this entire time?"

"Yes I have. Why do you ask?"

"Well for one you're at a party, and two you're at a party! Why are you not dancing?...nothing? Oh don't tell me you're still upset about earlier. It's not like it's a big deal-"

"It is a big deal! If I can't act properly I front of one person how can I ever think I can take care of a business meeting, or meeting with a client for the company?"

"So that's what it is! I was wondering why my friend was over here sulking."
Tamaki came and grabbed Kyoya and I so that we were standing.
"Now you two go dance and make up! Go on, go!" We both have a sigh knowing that nothing was going to change his mind. This next dance that came on was called A Postcard To Henry Percell, it was one of my favorites. It was also a sort of line dance where you and your partner stood across from each other taking steps together, forward, backward, and around another couple. Then the music started. (Play the video!!!)

"I love this song." I stated as we began dancing. He said nothing and I continued.
"I talked about the song now you have to remark about the size of the room or the number of couples."

"I'm happy to do so, please tell me what you would like to hear most." He said in a monotoned voice.

"That'll do for now." I paused," you know, I do quite like private balls more than public ones." More silence was given and I smirked a bit." Now we may remain silent."

"No talking is a rule while dancing?" He said breaking the silence.

"No, no I'd just rather be unsociable and taciturn. Makes the dance be much more enjoyable don't you think?" I said, my smirk getting bigger.

"Tell me do you and Haruhi often walk to the super market?"

"Yes we often walk to the super market. In fact when you all came over we were leaving."

"Oh? And what of this job that you have. Of course I know what you do but what other things do you do in that, profession." How dare he ask that here of all places, doesn't he know how dangerous that is?!

"Why do you ask such a question?" At this point we stopped dancing in the middle of everyone just face to face.

"To make out your character y/n."

"And what have you found out so far?" We got a little closer.

"Very little. Only that your different personalities puzzle me." I looked at him and took a step back as did he.

"Well I hope to give you more clarity in the future." With that we spent the rest of the face in silence and it seemed as if it were just us two in the room with the music playing in the background, never breaking eye contact unless we turned around only to meet eyes once again. Then it was over and the sound of clapping breaking us from that trance. We did the same and I took off to a different room.

'Oh gosh what, what was that. My heart is beating and everything. Ugh I need to cool off.' I took off out side and enjoy the nice breeze I given by the gentle night. I was heading back in when I heard a loud bang and some screaming. I ran in to see a bunch of men in the middle of the room.

"Now everyone!" The man with the gun said aloud. "We won't hurt you! All you have to do is give us everything you have!!!" He let out some more gun shots. I pulled out my knife from my thigh holster and ripped off the bottom of my dress so that it was more of a skirt. I looked to Sebastian and gave him a nod and he took off with Ciel and Elizabeth.

I looked back at the man that now had Haruhi in his arms by the waist. Oh hell no you don't. I got out a throwing knife and threw it at his arm and ran to him and Haruhi.

"What the hell?! Who do you think you are girly?!"

"Your worst nightmare buddy." I turned Haruhi and pushed her to the boys and saw Honey and Mori getting ready to fight.
"Stand down you two! I got this." I was about to run at him and his group of misfits but was stopped by a voice.

"You know belle, I didn't pin you for this type of ragrazza."

"Yeah chika, this just makes you way more attractive."

I saw Lovino and Antonio with guns in their hands next to me pointed at the guy. Behind him were three other people who I assumed were the rest of their party.

"Same to you boys. Now let's get him." They nodded and started the fight. I got the big guy with the gun and jumped kicked him right in the face. I looked to my left to see a bunch of other men running in.

"Guys back up! We got company!" The other guys and my self back up so that we were on one side of the room and the bad guys were o the other.
"Hey Lovino, y-"

"Miss y/n! Here!" I turned to see Mey-Rin with her glasses off and a gun in her hand. She threw an AK and pistol to me and I caught them perfectly.

"Thanks! Now go take care of the guests!!!" She nodded and ran off.

"Here we go boys!" The sound of guns were the only thing that you could here aside the yelling of those who got shot.

"Bomb!" Someone yelled. We took cover and prices of floor, table, and glass was thrown in the air. Some prices of glass and wood got stuck in my arms or hair same with some of the guys. I took my pistol and quickly got out of cover getting one shot killing anyone who was to slow. Eventually all that was left were six bad guys. Nice now the fight is even.

"Hey! How about a good hand to hand combat?! It'll be one on one!" I was about to put down my pistol when four of the six shot at me. I sighed and shot right back at them while doing a flip in the air to avoid the bullets. The only two left were a guy who looked like he was gonna piss himself, oh nope there he goes, gross. The other man was more calm, must of seen the one in charge. He looks familiar, I wonder- oh crap.

"Ahh y/n. It's always a pleasure to see you. Oh should I not call you that?How about the Goddess of death? Yes that fits much better." I heard gasps from behind me and the guy who pissed himself passed out.

"Amilio, you shit face, what are you doing here? I thought I told you to go back to hell."

"Well it was getting so boring without you around, I thought I'd pay you a visit. Beside's we both know that I won't be going to hell with out you dear." He gave a smirk his hands held out in front of him.

"Oh shut up. I've had enough of you. Now I'm going to give one chance. Leave and don't come back. If I even hear about you being near here I'll take you to hell myself." I grind my teeth together and glare at him.

"Oh honey, you know that petty look doesn't work on me anymore. But no, I don't think I'll be leaving any time soo-" I threw my knife in his gut and walked over to him. Pulling it out and putting it back again. Blood spilled from him and onto me and my dress.

"What ever asshole, it's time to crawl back into the hole you came from." I pulled out my knife once more and slit his throat. "Piece of shit." I kicked his body to the floor and gave a sigh.
"Great now I have to clean this up."

"Don't worry about that, ragrazza. I'll have my people do that since it wasn't only you fighting." Lovino said with putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks, I appreciate the help. Anyway Lovino Vargas, it's nice to finally meet you. I've heard great things from grand father." I said shaking his hand.

"You know nonno?" He asked confused.

"Well of course. As part of the top 12 (?) mafia bosses it's my job to know all of the family heads. It took me a little bit, since I wasn't sure who became head after he stepped down but after that I figured you weren't just  some guy."

"I just can't believe that you're the Goddess of Death. Nonno told my brother and I stories about you when we were little." Another boy who looked like Lovino spoke up.

"Ah you must be Feliciano, right? Also you all can just call me y/n. The name's a bit much don't you think." I gave a nervous smile and scratched my head.

"Well for such a powerful woman, your beauty is unrivaled. Bonjour, my name is Francis." He kissed my hand that didn't have blood on it.

"Nice to meet you. So I'm guessing you're Gilbert?" I said to the albino.

"Keseses you got that right frau." He gave a smile.

"Well it's nice to meet you all but I think it's time we all get cleaned up." They all nodded and we walked out side, we saw the guest had all left and that no one had gotten hurt. When everyone saw us they ran up the steps but were stopped by Sebastian.

"Thank you. Now if you would all please take a seat while I check any wounds." He said and we did as told. As he checked us I saw Lovino's clean up crew head inside and saw an old friend with them. I stood up from my seat and went over giving him a hug.
"It's nice to see you Roma. How have you been?"

"Fine, thank you. It's great to see you as well. I see you've already met my nephews already. I hope that they did good and weren't little girls tonight." He said laughing a bit.

"No they did an amzing job actually. You did good in raising them. Lovino especially, he didn't go in shooting like someone we both know used to." I gesture to him because he always went head first into battle.

"Yeah yeah. Good job boys! Anyway it's time that we head out. Italy is getting out of hand, plus the familia need something to do." He gave me a hug and head to the guys. I walked to the hosts expecting to be yelled at or something but instead I was tackled to the ground. I looked to see who it was and saw Haruhi hugging my waist.

"D-don't ever d-do that ag-gain. I w-was s-so scared." I sighed and rubbed her head.

"I'm sorry I worried you sis. I'll make sure to be more careful." I felt another body hugging me seeing it was Honey who was also crying. I grabbed them both and held them in my arms and looked up at the hosts. I gestured for them to come and hug me as well and that's exactly what we did. We all had a big group hug and I had never been so happy to come out of a fight as I was then.

Well there y'all go. I hoped you liked it as much as I did. Anyway I'm tired it's already 11:45 pm and I've been working on thins all day. Word count for this was 5660. Yay!!! So goodnight, good afternoon, and good morning everyone.
And I'll see you all later~

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