You Need Me (Laurmani)

By dwriter1

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[COMPLETED] Lauren is a successful indie pop singer who has been in the industry for about 3 years. After the... More



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By dwriter1

Lauren groaned and stretched, finally fluttering her eyes open. The first thing she saw was Normani sitting beside her with her back up against the head board reading. It was a sight that she felt absolutely blessed to be able to witness and wake up to.

"Goodmorning baby" Normani said putting the book down on the nightstand by her.

Another groan and grunt escaped from the Latina, stretching last nights sleep out of her body. Normani chuckled at the adorableness "You're so cute"

"Goodmorning Mani" she responded with a squinted eyed smile. The morning sun was always hard on her green eyes."Why didn't you wake me?"

Normani shrugged "No need. This is our last free day before rehearsals. You need your rest"

"True" she said stretching once more and rolling over.

Normani grabbed her shoulder "No you're up now, give me my kisses"

"I didn't even brush my teeth, you're gross" she teased.

"I don't care" the brown girl responded and pressed up against her lips. Their lips moved with eachothers at a steady pace for a while and Lauren tasted the cool mint from Normani's mouth.

"Mmm.. you obviously brushed yours. You taste so good" she moaned into her mouth.

Normani's tongue slid into the Latinas mouth causing another moan escape her lips. She pulled out for a breath "Tongue before 9 am?" She bit her lip with a smirk.

Normani chuckled and mushed her face "Its 12:45 fool. You want me to make us some breakfast? Well brunch" she questioned with a smile.

Lauren hopped up and made her way towards the bathroom "Yeah, don't burn my kitchen down though. Cause last time.."

The brown girl rolled her eyes and made her way out of the room towards the kitchen.

As she started to crack the eggs her phone rang.

"Yeah what's up Jilly?"

"You have something you want to tell me Normani?"

"Abouuuut?" the brown girl questioned putting the egg down. She had no idea what her bestfriend was talking about.


"Wha-what about her?" She questioned and her heart dropped at the name. They haven't spoken since that night she dropped her off at Laurens which was four days ago. But she indeed had been on her mind.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe that you're even talking to her again. That's a big deal Normani, not some little thing and I think your bestfriend deserved to know. I mean I was the one that was there for all the teary nights and shit when you couldn't get in contact with her"

Normani sighed "You're right I should have told you. I'm just trying my hardest not to make a big deal out of this."

"How do you feel about all of this?" Jilly questioned in a softer tone.

"Jilly I missed her so much, it was crazy just to see her again.. so close to me" she responded in a whiny voice, that was slightly lower in volume so that Lauren couldn't possibly here.

On the other side of the phone a sigh was released "I know you did Mani, she seems to have really missed you too"

"What?!" Normani questioned in shock. She realized that she hadn't even asked Jilly how she found out about her and Zendaya & now on top of that how would she know that Zendaya missed her. "How do you know any of this?"

"You haven't seen the interview?"

"No! What interview?"

"Girllllllllllll I'll send you the link. Call me back after you watch it!"

Normani sat at the table and tapped her fingers across it anxiously waiting for the text message. She forgot all about making breakfast.

The message came through and she clicked the link immediately. Even though she was nervous to watch her anxiousness was way more evident.


I: Folks we have Zendaya in the building right now!

Z: Hey Hey Hey!

I: You look absolutely beautiful.

Normani nodded as she looked at the screen with out even noticing. She did look beautiful. Her hair was long and slightly curled, her skin was glowing.

Her hair was a lighter brown than Laurens, her skin was far more tanned because of the black in her. She had a softer voice than Laurens singing and talking. It was a joy to listen to.

Normani realized just how much she had been comparing Zendaya to Lauren. It wasn't fair to compare they were both so different and perfect in their own rights.

Z: Wow thank you so much. You look pretty good yourself.

I: So your new song 'Something New' tell us about it?

Z: Its a sample from TLC's creep. OMG I love them so much. It has a pretty chill vibe to it. I mean you can dance to it, you can do your little two step. *chuckling* It was great working with Chris as well.

I: Nice nice. I love that song. It got you nominated for Artist to Watch at the VMAS. I'm surprised you didn't win. Who won that one?

Z: Normani Kordei, very deserving of it. She's amazing.

I: Hmm speaking of her. You two shared a very heart felt hug on the red carpet and there's pictures of you two leaving together. Now people are chirping. Care to speak on that?

Z: Ummm well her and I knew eachother way back when. It was just really good to see her again. *Smiling*

I: Oh come on now you have to give us more than that! I thought we were better than that Z. She came open about her sexuality recently and you've always been open about yours. Is there some history there?

Z: Geez that's personal. *grimacing* Just know Normani is a very special girl. She means a lot to me.

I: I guess thats why there were no hard feelings when she took the award from you. *chuckling*

Z: None at all. Like I said she deserved it.

I: Shes a beautiful lady right?

Z: Very beautiful.

I: *Looks at Camera* Uh Oh Lauren Jauregui you better watch out. Someone has the heart eyes for your girl.

"Mani" Lauren said startling Normani and making her drop her phone on the counter.

"Shit Lauren you scared me" she whined, snatching the phone up and bringing her hands to her chest. To say it looked suspicious would be an understatement.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, some Twitter video" she responded with a slight shaky voice. "I'll get back to cooking now"

Lauren raised a brow "Well since I'm out here, I can help you"

"Eh just don't get in my way" Normani teased as she went to finish cracking the eggs.

Lauren walked over behind Normani and slid her arms around her waist, pulling her closer and snuggling her face into her neck. Normani groaned and put the egg down "We're never going to eat if you keep this up"

"Let's not eat breakfast, I have a taste for chocolate" Lauren smirked and bit down into her neck earning a moan.

The brown girl turned and hung her arms over Laurens shoulders "You're such a flirt Miss Jauregui, what am I going to do with you?" she questioned with a smirk.

"Reach in my back pocket" she responded with a small smile and Normani raised a brow slightly confused.

She reached around her waist into the pocket and pulled out the metal object "A key?!"

"A key" Lauren confirmed with a smile.

"Oh wow I get a key. This must be serious" Normani teased with a sly look across her face. "Do a get a drawer too?"

Lauren knew she was teasing just by the sarcasm in her voice "You get what ever you want"

"What ever I want?" Normani smirked and brought her arms back around the girls neck before pushing their lips together.

"Come on let's cook" Lauren said with a smile once their lips detached.

Normani went back to cracking the eggs and Lauren basically just stood in the way. Neither of them were really that good at cooking if we're being completely honest.

"Seriously Lauren you're just standing in the way" Normani groaned after five minutes of Lauren doing absolutely nothing to help.

"Well tell me what to do!"

"Start the pancake batter"

Lauren poured it into a bowl, poured the water, too much water, and began mixing but she was mixing too slow for Normani's liking. They were going to be in that kitchen all day if that continued. She walked over behind her and grabbed her hand so that they could mix together "Like this, put some damn elbow into it" she said from around the Latinas back side.

Lauren groaned "We're such an old married couple" she said throwing her head back on Normani's shoulder and they both giggled.

Breakfast was finally done and they sat down to eat. Neither one wanted to take the first bite. The eggs were runny, the pancakes were flat and the bacon was burned. They had forgot about the bacon in a middle of one of their many cooking make out sessions. They had no excuse for the other stuff.

"Well.. Eat it since you're so hungry" Normani said.

The Latina groaned "I'm not that hungry wyd?"

Normani chuckled "Eat that shit! You're the reason it's messed up"

Lauren swallowed hard, looked at the plate and took the first bite earning a grimace and a near choke. They both bursted into laughter. It was horrible but at least they had fun doing it.

"Geez mani.." She said wiping not the food out of her mouth with a napkin "Let's vow to always go out to breakfast or at least hire a chef"

Normani giggled "Deal"

The Latina smiled looking into the eyes of Normani. She could see every single pearly white tooth and she smiled. How brightly she grinned in moments like this made her fall in love even harder each time.  "I love you.. So much"

She decided to make it her right to let Normani know every morning, noon and night just how much she meant to her. How much she loved her. Even though days have passed since the whole Zendaya thing Lauren was still curious about what happened when they were together that night. Curious if they had been talking at all.

She wanted to trust Normani but Normani said she felt something when she saw her ex and that made any kind of confidence and security Lauren had in their relationship go out of the window. That might be small, but that's all it took for Lauren. She's so damaged and scared from her ex that anything could make her insecure.

"I love you more baby"


Normani's POV:

The interview was on my mind for the rest of the day. I just couldn't shake it.

I wasn't mad at Zendaya at all for anything she had said. She handled the questions professionally for the most part and those were in fact some tough and personal questions being thrown at her.

The interviewer was the one who needed an to be slapped, but he was always like that asking such personal, bold questions. That's Charlamagne for you, no filter at all.

Lauren and I had spent the whole day in pajamas truly enjoying our last day to relax. But if I'm being honest I missed my home and the comfort of my own bed.

"Hey baby.." I called into the bathroom as she brushed her teeth.


"I think I'm gonna go home for tonight"

She doesn't respond instead she finished brushing her teeth and made her way back into the room, sitting herself on the bed beside me.

"Why? I didn't do anything right?" She pulls her arm around me and kisses my forehead.

"No" I say snuggle myself into her embrace "I just miss my own bed".

I don't mention that fact that I just need some space as well to spare her feelings. She's been so clingy recently and we've spent every waking moment together for the fast few weeks.

For most people this would be okay in a relationship but I enjoy my freedom. That's why I was skeptical to get back into a relationship so fast after the one with Arin. He controlled me for too long, but it wasn't until he put his hands on me that I had enough and finally left him.

She pouted "But you're going to make me sleep alone?"

"Just one night" I say pressing my lips in a line "what are you going to do when we're on tour away from eachother?"

"Kill myself"

I raise my brows "Don't say that!"

She chuckles "I'm only kidding, I guess with my history I shouldn't joke like that huh?"

"You think?" I roll my eyes.

"How long until you leave?" She pouts again.

"I was actually going to put on clothes and leave now before it gets too late"

She groans and places a kiss on my cheek "okay" she says pulling her arm from around me and getting up.

After I got dressed she walked me to the door. "Goodnight baby" she says giving me another playful pout.

"You're trying to make me stay" I poke her nose smiling.

"Is it working?" She grins.

"You'll literally see me tomorrow morning you big baby" I lean in a give her a peck, as I pull out she grabs me again this time deepening the kiss.

"Let me know you've made it there safe" she says with a small smile after we release.

"I will. I love you"

"I love you more" she grins and gives me a playful wave, making me blush.

"Ew why are we such a mushy couple?" I question causing us both to laugh and I start to make my journey towards my truck.


As soon as I walk in the front door my phone rings. I drop my things and plop on the couch before answering.


"Bitchhhhhh you didn't call me back, you watched right?"

"Oh my god, I don't even know what to say"

"Did Lauren see it?"

"No I didn't show her.. Do you think I should? I don't know, I don't want her all worked up and honestly I don't want her hating Zendaya even more"

"She hates her?" she says laughing "what happened?"

"Girl.. On the red carpet that night when Zendaya first walked up to me she had a problem with how I looked at her"

"How did you look?"

"How do you think I looked at her Jilly? It's Zendaya"

"Yikes, you're not still in love with her are you? Because Lauren is my bitch"

"You know you liked Zendaya too"

She chuckles "You're right, I guess you know how to pick em. Well when it comes to women because Arin was.."

"Let's not mention him" I cut her off.

"Have you talked to her since then?"


"Do you plan on it?"

"Is it bad that I want to?" I bite my lip.

"No not at all. It's nothing wrong with being friends... Just watch yourself."

"You know I've never been one to cheat" I scowl "especially when I have something good. I'm not going to mess this up"

"I know mani bear. Just be careful.. Imma go now. Come see me soon babe"

"Bye Jilly"

Why don't these bitches trust me? I huff and kick my shoes off. Once I get settled and make my way to the bed my phone rings again. I look at the time and it's 11pm if it's not Lauren or Jilly who the hell is calling me at this time?

"Hello?" I answer the unknown number.

"I don't know what I'm doing.." I hear the soft voice and I know exactly who it is. "I don't know how this works.. but I miss you. Is it -is it too late to be calling you?"


I literally had no idea what to do with this chapter it's just a transition into the drama tbh. What drama you may ask? Read next chapter to find out😜

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