Interviews with Writers Big a...

By KimberleySBLieb

3.8K 377 517

So I thought it be interesting to speak to my fellow Wattpad Friends and to share their love of writing, food... More

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Dec 2016 - Lindsey Clarke aka @LittleCinnamon
Grace also known as swiftiegirl1010
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So You Want to be Interviewed?

Interview with D S Jamison

27 4 1
By KimberleySBLieb

This interview first appeared in WattmagUSA in July 2016, for which I also write for.I would like to introduce you to the talented writer Darly a lovely lady who hails from Northwest, Ohio who is a Featured writer on Wattpad, involved in the Wattpad Star Programme and a Wattpad Ambassador.
You can access the draft version of her book Strawberry Wine on Wattpad and the longer revised version will be published by Kensington Publishing in 2017.Darly, has this wonderful easy to read style that just makes you turn so pages with ease. That is an art. We all have our style, and that is Daryl's. Her voice is clear, like an easy stream flowing. Then she gets you, just like a crocodile going in for the kill, so you jump right out of your skin! Anyone who has ever read Darly's work, will know that she always appreciates people leaving comments and always responds to you. She is always so very friendly and gives lovely supportive advice...................................................................................................

1.) What are we drinking? Wine? Coffee? Tea? Oh and are we having cake? If so, which cake is your favourite?- Is there a memory attached to it that you would like to share?

Hi, Kimberley! Thanks for inviting me today. I have to tell you, I'm not one to turn down cake, especially if there's chocolate on the menu! And what to drink... I'm finished working for the day and it's time to relax. I think I'll have a glass of wine, Moscato if they have it. Wine and cake always reminds me of times out with the girls, no specific memories come to mind, just lots of fun and laughter.

I'll pour two glasses of Moscato then, it would be rude not to join you Darly, here we go, chink chink and a slice of chocolate fudge cake to go with it.

2.) So is your book Strawberry Wine going to be made into a film? I
recall that I filled in a cast and everything online, it was really
fun too.

Thank you for your vote! Strawberry Wine has been nominated by a very kind reader on a website called If List, which is a platform for movie and casting ideas. It's a lot of fun because readers can add their favorite books or vote on books already posted, whatever they'd like to see end up on the big screen. And yes, you can make cast suggestions, too! Honestly, I have no idea how serious the site is but it's been great to see my story climb in the ranks. And the way I look at it, the higher my book advances the more people will discover it. If you think about it, it's a great way to advertise.

3.) How excited are you that it will be published February 2017 and are
you allowed to say if any of your other books will be published too?

I am so excited for the release of Strawberry Wine, I still can't believe it! I'm working with an amazing editor at Kensington Publishing and she's been so supportive and encouraging regarding the revisions I've made. When my manuscript won The Write Affair contest last year, it sat at about 38,000 words. I was asked to write an additional 40,000 words to make it the length of a typical romance novel. I have no plans to pitch any of my stories that are currently on Wattpad but my editor did recently ask to see another romance. I've had an idea rolling around in my head for the past year, something I planned to write someday. I'm going to start working on that and see if she likes it. Fingers crossed!

4.) How did you enjoy writing a screen play and how was it different to
writing a story?

I've actually never written a screenplay before but it's something I've always wanted to do. I'm looking into taking a class on it here real soon. I think novel writing versus screenplay writing share similar story structures but with screenplay writing you get to see your characters and plot come to life in a very real way, especially once actors are involved. And how awesome would that be?!

I think I got it into my head somehow that when I saw the website about Strawberry Wine with all the film links that you had written a screenplay. Well now you that you are looking into undertaking a course, maybe I just had a vision lol.

5.) Are you city girl or a country girl at heart and where to you
currently lay your hat countryside or town?

I was born in the city, then after I married my husband we moved to a quaint suburb. Now we're in what I call "convenient country". We sit on an acre and a half of land in the middle of a national forest but there are houses nearby. I would do horrible living in the deep country, that's just not for me. I like to get up and go and if I have to drive a long way to get there I get irritated. I like everything to be relatively close. Chances are, when I'm out running errands I'll forget something so I'll have to go back out again!

I'd like to move further out and have some land when my daughter finishes her education but like you, I don't want to be in deep country either.

6.) Can you remember how it first felt when you first found out your
book was being featured?

I felt ecstatic! Chasing Neverland was the first story I ever started on Wattpad and I just couldn't believe my good fortune. The plot is a play off of Peter Pan, but not the Peter Pan people typically think of. I've learned so much about writing since completing that manuscript and someday I'd love to go back and rewrite it.

I think a lot of writers feel like that, as you learn so much on your writing journey.

7.) Did it make a great deal of difference to your reads and did you get
more comments.

Yes, it absolutely it did make a difference, especially the first two weeks of being featured. Ironically, I've had two stories featured now and they are my stories with the fewest reads! Just goes to show you never can tell how readers find you. There is still so much about Wattpad that's a mystery to me.

8.) Have you enjoyed being an Ambassador and what do you feel you have learned from this role?

I love being an Ambassador. Wattpad has a very special place in my heart and it's rewarding knowing I can give back to the community that has given so much to me. I wish I could be more involved, but there are just not enough hours in the day. I would say the biggest thing I've learned in this role is how important it is for all of us to work together to keep Wattpad happy and safe.

9.) When did you start writing? Your blog says you have written since you were a child and love reading books.

I did write as a child. I drew picture books before I knew how to write, and then as I grew older I made silly stories about my friends. I'd always dreamed of writing a book and when I was little I used to slide my homemade stories in between books at my local library. For a while there, I even had a "newspaper" I dropped off to the librarians every week. They must have thought I was nuts! Then the older I became the more I fell away from storytelling. I did a very small amount in the years before I found Wattpad but it wasn't until I opened an account that I decided to sit down and see what I could do. It was the first time in a long time I'd written creatively.

10.) What crazy routine do you have that helps you write that we don't know about?

Oh gosh, you don't want to know about my routine! I seriously wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I do most of my writing in the middle of the night while I multitask at work. I have a very important job in the medical field, but there is down time and there's only so much reading I can do (believe it or not). My environment is not ideal. I'm exhausted and often times doing five tedious tasks at once and as soon as it slows down I work on my stories. I'm amazed I've written as much as I have to be perfectly honest. I would just love to one day be able to sit in a quiet office I can call my own and write.

Bizarrely a lot of people like to write at night but I take your hat off to you Darly, I would find it hard to write with all those distractions.

11.) Do you like to listen to music when you write and if so what your favourite artist at the moment? Or do you like peace and quiet like

I prefer peace and quiet but I never get it! And I definitely cannot listen to music. However, sometimes I'll listen to music before I start writing. Twenty One Pilots is what's currently on my play list.

12.) Do your ideas just come to you and then are you like some crazy person looking for a note book or lap top to get the ideas down? Can you pin point particular incidents that you used as inspiration in a
particular book that you would like to share?

Often times, ideas just come to me and yes I write like a mad woman to get them down before they disappear! I have a folder full of potential stories. The idea for Strawberry Wine came from my love of a country song by the same name. I'd been creating that story in my head for years before I actually began writing the words down. Then my idea for my most popular Wattpad story called The Secret originally came after reading a news article which in turn made me think of the movie Sleeping With the Enemy. All of a sudden, the idea was there, the plot, the characters. That story just flew out of my fingertips! It's as if it wrote itself. I just finished the sequel and I have to tell you, it will be very hard to say goodbye to these characters.

13.) What is the best piece of advice you have learned since writing more seriously that you could impart to anyone reading this interview?

Read often and write often, then read what you've written out loud. Hearing your words with your own ears can really help pinpoint the areas that need work. It's also great to get feedback from other writers or readers to see what they say. I've also picked up some helpful tips just by browsing the internet. I'm not kidding when I say Google is my best friend!

14.) What source would you say that you get your main inspiration from for the characters for your stories?

I find that each one of my characters have a little piece of myself in them. It's never a conscious decision to do that but it seems it always ends up happening. I've also discovered I write about sweet, wise and fun grandmas! I think that's because I never had that in my life so it must be how I deal with something I obviously feel I missed out on. Writing can be very therapeutic.

Funny you should say, writing makes me feel very happy, in fact the whole process of writing.

15.) Do you see your book Secret and Lies being the last one in the series?

Oh, yes. As much as I have enjoyed telling Charlie and Talia's story I'm afraid it's time to move on. The Secret and Secrets and Lies will always be important to me. I feel it's helped validate my writing. When The Secret won a Headquarter Love Watty award, I was beside myself. I seriously could not believe it. And even though I have so much to learn as a writer, The Secret series made me feel that maybe writing is something worth pursuing.

16.) What made you think of setting your next un-published book Of the Blood: a YA Historical Horror - so far in the past, what gave you the inspiration to do that and when can we expect to be able to read it?

Ooooo, I can't tell you Kimberley or else I'd have to kill you! I've been waiting to write this story since summer and I cannot wait to give it my complete concentration. This story terrifies me on so many different levels. But most of all, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it justice. And that's not the insecure writer in me talking; it's just the honest-to-God truth. In my head, this story is crazy good and I just hope I'm able to translate it into words. I was recently told I need to write a story that scares me, and this one is it. I think the point of the advice was to encourage me to step out of my comfort zone to grow as a writer. If I can pull this story off in a way that makes me feel good—even if no one but me reads it—I will be one very happy girl! As far as when it's due out...good question. My editor is currently waiting to read a second contemporary romance from me and if she likes it that means one more book to publish with Kensington! All I can say is that I am going to work on it as soon as humanly possible. I have to; it's slowly eating me alive!

So Darly are we doing some role playing here for your next book? Cos, you are threatening to maybe kill me if you reveal your secrets and you think you are being eaten alive????!!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha I think you had better write that book pretty damn quick before there is nothing left of you to salvage lol.

Congrats on the publishing deal – another book too? Wow. It's all happening.

17.) You say you haven't found your voice yet but do we ever? I think you have a distinctive easy reading style. Don't you think a writing
voice will change as you live and write more, as we are shaped by what
we see and hear and feel about things?

Honestly, I don't know. Maybe I should have said I'm trying to figure out where my strengths are? Have you ever read an author whose story you just fell in love with then you tried something else from them and it just wasn't the same? I think we all have strengths and weaknesses and I'm just trying to find where I fit in. I have no doubt that we continue to grow the more we write and I'm just trying to learn more about myself and the way I tick. And thank you for the compliment! I always worry my writing is too...simple. But its simplicity is what readers seem to enjoy. I'm not really a fan of purple prose, but that's just me.

18.) Have you considered or do you have plans to self-published in the future?

I have considered self-publishing, mostly before I was offered the contract for Strawberry Wine. Now, I have a publisher to work with. They get first dibs on my stories, which is fine with me. But Self-publishing is definitely not out of the question for the future. I've heard some authors prefer publishing indie as opposed to traditional. I'll just have to wait and see. I'm new to all this and every day is a learning experience and the more I come to understand the more I'll be able to share with the people who are interested.

19.) Is a lot of work involved when you take up a publishing deal? What is expected of you? Do you have to promote your book in bookshop and is there a lot of editing Involved? Can you briefly explain to us non-published writers what to expect?

Honestly, we're still in the middle of all of it all! All I can say is that when I first found out I was getting published; I walked around in a daze for the first two weeks. I kid you not; I wasted a lot of time pacing back and forth. Winning The Write Affair contest was not expected, not in a million years, and I was completely unprepared.

The first time I spoke with my editor was a blur. The only thing I remember about the conversation was how surreal it felt to have her talking about my characters as if they were real people--the way I thought of them myself. It's a good thing I wrote everything down or I wouldn't have a clue what she said!

Things that were important to the publishing house: get a website up and running, start an email subscription list, make sure I was active on social media, work on growing my platform, add 40,000 words to my manuscript. Then going over the contract which was a lot to absorb. Any promotion for the book they want to know about and I have my own publicist to report back to.

My book isn't due out until February, so a lot of what will happen hasn't happened yet. I only received one revision letter from my agent and there wasn't too much to fix—to my great surprise. Now we're moving on to line edits and to be honest, I'm not sure what that will consist of. I hope to update my blog with what's happening next as soon I get deeper into the process.

20.) What is your ultimate writing dream?

I suppose my ultimate dream would be for my writing to continue to improve and perhaps have the opportunity to make it a full-time career one day. To me, that's my dream job.

21.) If you could choose who would star in a film of one of your books, who would you have to have in it no matter what, even if you had to write a part especially for them? Whose on your Hot List?

Oh, man. Good question. The first person who came to mind is actor Ryan Phillipe, but for purely selfish reasons. I have a thing for curly-haired boys, so naturally I would have to play opposite of him (sorry hubby)! My film my rules!

22.) You mentioned you are a mum, so who rules the roost in your house and why?

I'm not gonna lie, my ten-year-old son rules the roost. I could say it's me or my husband but that would be wishful thinking. I think my son lets us think we're in charge, he obeys all our rules and has a really sweet way about him, but he somehow manages to come out on top. It's as if he's magical.

Ahhhh, maybe he has you both under his spell or he is wizard?

23.) Now that you are about to be published has that brought you nearer to financial security and are you able to write as a sole career or do
you have to juggle that with another job? If not, do
you hope you will eventually be able to write full time?

My book's not out yet so I can't really answer that, but I think it's fair to guess that one published book does not typically make an author financially secure. Unless you're J.K. Rowling maybe... And I'm not! I currently have a full-time job, so writing is something I do in between my real-life responsibilities.

A lot of writers have told me that it took until 4 books were published successfully, before they could financially leave the day job.

24.) I know you are part of the Wattpad Stars Programme, are you allowed to say what other exciting projects you have in store?

The Wattpad Stars is a fairly new program and everything's top secret until we get the go ahead to share. I'm pretty excited to be a part of it. Still can't believe my good fortune!

25.) You certainly must be busy juggling all those plates; parent, writer, career woman. What other hats do you wear?

Well since you asked... Lion Tamer, part-time Superhero and Professional Sleeper when I can fit it in. Although to be honest, I think I may be fired from that last one. Who has the time?!

Where do you keep the lions? Is that how you are going to kill me?

26.) What's your guilty pleasure that you are willing to share – or is out of bounds?

Chocolate...that's my guilty pleasure. Preferable something with a frozen consistency. There's always room for ice scream, I say!

27.) Like me, I know you rarely watch TV. So what is the thing you do to relax?

I guess I write. That and sleep. Really, I have very little down time.

28.) Are you allergic to exercise or is part of your life and if so, what's your thing?

When the mood strikes, I run. I live in the middle of a national forest so it makes for some beautiful scenery. And I recently bought a Speed Jump Rope. My plan is to become the LeBron James of the jump roping world.

29.) What book or books are you reading at the moment?

I recently finished The Diary of Anne Frank, for like the millionth time. It's just one of those books I never get tired of. Seeing war through the eyes of an innocent new teenager makes me realize how lucky we are and how much we take for granted.

30.) If you had three wishes that could be granted, what would they be and why?

All I ever wish for is good health, security and happiness for my family. Anything else is just a bonus.

31.) What inspired you to write? Why do you write? What drives you to do so? Do you have any advice for those reading right now?"

I started writing shorty after I found Wattpad. At the time, I needed a distraction and writing seemed the perfect solution. I think I tell stories as a way to vent the frustrations of real life. Plus, it's fun to bring characters to life and see where the story takes you. My advice to other writers is to just keep writing. If you enjoy it, don't worry about if anyone's going to read it or not. Write for yourself, because you want to tell a story. The more you practice the better you'll become...and the readers will eventually find you.

32.) Is there anything I haven't asked that you would like to impart to your readers?

I just want to take the opportunity to thank those of you who support me every single day. Your kindness and encouragement mean the world and I appreciate each and every one of you.

* * *

Thank you, Kimberley for inviting me along today. I've had a great time! I'd love to meet again.maybe once Strawberry Wine is released. I'll have lots to celebrate then! In the meantime, I'll leave you with the song that inspired the story. It will always be one of my favorites. Thanks again!

Thank you ever so much for agreeing to undertake this interview in our virtual café. I'll pay the bill this time, but next time its on you, have you got room for another cake?Chink, chink.Speak to you soon Darly

Bye for now 

KimbersInterviewer: Kimberley S B LiebAlso check out my interviews at WattmagUSA

If you would like to be considered to be interviewed – drop me a line –and lets chat to get to know each other and have a glass of our poison of choice, a cup of brew or a caffeine fix.. Not forgetting our favourite cake on the side.

If there is someone you are dying for me to interview, let me know too and I will do my best to persuade them to talk, eat and drink with me at the Beach Hut Café .

At time of writing this article these are Darly's top stats:-

12.8k followersSecrets and Lies 302k reads #4 Wine -255k reads #234 Secret – 3.1M reads #5 Fast Lane 142k reads (Featured Story) #455

Chasing Neverland - 230 K reads #609

At the time of conducting this interview Darly's awards and top reads are as follows:

STRAWBERRY WINE won a publishing contract through Kensington Publishing and will be released to bookstores February 2017
2014: THE SECRET won a HQ Love Watty award
LINGER was the result of a challenge I was invited to participate in by WP and Warner Brothers. The story is featured on The Gallows Movie page.

Darly has a blog:

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