Sinful Pleasure

By TrulyT_

249K 7.4K 559

Being overtaken by vampires and turned into slaves was life-changing, but for Ellanore, being sold to Raphael... More

Recent Update
Not an update.. just a rant


6.5K 236 14
By TrulyT_


I hated having the attention of others centered onto me. For it made me feel nauseous and gave me this uncomfortable feeling as if I were suffocating. I always choked and stumbled over my words. Making a complete fool of myself. So when we bustled through the double doors of the kitchen leading into the dining room... I could slowly feel that itching urge to run creep over me as everyone looked to me and Mischa.

"Ellanore. Nice of you to finally join us." Smiling Mrs. Lucilla stood from her chair at the end of the table. Holding her hand out as she gestured for me to come forward.

Biting my lip, I clenched my hands in a tight fist as I held them to my side. Ignoring the feeling of my nails drawing into my skin as I slowly made my way to Mrs. Lucilla. Who looked astonishingly beautiful tonight.

Her hair was twisted into a French braid, hanging off of her left shoulder. Unlike all the other extravagant gowns that she's worn, this one was by far the best. The material was silver with a diamond sheen over it. Exposing both her shoulders as it plunged into a heart neckline, only flaring at the bottom.

"Everyone." Clearing her throat, Mrs. Lucilla smiled as she held my hand in her own. The other adorning a pristine glass rimmed with wine. "My husband and I have gathered you all here to share some exciting news involving the sundown ritual."

At the mention of good news and ritual, everyone seemed to visibly perk up at the news. Their eyes solely trained on me and only me as if they knew what was to come.

"Ellanore here-..." Smiling Mrs. Lucilla gave my hand a light squeeze. "Will be the offering and come together with our son Darius." The words oozed off the top of her tongue like silk. Not one ounce of regret seeping through as they did.

I wanted to scream out how crazy they all were. For letting this happen... For encouraging this vile behavior.

But I didn't.

Instead I peered down the other end of the table. Because at the other end sat none other then Darius himself. He sat there; lips tilted down in a frown, eyebrows drawn together in a glare, fists tightly clenched as they rested upon the table.

He was angry. And from the way his eyes were set on me it was very clear that his anger was appointed towards me. Not to his mother or Mr. Petrovic... But me.

"In three days tops they will be joined. And in a weeks time we'll be able to see the ritual through." Mr. Petrovic was the one to speak next. His eyes tainted with unspoken words as they drifted between both me and Darius.

Praising said news, everyone rejoiced as they sipped from their glass. Some turned to others brewing up conversation about the ritual, myself, or Darius. Others even went as far as congratulating him for offering himself away... Though he'd just brush them off with a glare.

I nearly found myself rolling my eyes at how childish he was behaving. With the mumbling and the harsh glaring. But contained myself from doing so. For I was very livid myself.

"Great party? Huh?" As I slipped away from the table and closer to the wall where Mischa, Celia, and Alice were standing... I shook my head. Sarcasm or not, this party was complete shit.


"I can't go through with this." Looking up to the sky, I frowned.

It was past turning in hours, and instead of turning in, me and Celia slowly made our way to the barn. Laying against the very uncomfortable haystacks, bundled in blankets we both gazed through the overly large skyscraper. The moon was full, the sky peppered with stars.

Tilting her head to the side, Celia frowned as well. I knew that she felt bad for me... Pity. But instead of agreeing with me on how horrible the situation was, or dragging me down for it, she settled on telling me a story.

A story about a girl named Margaret.

It was said that Margaret Vaz was the daughter of a noble council member. A council member with great power, wisdom, and strength. Others looked up to him... Praised him... Worshipped him even. Which is why he went to great lengths to maintain a great self image of himself and his daughter, Margaret.

Little did he know that Margaret, a vampire bounded by death and blood had fallen in love with a werewolf. A man forced to the moon and bounded by a curse.

They knew that their love was forbidden, unethical in the eyes of their family. But like all that partake in a scandalous love affair... They simply didn't care about what others may think.

Margaret's father was ashamed when he learned news of his daughters infidelity and sneaking around. He was so furious, he punished her just as he did others who rebelled against their rules. Despite her being his daughter and one and only kin.

He snapped her neck. Killing his one and only daughter with no remorse. Killing her and her unborn child as he did.

Margaret's lover was livid, heartbroken. He was no longer the man that he once was, but a man full of hatred and anger.

It's even said that till this day he still walks the earth with that deep hatred edged into his heart.

"Wow." Brushing my fingers through my hair. I leaned on my elbow and propped my hand under my chin. "Who was Margarets lover?"

Turning her head, Celia sighed. Her eyes glazing over with unspoken words and wonder. "I don't know." She then mumbled. Though from the look in her eyes I could surely tell that she did indeed know.

I wanted to push her into giving me a name, for I didn't see the big deal in doing so... But stopped myself short as we both heard the steads pound their hooves amongst the ground. Creating quiet a commotion and ruckus as they did. "I'll go see what has them in such a fright." Pushing the covers aside, I stood to my slipper covered feet. Brushing a few straws of hay out of my hair as I slowly climbed down the rickety old ladder.

Switching on the flashlight I tapped it against the palm of my hand a few times as it began to flicker on and off. It wasn't till the light became a steady glare, did I reluctantly peer over the stalls. Celia mentioned that occasionally a mouse may slip it's way through the field and into the barn. Startling the horses. But as my eyes settled on Alec I realized that rodents wasn't the issue.

His back was slumped against one of the many stalls. His head hanging low, nose nearly pressed to the aging paper of a book as it always was. He was so engrossed in his book that he hardly noticed me standing there at first. "Your not supposed to be in here." He mumbled. Not once daring to spare me even a slight glance.

With the flashlight in hand, I looked to the ground. Covered with straws of hay and dirt. "I know. I just-..." Sighing I shook my head. "-... I just needed a moment to think." Though there was nothing to think about. The Petrovics have already made up their mind with sacrificing me in their annual ritual. I doubt that pleading for them to see their decision through will change their mind.

Brushing his finger against the corner of a page, Alec graciously closed his book. Not bothering to save the page he was on, though I'm guessing he simply had it mesmerized. "Three days." He mumbled. "In three days you'll be forcefully bounded to my brother." Sighing aloud in frustration, Alec brushed his fingers through his hair before standing to his feet. Brushing the back of his trousers off as he did. "I have to go. Don't stay out long."

Before I could utter a single word in response, Alec slipped through the slightly cracked door leading the barn. Leaving me there as I stood helpless, dreadful, and alone.



"Why?" I mumbled to no one in particular.

Shoving my hands into my pockets, I continued to pace amongst the fireplace in a rushed manner. My hair was tousled and messy, my shirt slightly unbuttoned, cuffs lazily rolled to my elbows.

For once in my life, I happened to find myself conflicted and overly confused. Maybe even on the brink of falling in love.

Ellanore was not like other girls, of course I could see this. She was fragile, yet strong-minded. Despite all that's about to happen. I couldn't will myself to stop thinking of her. No matter how hard I tried. The feeling of her soft and dainty fingers brushing upon my very own would always flash through my mind. The sound of her voice, and angel like features.

Earlier in the barn, I felt something. It was faint but there. A small spark of rippling fire through my fingertips as we touched.

I wanted nothing more then to provoke these feelings of mine, and see where they may lead me... but reality and common sense would set in.

Ellanore was a human. And feelings of the unknown, or not, it was said in law that a vampire was to not partake in any such thing with a human, werewolf, nor a witch. It was our one most seed through rule, not to be taken lightly if betrayed.

Sighing, I looked to the fireplace. My eyes dancing over the flames as they crackled and danced. My mind drifting back to Ellanore for the humph time that night.

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