Crossed Lines

By uncxnstrained

120K 3.5K 654

Melony moves from South Africa, following her dreams of trying to make a name for herself. She meets Zayn alo... More

HI :)
The sequel ❀


1.8K 63 8
By uncxnstrained


Is he considering it? I guess we're not dating then. I think it's time that I leave. I clear my throat and stand up. everyone's eyes move to me.

"Excuse me, but I have to get home." I say politely.

"Oh, really?" Yasser asks.

"Yes, I have early consult tomorrow."

"Oh? What do you do?" Yasser asks again with Zayn and Trisha looking on.

"I'm a psychologist." I say. Yasser nods with what I assume is an impressed or slightly surprised look.

"Okay father, enough with the 20 questions." Zayn stands up and looks to me "Let me walk you out." He demands. I say my goodbyes to his parents and we head out. "how are you getting home?"

"Uh, I'll just take a cab or call Cate." I shrug, looking at him, waiting for him. Waiting for him to at least explain to me. He doesn't. maybe I'm overreacting right?

"I already told Jake to take you home. Thought you'd need a ride. It's getting late."

"Zayn I'm not three, I can get myself home." I say sharply.

"Okay babe, just trying to help" even when I'm mad at him that word still gives me butterflies. He leans in, only resulting in me leaning back and he sighs taking a step back again. "Look Mel, I know you're mad at me right now but I couldn't tell them right now okay?"

"Why Zayn? This has been going on for almost two months." I say exasperated "what, are you going to wait until this relationship finally ends before telling them?"

"I will, but you don't know how my parents can get about these things and I didn't want them to ruin the night."

"They didn't have to because you did that all on your own. I don't want to be your little toy."

"You're not. Can you just listen to me! I'll tell them just give me time okay."

"Okay." I say too tired to reply with anything else. "Well, I'll see you later." I turn around and make it out the lobby where surprise? I find Jake waiting for me.

"Don't be mad at me. I'll make it up to you." I guess he followed me out. He turns me around and pulls me into his arms.

"I don't want you to make it up to me, I want you to make up your mind."

"Okay can we talk about this later when my parents are not waiting on me?" I roll my eyes and he leans in to kiss me again. But I turn my head and he kisses my cheek. "really Mel?"

"Wouldn't want to ruin your chances with that cute girl you'll like." He rolls his eyes and I take a step back. "I have to go. Thanks for the ride." Without another word I step into the car. Leaving an irritated looking Zayn behind.

By Monday, I haven't talked to Zayn yet. He called and I didn't answer obviously. What did he even mean by "I don't know his parents are with these things"? I think we should take time to decide what we both want out of this relationship because right now it feels like he always gets my hopes up, just to crush them later.

Making my way out of my office, I run into Cate and we walk together to the lounge for some lunch. I told her about what happened yesterday and I think she likes Zayn much less than she did before.

"So plans for tonight?" Cate asks as we sit on one of the couches." I'm in the mood for some fat-making foods today."

"First of all, you're always in the mood for that. Secondly, no I don't." I say as Nathan, one of our colleagues sits by us, and soon enough we have our own little groupie formed. I throw a jelly bean in Nathan's mouth, but it lands on his eye causing us all to laugh loudly.

"What ever happened to Mister-I can catch anything with my mouth?" I ask him.

"I can still catch you with my mouth." he replies, resulting in everyone laughter and me throwing him with another jelly bean "plus it's your birthday soon, so how about I show you a good time?"

"I think that's my job yeah?" I know that voice from anywhere. Zayn. Everyone turns around to look at him. The girls obviously lose their ability to use their mouths and can't seem to control the fluttering of their eyelashes, and the men, well they just try to look even more masculine.

"Guys I'll see you later." I stand but Zayn surprises me by kissing me hard on the lips. I pull away and we walk to my office, not daring to turn around to look at everyone else. I shut the door after we enter and we sit on the couch in my office.

"Hey" Zayn starts.


"So are we going to talk about what happened yesterday?"

"Well you're already here so..."

"Okay I was being a douche yesterday and I want to apologize for that. But I wanted to warn you and my parents beforehand."
"Why Zayn? Why do you feel the need to warn your parents that you have a girlfriend when she's siting right in front of them?"

"Because we're so different and my parents are big on culture and they won't be the happiest knowing that I'm dating someone like you." I know he didn't mean it like an insult but for some reason it came off that way.

"Someone like me Zayn?"

"Yes, don't you see that we are sort of different from each other?"

"I do Zayn. Don't you think I see the looks we get when we're together? Don't you think I've read some of the comments on social media? 'why go for a black girl when there are much better options out there?'. So yes I see it Zayn."

"Then you have to understand what it's like for me, when I know my parents are going to be disappointed and judgmental about the woman I'm dating and their opinion means the world to me."

"I understand but how long will this last, what happens when they find out and they don't approve of me, if they tell you to leave me, will you?"

"I don't think so."


"I meant no I wouldn't okay. but I still want them to like you." I don't answer him and his facial expression changes. "Have you told your parents about me?" great now he's trying to justify what he did.

"N-No" I stammer momentarily. "Honestly how would I tell my parents about you when you keep doing this. I wasn't convinced that we would last this long." He looks like he's struggling not to roll his eyes. "don't compare me to you Zayn. You're just too ashamed or too scared to tell and I'm just waiting for the right time."

"You mean you're waiting to bail."

"Don't make me seem like the bad guy here." my frustration causes me to stand and to pace in my office.

"I'm not Melony. You're always doubting us. Really what's the point in even continuing this relationship when you're expecting it to fail at every corner?"

"Do you blame me?" he gives me a look of disbelief as he stands up. I almost think he's leaving but he just tugs on his hair. "You've been giving me half everything since we started this relationship. First you don't want me, then you do. Then you're don't want a relationship, then suddenly you do. Do you blame me for not trusting this." He gives me a humorless laugh.

"Then I'm certainly the problem right?" if he's deliberately trying to sound sarcastic then he pulled it off.

"Well maybe you wouldn't be if you were not so ashamed of us." I say softly, momentarily wishing he didn't hear it but of course he did.

"Stop saying I'm ashamed of you, when you know when I'm damned not." He raises his voice and I can tell he's fuming at the moment. I can practically feel the irritation and anger radiating from him. It suddenly dawns on me that I'm still at the office.

"Can we not do this now?" I ask. I have no desire being the gossip topic of the week. He chooses to ignore my comment and continues.

"I honestly don't know why we even try at this point." He says in a soft voice. Slight, almost painful panic settles into my system at his words. Yes, we have our fair sets of problems but I don't think I want to give up now. Perhaps he realizes my incapability of answering because in a slow yet at the same time, fast motion I watch as he shakes his head nearing in on me. He gives me a haste, unemotional kiss on the cheek then walks out of my office, leaving me frozen behind him.

Maybe he's finally had enough.

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