Loving His Demons

By brianderson1999

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Wyatt is 25 and struggling to keep up with his bills. After just being fired he's desperate to find a job. Ev... More

Chapter 1- New Job✅
Chapter 2- Plea Bargaining✅
Chapter 3- Parker✅
Chapter 4- Family dinner ✅
Chapter 5- Dirty, Filthy, Whore ✅
Chapter 6- I Just want your time✅
Chapter 7- I feel safe with you
Chapter 8- I'll save you... I'll always save you
Chapter 9- Breakdown after Breakdown
Chapter 10- Don't think just do
Chapter 11- Getting your man
Chapter 12- Date night and throwing up
Chapter 13- Passing out
Chapter 14- Wyatt's secrets
Chapter 15- Two Deaths
Chapter 16- Relapsing
Chapter 17- David's Secrets
Chapter 18-Fights and Forgiveness
Chapter 20- Hurtful Words
Chapter 21- Stupid Hormones!
Chapter 22- I Did it to protect you!
Chapter 23- Thanksgiving Peace
Chapter 24- I need help
Chapter 25- Lunch date
Chapter 26- Emotional day, Family night.
Chapter 27- First Therapy.
Chapter 28- Santa Claus
Chapter 29- Church or sleep?
Chapter 30-Last Family Dinner

Chapter 19- Birthday

198 12 2
By brianderson1999

A/N: I had edited this whole chapter but then Wattpad decided to deleted so If you see an mistakes let me know and I will fix them again.

Chapter 19
Loving His Demons
Wyatt's POV
September 19th (18 weeks pregnant)

I walk into Parker's room and gently shake him awake. "Hey Parker do you want to help me make Dad some breakfast for his birthday? He should be asleep for awhile because he came home late" I ask him. He nods his head and jumps up and gives me a hug and kiss and runs out of the room. I chuckle quietly and follow him to the kitchen.

He sits on the counter next to the stove and I get out all the ingrediants I need to make breakfast. "Daddy what are you gonna make dad?" Parker asks me and I kiss the top of his head. "I'm gonna make him Red Velvet Bread Pudding because that's his favorite" I tell him and he nods his head.

I preheat the oven to 350 and get the pan out to make the cake first. I grease the pan and put it to the side. I grab a mixing bowl and Parker helps me mix the sugar and butter together. After that I add the eggs in one at a time mixing the batter in between each egg. I leave that to the side a grab another small mixing bowl, I mix cocoa powder and the food coloring then I add that mixture into the bowl I just but aside.

I grab two more mixing bowls. In one I add the flour and the salt. I add buttermilk to the mixture I set aside then I add the flour and salt into the mixture. In the other bowl I took out I mix together the baking soda and vinegar and then add that into the mixture with all the other ingredients then Parker helps me mix that all together.

After everything is all mixed I pour the mixture into the pan tha I greased and set in the over and set the timer on for 20 minutes. While this is baking I tell Parker he can go play and he gets excited and rushed into his room. I go upstairs to check on Scarlette is almost 2 months and I can't believe hoe big she is getting. I'm also 18 weeks today and I have an appointment today to see what the gender of our baby is. I walk into our bedroom and see David sleeping on his stomach with the blankets only covering just above his waist. He has one arms under the pillow and his other arm is on the side. I walk to my side of the bed to where Scarlette's Bassinet is and I see her sleeping soundly so I walk out of the room and close the door quietly.

I walk back downstairs and into the kitchen and take the Cake out and set it on the counter. I walk to the Island in the middle of the kitchen and sit on it and wait for the cake to cool. David's phone starts ringing and I answer it.

"Hello?" I answer and the voice who I imeediatenly recognixe as Nick, David's dad says "David?"

"Oh no sir, David is sleeping I took his phone because he's sleeping, He came home late and I am trying to make him breakfast in bed so I don't want anything waking him up." I tell him.

"That's nice of you. How are you Wyatt?" He asks and my eyes widen "Me? Oh um I'm alright just excited for my appointment today" I tell him

"Oh really what's the appointment for?" He asks me.

"We get to find out if we are having a girl or a boy" I tell him with a big smile.

"That's cool! Well tell David I called when he wakes up okay?" he says and I tell him I would and we say our goodbye and I hang up.

I walkback over to the cake and cut into 1 inch squares and place them ona baking sheet and put them back in the oven for 10 minutes.

I start doing the dishes and after that is done I pull the cake out and set it back on the counter.

Parker walks in with some of his toys and sits on the floor and starts playing with them making me smile.

I grab a medium sized bowl and mix together Half and Half, eggs, egg yolk, salt and vanilla. After that is mixed I mix together the cream cheese and powdered sugar and I mix that until it is smooth.

I get a baking pan and put the red velvet cubes in the pan and pour the budding mix over the cubes. Then I put them back into the oven for 30 minutes. While this is cooking I do up the rest ove the dishes and clean up the counters and put away all the ingredients I used.

I take the Bread pudding out of the oven and go to the cupboard to get some dishes. I take a spatual and put 4 pieces on to the plate. I grab the tray and put the plates on the tray. I grab 3 glasses and pour some milk into them.

"Okay Parker let's go wake up dad." I tell him and grab the tray and carefully walk up the stairs. I see Parker jumping on David's back successfully waking him up with a groan. "What the hell?" He mutters and Parker yells "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!" Parker moves off of his back so David can turn on his back and I carefuly walk to my side of the bed and sit on the bed and put the tray between us.

David sits up and I lean over and kiss him on the lips. "Happy Birthday baby" I whisper into his ear.

"What's all this" He asks. "Breakfast I made Red Velvet bread pudding." I tell him and he smiles.

"Baby you didn't have to do all this. That probably took so long" He says and I shrug "It took like and hour and I did it because I know I can be really hard to deal with and I know you've been stressed with the big case coming up so I wanted to do something to make you happy." I say shyly.

He moves the tray out of the way and cups my face with his warm hands. He kisses me on the lips and I close my eyes and kiss him back. "EW!" We hear Parker squeal which makes us pull back. David Chuckles and pats the spot next to him. "Come on kiddo let's eat" He says to Parker and Parker happily jumps on the bed and we start eating out brekafast.

"You're only eating a piece?" He asks me with a raised brow. "Not that hungry" I say and he frowns and kisses my forehead. "Promise to eat more at lunch?" He asks and I nod my head. "I promise babe" I say and he smiles at me.

Scarlette starts crying and David says "I got her"

"Are you sure?" I ask him and he nods "Of course I love taking care of her in the mornings" He says with a smile and he gets up and grabs her. I look around the room looking at David, Scarlette and Parker and I smile to myself and continue to eat my breakfast.

"Hey Parker do you want to go with me and David to my appointment or do you want to stay home with Brayden and Sophie?" I ask him. "Stay home Stay home!" He chants "All right why don't you go ask them if it's okay if you and Scarlette can hangout with them while we are gone." I say and he nods and runs out of the room.

I take the tray down and wash the dishes before heading back upstairs. "Hey babe what time is your appointment?" David comes in with Scarlette. "10 I'm getting dressed now" I tell him.

"Okay I'm assuming that Brayden and Sophie are going to watch them considering they are out there with Parker." He says.

"I don't know I asked Parker to go ask them so I'm assuming yes. Why don't you go ask them if it's okay while I finish getting ready." I say he walks out of the room with Scarlette's blanket and I finish putting some clothes on. I have to go shopping soon because my clothes are starting to not fit me.

I finish up getting ready by putting on some cologne and deodorant and getting my shoes on. I walk downstairs and into the living room where I see Scarlette on her tummy which means she is having 'tummy time' Parker is on the couch watching Cartoons and Brayden and Sophie are cuddled up on the couch.

"I'm gonna go get ready babe" David says and kisses my head as he wealks by me.

I walk to the couch and sit on it with my legs tucked under me. "Are you guys sure you want to babysit you don't have to we can take them if you want" I tell them.

"No! It's fine seriously I prefer watching them over the job I have anyways. The job is so stressful" Sophie says and I smile at her. "Thank you so much" I say and she shakes her head. "Seriously Wyatt it's fine stop thanking us whenever you need a babysitter just tell me I will happily do it." She says and I reach over and give her a hug. "Thank you so much that's so sweet of you" I whisper in her ear and she hugs me back. "You're welcome" She says and we bull back.

David comes back down 5 minutes looking oh so sexy." I lick my lips and he notices and smirks. "Like what you see?" He asks and I nod my head "Hell yeah baby you look so sexy" I say getting up from the couch and walking over to him kissing him on his moist lips.

I pull back and we say goodbye to the kids and then walk out and get into David's car. He starts the engine and drives out of the driveway and heads to where our appointment is at.

I grab David's hand and start playing with his fingers something I do when I am nervous about something. "What's wrong baby?" He asks and I bite my lip. "I um I was wondering when we were going to have sex again?" I ask quietly and I can feel him freeze next to me but relax a few seconds later. "I'm scared I am going to have a flashback when we have sex and I don't want to have one and I don't want to ruin it for you" He says and I sigh.

"You're right baby. I'm stupid for asking it's fine I don't want you to do something you're not comfortable with" I say and lean over to kiss his cheek.

"Wyatt... I we'll have sex soon alright?" he says and I shake my head. "No baby it's okay. I want to feel closer to you and I mean the first time we had sex was kinda spontaneous and you know rushed. I just want to feel closer to you but I don't want to send yo back into a flashback I don't want to cause you pain. So if we never ever have sex it'll be okay because I love you for you and nothing else" I say and kiss his hand.

We arrive at the building and David parks into a parking space. He turns to me "Wyatt I promise we will have sex. No scratch that we will make love because I love you and I want to have sex with you believe me I do I'm just scared okay? But I promise it will happen soon because I want to be close to you in that way too" He says to me and pecks my lips.

"Now let's go see what gender our baby is yeah?" He says and I nod my head.

We get out of the car and he holds out his hand out for me to take. I intertwine our fingers together and we head into the building.

"Hi we have an appointment at 10" David tell the lady at the desk. "Of course right this way she says and brings us into a room. The doctor will be here shortly" She says and we walk into the room. I sit on the bed and David takes a seat next to me.

"So do you want a boy or a girl?" I ask him.

"A girl" He says immediately. "I'm scared of we have a boy I'm gonna end up like my father" He says quietly.

I frown "David you're not gonna end up like your father. Parker's a boy and you haven't done anything to him" I tell him and he shrugs. "He's not biologically mine. I'm scared that because the baby is biologically mine that I'm gonna do the same things that my father did to me and I really really don't want that Wyatt I'm so scared. He says tears pooling in his eyes.

"Oh baby." I say softly getting up and sitting in his lap. I wrap my hands around his neck and hug him tightly to me he wraps around his arms around my waist and buries his face into the crook of his neck and cries silently. I rub the nape of his neck with my hand and let him cry. "You're not your father David okay? You are not you're father and you never will be. You will NOT hurt our child. You are NOT like him David. Your father is sick in the head. Have you even had sexual fantases about kids?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Exactly baby. You are a good man David okay?" I say and he nods his head.

"Um am I interrupting something?" I hear a womans voice. I turn my head and blush lightly. "No. I was just calming him down" I say and get off of David's lap.

I sit back on the bed and she directs me to lay down. I lift my shirt up and slightly tug my pants down but not enough to uncover anything. She gets the cold gel and wand and puts it onto my belly making me flinch.

"Alright guys let's see what you're having " she says and starts moving the wand around. David gets up and comes over to hold my hand we look at the screen to see our baby.

"Okay it looks like you are having a baby girl! Congrats guys!" She says and prints some picture for us.

David sighs in relief and the lady wipes the gel off of my body and hands us our picture then leaves the room.

I put the pictures on the table and I give David a hug. "You're going to be a great father to all of our kids. You're already a good father to Parker and Scarlette you're going to be a good father to this child too" I say into his ear and he relaxes into me.

"You're right baby thank you." He says when we pullback.

We leave the office and get into his car. "I have some errands to go run some I'm going to drop you off and then I'll be back later" He tells me.

"When are you going to be back?" I ask him.

"I don't know between 4-6" He says

"Oh um okay" I mumble starting to feel sad.

"What? What's wrong he asks and I shake my head.

"Nothing don't worry about it." I tell him looking out the window.

He pulls into the driveway and I unbuckle my seat belt but before I can get out he grabs my arm.

I turn to face him "What's wrong?" He says

"Nothing" I say.

"Wyatt we talked about this stop keeping things from me" He says and I sigh

"It's nothing I just had some things planned for tonight but if you aren't going to be home then I'll just cancel them" I say and wipe the tear the fell down my face.

"Oh baby don't cry I'll be home. What time?" He asks.

"I dunno 5 maybe?" I say and he nods. "Then I'll be home by 5"

"Are sure? You don't have to... I can cancel" I say to him.

"No baby you made plans for us so we are going to go through with them I'll be home by 5 okay?" He says and I smile and kiss him.

"Okay Have fun" I say and get out of the car. I walk into the house and see Parker sleeping on the couch and Scarlette sleeping in Sophie's arms.

"I'm gonna put her in her swing" Sophie says and I nod my head. "I'm gonna go make a sandwhich Do you want one?" I ask her

"Nah we had lunch already thanks though" she replies.

"Hey Soph do you think you can watch them tonight? I kinda have something planned for David and uh yeah" I say and rub the back of my neck nervously.

"Of Course Wyatt. Do you want me to watch the kids all night?" She asks.

"I'm not sure. I uh I kinda wanted to you know be intimate with him tonight but I don't think he wants to... so I'll probably just have Scarlette sleep with us as usual" I say

"I'll keep them tonight Wyatt. Even if you don't get intimate with each other it will be nice to have a night alone together. Besides I love watching them" She says and I smile

"Thanks." I tell her and she gives me a hug. I take the sandwhich that I made while talking to her and eat it after I eat my sandwhich I go to the couch and lay on it and take a nap.

My alarm wakes me at 4:30 and I go upstairs to freshen up.

"Dad!' I hear Parker yell meaning David is home. I go downstairs and see David talking to Parker.

"Hey you ready?" he asks once he's done talking to Parker. "Yeah. Parker We're going out I'll see you when we get back unless you are sleeping alright?" I say and he comes over and gives me okay. "Okay Daddy!"

Sophie comes out with Scarlette and I walk over and give Scarlette a kiss on her head.

"Keys" I stick my hand out when I walk over to David and he pouts and whines but gives me his keys.

We walk back out to his car and I get into the driver's side this time. "Where are we going?" He asks as I am pulling out of the driveway and I roll my eyes. "If I wanted you to know where we were going don't you think I would of let your drive?" I say sarcastically and he pouts again.

It takes 6 minutes to get to get to Leconda De Vera and when we get there David stops me. "Babe you didn't have to do this" He says and I nod. "You're right I didn't but I wanted to so get over it and let's go eat your daughter is hungry" I say and he smiles and gets out of the car. We walk into the restaurant and walk up to where some workers are.

"Hi Welcome to Leconda De Vera table for two?" A women in her late 20s asks us. "Yes table for 2" I respond. "Right this way sir" She says and we follow her to a booth.

"Your waiter will be with you shortly" She tells us setting the menus in front of us.

"Happy Birthday baby" I say softly and lean over to kiss David. "Thank you Babe this really means so much to me" He says after we pull back.

The waiter comes and we order our drinks and food. We make small talk while we eat our food and after about an hour of laughing and joking the waiter comes back and takes our food and gives us the check which I quickly snatch from David's reach.

"I have a present for you" I tell him and he groans "Seriously Wyatt? You've already done too much for me and I can't give you anything in return" He says with a sigh

I reach over and hold his hand "David I don't need anything but you. I love you and I wanted you to feel special. You've been working late lately and I know this recent case has been getting to you on a personal level I just want to make you happy" I say and hand him a silk box.

He opens the box and smiles "Thank you babe this is just... Wow" He says and takes the two necklaces out.

"Yours is the Key with the rectangle that has a W on it and mine is The heart that has a D on it" I tell him and he nods his head. He puts the necklace on and I stand up so he could put my neckalce on me. Hr kisses the crook of my neck and whispers "Let's go home I want to show you how much y ou mean to me"

I turn around with wide eyes. "David... You don't have to" I say

"I know baby but I want to. I think this will be goof for the both of us. So come on" he says grabbing mmy hand and guiding me out of the restaurant. I had him the keys and he unlocks the door. We get in and the 6 minutes it takes to get home seems much longer now. I send a text to Sophie and look out the window. My stomach is filled with knots and I start getting nervous.

When we arrive home David Grabs my hand and guides me up to the bedroom and when he opens the door he turns around shocked.

"W-What?" He stutters

"Even if we don't have sex I wanted to at least have the intimate setting it would make me feel closer to you" I tell him shyly.

We walk into the room and he turns around a cups my face softly. "You truly are amazing and that is why I am ready to take the next step with you. But be patient with me okay?" He tells me and I nod.

"If you have a flashback everything stops I promise." I tell him and he kisses me which sends butterflies to my stomach.

His lips are soft as he kisses me pasionately. His hands travel from my face down to my waist and my hands go around his neck. He walks us towards the bed and lies me down on my back softly.

He bites my lip causing me to moan into his mouth opens and he sticks his wet tongue into my mouth. Our tongues battle for dominace and he quickly wins.

He slowly takes my shirt off and starts kissing my neck trying to find my sweet spot. When he finds it I let out a moan and he continues licking and sucking in that spot. I glide my hands over his back under his shirt and he stops kissing my neck in order to take his shirt off.

He kisses down my chest and find my right nipple licking and sucking on the nub I moan as he licks sucks and tugs he stops his attention on that nipple and kisses his way across my chest to my left nipple and proceeds to do suck on my nipple which continues to make me moans. While he's doing that he reaches down and unbuttons my jeans and tugs them off of me. I hear them fall on the floor and David starts rubbing me through my briefs.

He stops playing with my nipple and comes back up to kiss me. I moan into the kiss because he's still stroking me through my briefs. He pulls back and pulls my briefs down.

He grabs my cock "Wait stop" I say and he looks up confused. "I don't want to be the only one naked" I mumble blushing hard. He chuckles and kisses my forehead then gets off the bed to and I watch him take his clothes off which on succeeds on making me harder than I already am.

He comes back on the bed and take my cock into his hand again. I he starts tugging slowly and I moan softly. He licks the top of the head and starts pumping me teasing the slit with his tongue.

"David" I moan loudly when he starts increasing his pace. He closes his lips around the head of my cock and starts moving his head up and down sucking harder and faster.

"Oh shit!" I moan when his nose reaches the base as he deepthroats me. I feel myself tense up and try to warn David but it's too late and I cum in his mouth.

He swallows it and looks up at me I see the panic in his eyes so I grab his arm and tug him closer to me.

I kiss his lips and rub my fingers up and down his back he melts into my arms and starts to caress my face again. He pulls away from the kiss and leans his forehead against mine. I gasp when I see the love in his eyes.

"I love you" He whispers and I smile.

"I love you too now show me how much you love me k?" I say and he nods his head and gets on his knees and leans over to the nightstand and grabs the lube. I spread my legs for him and he pour the lube onto his hands and Slowly eases his finger into my hole and starts moving the finger in and out trying to stretch me. When the sting goes away I start moaning and he adds a second finger scissoring me and I buck my hips against his fingers.

He kisses around my stomach and continues to stretch me. When he deems me ready he lathers his cock in the lube and lines up with my entrance. He pushes in slowly and I wince. I try to relax by breathing in and out but the farther he goes the tenser I get. He stops half way and kisses me which makes me relax he continues to kiss me while he pushes into me until he is fully seated in me.

He stops kissing me and smiles at me which brings butterflies to my stomach. "You're so beautiful" He whispers which makes me blush. "Thanks" I whisper to him.

"You can move now" I say and he starts pulls out and pushes into me again. I moan as he increases the speed. He grabs my hips and moves agaisnt me faster

"A-ah David" I moan his balls smack against my ass which causes me to get harder at the feeling. He continues pumping into me faster and faster and he reaches for my cock and starts pumping me. He hits a spot in my that has me yelling his name. "Faster! right there! Don't stop Don't stop" I yell out.

"I'm gonna come baby" He says and I nod my head "Me too" I say and I come into his hand as he comes into my ass.

He rides out his orgasm and gently pulls out of me and I hiss. He leans over and kisses my forehead and then walks into the bathroom. I clothes my legs and enjoy the pounding in my ass.

He comes back with a wet wash cloth and cleans me up. Throwing the rag in the hamper he climbs into bed and pulls me into his hard chest.

He kisses my head again and I smile at the comfort I feel with him. "Thank you. This was the best birthday gift" He says and I snuggle into his arms rubbing my cheek against his warm chest.

"I love you so much Button" He whispers.

I raise my head slightly. "Button?" I ask and he laughs.

"Yeah button" He says and I smile Wide.

"I love it and I love you Monkey" I say and he laughs.

"Monkey? Really?" He says and I nod proudly

"Yes because you are crazy and you just remind me of a monkey" I say and put my head back on his chest.

"Good night button" He whispers as I fall asleep snuggled up I his warm arms.

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