The DUFF (Zustin Mieber AU)

By iamderekhale

143K 8.7K 12.4K

"Man." Justin sighs after a moment of silence. "I'd be an extremely depressed person if I were you. Y'know, b... More

KING (Zustin)
touch [zustin]
give you all that's left of me [zustin]


3.7K 247 430
By iamderekhale

***GUYS JUSTIN'S HAIR IS BROWN IN THIS FIC, that's why I added that bit of information about Zayn liking brunettes in the last chapter. Every time Justin had an outfit so far in this fic, his hair was always brown in the pictures. I thought you guys caught that bit of information. And when Justin asked "what brunettes have you liked?" he was basically asking Zayn if he's ever liked him. JUSTIN HAS BROWN HAIR.


This is Zayn's I'm Now A Bad Bitch outfit. Could've been better, but oh whale. I actually thought of putting a total badass picture but he had the buzzcut, not that I don't like the buzzcut but he doesn't have the buzzcut in this story so it wouldn't be a proper visual aid. You feel me?

I love how neat and classy he looks while the hair and the look in his eyes screams, "I'm here to fuck your daughter, Sir."

Justin's outfit is not even necessary here because this is a Zayn chapter. Justin will be part but it's a Zayn chapter regardless and only Zayn's outfit matters here.

I'm still hurting inside because I cannot wait for the prom chapter, and the sexy chapter that follows.

Let me stop talking now, LET ME STOP.

He's so beautiful. ❤️

Zayn knew he was never invisible. He knew people were aware of his existence, and some may or may not have known his name. He was definitely the one in his group that people noticed the least but they were all aware of his presence, sometimes at least. Zayn knew that from the beginning, but none of that prior knowledge prepared him for all the looks he got while walking down the hall with his friends on Tuesday morning.

It didn't make sense to him, at all. The attention was making him beyond uncomfortable.

Before stepping into the building, Liam, Louis, Niall and Harry made it their mission to assure Zayn that he looked great. Zayn suspected that he looked good, better than usual. His friends thought that he looked amazing or "ama-Zayn" as Harry had put it. But Stratford High students seem to think he's some Greek God. It's either that or they think he looks ridiculous. But given the few seductive looks and smirks he's received so far, Zayn was pretty sure the first assumption is correct.

It was actually a little bit unsettling, having eyes on him. Usually, it's always eyes on his friends and he's taken comfort in that. But today, Zayn himself has totally flipped the script. Maybe they were all just amazed by the fact that he had something in his closet that wasn't just black.

God, he hoped so because, if not, teenagers are terribly shallow. He knew this generation was all for good looks, but if a haircut and contacts was all it took for them to notice someone, Zayn feared for the world's future. Really, that's all that's really changed about him. Well, the clothes too since they actually fit and don't drape over him like a Pope's robe, but he still looks like himself, just slightly improvised.

"Dude." Zayn felt an elbow nudge his side, dragging his attention from his thoughts to Liam. "You're not even saying anything and I can tell you're thinking about this, chill out. They're the same people you saw last week, only difference is that they notice you now."

"I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but up until now, I've always been a nobody so sorry if I'm acting a little off because all these eyes are suddenly on me."

"Oh, I'm aware." Liam nodded making his best friend glare at him.

"Man, still a jerk."

"Hey, these kids may be acting all different because of your makeover since they now think you're hot, but keep in mind, I've always thought that you were hot so don't expect any different behavior from me." Liam responded bluntly.

"Good to know Li."

"Zayn, don't even worry about it. You'll be fine, trust me." Harry assured.

"I'm pretty sure I will be, but I really don't want to have to deal with anyone walking up to me the way they walk up to you guys."

"You can just tell them to fuck off." Louis suggested.

"Mmm, yes, I'll tell them all to fuck off and poof, they'll all magically disappear like magic." Zayn used his hands to exaggerate his words, fingers widening as his arms spread in a way that almost made it seem like he was mimicking an explosion.

"Works for me."

"Because you are intimidating, even for your size."

"True." Louis agreed. "But regardless, you're going to have to put up with whatever comes your way today."

"And for the rest of your senior year." Liam couldn't help but add because he's the biggest asshole in Zayn's life.

"Have I ever told you that I hate you?"

Liam released a laugh as he wrapped his arm around Zayn's neck. "You have many times my friend, but we all know you don't mean it."

"I'm pretty sure he does Lima Bean." Niall budged in, a goofy grin playing on his face.

"Shut it Angel Face."

Louis visibly grimaced. "Angel Face? Gag. Was that even supposed to be an insult?"

"Did it sound like an insult? Liam was obviously expressing his admiration for Niall's innocent, Angel-like features in a not so subtle way," said Harry.

"Oh, Harold. Always looking to matchmake. Sometimes I forget Niall is the Cupid in our group and not you." Liam stated.

"Well who's going to look out for Niall? Niall needs a fairy godmother too. I'm sure Niall gets lonely at night."

"As if." Liam scoffed. "Niall is as much as a pimp as I am, he's just lowkey."

The blonde held his hand up to stop Liam from continuing. "Nope. No no no no no no no. Do not compare us in the sex department."

"I was definitely not doing that. You're no match for me in bed."

Niall spun around to face Liam, now beginning to walk backwards as he began speaking. "News going around is that you're all talk and no game, Payne."

"Who told you that lie?"

"Well, you've slept with... just about the whole school, so a couple thousand kids."

"You're pulling all of that out of your ass, Horan."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night Lima."

Zayn cringed when he noticed a certain glint in Niall's eyes that made him feel very uncomfortable. "Oh God, get a room you two."

"For what? Liam and I would never happen."

"You wouldn't be able to handle me even if you tried." Liam countered.

"Said like a true match made in heaven." Louis muttered.

Zayn rolled his eyes. "Psh, more like a match made in hell."

"You won't even have to worry about it Zee. As I said, Liam and I are never gonna happen. Wouldn't want to catch all his STDs, mate."

"You wish you could have a piece of this."

Niall smirked as he turned on his heels and began walking away. "Not even in your wildest dreams Payne." He shouted over his shoulder.

Zayn did not miss the way Liam's eyes suddenly averted to Niall's ass and he unlinked himself from his best friend immediately. "You guys disgust me."

"You love us."

"Not even in your wildest dreams, Payne," said Zayn, parroting Niall's last words before he had parted from the group and then went his own way.


Zayn truly hated high school with a passion. He hated everything about this hell he forces himself to go to everyday so he can succeed in life. He really only hated the students, he's always hated a majority of them. But on this particular day, Zayn doesn't think his hatred for these kids could grow even more.

Throughout the entire day, he found himself wondering, why the hell did I have to go and remake myself? But then rethinks that question and stops blaming himself because he didn't change much. There's hardly a difference when he looks in the mirror, yet, when teenagers see him, they act as though he went from Meek Mill to Drake over the weekend. It's absurd.

He wasn't asking for all this sudden attention. Well, he was, but only from a specific person, not the whole school. And he still has yet to see said person. He usually does see Lucky earlier in the day but this is the first time he's seeing his crush today. It's lunchtime and Zayn goes to his usual seat by the cool kids. It wasn't a choice. He only has four actual friends in this school so he sits where they sit. Since they are all popular, they sit with the popular people, mostly because of Liam though. The table is split into two sections and Zayn decided to mark the seat all the way at the end as his forever.

But that's besides the point. The point is, Zayn finally saw Lucky for the day. Lucky was sitting two tables away, at another table filled with popular people of a different type. Lucky, who was looking absolutely amazing in a crisp white shirt that matched his hair perfectly. Lucky, who was conversing with Danny, who is one of the most loved gay guys in the school. Lucky, who for a second, glanced up and their eyes met.

Zayn's heart began pounding when they first made eye contact, but when Lucky did a double take and looked up at him again, Zayn almost died. Those crystal eyes were gazing right at him, and he didn't know how to take it.

Lucky smiled at him, waving a hand that seemed a little shy. Zayn wanted to smile back but he felt like his lips would stretch too much and his amount of happiness would be very apparent. Therefore, he settled for a simple nod, going for cool and hoping he succeeded. Lucky quirked a brow, but dropped it. After one last smile, he went right back to his conversation with Danny.

Zayn sighed and settled back into how things were going before Lucky decided to notice his existence then forget it all together. Zayn was listening to some story Niall was explaining to him when someone slid into the seat across from him.

When he looked, he saw Gigi sitting right there, pretty blonde locks and gorgeous blue eyes. Gigi was one of Ariana's closest friends, but she didn't stand in her shadow like Selena and Victoria did. Gigi was more of an independent type of female but she was definitely a bratty bitch who Zayn tried his best to not associate with.

"You're Zayn, right?"

"Yup." He responded, hoping that his bland answer would make her go away.

It didn't.

"How come I've never noticed you before?"

Maybe because you and your clique are just a bunch of shallow brats, Zayn thought to say, but instead said, "I don't know, I've always been here."

Gigi hummed, nails drumming against the table as she arched a well done brow at him. "You have such amazing features."

Zayn wanted to die. Sure, he's gotten looks all day but Gigi's the first person who actually walked up to him and it had to be the most awkward situation he's ever been stuck in. "Uh... thanks?"

"Shy one, are you?" She questioned, but Zayn figured it was rhetorical so he didn't answer. "It's okay, I like 'em shy. I find it adorable."

"I'm gay," said Zayn, because that was the only think he could think of to get her away from him.

Gigi frowned, but didn't seem all that mad. "That's mighty unfortunate. Why are all the cute ones gay?"

"Because girls are odd human beings who don't know what they want."

"So are guys."

"Yeah well, girls have... vaginas."

The female rolled her eyes. "Oh goodness, a vagina. I can just imagine how frightening that must be for you to even think of."

"Pretty horrid."

"Mmm, well, it was nice meeting you Zayn."

"The pleasure was all yours." Zayn farewelled with a tight smile.

Gigi didn't even seem slightly mad, she actually seemed amused given the sly grin she shot at Zayn for those words. She rose without another word and walked back over to her side of the table.

Zayn went back to what he was doing before but got quickly distracted again. This time though, it had nothing to do with someone trying to hit on him. This time it was all about Ariana getting ready to throw another fit while speaking to Justin, who's slap she was currently seated on.

"So why exactly couldn't you come by this weekend?"

"I was busy." Justin responded blandly.

"Busy doing what exactly?"

"That is absolutely none of your business."

"Oh, it isn't?" Ariana questioned, eyes narrowing.

"I believe that is what I just said." Justin took a sip of his soda and popped a fry into his mouth carelessly, as if abandoning the fact that not only Ariana is sitting on his lap, but his arm is also wrapped around her slim waist.

This conversation was grabbing quite the amount of attention, despite none of their voices raising.

"Pretty sure what happens with you is my business."

"I wouldn't understand why. We're not together anymore." Justin said, looking at Ariana with a broad smile.

Ariana gaped at him as if this was news to her and Zayn had to slap his hand over his mouth to stifle a laugh that dared to bubble from his lips. She quickly got out of Justin's lap and practically stormed off like the drama queen she is, her two puppets following after her. That was a calm situation compared to the first two times though. The first time something like that happened, she slapped him. The second time, she poured her drink all over him. This time, Justin had it easy.

Zayn stared for a while longer, just long enough for Justin to notice and wiggle his eyebrows at Zayn with a grin plastered on his face. Zayn returned the smile, a little bit toothier, as he rolled his eyes and turned back to Niall.

"As you were saying."


"Zayn, what happened to your... everything?" Mr.Facinelli took it upon himself to ask after the period had ended and Zayn couldn't say he didn't see it coming. The teacher had been staring at him throughout the entire period.

"What do you mean my 'everything?'" Zayn asked, voice slightly snappy because now, he was getting irritated. "I don't get why people suddenly think I'm attractive because of a few new clothes and a haircut."

"Woah, woah, woah, hold on. I never said you were unattractive before. You look just about the same, just... modified. You were very attractive before— please do not tell anybody I said that because I can lose my job or go to prison— and you're still attractive now. But Zayn, it may seem like a small difference to you because you see yourself everyday but it doesn't look like that little of a difference to everyone else." His math teacher began to give him a look of thought. "I think it might be the haircut."

"I think people are just stupid."

"Not everyone can score hundreds on everything like you." Facinelli joked, but quickly wiped the smile off his face when he noticed Zayn's stern look. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. You look great. It's all just odd given the fact that you changed to quick. I never took you for the kind of person to care about what people thought."

"I don't—"

"Than why did you change?"

"Because I wanted to be a better me."

"A better you? So throwing away your glasses and getting the sides of your head shaved makes you a better you?"

"No, I just—"

"I'm not judging you, alright? I would never. But I'm just saying, I hope you didn't do this for all the wrong reasons. You were great before, and you are just as great now."

Zayn smiled at the teacher who made him feel a little better about the situation despite giving him a big dose of reality.

"And you do look kinda like a badass." Mr.Facinelli added.

"I know. Justin's call."

"You hanging out with Bieber again?"

Zayn shrugged. "Not really, just an arrangement we have."

"Well stay out of trouble and don't let your grades drop."

"I would never dream of it."


By the end of the day, no one aside from Mr.Facinelli and Gigi had addressed him about how new appearance. But he did receive way too many looks, looks that screamed, "I'm undressing you in my mind right now and I want you to know." Zayn still felt out of place but he could live with that, as long as he didn't have to make too much human contact.

He was now seated in his usual seat beside Niall in the room for the students who worked for the school newspaper. Lucky was there, doing his usual activity of speaking to others that were more in his group of people than Zayn was.

Apparently, the makeover had done nothing to change how Lucky acted towards him. He did give Zayn a nod in greeting when he walked in but that didn't mean anything because he did that with everyone. Niall got a whole, custom made handshake. Zayn wasn't jealous, he just wanted a custom made handshake too.

Mr.Winchester was late, which was a first. He came in with his hair all tousled and with his usually ironed shirt all rumpled, tie nowhere to be found. He seemed out of breathe too and if that wasn't enough to justify the wolf whistles and coos that came from the students, the darkening hickey on his neck was.

"Someone was being naughty before coming here." Niall smirked, earning chuckles from all the teenagers.

"Shut it, Horan. I'm a man with needs."

"Needs that can't wait until after school?" Lucky spoke up.

"You shouldn't be talking when you came here last week looking all dazed and sex drunk."

"I'm a teenager."

"I can still pop boners." Mr.Winchester stated. He didn't seem mad at all.

Lucky backed off than.

Mr.Winchester was probably one of the only teachers in the school who would openly speak to the students like this. He would never go into detail about his sex life because that would be strange, but he isn't very grave about it either. He's the kind of teacher who would answer questions about sex if any student asked. No student should be asking him that type of stuff, only their sex ed. teacher should be asked but more often than not, they all go to Mr.Winchester. Zayn knew the principle knew, but the chances of Mr.Winchester getting fired are zero to none since the principle of the school was, in fact, Sammy's brother, Dean.

The group settled back into their regular motion and things ran swiftly as they spoke about what they should be writing the article on for this month. Things were just as usual, except for the text message Zayn received from Justin, that wasn't usual at all.

Zayn peeked at it from under the table.

Justin: send me your nudes.

He practically choked on air and had nosy little Niall glancing at his phone as well. "Now you're getting kinky with Bieber?"

"I am not." Zayn spoke defensively as the next text came.

Justin: just kidding.

Justin: you coming over to my place right?

He cocked a brow in confusion, wondering what for.

Zayn: It wasn't on my list of plans. Why?

Justin: to tutor me dumbass. come over after you're done with your nerd club. i'll have food.

Niall cleared his throat. "Well you will be getting kinky with Bieber soon."

Zayn glared.


I kinda liked this chapter. Sure there wasn't much Zustin, but the opening to Niam has arrived. ;))))) I love me some bickering in all ships.

Lucky doesn't seem interested but I'll shed some light on that in chapter 10.

I don't really have much to say but I'll holla at you losers later.

P.S. kidding about the losers thing, I loooovvveee you guys so much. ❤️

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