Divulging Remorse ✔

Par ayyamuz

8.5K 822 824

One mistake. Two people. A thousand cluster of emotions - put into words. ~'E-award winner 2017 - Best Random... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 2

448 32 14
Par ayyamuz

The sun diffused, and filtered through the clouds, signalling the end of rain. Last night, it had poured like it wanted to take everything away along; it was heavy and full of intensity. The sky had shaken with booming thunder and rumbled crying. It might have surely woken up a lot of people from their sleep, but Riya didn't budge. It was a rain of its kind, one that Dubai had experienced in a very long time.

She opened her eyes to the sunlight peeking in through the billowing curtains, and quickly pushed the bed covers aside to go to the window. Propping her arms against the window sliders, she glanced up.

White Clouds stretched the morning sky, with fleeting blobs of blue. A whiff of rain still lingered in the air, blowing a chilly wind across her face. A strand of hair tickled the side of her cheek, softly pulling her out of laziness. Her heart surged, and a strange tranquillity penetrated deep within her. The glowing sun rays kissed her skin lightly, warming her from the inside out.

She peered out in the open, her eyes taking in the vivid colours in the distant. Everywhere she looked, it seemed freshly washed; the trees greener, the dew-laden grass mossier, streets cleaner, and the window panes of other buildings glistened sharply against the sun.

Last night, she had finally slept early with an unloaded brain, after a nerve-wracking week of her final LLB (Hons) Law examinations. A small smile appeared on her lips at the thought of completing her degree. Now, she had a whole two months of summer vacations to look over to, so much was to happen, her graduation, a family wedding in Swat, moving out of their apartment to a bigger house, and so much more than she wanted to do...

"Riya?!" Arshiya knocked on the door loudly. "Riya, we're getting late, be quick!"

"Ugh, why can't anyone live in peace for some time?" Frowning, she walked towards the door to unlock it.

Arshiya barged in, with a heap of unfolded laundry in her arms. She threw a glance at Riya's scrunched up face, who had her hands on her hips.

She quickly shoved Riya's clothes on the bed, and said, "C'mon Riya, now please don't start blabbering about not getting enough sleep, we got to go in thirty minutes." She gestured towards the clock and left the room.

"Arshiya? Why do I have to drive you to your err... Tahreem?" Riya followed her out of the bedroom, and into the living room.

"It's Tahfeez," Arshiya calmly corrected her, gave an obvious look saying 'I-can't-drive', and went on tidying the messy living room.

"Uh, yeah whatever just ask Hufaiz to drive you, will you?" Riya rudely told her off, giving her an irritated look.

Arshiya stopped putting the cushions in place and asked, "Wasn't it already a deal last night? That this Friday you're coming along with me? And anyway, Hufaiz isn't home."

"Then ask-" Arshiya cut in yet another mindless suggestion.

"It's okay, Riya. I'm going to ask a friend to pick me up." Giving her a small smile, she started to leave but, paused in her tracks.

Facing her, she added, "It's Friday today, please don't forget to pray and read-"

Before she could complete, Riya rolled her eyes and stomped off to her bedroom.

Arshiya was fifteen, the youngest of her older two siblings. Hufaiz was the middle child, just two years younger to Riya. Although Arshiya was the youngest, her disposition was very mature for her age. Unlike Riya, she was calm, well behaved, and sorted, in every way.

To an astonishing contrast with her family, she was rather a devoted Muslimah, very farfetched like the teenaged girls around her at her previous school, or in their elite social circle. She had grown up with a kind heart which was like a blessed rain, not caring whom it fell upon. Always ready to help whoever in need, or not, she was adored by everyone.

Though, at times, she had to face some extreme criticism made on her lifestyle, especially by her brother, and sister. She was now well adept to either ignore or explain the righteousness in the gentlest way possible. Her unordinary sharp memory had Arshiya quit school in eighth grade, and join the Tah'feez Academy to memorise Qur'an. After completing with the Hifz, she was to go back to school, as planned earlier, but her thirst to gain the Knowledge of Allah's book, even after memorising it, was not quenched. She wanted to study further and was currently studying 'Uloom Al Qur'an and Tafseer.

She was one of the volunteers at her Academy, teaching basic Tajweed to young children, and Quranic recitation to girls and women of all ages every Friday, after the prayers.

On weekdays, she used the Academy's transport service each morning, but on Fridays, the volunteers had to manage themselves. That's why she'd have to ask someone or the other to drop her off.

She yearned for her sister to come along with her just once as Riya was mostly home on weekends in the morning, but failed miserably each time. She wanted her sister to feel the inner peace at the Masjid, which was in the same building as the Academy.

The absolute bliss to be able to hear the Words of Allah, the Almighty was indeed a great blessing. Unfortunately, many Muslims have entered the Masjid only a couple of times in their lives, and Riya, Hufaiz and their parents were amongst those few.

Arshiya didn't lose hope and continued to try as well as pray because Du'as are never rejected. She knew her calls to her Lord will surely be accepted one day, and her family will understand that this world is temporary; our final destination is the Hereafter.

Their parents; Sarah Jahangiri, and Zar Wali Jahangiri were mostly very busy with their respective jobs to interfere in their children's lives, rather they cared too little. All three of them could do whatever their heart desired, there was no stopping.

When Arshiya announced that she wished to memorise the Qur'an and would quit school to join an Islamic Institute, they were fine; when Hufaiz wanted to join a rock band they were more than fine, and when a couple of months ago, Riya started dating her teacher back from her High School, they were elated! Such was the mindset; they cared less what their children did, as long as they were happy.

They let them do, and have anything, except one thing which disturbed their 'money making process'; their time. Zar Wali worked for a European bank as an auditor, and Sarah was a professor at a well renowned University in Dubai.

Zar Wali worked for countless hours most days, sometimes on weekends too. After being promoted to a Middle East Head, he travelled to cities within UAE and some other Gulf countries; he often went days without seeing his family.

While Sarah as a professor taught Cultural Studies to undergraduates. Although her work wasn't as forceful as her husband's, she spent the rest of her time on the home-run boutique for bridal wear. That was her passion, but if passions make you a lot of Dirhams too like an expression is said; it's Gold on Borax!

Riya switched on the TV, and put the volume on full, grabbing a bag of Doritos from the kitchen, she laid onto the couch. An upbeat English song blasted from the speakers, its video played on the screen. She was home alone, that's why the loud thrum didn't matter, but even if anyone else was home, no one could help. They just didn't have enough guts to put up with Riya, at least that's the notion she had of herself; insolent.

Picking up her phone, she texted her boyfriend, Zayn, "Meet up tonight?"

While waiting for his reply, she scrolled down her Instagram feed, when the music stopped abruptly, and the channel got flipped to another channel.

She knew it was Hufaiz, getting up; she swirled around sharply and lunged towards her brother who stood behind the sofa.

Hufaiz who was well guarded for her strike, pushed her back with his strong arm, and chided, "Cut the crap Riya! Look who's in the news."

Riya's mouth fell open. Along with three other men's file photos, there was Moutasim Ali Khan's picture displayed on the TV screen. The reporter's voiceover said something about the gang being arrested for charges, but Riya couldn't understand clearly, too shocked to take anything in.

She asked Hufaiz numbly, "He's arrested for what?"

"Moutasim is suspected for gang defilement." He found his own voice coming from very far, aghast himself.

Riya's phone tumbled out of her hands, hitting against the tiled floor, she sunk into the couch, and her face drained white out of blood.

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