The Summer Of... {Peterick}

By angeleyes-demonsoul

13K 1.1K 2.7K

Patrick Stump just wanted to loose his virginity with no strings attached. Just to ditch his 'good boy' perso... More

This Is Just The Prolog


1.5K 138 352
By angeleyes-demonsoul

Patrick kicked his legs over the side of his bed as he looked around the cabin he had been assigned. There were three other beds, all occupied by boys from the bus. Dallon, Ryan, and the blue haired boy, Josh were all bunking with Patrick.

"I could sleep for a hundred years." Ryan yawned before plopping down, face first, onto the bed he claimed by the cabin's door.

Josh was already there, snoring silently with his earbuds still wrapped around his ears. Dallon, in contrast, was piling his clothes into the small dresser by his bed.

"Isn't there a bonfire tonight?" He asked, rubbing his eye with a small fist.

Patrick nodded. "Mr. Trohman said first we settle, then we bond and the campfire, then we go to bed before getting ready for the campers that will show up in a week and a half to two weeks."

"Why the hell did we come so early if they won't be here for two weeks?" Ryan asked, propping himself up for the question before letting his face fall back to the bed.

"We're helping set up and get ready, Ryan..." Patrick yawned, feeling Josh and Ryan's tiredness begin to affect him.

"Just gives you more time with Ashley." Dallon smirked.

Ryan popped his head up again, but he had that goofy look on his face once again. "Ash is real nice..." He giggled, propping his head on his hands after planting his elbows into the bedding.

"Nicknames already?" Dallon laughed, "Sounds like someone's swingin' for a home run."

"She's nice, is all..."

"Five bucks they're making out at the campfire tonight." Patrick grinned.

Ryan diverted his eyes to Patrick. "Aren't we supposed to be trying to get you laid and not making bets about where mine and Ash's mouths are gunna end up?" He asked as a soft crimson seeped into his cheeks.

"Yea!" Dallon nodded, also turning to Patrick, "That guy you really thought was attractive... That was Pete Wentz, right? The zone out at role call?"

Patrick looked down and nodded. "I-I'm starting to not feel so sure of the plan..." He admitted, softly, kicking his legs a bit faster. "I think he's way out of my league. Especially for someone like me, who has never even had their first kiss..."

Ryan playfully placed his hand over his heart. "Patrick's a lip virgin?" Dallon shot Ryan a look, causing him to grow silent again.

"You just need practice." Dallon shrugged as he turned back to Patrick, "Unless you really hold value in your first kiss."

Patrick rocked his torso from side to side just slightly. "I'd like my first kiss with someone I was going to loose it to to hold value." He finally answered.

Dallon walked over and sat on the bed next to Patrick. He reached out and pressed his fingertips to Patrick's jawline. "So, feel like practice?" Dallon asked in a soft tone that made Patrick look at him with wide eyes.

Dallon was close. Not uncomfortable close, but closer than usual for the two friends. Patrick could smell Dallon's still minty breath from the gum he had chewed on the bus ride. He could feel the taller boy's warm breath against his shoulder. Patrick tilted his head with a barely visible nod. He had a feeling of where this was going, which was confirmed when Dallon leaned forward and pressed their lips together.

Patrick's eyes widened at first, but he let them gradually close. Dallon's lips were surprisingly soft as they pushed against his. They seemed to move in a slow pattern, after a moment of stillness, so Patrick tried to follow with his own lips.

This was weird but, at the same time, it wasn't. It was nice to know what it finally felt like to have this kind of connection to a person. At least he had one point already crossed off his list... And now he understood why people would do this in every dark, semiprivate corner they could find at his school.

Dallon pulled away slowly, giving Patrick time to reopen his eyes and look at the taller boy. For an instant, he seemed surprised at what he had done. It faded quickly, however, and he simply tilted his head at Patrick.

"You're not bad for an inexperienced kisser." He finally said, giving Patrick a smile.

Patrick felt lost for words. He had just kissed his best friend... All in preparation of losing his...


Both boys turned to see Ryan gasping at them. He looked between them before blinking rapidly. "I cannot believe... What did I just witness?"

Dallon just grinned. "Practice makes perfect." He turned back to Patrick with a smile, "If he goes in with tongue, just go with it. I won't go that far..." He pushed himself up off the bed and wandered over to his own.

Patrick was still a bit lost for words from the experience. He had just had his first kiss?.. It was nice too. It really made Patrick wonder what it would be like to kiss the boy from the bus, Pete. If Pete wanted to kiss him at all...

A knocking at the door of their cabin made all three boys turn, as well as, cause Josh to push himself up with a sharp intake of breath. Josh rubbed sleep away from his eyes as Dallon hurried over to push the door open. A man with a rustic colored beard stood on the other side with a warm smile.

He dusted his hands on his green tank top, decorated with the camp logo, before extending one to Dallon. "Andy Hurley! Sports director here at the camp." He introduced himself as he shook Dallon's hand.

"Hi, sir, I'm Dallon."

"Nice to meet you." Andy nodded. He looked at the others in the room with a wave. "We're going to start the bonfire really soon, if you guys want to start getting ready! Just follow the path down towards the water and you'll find it."

"Thanks, Andy." Dallon nodded, "You'll definitely be seeing us down there."

"Cool! I've still got a few more cabins to hit up, but I'll see you there!" Andy waved before backing away from the door. Dallon closed it and turned to the others.

"Feel like smores?" He asked with a shrug.

"I feel like snores..." Josh sighed as he let himself drop back to the bed.

Ryan stood from his bed to look over at Josh. "You seem like bores."

Josh glared at Ryan, making him shrink back a bit with a soft giggle. Josh sighed again, rolling over to sit up.

"I stayed up all night downloading music that my parents wouldn't approve of, but I like, onto my iPod..." He yawned, pushing his palm against his eye. "I'm using this summer to listen-to listen without getting caught."

Patrick tilted his head at Josh, finally having gotten past the kiss enough for his brain to function properly again. "Your parents are music strict?"

Josh let out a bitter laugh. "Yea, you could say that..."

Patrick frowned. He couldn't imagine having his music limited by his parents. That had to really suck for Josh.

"Guys! I wanna get going, but not by myself!" Ryan exclaimed, jumping to look out the window. "The marshmallows are at sta-oh look, there's the girls cabin. I think I'll go say hey to Ash." He grinned before hurrying out the door.

"One down..." Josh laughed in a happier tone compared to before. He patted his stomach, "Classic campfire goodies do sound good right now..."

Dallon nodded, rushing over to Patrick's bed. He grabbed hold of Patrick's wrists and pulled him to his feet before letting go to do the same to Josh. "If we're ready, let's go!"

The noises of the others from the bus began to fill the air around the cabin. It seemed that everyone was on their way down to the campfire. The three left in the cabin all wandered to the door, ready to join them in the fading light.

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