By FindYourPurpose

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They are polar opposites, not one thing in common. You'd never catch these two dead together. He doe... More

1. "Jason, get your lazy ass up!"
2. "I now pronounce you husband and wife."
3. "I think I'll call you Blossom instead."
4. "I don't like losing money."
5. "We're going on a fieldtrip!"
6. "I'm almost finished here, you know."
7. "We're going on an adventure."
8. Do you want to come lay with me?
9. "Hey gorgeous, I'm Ryan."
10. "I really want to kiss you right now."
11. "What was that?"
12. "Don't you think that skirt is a little too short?"
13. "So, did you guys like, do it?"
15. " didn't give him the clap."
16. "You wanna know what I hate?"
17. "That was an accident."
18. "911, what's your emergency?"
19. "I missed you."
20. "You looked... so hot."
21. "I wanted to dance with you."
22. "...Pure and utter bullshit."
23. "Look how much you've grown."
24. That was nice.
25. I had a feeling...
26. "...Jason's girl?"
27. "What's Solitary?"
28. How did they get this?
29. "Red is a good color for you, Dollface."
30. I definitely fucked up.
31. "Let me tell you a story, McCann."
32. I was lucky she was mine
33. Yep, this wasn't going too well.
34. I hated seeing girls cry.
35. Tomorrow was the big day.
36. It's always the quiet ones.
37. That was just a dream though.
38. "She thought you were dead,"
39. I'll break up with you.
40. Where's Jason?
41. "Feel it. Don't show it."
42. "Frankie?"

14. "What do you guys do?"

253 22 1
By FindYourPurpose


Slowly, the weeks dragged on. Daisy had been spending more and more time with Ryan and Brandy and less and less time with me. I was glad that she had made a friend and was showing some interest in guys, but really? Did she have to become friends with Brandy? Of all people and don't even get me started about Ryan.

Since I wasn't able to hang out with her during the day, I've been spending a whole lot of time at Derrick's place, getting some jobs done. I could tell that he was really pleased with me lately, that was only because I was doing what he asked.

He was lucky, though. If I had other things I could be doing, I wouldn't be wasting my time with him. Yeah, doing jobs for him got me paid..but I was starting to get sick of him. He thought to highly of himself and it was really annoying.

Mari and I haven't been talking lately, either. I guess, since her and Mario haven't seen each other in so long, they were using this time to catch up or some shit like that. At first, I was upset that she was spending so much time with him and blowing me off all the time, but now I didn't even care. It is what it is.

There was another month left in the project with Daisy. We still had to write a two page essay on what it was like to live with someone else like a married couple. I wasn't sure if I even was going to do the paper. It didn't really interest me.

It was fun.

That would probably be the only thing that I'd write on the stupid paper. Maybe I'd write my name in the corner, the date and the class period. Then, hand it in to Mr. Lewis.

Shaking my head, I ran my fingers through the messy locks that laid on the top of my head. Last night, I was at Tanner's. I ended up falling asleep on his couch. Today, was a free day for me – other then school.

I'd be able to go to school, then go home. I was honestly thinking about skipping the whole school part, but I quickly changed my mind when I figured that I could talk to Daisy during school. She was never in the dorm anymore.

In these past two weeks, I've noticed that she has become really pretty. Her and Brandy go shopping a lot – considering Brandy's whole family is filthy rich – causing Daisy to change her style a lot. Instead of her large cardigans, that she looked so comfortable in, she's been wearing shorter and tighter shirts.

I wasn't sure if I liked this change, but I wasn't going to lie about how good she looked in her new clothes. I remember, like two nights ago. Her and Ryan were going to the park or something. He was downstairs in the lobby waiting for her and she was still in the bathroom getting dressed. I was on the bed, just laying there – trying to get some rest before I had to go out.

When she came out, she looked so incredibly sexy. She wore a pair of skinny jeans that hugged her curves so perfectly, a sleeveless shirt that was kinda flared at the end and a pair of wedges that matched. She even started wearing makeup, not a whole lot, but enough. She was absolutely gorgeous and I couldn't help but feel a little jealous that Ryan got to take her out instead of me.

No, I didn't like her. I can't really explain what was going on in my head, I just thought she was really pretty. That was it.

Sighing, I went into the living room to grab my keys so I could go to the dorm and get dressed for school. My eyes wandered around the room, landing on the digital clock that was on top of the TV. It read 9:34. Yeah, looks like I'm going to be late again.

I groaned, stepping out of the house and down the sidewalk towards my car. I just needed to get home, so I could get showered and changed. I reeked of booze and weed. Not very pleasant.

By the time I got to school, it was well after ten. I was scheduled to be in Civics, but it was almost over so I figured that I'd just skip the rest and go to Period E afterward. I knew that Mari was in Health right now, but I didn't want to go see her. I kinda wanted to see Daisy and if I remembered correctly, she had a free block right now.

I made my way to the other side of the school, figuring she'd be in the library or something. She liked to spend her free blocks in the library. Climbing up the steps, I stopped right in front of the library doors.

For some reason, I found myself adjusting my outfit. I wasn't sure why I was doing this, but it was just automatic. I took a quick glance at myself in the reflection of the door. I bit down on my lip gently, adjusting my one more time, before pulling the door open and stepping into the library.

Just like I had suspected, Daisy was in here. She was sitting alone at a table, her notebook in her hand in front of her. Her braces clad teeth bit down on her bottom lip and her glasses were resting nicely on the bridge of her nose.

Surprisingly, she wasn't wearing something spontaneous. She looked good and the clothes that she wore suited her. She looked . I began making my way over to her, taking the seat across from her when I was close enough.

She obviously noticed when I sat down, because she looked up from her notebook, giving me a cute smile. "Hey, Jason." She grinned, placing the notebook down on the table. I got a glimpse of what she was working on and I noticed that she had been drawing.

She was honestly the best artist that I've ever come across. The look on her face when she drew, showed that she was passionate about what she was doing and that was the best part. The looked unbelievably real it was crazy.

"I'm glad you're here, Jason." She said, looking up at me. I felt something weird going on in my stomach, but I pushed those feelings aside, so I could pay attention to why she was so happy to see me.

"Oh really? How come?" I asked, watching as she leaned over and grabbed her book-bag from the floor beside her, placing it on the table. She began taking some books out, her gaze staying fixed on the contents of her bag.

"Well, today after school. I have to go to my eye doctor and pick up my contacts. My mom was going to bring me, but something came up so she can't anymore. So, I was wondering if you could bring me?" She looked up at me with hopeful eyes. As if I'd ever be able to say no to her.

But, I enjoyed messing with her.

"Hmm, I don't know..I did have a lot of plans today," I sucked my lips into my mouth, acting as if I was thinking long and hard about taking her.

"Common, Jase. It's going to take like five minutes," She begged, pouting her bottom lip out towards me. I haven't noticed this before, but she had really kissable lips.

"I guess, I could..but, you're going to have to do something for me," I grinned and she nodded her head, ready to do what I needed her to do.

"You're going to have to draw a picture of me." I nodded towards her notebook and she let out a quick giggle; "Okay, if that's it," She shrugged, gathering her things as the bell sounded. I got up too, looking over at her.

"I'll see you in Mr. Lewis' class," Daisy smiled, coming up to me and wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug. I was confused as to why she was hugging me, but I didn't argue. I just wrapped my arms back around her, letting the aroma of her shampoo and perfume fill my nostrils.

Seconds passed and she was pulling away from the hug, walking out of the library. I watched her as she walked, noticing as she swayed her hips from side to side, something that I've never noticed her do before. She was changing so much and I don't even think she realized it.

Turning back, I noticed that her notebook was still laying there on the table. I picked it up, figuring that I'd just give it to her when I saw her next. Plus, I kinda wanted to look through it and see her pictures.

I made my way out of the library, walking towards my Period E class...Math. I walked down the hallway, ignoring the people that tried to talk to me – one destination in mind. I wasn't sure why I was so eager to get to class, but I think it was because then I could settle down in my seat and look through the pictures.

As I walked, I think Mari tried to talk to me, but I wasn't going to talk to her. She had been ignoring me for the past week and I wasn't just going to talk to her, because she was ready.

Walking through the doors of my Math class, I sat down in the back row where I usually sat. Instead of pulling out my Math binder, like everyone else..I put the notebook on the table, opening it up to the first page.

I flipped through after after . Every time I flipped the page, I got this rush of happiness inside of me. I loved her drawings, they were so good. Some of them even looked so real, it was crazy.

There was one picture, though. This caught my eye. It was a black and white drawing of a girl with tears in her eyes. If you slapped on a pair of crooked glasses, this would be a spitting image of April Hamilton. Now I was really beginning to think that April and Daisy were friends, maybe after April moved they kept in touch.

Maybe, April told her about the boy that broke her heart, just didn't mention his name. Then, after their talk..Daisy could have felt inspired to draw a picture of her friend the way she was feeling.

I honestly needed to ask Daisy if she knew April. Maybe if she did, I'd be able to talk her out of getting involved with Ryan.

This could actually work.

I spent the rest of the period, looking through the notebook at different pictures. All of them were really good, but only a few other ones caught my eye. After seeing them I began trying to figure out why she drew these and what she was feeling at the time.

There was the of the Little Mermaid. She wore a frown and an upset expression. This one was dated all the way back to the first day of high school. I was surprised that she had kept this notebook for so long, but that wasn't the point.

I began thinking about the similarities between Ariel and Daisy. Both of them had this fiery red hair and dimples on their cheeks. They both had big eyes. Hmm..

I noticed that on the picture, Ariel looks different from in the movie. She wore a bandana on her head and a tattoo on her arm, two things that made her different from the other mermaids. Maybe she was upset because she was different and now her other mermaid friends didn't want her around.

Wait...When Daisy started high school, that's when she got her braces and her glasses. Right around that time, Monica and Mari stopped talking to her. I wasn't sure why, but they did.

In this picture, Ariel seems like she's staring at something. Maybe she's staring off at her friends who are over there having a good time, while she's a loner? Maybe Daisy drew this picture, because she was feeling lonely. I was sure of it, actually.

The two new things in the picture, the bandana and the tattoo, were causing Ariel to loose her friends, just like Daisy's glasses and braces, caused her to loose hers. Woah, I'm smart..

The next , I was staring at. I didn't even know the date to know when this happened and what this was about. I remember this night like it was yesterday and it surprised me that she had thought it was a special enough night that she should draw a picture of it.

It was the first night that we were on our 'honeymoon'. Once we got there, I was out like a light, but she was still up. She was on the couch watching TV when I woke up. It was late and she told me that I had missed dinner, I just told her that I wasn't hungry.

I joined her on the couch and we were both watching reruns of Boy Meets World, laughing at the things Corey said, taking silent life lessons from Mr. Feeny. Daisy gawked over Shawn, going on about how attractive he was.

As the time went on, we both grew kinda sleepy. We both knew that we should go to bed, but neither of us wanted to move, so we just fell asleep like that. I was laying on her lap and she was laying on my back.

I could remember how warm she was and how good she smelt. I remember her humming quietly as we drifted deeper and deeper into sleep and all I wanted to do at that moment was hold her closer.

Before, I thought I wanted to hold her so close because it was cold in the room..but now, I'm starting to think there was a whole other reason for that.

The last picture that caught my attention was different from the other ones. This , didn't need any interpreting and it caused a knot to form in my throat, making it difficult for me to swallow.

I was silently praying that this didn't really happen and she had just drew this picture for no reason, but knowing Ryan, I was doubting it. There was no doubt that this was a picture of her and Ryan, obviously kissing.

I couldn't help but wonder what they've been doing in the past couple of weeks and how far he had gone. I knew they haven't gone all the way, because they are still seeing each other. Ryan wouldn't leave unless he got what he wanted and right now, what he wants is her virginity.

Hearing the bell ring, I picked up my bag and put it on my back correctly. I picked up the notebook, closing it and walking out of the door and into the hallway which was becoming crowded with teenagers.

I began heading to the lunch room, not even bothering to stop at my locker. It wasn't like I was going to to participating in any of the classes. Well, besides Mr. Lewis, but that was only for the sake of Daisy.

As I made my way down the hallway, my eyes landed on a group of girls who were walking towards me. Normally, I would just continue walking but at the center of the group was Daisy. She was still wearing the same outfit as before, obviously. But instead of the wedges that she was wearing earlier, gold adorned her feet, bringing her back to her original height.

I began making my way over to her and her friends, seeing Brandy standing there, talking and laughing with some other girl. "Hey, Blossom," I grinned, looking down at her. She smiled up at me, running her fingers through her long red locks. She seemed to be wearing it down a lot now. I liked the way it looked.

"Jason," She smiled. I brought the notebook up so it was eye level with her and her eyes widened slightly.

"Oh my Gosh! I thought I lost it!" She exclaimed, reaching up and taking the book from me. She brought her arms around me again, pulling me in for another hug. I hugged her back, loving her hugs. I was definitely going to have to come up with a bunch of excuses to hug her more often.

My mind began to wander back to when she had kissed me on the cheek in the library. Her lips were so soft against my cheek and that one gesture sent about a thousand jolts of electricity through my body.

I hadn't noticed that she stopped hugging me, so my arms were still wrapped tightly around her waist. "Uhm..Jason," I heard her mumbled, her hands now resting on my chest. I looked down at her, my cheeks turning a light pink color...not because I was blushing, though. Because it just suddenly got hot in the hallway. Yeah...

I quickly let go of her waist, allowing her to step back. She straightened out her outfit a bit, giving me a warm smile; "I'll see you in class," She said, before walking past me and towards her friends again.

A sigh left my lips as I began walking forwards towards the cafeteria, but was stopped again, this time against my will. I small manicured hand placed itself on my shoulder, stopping me from walking any further.

"Jason, where have you been all day?" Mari asked looking up at me with a slight pout. Her pout was not nearly as cute as Daisy's. For Daisy it , not so much for Mari.

I honestly have to stop comparing them.

"I've been here." I shrugged, stepping back so I could look at her a bit better. As usual, Mari was wearing very clothing, something that I didn't find that appealing anymore. I watched as she made her way over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and placing a sloppy kiss on my lips.

I pulled away after two seconds of it, not wanting it to go too far. She didn't seem to mind though, she just gave me a sultry smirk, before stepping back from me; "Ready to go?" She asked, causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" She looked up at me, rolling her eyes. "Aren't you going to take me out for lunch?" She asked, giving me an expression as if I was suppose to know that she wanted to go out for lunch.

"No, not today. I'm stay here." I answered, walking past her and into the cafeteria. I could hear a groan leave her lips, but I ignored it as I got into the lunch line so I could get my wrap. I just couldn't wait to get to Mr. Lewis' class.


From: Ryan<333

Just come, babe. You'll love it.

I sighed silently to myself. Ryan had been urging me to go to this party with him for the past week, but I just wasn't feeling it. I wasn't a party type of person. I liked to stay home watching TV. During these past weeks, my looks my have changed..but, I was still me.

I knew that I was going to have to either go to the party with him, or find an amazing excuse on why I can't go. I could tell him that I had promised Brandy that I'd hang out with her?, he'd probably just tell me to bring Brandy along.

How is this kid even invited to a party? He doesn't even live here..oh, yeah! He use to come to school here..forgot about that.

Shaking my head, I entered Mr. Lewis' room taking my new seat. In the second to last row, the seat right in front of Jason. Since we were paired to be married, Mr. Lewis thought it would be a good idea if you sat next to your partner. I didn't mind sitting in the back, it was a lot more interesting then the front.

I can see everything in the back. Dean trying to flirt with Bianca. Drew's hands sliding up Ciara's leg. The spit balls that are silently thrown around, the note passing. No wonder Jason sits in the back in all of his classes.

Before class could begin, I thought it would be a good idea if I text-ed Ryan back, just to keep myself busy for the next couple of minutes.

To: Ryan<333

I don't like parties. I won't love it.

I answered, placing my phone on the desk in front of me. My gaze shifted from my desk, to the door – watching as kids filed in one by one, taking their seats. A couple more minutes passed and just as the late bell rang, Jason came strolling in.

He glanced around the room, before walking a bit further into the room taking his seat behind me. Lucky for him, Mr. Lewis was running late, if he wasn't I'm sure Jason would be locked outside.

As he passed me, he tapped my shoulder, giving me a sweet smile. I smiled back, running my fingers through my hair. Once he was seated, I turned around so I was facing him.

"Please tell me you have the paper that we were working on," I nearly begged, remembering that I had given it to him yesterday so he could work on it. He sucked his lips into his mouth, shaking his head from side to side.

"No, I don't think I have it," He mumbled, searching his pockets. I frowned, watching as he looked around for it. "Oh wait," I heard him speak up, getting up from his seat and going over to the window. He opened it up, reached up towards the top and pulled out a folded white piece of paper, bringing it back over to me.

"I put it over there, because I knew I was going to forget it," He explained, unfolding the paper and handing it to me. I grinned at him, taking the paper and turning around once I heard the door shut.

Instead of seeing Mr. Lewis standing at the front of the room, my eyes were greeted by a short lady. She had long black hair that was tied back in a tight pony tail, a nice body, her hips were round and her stomach was flat. She had these huge green eyes and plump lips.

She sort of looked like the Jade brat doll.

"Hello, I'm Ms. Joyce," She introduced herself, instantly catching the attention of everyone in the class. "Your original teacher is out today, so just work on your projects." She smiled, before turning around and going and sitting at the desk.

Most subs were like this. When they didn't know what to teach, they just gave us a worksheet and sat down at the desk until the class was over. It was like they were babysitting for the next forty-five minutes, not that I minded.

I got up from where I was sitting, turning my desk around so I could face Jason without having to just turn my body around. When I looked at him, I noticed that his eyes were fixed on the teacher, watching her every move.

"Jason," I called, waiting for him to look over at me. But, he didn't though, he kept his eyes fixed on the teacher. He did tear his attention from her, though, after hearing his name being called by one of the boys on the other side of the room.

His name was Colton and he was famous for hitting on every girl with a pulse. He was gross, if you asked me..but not many people seemed to think so.

The two boys mouthed words to each other for a couple of minutes, before Colton flipped the bird and got up from where he was sitting, going over to the teacher's desk.

"Uhm, Ms. Joyce. Could you come help me on one of the problems?" He asked, looking up at her with an innocent look on his face. Ms. Joyce furrowed her eyebrows, before nodding her head and walking over to where Colton's seat was. He got down on his seat, explaining to her why he needed help and she helped him to the best of her ability.

Jason rolled his eyes, looking back over at me; "Let's get to work," He stated, before pulling a pencil out of his pocket, ready to start working on our paper.


I stood in front of the school, waiting patiently for Jason to come out. I don't know what he was doing, but he was taking forever to do it. After Mr. Lewis' class, Jason told me to wait for him in front of the school then he'd take me to get my contacts.

I was so excited for my contacts, I feel like they were overdue. I needed them, so bad. I hated these stupid glasses, that made me look like a huge nerd. The only other thing I needed was to get my braces off and I'd be perfect. I've made a whole lot of new friends since I started hanging out with Brandy.

They really seemed to like me too. It took them four years to realize that there was more to me then just glasses and train tracks, I was a great person if you asked me.

"Ready to go?" I heard from behind me, causing me to spin around – becoming face to face with Jason. I don't know what was going on, but he was starting to look more and more attractive.

He was smiling brightly at me, showing off the faint dimple on his left cheek. He was just really cute.

"Yeah, let's go." I smiled, linking arms with him as we descended the stairs and made our way towards his car. This morning, Brandy had brought me to school – telling me that I was done taking the bus. If Jason's not bringing me, then I could call her and she'd bring me. The bus wasn't for me, she said.

Jason unlocked the car doors and I got in on my side, waiting for him to get on his. Once we were both in, he started the car and turned on the radio. Gone, Gone, Gone – Phillip Phillips, was playing and I instantly started jamming out...this was my song.

Jason playfully rolled his eyes at me, backing out of the school parking lot and pulling onto the street. We drove around for a bit, the music playing, me singing and Jason laughing at me every now and again.

I wasn't really singing my best, just goofing off. I didn't really feel the need to sing my best, why would I? I watched as Jason reached his hand over, turning down the music. He glanced over at me, staring at me for a second before returning his gaze to the road.

"Do you know April Hamilton?" He asked, almost out of nowhere. I smiled at that name, all of the memories of us together, rushing through my brain. April was my friend. She was smart, so she took all higher level classes, so she was in most of my classes. April was a lot like me in a whole lot of ways, I think that's why we got along so well.

We only started being friends a year before she moved, though. We still kept in touch after she moved, but everything changed for us when she started school and hooked up with this random guy. He took her virginity and just left her like that. High and dry. She called me the week after, telling me all about it and sobbing into my ear.

I comforted her, the best I could and then that was the last time I talked to her. I've learned, from Facebook, that she lost all respect for herself. She began partying all the time and drinking and doing all this stuff that she'd never was weird how she could just flip just because one guy fucked her over.

Whoever that guy was, though. He was an asshole and deserved all of the bad karma the world could give him. Hurting someone as sweet and innocent as April. How dare he? Jason glanced at me again, possibly waiting for my answer to his question. I just nodded my head, looking over at him; "Yeah, we were friends. Why?" He looked over at me, opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but then he shook his head, returning his attention to the road ahead of him. That confused me, but I didn't let it get to me. Jason could be confusing at times.

"You and are you guys?" He asked, ignoring my question..yet again. He seemed to do that a lot, ignore the questions that I asked him as if I never asked. It bothered me. A whole lot. Maybe I should ignore his questions.

And why was he asking me about Ryan? He didn't like us together so why would he care how we were? I rolled my eyes slightly, before shrugging my shoulders; "We're fine," I answered dully, grabbing my phone from my pocket to see if I had received a message. Nothing.

"Oh, uhm. That's good. What do you guys do?" He asked, biting down on his lip gently. "I mean, you spend a whole lot of time together..what do you do in all that time?" He asked, glancing over at me before looking at the road again.

I instantly knew what he wanted to know. The pieces began to click. He had my notebook. He obviously looked at the pictures (which I didn't care about) he most likely saw the drawing of Ryan and I. He probably thinks that we had sex. Maybe, I should mess with him a bit. Hmm, that seems like a good idea.

"Nothing really..just lay down and watch movies. He kisses me a lot, but I don't mind it. We're always in his hotel room, though." I forced laugh left my lips; "One night it was so hot, he suggested that we watch movies in our underwear. I don't know if he was just kidding, but I ended up getting undressed and laying there with him, just watching movies." I glanced over, trying to see his expression.

His eyebrows were furrowed and lowered and he wore a slight frown on his face.

"He kept grabbing my boobs, so I just took my bra off so he could grab the actual thing. Well, one thing led to thing I knew, I was waking up naked in the bathroom." I finished the story off, looking back over at him.

His eyebrows shot up and he looked over at him a shocked expression on his face; "You guys fucked!? Daisy, are you serious? Please don't tell me that really happened." He began to panic, his gaze shifting quickly from the road ahead to my face.

"Why would you even tell me that?" He asked aloud. "No, no. No, wait. You wouldn't tell me that. Not if it didn't happen. You're lying aren't you?" He asked, stopping at a red light at the same time he turned so he could look at me full on.

I wore a smirk on his face, trying to hold back my laughter. He face twisted to a glare and he shook his head from side to side; "I don't like you," he stated, glaring at me. I let a short giggle leave my lips.

"Your face, though." I laughed, shaking my head. "I'll get you back," He smirked, glancing at me quickly before driving ahead towards the eye doctor again. He wasn't angry, I knew that much. But, I knew whenever he got me wouldn't be pretty.

~Chapter End Notes:

Lmaao, Blossom's story, though. What do you think Jason's going to do to get her back? Hmm..I wonder.. Daisy knows April? Kind of ironic how she got so worked up over the guy that hurt April and she's dating him...haha.

When do you think she's going to find out? I hope soon... You think Daisy's going to give in and go to the party with Jason?

Thank you guys for the votes!~ we love you marshmallows so muuchhh!! :))

We made it extra long for you because we've been inactive for a long time but we hope you love the update today. The next update comes tomorrow again ;) ♥

-christine and lenox

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