Ruthless punk h.s fanfic

By BeaUtifUl_BieBer526

2.7K 14 4

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, my lips quivering, "I have nothing for you." He smirked at me lowering his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 4

273 2 1
By BeaUtifUl_BieBer526

Btw I imagine the doctor as Leonardo Dicaprio....idefk anyways enjoy!

Arias POV:
I couldn't sleep at all that night.
I kept tossing and turning, thinking about the events that took place that night.
The way his lips molded with mine. The way he was so delicate yet rough at the same time.
Wait, why was I thinking of Harry? He's just a dïck twitch that only cares about himself. I told myself shaking my head as I sat up in my bed. I looked over at the alarm clock to see the large red numbers that read 3:04 am. At this point I was done trying to fall asleep and got out of bed going to my bathroom and turning on the light. I decided that I should run a bath, so I turned the water on warm and let it warm up a bit. I began to remove my clothes and looked inside the cabinet underneath the sink for some bubbles. I ended up coming across a bath bomb instead.
Even better. I thought to myself with a smile. I threw the rose scented bath bomb into the water and watched it as it dissolved. After I decided the bath was filled up enough, I stopped the running water and stepped inside instantly feeling my body melt. I slowly slid inside the warm rose scented water until it went up to my chin. I closed my eyes and sighed. Now this was relaxing.

I woke up to my alarm clock going off from the side of my bed. I didn't even remember falling asleep in the bath. Plus, I could have drowned. Mental note to self: never fall asleep in the bath ever again.
I climbed out of the now cold water and wrapped a white fluffy towel around my body and ran over to the alarm clock and shut it off with a sigh.
Well, no need for a shower. I thought to myself as I grabbed the uniform that we are required to wear and hurriedly put it on. I went into the bathroom and put on my mascara, a bit of eyeshadow, and filled in my eyebrows. I put my hair into a high ponytail, slipped on my heels, and left my room. I found it a bit ridiculous that Harry made all of us girls wear slūtty maid outfits with heels. I absolutely hated it. When I got downstairs, I accidents bumped into someone. Hard. I looked up to see Niall looking down at me with an amused look.
"Well hello there Aria. How are you on this fine morning?" He joked.
I rolled my eyes and chuckled at him.
"I am doing well and you?" I asked playing along.
"Fine thank you." He answered.
We both laughed at our stupidity and his face became serious.
"Listen, I need to bring you somewhere, ok?" I was a bit concerned by what he meant, but it was Niall. I could trust him. Right?
"Uh, sure. When do we need to go?" I asked him.
"Right now," he answered and grabbed me by the arm, leading me somewhere I knew not. We came to a halt in front of a clear glass door that read 'clinic' in bold letters. He lead me inside, and we sat down in two waiting chairs. I tapped my leg nervously not knowing what was about to happen.
After what felt like forever, a tall man walked out of the white door in front of us. He had a bit of a beard, brown hair, and striking blue eyes. He looked down at the clip board that he was holding in his hand.
"Ah, you must be Aria," he said looking at me as I stood up to the sound of my name.
"Yes," I answered with a smile.
"Well hello there Aria, I am Leo. I am what you would consider a doctor around here, and I will be checking you out today alright?" He explained.
"Ok," I simply answered as he led me through the door, Niall close behind.
"Ah, Niall how are you?" He asked shaking his hand firmly.
"Fine and you?"
"Great," Leo answered.
"Ok, so Aria will you just sit up on this table here and I will check your blood pressure." He explained.
"Alright not too bad," I answered with a chuckle.
He wrapped the arm part around my arm, pressed a few buttons, and it began to inflate. After he was finished, he checked my heart beat and took a sample of my blood to run a few tests and I seemed healthy according to the results. I thought that I was good to go, but boy was I wrong.
"Aria, I am going to chip you now," Leo said casually.
I looked over to Niall who was looking at me with pity as my eyes widened.
"You-you're what?" I asked, unsure if I had heard him correctly.
"Chip you. You know. Implant a chip inside of your wrist right there." He said tapping my wrist.
I pulled it away from him and put it up to my chest.
"But I don't want to get chipped. Why do you have to?" I asked beginning to panic.
"Aria, it's ok," Niall said standing up holding my hand in his.
"All slaves when we first arrive get checked to make sure we are healthy, and then we get chipped. It feels a bit like a shot. It only hurts for a second, I promise." He said. He tenderly kissed the top of my hand and let his lips linger on my hand.
"You can squeeze my hand with your left hand while he puts the chip in your right wrist alright?" He offered.
"O-ok," I answered in a shaky voice.
Never in a million years did expect this to happen to me.
"I'm ready," I told Leo, taking a deep breathe.
I grabbed Nialls hand and he gave it a reassuring squeeze.
"One," Leo counted down.
Niall turned my head to him. "Look at me." He said gently.
I winced from the pain and squeezed my eyes shut as well as Nialls hand.
"Aria, you can open your eyes now," I heard Niall chuckle. I opened one eye and then the other. I brought my wrist closer to my face to get a better look. I couldn't see a difference so that was good.
"The whole reason why we get chipped, is so Harry knows where we are at what time." Leo began.
"So that makes sure we don't try to run away, and even if we tried, we'd get stopped by the guard dogs and the electrical fence." He explained.
I simply nodded my head in response.


"It's been a long day, but it's only the beginning." I complained to Niall.
"You'll be alright," Niall answered rubing my back and putting his arm around my waist.
"How about this: I can tell Harry that you're not feeling well, and we can hang out in my room for the day," he suggested looking down at me.
I smiled and looked him in the eye.
"That'd be perfect," I responded.
He smiled back. "Good. Now go get into some comfy clothes and I'll pick you up to go to my room ok?" He asked.
"Ok," I answered loving the sound of that.
"Alright, see you then," he said pulling away from me and heading in the opposite direction. I sighed.
Niall is such a great guy. I thought to myself.
I ascended up the stairs and went up to the elevator, pressing the button that read my floor number. When the doors parted, I stepped out and practically ran down the hall to my room, opening and closing the door behind me. I took out a loose white t-shirt with a pair of grey sweatpants and laid them out onto my bed. I took off my heels rubbing my sore feet, and removed my stupid uniform throwing it on my bed. I then changed into my comfy clothes and flopped onto my bed with a sigh. It was quit nice to take a day off. Just then, there was a knock at my door and I got up to open it. In front of me, was a grinning Niall.
"Ready?" He asked.
"Yes," I responded closing my door behind me. We then took the elevator to the next floor, and headed to Nialls room.
"Here we are," he said once he opened the door. It looked pretty similar to mine, except his room colors consisted of blues and greys while mine was purples and whites.
"I like it," I commented.
"It's not much," he sighed as he laid down on his bed. I stood there not knowing whether I should go over or not.
He chuckled. "Come here," Niall said motioning for me to come closer.
I walked over to the bed and laid down next to him.
"You can come closer you know," he laughed.
I laughed as well and scooted over closer to him so I was snuggled up to him. He wrapped his arm around me and I was enveloped in his warmth. He looked down at me and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.
"So beautiful," he said barely above a whisper.
I smiled and laughed as I put my face into the crook of his neck.
"You're not too bad yourself," I responded.
"Well thank you,"
After that it was quiet for a little bit, the both of us lost inside of our own heads.
"Do you ever miss them?" I asked before I could think of what I was saying.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
Too late now.
"Do you miss them? Your family, I mean." I asked looking down at my hands.
"Well of course. I think of them every day."
"What about you?" He asked after another moment of silence.
"I miss them so much. Niall, I wanna go home," I said looking up at him.
He sighed. "I know. I do too," he admitted rubbing my arm.
"But hey, we have each other," he said leaning away from me to look me in the eye. "If you need anything just let me know ok?" He offered.
"Alright," I answered.
He began to lean in slowly, his movement hesitant. I felt myself slowly lean in as well. We were so close. I could feel his warm breath fanning over my face and our foreheads touching. I smiled.
"Just kiss me," I whispered. Emedietly, his lips crashed onto mine. His lips were soft and delicate. We moved in sink and I could feel him smiling against my lips. I brought my hands up to the side of his cheeks, and he grabbed my hips. He then moved me so I was now on top of him. I felt his tongue push against my lips asking for entry and I obliged. We fought for dominance until he won, and he explored my mouth. His lips detached themselves from my lips and moved down to my neck area. I felt him beginning to suck causing me to moan. After he was done, he blew on to it and I winced knowing it would definitely leave a mark. My hand began to explore his body, going underneath his shirt and feeling his muscles clench underneath my touch. He began to leave small kisses down my neck and on my face. I began to laugh as he flipped us over so I was now on the bottom. He was hovering above me as he smiled at me causing me to do the same. He ducked back down and began to kiss me again with his arms on either sides of my head. His hands found their way to the hem of my shirt and he began to tug at it. He lifted it up so my stomach was showing, and I lifted my back off of the bed so he could remove it. He then threw it across the room and looked down at my body and smiled. "Wow." He commented looking down at my body. "Black looks nice on you," he commented referring to my black bra. I laughed. "Why thank you," I said and pulled his face back down to mine, our lips crashing into each other once again. He began to kiss down my chest and on my stomach, swirling his tongue on my stomach as well. He came back up to me and began to kiss me once again slowly and passionately this time, our tongues once again fighting for dominance, until someone charged into the room causing the both of us to stop our motions as we looked at the person in front of us.
He smirked and leaned against the doorframe, crossing his tattooed arms over his chest.
"Well well well what do we have here?" He asked. I covered my now bright red face full of embarrassment while Niall rolled off of me.
"Shut it Liam!" Niall shouted throwing a pillow at Liam missing him completely.
"Don't worry guys, I've walked in on a lot worse." He laughed.
"But I've come here to tell you something important Niall," Liam began.
"Ok what it is?" He asked a bit impatiently.

"A new slave has arrived."

😱 *Gasps*   
There we go! Another chapter is done! I hope you guys are enjoying the story! It's pretty early but I have got a lot of plans for this book and I hope it goes well. you guys and stay tuned for more updates! Love you!!
Xoxo Alora Mae 😘😘

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