Across the Stars (OuterTale S...

By HiiAlice

14.2K 505 203

The humans trapped the monsters in Outer Space sealed with a magical barrier. Y/n finds herself in a situatio... More

Hello again


1.9K 69 30
By HiiAlice

Sorry it's long :3

Y/n pov

When I wake up I'm in.....Outer Space?! Oh no! This is bad really, really bad! I was headed to the...moon!? Maybe I can look for help there!  Unfortunately, I don't know how to drive a rocket. I look to the controls. Maybe I can land it! Or crash it.... Well I'll go with the first option. I click some buttons. The rocket goes faster.....WAY faster! I'm going to crash!  As the moon inched closer I was getting more worried. I took an astronaut suit and helmet and jumped off. Only to be pushed forward by the explosion of the rocket. I fall down a crater.

Am I alive?  I was on top of some flowers. Flowers in space? I start walking only to find...another flower?  "Howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flower!" the flower stated. It talks?!  "Ummm...hi" "Hmm....You're new here aren't cha?" I nod. "Golly! You must be so confused! Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do! Ready? Here we go!" I feel something in my chest and my soul gets pulled out. "See that heart? That is your soul! The very culmination of your being!" I look at it it was bright f/c. "Your soul starts off weak, but you can grow stronger if you gain a lot of LV!"  "What's LV?" I ask. "What does LV stand for? Why LOVE of course! You want some LOVE don't you? Don't worry I'll share some with you!" This is a weird flower. "Down here LOVE is shared through 'little white friendliness pellets'!" Flowey continued. Friendliness pellets? That doesn't sound right, but I guess if this flower is nice enough to show me how things work here then I guess it's okay.

"Are you ready? Move around! Get as many as you can!" I touch one and pain travels through my body. "YOU IDIOT! IN THIS WORLD IT'S KILL OR BE KILLED! WHY WOULD ANYONE PASS UP AN OPPORTUNITY LIKE THIS!?" I look at my HP, only one. Then 'Friendliness pellets' surround me. "DIE!" They get closer and closer, until....they stop? A fireball hits Flowey throwing him far away. I see a...woman monster? "What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth." I look at the monster with fear. Did they just kill Flowey?! I mean they did save me though... "Ah, do not be afraid my child. I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins." Something told me that I could trust her. "I pass through this place everyday to see if anyone has fallen down. You are the first human to come here in a very long time." Wait, so I'm not the first?  "Come! I will guide you through the catacombs!" I feel my soul go back into my chest. "This way!"

I follow Toriel through a doorway. "Woah!" I admired. I see a yellow star in the distance I touch it and save. *The shadows of the ruins looms above, filling you with DETERMINATION  I continue to follow Toriel. "Welcome to your new home, innocent one" piped Toriel. New home? But, I have to get back! I can't stay here...I'll ask her about that later. "Allow me to educate you in the operation of the Ruins" Toriel presses some buttons on the floor and a door opens. "The Ruins are full of puzzles. Ancient fusions between diversions and doorways" Toriel continues to explain some things to me and I follow her until she asks me to talk to a dummy. I walk to the dummy.

Four options appeared: FIGHT  ♥ACT  ITEM  MERCY   I choose ACT.*You talk to the dummy "Hey! umm dummy! Isn't there nice weather today?" I ask. There is no weather on the moon! Good job me! *The dummy doesn't seem much for conversation *Toriel seems happy with you  *YOU WON! You earned 0 XP and 0 Gold!  "Ah, very good! You are very good!" We continue walking until I get attacked by a Froggit.

I feel my soul come out of my chest. Oh no! What should I do? *You compliment Froggit  "You look lovely today" I commented. *Froggit didn't understand what you said, but was flattered anyway  Toriel gives a death glare to Froggit and it hops away. *YOU WON! You earned 0 XP and 0 Gold! I sigh out of relief. That was easier than I expected. Toriel guided me through some puzzles, but then she asks an odd request. " I would like for you to walk to the end of the room by yourself. Forgive me for this" She then walks very fast ahead of me. I follow her.

Toriel? Don't leave me! What if Flowey comes back! No don't leave me like everyone else does! Toriel??  I finally see her as she comes from behind a pillar. "Greetings my child! Do not worry, I did not leave you! I was merely behind this pillar the whole time." I hug her. "My child I'm sorry, this was all just to test your independence" I eventually let go of her. "I must attend to some business, and you must stay alone for a while. Please remain here, it's dangerous to explore by yourself." Toriel explains. "I have an idea I will give you a CELL PHONE. If you have a need for anything, just call" She hands me a phone. "Be good, alright?" Toriel then walks away from me off to do her errands.

I try to call my friends, but no service. Guess there wouldn't be service on the moon. I hesitate before leaving the room and completing some puzzles. I also encountered several monsters, but always spared them. Even though, a voice of some kind told me to kill  them. How easy it would be to turn them to dust... I shake the thought away and continue. A very friendly ghost got in my way, but we quickly became friends. Nabstablook had a very dapper hat, I hope I see him again. I continue exploring until I finally encounter Toriel again. She walks up to my and I stare at her with half a spider donut in my mouth. "How did you get here, my child? Are you hurt?" I shake my head as the donut restored all my HP. "I should have not left you alone for so long. It was irresponsible to try and surprise you like this. Err... Well, I suppose I cannot hide it any longer. Come small one!"

I follow her to the front of her house. *Seeing such a cute, tidy house in the RUINS gives you DETERMINATION  I enter the house and she quickly shows me my room. I took a LONG nap. But hey can you blame me? I woke up to the smell of pie. I see a slice of pie beside my bed. I mean the bed! This place already feels like home! But...I have to go back! I go to where Toriel is. She was sitting on a chair reading a book. This is the perfect chance to ask her how to get home!

"Up already, I see? Um, I want you to know how glad I am to have someone here." My stomach felt like it did a flip. "There are so many old books I want to share. I want to show you my favorite bug-hunting spot. I've also prepared a curriculum for your education. This may come as a surprise to you...But I have always wanted to be a teacher...actually perhaps that isn't very surprising. STILL. I am glad to have you living here. Oh did you want something?" I could feel the guilt gnawing at my stomach. "What is it?" Toriel asked. "When can I go home?" I asked her. "What? This...this IS your home now. Um...would you like to hear about this book I'm reading?" Toriel tried to change the subject. "How to exit the RUINS?" I persisted. "...I have to do something, stay here" She goes downstairs and I follow her.

She warns me several times to go back upstairs and mentioned someone called ASGORE, but I'm DETERMINED to go back home, a voice in my head was telling me to continue. Even though, all I've ever wanted is someone who would care for me, I won't let her stay here! I will free monsters and break the barrier! "You want to leave so badly? Hmph. You are just like the others. There is only one solution to this...Prove yourself. Prove to me that you are strong enough to survive!" she tells me as I feel the familiar feeling of my soul coming out of my chest.

FIGHT  ♥ACT  ITEM  MERCY  I try to talk to her, but she doesn't listen. Toriel shoots fireballs at me and I barely miss them. FIGHT ACT ITEM  ♥MERCY  I continue sparing her until I'm down to 5 HP. "Pathetic, is it not? I cannot save a single child" I hit Spare one last time. "No, I understand. You would just be unhappy being trapped down here. The RUINS are very small once you get used to them. It would not be right for you to grow up in a place like this. My expectations... My loneliness... My Fear... For you, my child... I will put them aside." I feel my soul go back into my chest as I listen to her closely. "If you truly wish to leave the RUINS...I will not stop you. However, once you leave... Please do not come back. I hope you understand." Toriel then hugs me and I hug back tighter. She was the only one who really cared about me. As I approach the door I wave a goodbye. "Goodbye Mom, I love you" The door closed and I continued my journey.

So sad! Q~Q Sorry that this chapter is long (I wanted for y/n to really cherish her time with Goat mom and not just time skip over it) I will update soon and sorry that this took me a while to update :3 Anyways this chapter is long enough so, thanks for reading! Till the next chapter my Skelly Friends.

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