Vampire Knight- Shiki Senri L...

By roorooroopie

453K 11.5K 2.1K

A young, 16 year old girl called Yuna, now finally takes control of her own life. Her mother sad about her le... More

Chapter 1: Cross Academy!
Chapter 2: Shiki Senri
Chapter 3: Waking Up
Chapter 4: The Day Class
Chapter 5: The Fight
Chapter 6: Rejecting to Forget
Chapter 7: The Disciplinary Committee
Chapter 8: Boys VS Girls...+ Vampires!
Chapter 9: First Day on the Job!
Chapter 10: Kurando
Chapter 11: Rima's Grudge
Chapter 12: Pictures of You, Pictures of Me
Chapter 13: The New Member
Chapter 14: Asuna's Hidden Secrets
Chapter 15: Super Fun Happy Night With Zero... NOT!
Chapter 16: This Unbelievable Evening
Chapter 17: Lending Him a Hand
Chapter 18: Are You Thirsty? Drink My Blood!
Chapter 19: The Truth About An Angel
Chapter 20: Goodbye Terra
Chapter 21: Dreams Of Sickness
Chapter 22: Asuna's Discovery
Chapter 23: The Vampires Ally
Chapter 24: Kurando's Real Side
Chapter 25: My Vampire Knight!
Chapter 26: He Doesn't Deserve This!
Chapter 27: I Love You, You Stupid Vampire
Chapter 28: Goodbye Forever?
Chapter 29: The Bird Attack!
Chapter 30: The Wolf Boy
Chapter 31: Waking Up With A Wolf
Chapter 32: Class With Bane
Chapter 33: Keeping It Together!
Chapter 34: The Invitation
Chapter 35: Gothic Princess
Chapter 36: The Run-away Wolf
Chapter 37: Princess Aminta
Chapter 38: The Ball
Chapter 39: The News of the Criminal
Chapter 41: The Waiting
Chapter 42: The Wave Is In Sight
Chapter 43: Absorbing The Evil
Chapter 44: His Invincible Weapon
Chapter 45: The Death Of Love
Chapter 46: I'm Never Alone (Final Chapter)

Chapter 40: The Beast is the Last Resort

5K 158 33
By roorooroopie

Chapter 40:

The Beast is the Last Resort

I ran as fast as I could to my dorm room as everywhere was locked up and many guards were around just in case day class students left during the night. I needed to get to a phone and fast!

   I struggled with the key as I was shaking and I could hear footsteps behind me. Asuna and Yuuki were following.

   I opened the door and ran to the room’s home phone and snatched it from its docking station and punched in the numbers. I had to start again a few times because in my shock, I pushed in the wrong numbers. “Yuna!” Yuuki said skipping past Asuna who stood in the doorway. “Hang on a moment! What will you do if your Mum’s in trouble?” She said in a husky, hasty tone. I looked up at her with smoky eyes which stung.

   I thought for a moment glancing at the floor and slowly dialling in Mum’s home number. “I’ll go home and protect her.” I said after a while. That was my decision.

   “You can’t!” Yuuki cried, “We need you! Without you we won’t win this war! They’ll attack! So many of them and without you…”  Yuuki stopped and sounded as if she was gonna start crying. “Your father will come here too. He has the same abilities as you correct? He’ll wipe out every Vampire on these grounds!”

   “Family is more important to me—sorry.” I said holding the phone to my ear.

   “But Yuna!” Yuuki cried again. I ignored her.

   Mum answered, “He-hello?” She stuttered over the other side.

   I swallowed hard and tried to hold in my tears, “Mum? Are you OK? Has Dad—”

   “Yuna! Oh my God are you alright?! Has your father come to your school? Are you safe?!” She yelled and I pulled away from the phone until her voice went quieter.

   “No Mum, he hasn’t come yet. Has he hurt you?” I asked shaking and holding back some tears of which were trying their hardest to escape my eyes.

   She paused and remained silent.

   “Mum!” I demanded.

   “Look, Yuna, you don’t have to worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

   “No Mum, has he hurt you?!” I asked again in a more serious tone.

   She sighed, “Not as bad as I thought he would’ve…” She said sniffing loudly. The last time I heard her sniff like that was when I was leaving to go to the Academy. She’s been crying.

   “What did you think he’d do?” I asked, afraid of the answer.

   “I thought he’d—he’d kill me.” She said in all honesty.

   I began to freak out a bit, “WHAT?! MUM I’M COMING HOME NOW!” I yelled and started glancing around the room for my wheelie suit case.

   “No!” She yelled back, “Don’t you dare! You’ll bump into him on the journey for sure. He’s coming to the school because… because of me.”

   I looked puzzled at Yuuki and Asuna; they could only hear one half of the conversation so they were trying so hard to work out what Mum was saying. “What do you mean it’s because of you?” I asked.

   She sighed again, “I’m so sorry. I told your father while he was still locked up that you wanted to go to Cross Academy. He said he didn’t want you going but I ignored him. After you had left I told him again and he was furious with me. I don’t know why but he said he’d go to your school. I think he wants to hurt everyone who goes to your school and I don’t even know why. He says the Academy is a dreadful school.” She replied.

   I stopped for a moment taking in this information. I was startled at what my Dad was planning on doing. He was gonna come here and kill everyone and not only that but he’s teamed up with a Pure Blood to help his success in doing so. Oh. My. God.

   “You need to get out of there Yuna! Run and don’t look back. Take your friends with you! He won’t spare your life; I was lucky to escape with my own!” She cried in fear.

   I shook my head as if she could see me doing so, “No! I’m coming home now to protect you whether you like it or not! He’s hurt you and I’m gonna be with you because you need me!” I finished.

   “Yuna don’t!” She demanded bursting into tears.

   “Goodbye Mum, I’m coming…” I whispered hanging up the phone. I glanced at Yuuki and Asuna. Yuuki had her hands enclosed as if she was praying and Asuna was leaning against the door frame with a horrid look on her face.

   “Yuna…” Asuna began but I shrugged her off.

   “No, don’t. I’ve already made up my mind.” I said, “You’re gonna have to fight without me—or come with me. It will be safe.” I suggested.

   Yuuki and Asuna remained quiet.

   “Suit yourselves.” I said going over to the cupboard to find my wheelie suit case. I pulled it out and unzipped it and threw it onto my bed. “I’m leaving and that’s final. Nothing will change my mind guys, I’m sorry.” I turned to catch Yuuki’s beautiful red eyes. They were filling with tears.

   “Yuna,” She stuttered, “We’re not going to win.” Asuna nodded in agreement.

   “You’re leaving everyone behind.” She said.

   “I can’t leave my mother. You’d do the same.” I replied shaking my head angrily. They didn’t understand.

   I skipped around my room collecting valuables and clothes I brought with me when I first came here. I was hasty and upset about the whole thing. I didn’t want to leave as much as I wanted to. Why? Who the hell is ever given this decision? Your Mum or your friends? It’s a life and death thing. Dad might go back and hurt Mum even more or he’ll continue to come here and murder everyone.

By the time I was almost finished packing, the morning sun was awakening over the horizon. A light orange glare shimmered through the window. This would be the last time I would see that horizon. The last time I would see Asuna. The last time I would see Yuuki, Zero or Bane. The last time I would see Shiki… Oh my God—Shiki! I love him so much and yet I’m leaving him behind too. I’m such a terrible person.

   I glanced around the room. Yuuki and Asuna had left earlier while I was packing. They gave up on trying to convince me. I can be quite stubborn when I wanna be.

   I pulled my wheelie suit case along the floor. This would be the last time I’d see this room let alone stand in it, I thought to myself and realized I almost forgot something. I ran to the desk drawer and opened one of the drawers to reveal photos. There were ones of me and Shiki when I was doing that once-in-a-lifetime photo shoot and others with just me and Asuna and there was one with me and Kurando. I covered my mouth and began to sob at the thought of Kurando.

   I broke down and collapsed onto the ground, tears rolling down my face. Of all the people I’ll miss, Kurando brought me to tears. Thinking about the others also made it much worse too as I almost started screaming in despair. I didn’t want to go! I wanted to stay and fight! Why did this have to happen?!

   After pulling myself together and wiping away all the tears. I managed to leave and lock the dorm room. I took in a deep breath and let it out standing in front of the closed door. I did it. Now, time to call a taxi downstairs and leave.

   I took my time getting downstairs trying not to stir the other girls in their dorms. I thought about everyone and if I’d ever return. If they’d be OK without me. I had no idea and all I could do was think the best for them even though it was probably the wrong future.

   When I got downstairs, I noticed the phone was missing from the docking station and I was puzzled about it not being there. Maybe someone was using it? This early in the morning? That’s weird.

   I glanced around looking for it and reasoned with myself about not walking up all those stairs again just to make a phone call. I thought I’d just walk to the town just outside of Cross Academy.

   I headed outside and walked slowly toward the school’s main gate. The creepy gate of which fascinated me. I would miss that too.

   “Yuna!” I heard Asuna call behind me. “Don’t go, please!”

   “I’m sorry but I can’t. Nothing will change my mind.” I replied not turning to look at her. I stopped and stood near the gate for a bit. I heard more footsteps behind me.

   “Yuna I’ll miss you! Don’t leave!” Bane cried.

   I shook my head, “I’m sorry.” I said.

   “Yuna.” I heard Shiki say, “You won’t stay but maybe this will tempt you.” He said as I heard someone walking toward me.

   I lifted my head up but still didn’t turn around, “What?” I asked.

   “Yuna, please don’t go.” Spoke the voice of a person of which I couldn’t help but turn around and face. My pupils locked onto the boy of which I hadn’t seen for so long. One I had loved and lost. One I thought I’d never see again. His deep red eyes and brown hair; Kurando Inugami.

   I dropped the handle of my suit case and just stared at him. They let him out! Even after knowing what he’s capable of they let him out free. Why?!

   “I’m out to help, if you’re wondering. I’m here to protect Cross Academy just like any other night class student. Yuna, will you stay and fight with me?” He asked opening his arms wide.

   I stared at him, my eyes just wide and solemn. I didn’t know what I was thinking. What the hell was happening? “I—uh—um…” I was speechless.

   “OK,” He said, “Good luck protecting your mother.” He said putting his arms down.

   That’s when I snapped and started bolting without realising it right toward Kurando. I couldn’t take it anymore! “Kurando!” I cried as I leapt into his arms and burst into tears. “I’ll stay and fight! You can count on me…” I sobbed huskily. 

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