The Newest Addition: Irrilia

By AmeliePalmer

61.1K 734 171


Home Sweet Home
Family, Irrilia. Irrilia, family.
How Are We Gonna Tell Splinter?
How Are We Gonna Tell Splinter? Pt. 2
...So Splinter Knows Now...
Aunt April and Uncle Casey
....oh no....
Night-Night, Little Irrilia
No! Not My Baby!
Papa Bear Unleashed
Operation: Save the Baby
Announcement Time!

Talk with Mona

3.2K 42 1
By AmeliePalmer

After breakfast, the whole family was off to the start of a regular day. While Splinter was off meditating, the four turtles and Irrilia were busy at their own devices. Donnie was in his lab working on something, Leo and Mikey were watching Space Heroes, and Raph was reading his comics while Irrilia sat in his lap.
She stared at the screen watching Space Heroes with her two uncles. When the character Captain Ryan zapped a large alien monster with his ray gun, Irrilia clapped. Leo chuckled. Raph was not amused. He grumbled, "Leo, if you turn her into a Space Heroes nerd like you, I swear, I'll--"
"I wont, Raph, I wont." Leo interrupted. "Won't." Irrilia mumbled. Leo held back a laugh.
Since Irrilia uttered her first word, she had begun to speak more. Donnie was excited about this and took the opportunity to begin helping her learn how to talk. Irrilia now had special names for her family; Donatello was 'Dommy', Leonardo was 'Leow', Michelangelo was 'Mickey' (which Mikey thought was hilarious since it reminded him of the mouse character), April's nickname sounded much alike to 'apple', Casey was 'Cassie', and Splinter was 'Slipper' (everyone burst out laughing at that).
Raphael felt quite proud when Irrilia's second word was 'Daddy'.
Irrilia poked Raphael in his arm. "Draw?" she chirped. Raphael knew what she meant. He got her some blank paper and crayons then laid them out on the ground right between Leo and Mikey. Irrilia hugged Raphael's leg. "Thank yew. Daddy." she said. Raphael patted her on top of her head and sat back down on the couch. He returned to reading his comics, but would glance every minute to look at Irrilia as she drew. Mikey was the one to teach her that.
In fact, Mikey was helping Irrilia out as she drew. He would hand her crayons for her to use, show her how to draw certain things, and even give her tips.

Ding! Ding!

Raphael looked away from his comics and Irrilia. The sound was coming from one of Donnie's computers. Donnie stopped what he was doing and checked the computer. He turned to Raph. "Hey, Raphael, it's for you!" he called out. Raph got up, gave Irrilia a kiss, and went over to Donnie and his computer. Donnie was smirking mischievously at his brother. And Raph found out why--on the screen was Mona Lisa. "Mona! Hey!" he greeted her. Mona smiled. "Hello, Raphael." she greeted back. Donnie patted Raphael on his shoulder while he exited. "I'll give you guys some privacy." he said.
Raph plopped down in a chair in front of the computers. "I haven't heard from you since...well, you know..." he said. "I know. I have been trying to get in contact with you. Unfortunately, things have happened." she explained. Raph crossed his arms. "Triceratons?" he said. Mona nodded.
"That's okay. I get it. Those guys are total asses."
Mona laughed.
"So other than that, are you feeling better?"
"Yes. I hope to see you and Irrilia soon. Speaking of which, where is she?"
"Wait here."
Raph got up. One minute later, he came in with Irrilia in his arms. She was holding one of her drawings in her hand. Raph sat back down in the chair and faced Mona.
"Hello, Irrilia. It's me, Mommy." Mona warmly spoke to Irrilia. Irrilia turned towards the screen. She stood up in Raphael's lap and waved at Mona with a big smile. "Hi, Mommy!" she squealed. Both Raphael and Mona laughed. "Donnie's been teaching her all kinds of stuff. Y'know the basic stuff; shapes, colors, and words." Raph said. Irrilia plopped herself back down in Raph's lap.
Raph and Mona spent the next ten minutes or so discussing recent events in each others lives, space, New York City, Irrilia, Raph's brothers, and so forth.
"I do hope to see you and Irrilia soon, Raphael. I love you both very much." she said. "I love you too, Mona." Raph replied. Raph looked down at Irrilia, who was still grasping her picture. "What 'ya got there, sweetie?" he asked her. He took the drawing Irrilia made and examined it.
The picture was a drawing of herself with Raphael holding her hand. Above them, written in black crayon, was the title 'My Family'. Raphael showed Mona the picture. She smiled. Until--
"Where am I?" she asked.
There was a moment of awkward silence. Raph stuttered. He felt guilty. Irrilia snatched her picture back. "Not done!" she said. Mona and Raph stared at her. "Need Mommy." Irrilia muttered. Raphael and Mona Lisa turned to each other smiled. What a relief. Mona turned back to Irrilia. "It's a pretty drawing, Irrilia. I love you." she said. Irrilia smiled.
Raphael and Mona said their good-bye's to each other before turning of the screen.

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