Operation: Save the Baby

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In the Kraang's lair, in ocean by Statue of Liberty...

Irrilia's screams and cries rang throughout the lair as Kraang carried her to his lab. She wrestled and squirmed in his grip, desperate to escape. Kraang struggled to keep the infant in his grasp. "Hold still, you hybrid brat!" he demanded. Irrilia screeched in terror and anger. She hadn't the slightest idea of what was going on. Where was daddy? And Uncle Leo, Grandpa Splinter, Uncle Donnie, Aunt April, and uncles Mikey and Casey? None of this made sense. And those scary, ugly, pink things! They snatched her away from her daddy and family, handled her horribly in their creepy and snake-y tentacles, and were whisking her away to who-knows-where.
She wailed and wailed, trying non-stop to free herself from the horrible creature.


The turtles, along with April and Casey, were preparing the Turtle Sub for their rescue mission. Raphael waited impatiently as everything was prepped up. "How much longer is this gonna take?" he demanded. Leo placed his hand on his brother's shoulder. "Soon, Raph. I promise. I know that there's a lot at stake here, especially since that includes Irrilia, but I promise you that we'll get her back. You just gotta wait a few moments, okay?" he explained. Raph breathed to soothe himself. He said, "Okay." Soon, Donnie's voice was heard. "Okay! Everything's set!" he announced. "Alright, let's go. Hurry!" Leo directed and everyone made their way to Turtle Sub. Suddenly, they were halted by a familiar voice: "Going on a mission, huh?"
Everyone looked and to their great surprise there stood Karai and her friend, Shinigami.
"Karai! Shinigami!" April said in surprise. Mikey blushed at Shini and greeted her. "Hey, Shini." he said. She smiled flirtatiously at him. As for Leo, you could almost see hearts fluttering above his head as soon as he saw Karai. It had always been obvious that he was in love with her and that he still was after all this time.

"Where are you going?" Karai asked. Leo was the first to speak (of course); "We're going to the Kraang's lair. They've taken Irrilia."
One of Karai's eyebrows rose. "Irrilia? Is that Raphael's daughter's name?" she said. Everyone looked amazed. How did Karai know about Irrilia? As if she had read their minds, Karai explained, "I've heard word from the Foot Clan that Raphael was now a father. Pretty interesting, especially considering the fact that the baby is half-mutant turtle and half-alien."
Shini jumped in. "Aaannyywaaayyy, we also heard about some creepy, brain-like aliens and robots kidnapping her. So, Karai and I want to join you on your little rescue mission."
"Really?" everyone said in sync. "You want to help us?" Leo asked. Karai nodded. "Of course. Raphael's baby--I mean, Irrilia--might as well be family to us as well. Besides....what are friends for?" she said. Leo smiled at Karai, who smiled back at him. Raphael rolled his eyes at the two love-birds and stepped up to Karai. "Hey, Karai....I don't know how to thank you but....thanks." he said. "No need to, Raphael. We're allies and family anyhow and Shinigami and I are more than willing to help you. We'll save Irrilia, I'm sure of that." she replied.
Casey suddenly whistled to everyone. "Sorry to ruin the mushy-gushy family moment, bbuuuuuuuutt we're on a time-sensitive rescue mission, remember?" he said. "Right! C'mon! Everyone get aboard the Turtle Sub." Donnie announced. And so, everyone climbed aboard the submarine. Mikey eagerly saved a spot next to him for Shinigami, who accepted his offer much to the young turtle's joy. Karai was climbing aboard the submarine, but tripped. Leo grabbed her in the nick of time. "You okay, Karai?" he asked. "I'm fine, Leo. I'm just not used to riding in submarines." she joked. Leo offered his hand to her to help her aboard. Karai looked at his hand before looking up at Leo and grinning at him in a flirtatious manner. She slid her hand into his. "Thank you, good gentleman." she teasingly thanked Leo. He blushed. Everyone just rolled their eyes and shook their heads at the two.


"Donnie? We there yet?" Casey asked. "Almost. I'm trying to get a clear signal of where their HQ might be." he said. Karai was polishing her tanto blade when she said, "Do we have a plan on how we're going to rescue Irrilia?"
"We need to somehow slip into the Kraang's HQ without being detected and find out where they're holding Irrilia. When we figure out where she is, we'll break in and snatch her back. It'll be risky since it means that at that point we'll have to confront the Kraang face-to-face and battle them to get Irrilia back. But I'm sure that we can take them." Leo advised. Shini stood up from her spot next to Mikey. "Oh, of course we can take them. After all, there's no way an army of alien robots can defeat a team of mutant ninja turtles, three kunoichi, and a.....a, uh...." she said but blanked over Casey. He pointed out, "Just call me a vigilante hockey guy." "Right. Yes." Shini finished. Meanwhile, Raphael sat at his station. He was having a hard time focusing, though. What if they failed? What if they were caught? What if they were too late? Raphael sighed and buried his face into his hands.
He felt something touch his back. He looked up to see his younger brother Mikey standing over him. "You okay, man?" he asked comfortingly. "Uh, no....not really." Raphael answered. Mikey smiled a little at his older brother. "Hey, I understand. I'm worried about Irrilia too. Heck, I'm scared. But I'll bet anything that she'll be safe and sound when we find her and save her. Besides, you got us! Your family! Anything can be turn out okay if you got your family, right?" Mikey said to Raphael. Raph looked up at Mikey and chuckled over his baby brother's naivete and optimism. "Geez, Mikey. Things can never be too bad when you're around, huh?" he said and nudged Mikey.

"Found it! The HQ is just a few clicks away towards East. We'll be there in just a few minutes." Donnie called out to everybody. Everyone began to get ready to invade the HQ as the Turtle Sub approached. Karai finished polishing her tanto blade and gracefully twirled it around, showing her expertise over the sword. "So, Leo...ready to bash Kraang bots?" she spoke to Leo. "You bet. But I'm pretty sure Raph wants to slaughter Kraang bots." he replied.
"That's understandable. They do have his child held hostage. I'd be ready to kill them if I were in his position."
"That's real empathetic of you, Karai."
For a moment, there was silence between them until Karai spoke up once again. "Y'know, I've always wondered about having a family." Leo looked at her, confused. "What're you talking about? You have us, remember?" he said. "Well, of course I see you as a family to me. What I mean is having a family of my own like Raphael." she added. Leo froze. "Y-You mean...like, as in....having kids?" he stuttered. "Hmm, something like that. I'm busy with the Foot most of the time nowadays, but it does seem like a pleasant thought, settling down and starting a family some day." Karai said. Leo's eyes were wide as saucers now.

Finally, the Kraang HQ came into view. Everyone readied themselves to sneak in. "Alright, everyone. Remember, we can't be caught until we know where Irrilia is." Leo dictated. Raphael shoved his way up to front and in front of the exit to the submarine. "Hang on, Irrilia. Daddy's coming for 'ya." he muttered to himself.

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