Papa Bear Unleashed

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Raphael busted into the lair, furious and panicked. "I'M GOING TO KILL THEM!! I'M GONNA KILL THEM ALL!! THOSE DAMNED FREAKS'LL WISH THEY WERE NEVER BORN!!" he screamed. His family and friends were right behind him. "Raphael! Calm down, bud! It's gonna be okay!" Leonardo tried to calm his outraged brother. Raphael turned to him. "Calm down? CALM DOWN?? THE KRAANG SNATCHED MY KID AND NOW THEY'RE GOD-KNOWS-WHERE DOING GOD-KNOWS-WHAT TO HER!!" he continued scream out. Casey whacked him on top of the head with his hockey stick. Raphael growled and grabbed the stick then snapped it in half. April frowned. "Why did you do that?" she asked Casey. Casey rubbed the back of his neck. "I thought it would ease him down." he said. April sighed and shook her head.
Raphael charged into the dojo and began violently stabbing the tree with his sais. Leonardo, Donnie, Mikey, and Splinter came in to see Raphael shouting as he attack the tree. Raphael's rage-fueled attack began to ease down until he dropped to his knees, his head leaning down, and his shoulders slumped, but shaking. Sobs escaped Raphael with tears streaming down his face. The three turtle brothers looked at each other with genuine sorrow and concern for their normally rough brother. They had never seen him like this. It was very hard for them all. Especially Splinter. It pained him to see his son in so much anguish. It also reminded him of his own suffering when he lost Tang Shen and (presumably at the time) his daughter Miwa.
Mikey was the first one to go up to Raphael. "Hey....Raph..." he softly said. Raphael glanced up at him. "It's gonna be okay. We promise." Mikey said.
Leo and Donnie came up as well. "We'll get Irrilia back. It's not too late." Donnie pointed out.
Leo jumped in with, "Yeah! We'll fight the Kraang and we'll save Irrilia, no matter what it takes."
Raphael smiled a little.

Splinter walked up to his sons. "Your brothers are correct, Raphael. There's still hope in rescuing Irrilia. After all, you have gone up against the Kraang countless times before." he said. Raphael sighed. "But, Sensai, this is different. They have Irrilia. My own kid. They're obviously gonna do something to her and....and....." he began to falter with his words. He muttered, "...I don't know what I'd do if something happened to her. It'd be my fault."
Splinter put a hand on Raphael's shoulder. "My son, you've always been so stubborn and so hardened. It's understandable for you to feel this way. You're right; the fact they have Irrilia only makes matters worse, but that must not stop you. I am sure Irrilia is alright, but she's still in danger. You have not failed. You are her father and you can save her."
April stepped up. "Raph, we will get Irrilia back. No matter what."
"Definitely! Those Kraang have messed with the wrong salamander-turtle baby!" Casey confidently shouted. Everyone looked at Raphael with hopeful expressions.
Raph looked down and saw that close by him was Irrilia's favorite stuffed animal, the tiny green sea monster she had when he first brought her home. He picked it up and looked at it, deep in thought. He frowned as he gripped the stuffed creature with an iron grip and looked up to his friends and family with a furious and determined look. Everyone became nervous. Mikey gulped and whispered, "Oh no....I'd know that look anywhere..."
Raphael smirked sinisterly and twirled his sais. He chuckled, "Ohoho....they're dead....ssoooo freakin' dead....all of 'em...."
He moved across the room to grab more supplies such as blinding powder and exited the dojo. The turtles looked at each other then up at their sensai. He nodded and said, "Go. Bring back my granddaughter, your niece, and Raphael's daughter." With that, the turtles with April and Casey hurried off to follow Raphael.


"The Kraang most likely took Irrilia to their headquarters. Maybe they have her in a lab or something." Donnie explained in his lab. Mikey spoke up, "Am I the only one wonderin' why they'd want Irrilia?"
"She's Raphael's kid, and they hate us a lot, so maybe they took her for warfare reasons." Leo suggested. Donnie, at his computer, added, "Perhaps that, and that Irrilia's a hybrid between a Salamandrian and a mutant turtle. They must have took her for scientific reasons, like they wanted to study her and see what else they could benefit from her."
Raphael was pacing violently across the room as he waited for his brothers and him to go. "Look, the reason why they kidnapped her isn't really that important right now. What's really important is that they do have her right now and we have to rescue her!" he pointed out. Leo turned to Raphael and assured him, "We hear you, Raph. But we need to come up with some plan and find where they are first. If we barge in like a bunch of impulsive barbarians, then something is surely bound to happen to Irrilia. We can't risk that, can we?"
Raph sighed and looked down. "You're right." he mumbled. Donnie typed away on his computer until he finally located the Kraang. "Aha! Here they are! Get this...they put their headquarters back under water near the Statue of Liberty. How dumb is that?" he announced. Leo turned to his brothers. "Alright, we'll sneak in and find Irrilia. We'll--" Leonardo was cut off by a sudden noise from Donnie's computer. On the screen, Fugitoid appeared. "Fellos! Are you there?" he greeted. The four brothers surrounded the computer. "Fugitoid? What's up?" Donnie said. Fugitoid replied with, "Is everything alright?" They all looked to Raphael, who looked away in shame. Leo said, "The Kraang kidnapped Irrilia." Fugitoid gasped. "We're gonna go save her, though. We found their headquarters." Mikey said.
Suddenly, a familiar face appeared along with Fugitoid. "Fugitoid, what is going on?" said a female voice they all recognized.
"Mona!?" the four turtles exclaimed. The Salamandrian woman faced them. Raphael felt shame overwhelm him further. What was he going to say to Mona? How was he going to tell her? Raphael took a deep breath. "Mona," he told her, "I-I dunno how to tell 'ya this, but....the Kraang have Irrilia." Mona looked stunned and Raph continued, "But I promise you we're getting her back!" Mona smiled lightly to him. So did Raphael. "I trust you, Raphael. Please, bring her back safe." she gently said. He stood straight and told her confidently, "You bet I will."

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