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Raphael was sitting in his and family's underground home, watching television, though he wasn't really paying attention. He was too busy thinking about Mona, his Salamandrian girlfriend from space.
Raphael sighed. He hadn't heard from her in months and it was really getting to him. He was both worried and a little heartbroken. Did he do something wrong? Did she not love him anymore? Did something happen to her? Mona was Lieutenant for the Salamandrian Air Troops so there was no doubt that she would be in danger a lot. Raph began to feel like a giant beast was gripping at his heart with its large, clawed hand. No, no...don't think about's gotta be something else...she's probably got a good reason... he thought to himself. Still, he really missed her. A lot. He would have given anything to just hear her voice again. He missed her that much. After all, he loved her!
And then suddenly--

Beep-Beep! Beep-Beep!

Raphael whipped his head around, startled by the sudden noise. It was coming from one of Donnie's computers. Raph got up and walked over to them, then turned it on. A white robot with black and yellow eyes popped up on the screen. "Fugitoid?" Raph said. "Hello, Raphael." Fugitoid greeted him. Raph sat down in front of the computer to talk to the genius robot. "What's up? Everything in space okay?" he asked. "Oh! Yes, of course! But--uhm....I was calling you to tell you's important." Fugitoid trailed off. Raph raised an eyeridge at him. He was starting to get worried. "What is it, Professor?" he asked. Fugitoid sighed and began speaking once again; "It's about Mona Lisa. Your...girlfriend."
Raph felt like jumping out of the chair at that very moment. Did something bad happen to her?? "What about her??" he demanded in a worried tone. "W-Well, not exactly, I-I suppose...however, she is in the ho-hospital at the moment and--" but Fugitoid was cut off by Raph. "WHAT!?!?" he shouted. Fugitoid pulled far back from the screen, frightened. He had never seen the mutant turtle become this freaked.
Fear and paranoia flew around in Raph's mind like a twister with severe concern at the center. Fugitoid stuttered once again, "It's not what you think, Raphael! I believe she's fine, it's just that...that she's...uh..."
Raph was now getting really impatient. "She's what!?" he barked. The robotic professor leaned over a bit as he took a deep breath. "She's...." he took another deep breath and--
"She' birth, Raphael."

And just like that, Raph completely froze. It felt like the whole world paused too and everything that was happening was just an awful dream. His eyes were as wide as saucers with the left one twitching while his jaws were clenched tightly together. "Mona's..M-M-Mona's h-having a-a...b-b-baby??" he muttered. Fugitoid nodded. Raph slumped in his chair. His head was spinning like a merry-go-round. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be real.
"Raphael? Are you alright?" Fugitoid asked the shocked turtle. Raph looked back at the concerned professor for a moment before he finally replied, "...come get me. I need to see her. Now..."


Raphael ran as fast as he could from Fugitoid's ship, not caring that the professor was trying to call out to him. All he could think about was Mona Lisa.
He blew through the entrance to the Salamandrian hospital where he heard nurses and doctors shouting at him. A few tried to stop him, but Raphael went through them like an NFL player trying to reach the end zone. He came to a screeching halt at the front desk where a light blue Salamandrian female nurse was sitting. "Where *huff* can I find *huff* Lt. Y'Gythgba? *huff*!" he managed to puff out. The surprised nurse told him that she was staying in Room 12B on the second floor. Raph shouted 'thanks' to her as he started running once again. He went up to the second floor via an elevator, then rushed through the hallway, scanning the numbers and letters on the doors. Soon, he reached one door that said 12B. Mona's room. A male doctor was standing in front of the door with a clipboard. He stopped the turtle. But Raphael was not one to give up without a fight. "I need to see Y'Gythgba! I'm her boyfriend!" he snapped. And with that, he pushed aside the doctor and swung open the door. He yelled, "Mona!?!? I got here as soon as I could!! Why didn't you tell me you were pregna--" Raph stopped. Mona was sitting up in her hospital bed, looking well.....with a Salamander-Turtle hybrid baby between her jaws. Raph was horrified.
He snapped out of it and rushed over to Mona Lisa. He pulled the child right out of Mona's mouth. Mona didn't put up any fight and only stared at Raphael in total surprise. The doctor came in and after Raphael told him what happened, he left for a while and came back with a bandage. He then put the bandage over the baby's back where its mother was teething on it.  Raph and the doctor walked out of the room to talk for a moment. Raph held the baby (who was very confused and shocked by what had happened!) as he spoke to the doctor. "There is no cause for concern, young man. It is not uncommon for Salamandrian women to attempt to consume their offspring when stressed or after dealing with a difficult pregnancy." the doctor explained. "She tried to eat the baby...?" Raph said.
"It's more commonly known as Post-Birth-Eating-Disorder, or PBED."
"...That's messed up."
"Yes, it is."
Raph gently rubbed his child's back to comfort it. The doctor looked at the baby and Raphael before adding, "I did not know you were unaware of her condition. I'm sorry you missed your daughter's birth."
Raph looked at the doctor in amazement. "Daughter?" he said softly. The doctor only nodded. "Yes, young man. Congratulations. You have a baby girl." he announced to Raph with a smile. Raphael looked down at his daughter. A smile appeared on his face.
His daughter...
He took the time to finally take in her appearance. She was an adorable combination of both her mother and her father. She had his head-shape but she had a little Salamandrian nose and big Salamandrian eyes that were light-green with darker flecks in them and amber around her black pupils.   Her skin was a seafoam green with mint spots sprinkled on her head, arms, legs, and tail, which was thick with a few spikes on it. It was no surprise that she had a plastron since she was the child of a turtle, but it was slightly fused into her skin. On her back, Raphael saw she already had a carapace forming underneath her skin.
She was beautiful, like her mother, Raphael thought. He felt something strange inside him. It felt like his heart had suddenly transformed into a butterfly was fluttering all over in his rib cage. It was a wonderful feeling to him.
He went back into Mona Lisa's room, where she was still sitting in her bed. She was staring at him with sorrow apparent in her expression. "I'm so sorry, Raphael." she apologized. "...why didn't you tell me, Mona?" he asked.
"I was...I was nervous. I wasn't sure how you would react to the news of you being a father. were so far away, at your home planet. I panicked."
"It's okay, Mona. I'm not mad. Just...surprised, that's all."
"I understand, Raphael. It's not easy to swallow the sudden news that you are a parent."
Raphael placed his hand on Mona Lisa's. They smiled at each other. He leaned in and kissed her on her nose, making her smile. Mona looked at her child. "Don't get any ideas, Mona..." Raphael added. Mona giggled, shaking her head. "Do not worry. I will not eat her...she is beautiful, though, isn't she?" she said. "Yeah, yeah she is." Raph breathed.

The doctor came in. "Alright now, I need you two to sign her birth certificate now. Have you chose a name for your bundle of joy?" he announced. Raph paused. He glanced at Mona. "I, uh...what should we call her...?" he asked her. Mona carefully took the baby from Raph and cradled her in her arms. The baby looked at her mother and her father almost as if she was saying, 'Well...? What's my name?'
The two new parents thought for a moment. An idea popped into Mona's head. "Hmm...what about Irrilia?" she suggested. Raph looked at her. "Irrilia? Like, after irrilium?" he said. Mona nodded. "Do you remember when we first met? We were both searching for irrilium to fix our ships on that desolate and icy planet we had crashed on together. Why not bless our child with a name based off what had brought us together?" she explained to her beloved. Raph thought for a moment before he came to a conclusion. " know what? I like it. Let's name her that." he replied.
They signed the birth certificate. Mona eventually handed the baby--excuse me. Irrilia--back Raphael. The doctor pointed out to Raphael, "Y'Gythgba should make a full recovery eventually. But until then, you will have to take care of your daughter."
Raph was stunned. He was going to have to raise her by himself. That scared him. Mona placed her large hand Raphael's shoulder. "Raphael, do not worry. I am sure your brothers and friends will assist you. After all, they love you. I will be better soon and we will be together." she assured him. He smiled with a gentle sigh. "I guess you're right, Mona. I promise, I'll take good care of Irrilia." he told her. Mona smiled. The two hugged each other, but tried to be careful since Irrilia was right between them.
"I love you, Raphael..."
"I love you too, Mona."
Mona looked down at Irrilia.
"And we love you...Irrilia..."


Raphael was rather disappointed when he had to say goodbye to Mona Lisa. After he gave her one last kiss, he checked Irrilia out of the hospital and made his way back to Fugitoid's ship. Fugitoid was waiting for him aboard the ship. He seemed to have gotten impatient when Raphael finally showed up. "There you are! What in the world have you been--" he gasped at the sight of Irrilia, who was wrapped in a yellow blanket in a small carrier with a pillow and a tiny stuffed animal for her. Raph nervously smiled at the professor. "Wha--! What is this!?" he cried out.
"My, uh, my daughter. Her name's Irrilia." Raph answered.
Fugitoid looked at the baby then back at Raphael and then back at her. Irrilia was looking up at him, curious. Raphael explained to Fugitoid how he had to take care of Irrilia until Mona recovered. "Ah, I see. Well then...I believe it is time we take you back home?" he said. Raph nodded.
Fugitoid went to start up the ship when a terrifying thought appeared in his mind. Oh man...what am I going to tell my brothers and Splinter??

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